RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (Full Version)

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Thebestestever -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/13/2005 21:57:34)

have you ever eaten chicken eyeballs
did you know that cat taste like chicken
hve you ever eaten roadkill
why di the chicken cross the road
so he could eat the cat on the other side
hahaah aren;t I so funny
I hate you?
is there a fly in the stoop
why did the gorilla chirp when the sun came up
am i done yet
how old do you think I am. I will give you a hint it is in between 1 and 1,000,000 years old
No idea.
if you were bored would you eat a cat
eat the tail?
what about punch the cat repeatadly until you knock out the cat
>.< *slap* No, no, NO!
I am all out of questions

Mikeus -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/13/2005 22:03:24)

Allrighty... Havn't done one of these in awhile...

Who killed Mr. Body? Was it Proffesor Plum?
Nope. It was Dadric.
Did he use the candlestick?
He used the inflatable spatula, DARNIT! ^.~
In the conservatory? (Obligatory 'Clue!' (TM) joke out of the way)
Probably. Who knows. ^^
Do you like sporks?
Yeah! It's who partner is named after, y'know.
What about foons?
XD Sure, why not.
If one hand clapping caused a tree to fall in the forest with nobody around to hear it, and it fell on an unladen swallow, who knew the meaning of life, what is the square root of Pi?
Are all my base belong to you?
Arrr, stay away from my bases, you...base-stealer!
Are your spam and sig killing ninjas purple?
XD Sure.
What kind of Ice Cream do you like?
Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? Is there intelligent life here?
Intelligent life is scarce, even on Earth. Practically non-existant. ^.~
If you had to bunjee jump out of an airplane on a motorcycle, what would you feel like eating?
XD How random. French silk pie.
What do you think of when you see those inkblot test thingys?
Inkblot test?
What size straitjacket do you wear?
The extra extra extra large. Ohohoho...
What kind of Pie do you like?
French silk pie! Duh!
Hmmm... I think I'm done. I'll be back later if I think of more.
XD I'll be waiting.

lilJunior7 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/13/2005 22:05:48)

Hi, and sorry for coming back so soon I was bored... >.>
XD I don't mind.
Have you seen my sprite work, click the second one on the sig.
Ah, looks good!
Do you have a picture of your cat, I wanna see how cute they are? ^.^
I don't unfortunately. ;_; I should really get around to getting one. Accipitris wants to see 'em too. ^^;
Why do you love cat so much, when did you start liking them?
I've always liked them! I grew up around them, and it just came to me naturally.
Does Aoi, and Midorin means green and blue, right ( or is that the other way around? )
Other way around, I believe. I didn't name 'em. I don't speak Japanese that well either.
Are you much of a Arch NoahBism?
XD I haven't been converted yet.
Specifically how did a little birdie tell you of AQ? XD
Now that's a secret.
Well thats all I can think of, but I'll be back soon!

Doctor Zhivago -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/13/2005 22:59:05)

Uh oh. It's me again!

Which board do you find the most fun to watch here?
OOC, definitely. 90% insanity, 10% <3. ^.~
Not to quibble, but isn't his name Mr Boddy? I just remember there being two Ds for some reason...
Yeah, probably. But who knows?
If a thousand monkeys on a thousand typewriters will eventually type the complete works of Shakesphere, how many monkeys will it take to type the entirety of bad fanfiction on the Net?
All the monkeys will go extinct before they accomplish that. They'll all suffer a terrible, painful death from the excrutiating agony of reading even the author's note of the fanfiction. I've built up an immunity, you see. The Fic uh...lycan femina is my friend, you see. >.>
Speaking of bad literature, what is the worst book you've ever had to read for school, college or otherwise?
To Kill a Mocking Bird. I think it was in freshman year, but I've never forgotten it. It's burned into my memory, and boy does it hurt.
Last time I asked you what the place you'd most like to go to is. What is the most interesting place you've ever been to?
Barcelona. It's a beautiful, beautiful city and VERY worth visiting. Unlike Paris, which is actually full of dog poo.
Is being slightly crazy a prerequisite for being a mod, or does it happen after modship? If it's the former... *Rushes to send his application to Artix*
What are you talking about? We're all sane. Yep. Sane. *giggles hysterically*
Here's a serious one now. What do you think will be the future of the times? I hope it'll stay alive, but what do you think, Fyrel?
I really think it has potential, and if we work at it, it WILL stay alive.
Finally, why do people ask to have impossibly difficult to pronounce hugs? I'm fine with a plain ol hug. *Wink*
XD *hugglesnugglewuggleomigodsuperlongwordsnuggles*
That's about it, once more. Gotta go!

