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Deleted User -> [Deleted] (4/11/2005 18:50:00)

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Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 18:53:57)

You look kind of hot in that picture.
Err, thank you? XD
Do you like Anime?
Do you like FullMetal Alchemest?
I've actually never seen it before.
Do you like a good game of Dungeons and Dragons?
Never played it before.
I will have more questions! XD XD XD [:)][:D][;)][8|][:-][&:][8D]

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (4/11/2005 20:00:18)

[Deleted by Admins]

MADemocrat -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/11/2005 20:17:00)

Yay Liberal people!

Do you like Barack Obama?
Definitely! I LOVE him. He's one of the most charismatic, logical senators we've had and I can't wait for him to run in 2008.
He's the future.
How's life in MA?
Boring, tedious.
Ever been to a Sox game? If not, you HAVE to go.
Eww, I'm NOT a Sox fan. Cubs all the way!
Aww, now I'm depressed. I can't find any here... Oh well...
Umm... I'll probably have more questions later.

Hero of Winds -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 20:17:11)

Why Fyrel?
Came from a mispronounced nickname.
I see you are...Oriental...what country are you from, might I ask? From the Far East or US of A?
I'm an American-born Chinese Japanese.
Why must people fear you?
'Cause I'm just so scary. RAWR!
Why cats?
I just like 'em. ^^ Read up for more info.
Link or Cloud? Take your pick.
I don't play Zelda. :P
Who is more snuggle-able: Dadric, Vephy or Afina?
Equally snuggle-able! Dadric is uber cool, Vephy is uber funny, and Afina is just uber nice. ^^
Choose please: Pizza, chicken or broccoli?
Broccoli! What can I say? I love my veggies.
May I call you FyFy?
Sure! Lots o'people do. ^^
Too bad. I'm done with these random questions.
Come back again! XD

starsbright -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 21:28:53)


Hey, Fifi, do you like bubbles? I always have. My cats too. But they don't seem to grasp the concept of them popping quite yet...
I love bubbles! They're so hypnotizing. And such a pretty iridescent color...

Are you ever going to name the black kitty? I'd suggest Midnight, Obsidian, and perhaps Vampress. Since you like Vampires so much..or maybe Goth. Or Fang. Wait, no Fang, Fang's a DOG *gasp* in HP. Hmm..can't think of anymore so..more questions for you! (and thenm TWO cookies!)
Ooh, those are some nice names. I might, but I think my brother wants to name this one. >.>

Have you read Agatha Christie? Well, I guess my real question would be, who are your favorite writers? (and I'm not saying this applies to just books, this applies to any story or piece of literature you have EVER read!)
Ooh! I have! I love her novels, especially "And Then There Were None". I love all sorts of literature! Especially Aimee Bender's short stories.

I suppose Keira Knightley is sexy...But still...Orli should be MINE! MUAHAHHAA--*cough* 'Scuse me, there, a fangirlygirl moment...I really do have to stop doing that...O.O
We all have our moments...some more often than others. :P

Eleven year old brother? You're not the only one! My little eleven year old brother is more than annoying, but he can be very sweet sometimes...I love him all the same ^_^ Does yours annoy you? Mine does, especially about Orlando. And I have an older brother (seventeen years old) who has the same job description cut out for him. *shakes head* I really don't get it. Orlando really is sexy (as well as David Wenham) Men just don't seem to understand that...
Oh, he annoys me a whole lot. >.> All I have is a younger brother. And all men hate Orlando Bloom. God knows my fiance does. I think he's jealous. XD

Anyways. Enough of that.

When you are the happiest? I think when I've accomplished something for myself, when I have conquered a really big obstacle. What about you?
I'm happiest when I'm around friends that understand me. I just feel really loved when I'm surrounded by people. ^^

KITTIES! *snugglewugglescuddles all your pretty kitties* ^_^ Love your kitties. They are BEAUTIFUL! And hopefully not dangerous....
Not at all, they're the most affectionate little things ever.

"If you notice this notice, you'll notice that there isn't anything worth noticing." Interesting saying, I think. Very fun. What's your favorite quote? This happens to be one of mine.
"Opportunity may only knock once, but temptation leans on the doorbell." I love this. ^^ It's just so clever.

Oh, and here's TWO cookies for answering my questions. Thanks, as always! *bounces away, chasing lotsa bubbles*
You're welcome. ^^ Thanks for the cookies again.

