Reyn Roadstorm -> Jack Frost (1/14/2007 20:59:22)
Jack Frost Location Frostval 2006 The Devourer Saga: Sinister 7 War Rise of Chillax Frostval 2012: The Freeze-gion of DOOM! Bio: Prince of the Frost Kingdom, Jack uses the magic of the Moglins to create an Ice Orb and attempts to conquer Battleon. He was one of the many past Frostval bosses turned undead by Frigidere and sent to slow you down, while Frigidere continued to amass armies in an attempt to conquer Lore. Function: Creator and Leader of the "greatest Ice Army ever assembled". Boss battle in Rise of Chillax war. Also a mini-boss in Frostval 2012. [image][/image][image][/image] Alternate image Info and alternate image courtesy of dna cupcake. New stuff from agente l0.