Thebestestever -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/13/2005 22:59:46)

what kind of cat do you like better: the kind with no hair or the pudgy ones that look like they are *special*
>.> I like all cats.
have you ever eaten dog?
my cat is a burmese and she is stupid and she tries to eat my hamsters

did you know that hamsters are cannibals: one time I forgot to feed them and then they just started eating each other and then I had to clean the cgae of all the debris, you know arms, legs, that kind of stuff left over ffrom their cannibal wars

do you know the muffin man
have you seen shrek 2
if so do you like puss in boots

there is a chicken under your bed
How fascinating.

did I scare you

1wingangel -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/13/2005 23:05:48)

ZOMG!!! IZ TEH 1 windgged d00d invaidnig ur THREAD!!! MUAHAHA! LOLolOlOLo11!1!!11!!!elevendy-four!2!
Don't I scare you?
Omigod yes! Eek!
What would you do if I found out where you live, knock on your door, give you a Harvest Moon Cow Plushie as a random gift, then fly away with my 1wing?
I'd squee and glomp you, attacking you with my super fangirl ninja skills. And you'll be trapped forever, amongst all my other plushies that I have kidnapped, gagged and bound.
Hi. Err... wait... That's supposed to be a question... Hi? Yes! Question Marks always solves everything!
Now, that's a very complicated question you have there. I don't think I can answer this one. It's just too...profound for me. I'm sorry. You'll have to search out Socrates or something. I bid you good luck on your quest.
Don't you have to thank Mark for all that Questioning?
Oh yes, and I'd also like to thank the Academy...
Am I actually Sane?
HAH! That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. Good one, sane...
What's that Pink Squishy Thingy that's in my head... It' annoying the heck outta me.
So you were the thief that stole Wallo's pet boa! How could you?! *smacl*
Don't you think my title matches me? :D
XD Yes. It does.

delarm -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/13/2005 23:17:37)

do you like lizard wizard?
Lizard wizard? Not one of my acquaintances, I think.
i hate cats. why do you like them?
Gaspness! How could you NOT like them?
do you think i will take over the world?
Too late. I already have it.
do mice take over your cats minds?
>.> No. Cats pwn.
am i weird?
my dog will eat your cat!
Then I'll cut it up into tiny pieces and feed him to the guppies.
i think aliens will come and lay eggs in your head....... what do you think?
>.> No comment.
are you on?
i would love to get a raptor duck why do you have one?
I'm just so special.

ehh sorry for edits i have way more q&a

if you cut my dog ill eat your brain what do you think about that?
~.~ I bite.
do you think a giant monster is going to eat you?
Probably not. I don't taste very good.
why am i weird?
Who isn't, on AQ?
how could you not like lizard wizard?!?
if i could buy a lizard wizard for you would you take it?
do you like sushi?
Sure! I love sushi, but sashimi is better.
did i spell sushi right?
the robots are taken your cats what do you say?
whats your fav pet on here mines lizard wizard.
I like my cats...
i think chocolate is bad i hate it also.
Gasp! Chocolate is one of my favorite snacks ever! It's like...ambrosia!
im going bald for stbaldricks they support cancer would you to?
>.> Yes...
what if fuzzy wuzzy cut his hair but he dint have any?
He'd be bald.
Gaspness! is that even a word if so why use it?
It is a word in my world, and that's all that matters.
if you had the chance would you kill me?
Of course not.
if so why?
hmm what if i took the north half of the world and you took the south half?
No. I don't like to share.
ill have more. i think you should keep coming back here.
XD Make a new post next time.

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/14/2005 2:08:52)

You like kitties eh? Well then.

