Piece Of (Fruit)Cake!, A (Full Version)

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Senomi -> Piece Of (Fruit)Cake!, A (2/9/2007 18:51:37)

A Piece Of (Fruit)Cake!

Other name: Missing Fruit

Location: Sir Vey's Camp -> Sir Vey -> Quests -> Missing Fruit
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Mollo Tree
Release Date: February 9th, 2007

Objective: Sir Vey has asked you to go to the lair of the Vurr'men hidden within the ancient ruins and recover the stolen Mollo fruit to try and restore the natural balance of the forest.
Objective completed: You find the fruit of the Mollo tree being stored by the Vurr'men in large barrels but every single piece of fruit is rotten.

Scaled Yes/No: No
Experience rewarded: Varies
Gold rewarded: Varies

(X) VurrMan
(X) Vurrman Hoarder
(1) Vurrman Hoarder - Boss


Ancient Text
Dusty Old Tome
Locked Book
Mage Sketchbook
Pouch of Sparkling Sand
Ruby Sculpture

Sir Vey: Vurr'men!!? Those filthy beasts! All they ever do is take from the land and never give anything back.
Sir Vey: They are the ones upsetting the balance here in the forest!
Sir Vey: You HAVE to stop them! Go to their lair in the Ruins and get that Mollo fruit back

  • Go Get Fruit!
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    Thanks to
    -- Nol002.
    -- Stephen Nix for the rewrite.
    -- Peachii for corrections.
    -- Gingkage for information.
    -- Sagrym for corrections.

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