A specific breed you like most? (Siamese here.)
I actually prefer big cats. Wild cats. Predatory cats.
If so, why?
They're a lot more appealing and just beautiful creatures.
What kind of catfood?
Friskies, baby!
Do you like iguana's? Why (Not)?
XD I <3 Iguanas. ^.~
Do you want to join us on the holy order of the Iguana's?
Sure. :P
/me snuggleswugglewhateverandsomemoreuggles Fyrel.
/me hugglesnugglewuggleterrificallysuperFyrelsnuggles Elnaith. Or Iguana.

bitoboy -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/14/2005 8:39:45)

how did u get stuck under your house?
>.> When did I get stuck under my house?
do u watch tv?
XD Yes.
xbox or ps2?
How about neither?
do u eat whale blubber?
No. >.>
What is XD?
did u ever hav a pet mouse? (trick question)
o.o I don't like rodents.
i kno u did, ur hand is on one! (unless ur using a laptop!)
what was the day of tomorrows yesterday's week long's trip back in time 2 days?
It was a day that ends with "y"
is ur brain spinning?
No. It isn't exactly poised on an axis.
pencils or pens?
do u like to smile?
can ur cats walk on 2 legs?
I don't think so...never tried.
4? :D
XD Yes.
do u eat dogs?
No, eww.
would u if 1 atacked ur cat?
I'd eat you.
does this make u happy?[:D]
if u could have a week w/o getting hurt... wat would u do?
>.> Without getting hurt? I don't get hurt often anyways. Unless you mean bruises...I bruise very easily. u like dots?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Not really.
is this wierd? !@#$%^&*()_+=-`~<>,./?:"';
It's annoying.
am i wierd?
does the universe revolve around the earth?
Nope. It revolves around ME. XD Just kidding.
how old is the guy on the oateal box?
Older than me.
how did ur tv break?
It didn't.
that food u just ate was kitty liver! [:o]
>.> I haven't eaten all day, save for a piece of burnt toast this morning.
ur a bad person, killing a kitty for its livery yumminess
is this a long post?
Yes. Tediously so.

Festavious -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/14/2005 12:14:49)

I love cats too! What is their favorite brand of food? How many would you have if $ was no object?
XD I've been feeding my cats Friskies for as long as I can remember. I'd like a few BIG cats if I could have 'em as pets...
Lost? I love lost too! Who is your favorite character? Where do you think the show is going?
XD Yes!! Finally, another Lost fan. I <3 you! My favorite character was Boone. ;_; But he's dead now. There are lots of theories about the show, but I think it's making all of their fears happen and come true, and that some how, the little boy, Walt, is the key. >.>
Can you give me a title?
Maybe. You have to earn it.
Do you like my sig?
Boxers or briefs?
Are you the best?
At what?
Was that vague?

Johan Soulstar -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/14/2005 12:31:26)

Hmm where to begin...

Have you heard of me on the boards? :P
Sorry, I haven't actually. You probably just don't typically hang out where I do.
What type of cats do you have? I used to have a Persian Blue Kitty ^^
I don't really know. Mixed breeds.
What's your favorite toppings on pizza? (Do you eat pizza or no?)
I like all of 'em. XD But not too much cheese.
Are there any movies you plan on seeing this year? If so, which ones?
This year? I want to see Kingdom of Heaven really badly, but I'm planning on seeing a lot of them.
What did you think of Love Hina when you first read it?
Have you ever wanted someone to draw a anime-esque drawing of you?
Not really...I'm not a very anime-like person.
If you were what you ate, then what would you be?
Chocolate, chocolate, calories, fat and bagels.
How many different states/countries have you travelled to personally?
States, I've lost count. Don't really keep track either. Countries, I've been to a lot as well. Too tired to list them all out, but if you really want me to, ask again. ^^;
Can you describe a bit of the profession you are studying for?
Clinical psychology, or counseling for mental ailments. Something in which I can talk to people and help them without giving them lots of medication and stuff.
Snuggle or Wuggle?
Do you like the sig? :P
Have you seen the work I'm doing on a recolorization of Safiria? It's in the Art board somewhere :P
No, I haven't. I'd like to see though. ^^

weatherseed -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/14/2005 12:41:35)


Beastslayer -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/14/2005 13:00:22)

/me snuggles Fyrel when he sees the photo.

You look very Chinese!
XD Maybe it's 'cause I am!
Cookie or pie?
How about cookie pie? XD
Do you like tigers?
I do! I love tigers.
Why do you like cats?
They're very sweet, gentle, affectionate, and wonderful companions. Quiet enough so they aren't annoying, but playful enough so they aren't boring.
Why do you prefer cats over dogs?
Because cats > dogs.
I like dogs more. :P
What do you do in your free time?
Answer these questions, for this week at least. ;_; This is sucking up all of my time.
Do you get a lot of homework? (I do :/)
Not that much more than I used to get in highschool. It doesn't feel very stressful to me at all.
Anyway siblings?
11-year-old brother.
How did you get into AQ?
A little birdie told me.
Do you love the community?
I absolutely -adore- the community.
That's it! Bye! *Snuggles*
Bye! *snugglewuggles*

jendinn -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/14/2005 15:37:59)

i only read the first 2 pages so sorry if these have been asked before.

how do you pronounce your name, fyrel?
Fyrel? Or do you mean Eiko? Fyrel is pretty straight forward. Just Fy, like "hi" with a "f", and rel. Just...rel.
why did you ruin my dreams or you being a guy?im freaked out by female mods.
XD Female mods aren't scary!
does your brother have Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II:The Sith Lords?thats my favorite game
No idea.
you were the one who made the spread the loves thread?!that was when you were'nt a mod though,right?
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?why?
I like living right where I am
i noticed that a lot of people are asking about Donnie Darko, why is that?is it strange that i just watched it on monday?
'Cause they can't think of more creative questions. XD
thats it for now,bye!*snuggle*

Mikeus -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/14/2005 18:37:10)

I'm baaaaack! Muahahahaa...

How do you KNOW the earth's round? Maybe it's a rectangelgon! Or triapazoid! Maybe an octahedroangle! What do you think?
I'm omniscient and know everything.
Are all birds created equal? What about unladen swallows? Should they be allowed to vote?
Omigod no! Those stupid conservative swallows...they shouldn't -ever- be allowed to vote. *dodges the onslaught of Dadric and Mirai*
Can you say 'Tongue Twizzlers Kizzle My Rizzle, Fo-Zizzle' five times fast?
No. :P
Okay, what would you say if I locked you in a padded room, with only 1wing and Krim to keep you company? WOuld you go even insane(er)?
I'll hook both of them to the wall by their collars and show them off as tropheys. "I have tamed the beast!" XD Not.
What is your favorite beverage? I like Coffee myself. But it has to have chocolate powder mixed in it.
I like tea. :D
If all the world was like an IRC chatroom, which would it be more like? #Battleon, or #Yulgarsinn?
We're in big trouble if the world is like either of them.
Yes! I did! I'm sorry. *sob*
*Ahem* Do you like ferrets? What about rabbits?
Rabbits, yes. Ferrets, I've had bad experiences with...I had to take care of a friends ferret a looong time ago. His name was Eddie and he WAS the Devil.
What is your favorite explosion in a movie?
Err. Gundam Wing. In Endless Waltz. :P
Is life REALLY like a box of chocolates?
Doesn't taste quite as good. With chocolate, you just can't go wrong.
Meh, I'm done for now. See ya later!

Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/14/2005 20:34:57)

Have I asked too many questions?
Nope. Some are far worse. >.>

lilJunior7 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/14/2005 22:31:06)

Heya Fy, its me again! I got bored again.

Didya miss me? XD
XD Sure.
What do you like doing for a living other than AQ...
I don't work. I leech off of my parents.
€M☺ ♀░▓┼ ╛ §I↔ƒ i┴╜○4²7ú¬I╛c∟ ┬~±úÄ █¶╚ú☻ôσ├
>.> Am I supposed to be able to read that? All I see are a bunch of scribles and copyright sign-like things.
/me ubersnugglewuggle Fyrel
/me snugglehuggles lilJunior7.
Which kind of big cat you like? I like the Siberian Tiger theyre so big and fluffy.
Tigers! Any kinds of tigers!
MeOw? >^.^<
How sexy are ya? XD
Very. Ohohoho, just ask around. XD
Where were you born at?
Do you have a car?
Whats you favorite sport?
Whats the name of you university or collage?
Not tellin'
Do you know what moriyama means?
I don't speak Japanese very fluently.
What would you do if someone ran over a car on perpose?
>.> Err, how do you run over a car?

Why do you prefer cats over dogs?
Because cats > dogs.
Did you just realize that means dog eats cats....
Err, no. They're greater than dogs.
Well that wraps it up, seeya ya around!

Oops, sorry not car, I meant a cat

Pae -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/14/2005 23:55:27)

Where do Fyrels come from? The same place Vephomas do?
A very magical place...
Are geckos snuggly? If so, why are they?
They absorbed the essence of all the snugglysnuggles into their snuggleness and became the snuggliest snuggler. :D
When will I stop pestering fellow mods?
Never! For your partner in crime is me, Fyrel the awesome! :P
Are you plotting against me?
Uh-oh! Run Fyrel! She's on to us!
*whistles innocently* It was the bunny, I swears!
Is all of this a conspiracy?
Heeheee...take a guess. You get two tries, and the second one doesn't count.
Where's my tail?
I accidentally ate it for breakfast! :O
Did you take it?

Jimmiedean -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/15/2005 0:05:32)

What is the meanng of life?
Is life real or is it just one big dream?
*pinches self and winces* Nope, real...
When does time begin and end?
Time doesn't begin, nor does it end.
Does god really exist or is he an imaginary figure?
I believe there is a higher being, but no name to the being.
Oh crap do you believe in God?
Read up.
Did I offend anyone?
Didn't mean to ask that, i believe in God, i just wanted to know if you do.
When is lunch?
Whenever my room mate decides to cook...IF she decides to cook.
What did you eat for dinner.
Nothing yet...
Do you know where you live LOL???
Do you know what is did last summer?
I was in Barcelona.
Do you know what i buried under the pool?
>.> Pipes?
When was the last time you brushed your teeth?
Ten minutes ago.
Do you have a last name?
Does your balogna have a last name?
:P That's a secret.
Do you tie your own shoes?
XD I have ones with no shoelaces.

Pae -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/15/2005 0:29:32)

Who's your favorite mod/staff member question?
Pae. Definitely. ^.~
Which song do you like to sing the most?
Phantom of the Opera!
What would happen if all of the kitties vanished?
I'd utterly -die-!
What are the names of your cats?
Aoi, Midorin, and the last one has no name. But you bad, bad gecko! Obviously haven't been doing your homework! Read up, sweetheart.
I realize the dog has fleas, but if the cat steps in the mashed potatoes will the green beans still taste as good to the midget in the corner?
Yes. Absolutely.

Seahawk -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/15/2005 0:29:35)

Ohh! ooh! Who's your favorite mod or staff member?
Seahawk. Definitely. ^.~
What song do you like to sing the most?
Phantom of the Opera. :P Deja vu?
What would happen if all the kitties vanished?
They'll never vanish! Or I'll strangle the culprit.
I forget... what are your kitties named again?
Bam! bi. ^.^
I realize the dog has fleas, but if the cat steps in the mashed potatoes will the green beens still taste as good to the midget in the corner?
No. Absolutely not.

HeroOfLight -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/15/2005 1:11:10)

Here's a quick question...

Do you hate this picture my friend from my clan found?
XD I've seen it before. This picture should be the inspiration for spammers to stop spamming, dangit! :P

Do you now want to stop the massive amount of spam everyday to save the kittens?
I always wanted to anyways. But kitties are eternal. They last forever!

=Max= -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/15/2005 10:44:38)

I have seen so many of those brown blocky guys. Infact, look up. Who are they?
The name is on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't think of it. >.< I'll get back to you tomorrow.
Don't you think we should stop them from killing kittens?
Yes! Please!
I would.
Then you're awesome. XD
Who is your favorite moglin?
Those moglins are evil evil creatures...
Who is your favorite NPC?
Blackhawke, who's so totally hawt!
What about me?
You're an NPC?

Okay.. bye.

Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/15/2005 15:43:04)

I will now tell you my sad story. I really like this girl and I asked her out. Guess what she told me. She said no because she doesn't date guys that are shorter than her. I am about half an inch shorter than her!
Messed up isn't it?
Like I sucks to be short. ;_; I'm sorry.

weatherseed -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/15/2005 15:52:30)

What would you do if I told you of a site that sells Bengal tigers, panthers, leopards, and other cute felines?
I'd cry. 'Cause I'm too poor to afford any of that. >.>

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