Deathmage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 21:52:50)

Sorry but you do. Lots of guys at my school would like you since you like anime.
XD I'm a nerdy little girl. Nerdy guys would like me, I guess. >.>
What is your favorite Anime?
I have lots! But I will say that I like manga more than anime. Hana Yori Dango is my favorite. Rurouni Kenshin is nice too.
My favorite is FullMetal cause it is awesome and it was actually the first Anime I ever saw or read.
I have never seen it. I probably should.
Do you enjoy answering our wacky questions?
Yep! I do!

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 22:17:09)

hiyas fyrel! *waves*

have a couple of questions for you. and feel free to ignore any you feel are rather strange as i have gotten about 4 hours of sleep for the past few months and therefore im currently in brain malfunction mode ^_^
It's alright, I'm some how running on 4 hours of sleep as well. Crawled in bed at 2:00am last night. ;_;

1. What kitchen utensil would you be and why?
Probably spatula. No idea why. Just because I love spatulas. XD I can't cook for the life of me though.
2. huggles or snuggles?
Snuggles all the way!
3. if you could have a personalized weapon -- such as Vephy's Vephamer or Artix's ArtAxe -- what would you choose?
A staff, and I believe there's one in the making right now. ^.~
4. what would be your permanent NPC in the game if you could have one?
I don't really know. I've never really thought about getting an NPC.
i shall probably be back later with more questions as this is really the first time i've posted on this type of thread ^_^
Well then I'll be waiting! Those were great questions. ^^ Original, for once. ._.

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (4/11/2005 22:26:28)

[Deleted by Admins]

spellfire77 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 23:04:28)

Well I don't have many questions for you but I guess I'll just have to bug you on mIRC chat then ^_^

I've noticed that you menioned you like to read - have you read any Fantasy / Sci-fi books? {such as Dragon Lance or Forgotten Realms?}
Ah, unfortunately not. I don't read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi these days, unfortunately, due to lack of time.

So are all the Mods and Ak's strange / loveable individuals?
They're strange an loveable! And some quite lecherous. XD

So being that I'm new and all could I get a hugglesnugglewuggleness from ya ^_^
Oh yes! I love spreading huggles! *hugglesnugglewuggleubercuddleness*

Well that's all for now catch ya in Chat ^_^
Come again! XD

spiznarky -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 23:17:33)

Heyas, Fy! It's glad to know I'm not tht only one who sees the inherent superiority of cats. And pie! Pie is very good!
Omigod I <3 you already. XD
Rain or snow?
Snow, definitely.
Precipitation or a clear day?
Clear day.
You like anime - ever seen Trigun?
I have seen bits and pieces. My ex was insanely obsessed with it.
If so: Vash or Spike (disregarding the short film floating about the internet that you may or may not have seen)?
Spike! XD And I have seen that short film. Manipulation was AWESOME.
If you had an extra hour each day, with no obligations attached, what would you use it for?
Probably AQ and modding, sadly. ;_;
You do know college gets harder next year, yes?
XD Probably, so I'll enjoy all the free time I have.
Speaking of college, what are you majoring in (and is that likely to change)?
I'm majoring in psych and a pre-law program that counts as a major. I'm also in a semi-major with English. Not exactly a minor, not a major either.
*hugglesnuggle* just to keep you going through all of these.
:D Yay! *hugglesnugglewuggles*
Do you like ninjas?
I do. ^_^
XD Yeah! I think I wrote a poem about them some time ago...
Any webcomics?
Not really.
If so, what's your take on MegaTokyo?
I was a big fan of MegaTokyo, but I don't read it as often anymore. I love Ping. ^^
Have you spent much time in Japan/China?
Every summer, or every other summer. Sometimes even during winter vacation.
What forums do you spend most of your time on?
Well, I'm on multiple forums at once. I'm on a small, private Inuyasha forum as a mod. I'm on jay-chou.net's forums. I'm on GaiaOnline sometimes, sadly. ^^; I also roam around on rkdreams's forum and a few Chinese forums.
If you were a class NPC, which class would it be, assuming for the moment that 'fuzzykittenmaster' wasn't in the game?
XD I have no idea. I really haven't thought of getting myself an NPC, nor have I pushed for it. A lot of other people have been in line before me, so I'd like them to get their own NPC before I get one. ^^
And of course, the age-old question: would it be possible to create a high-speed levitating train using hovering spinning cats with jellied bread tied to their backs? Because, you know, cats always land on their feet and jellied bread always land face-down.
XD Yes. very possible. >.>
ehhh.. I suppose that's all. Thanks for answering. I'd give you one of my mom's delicious oatmeal scotchies if I had some, but all I've got is this basket of snuggles. *snuggle*
Thanks! I always love a good snuggles. *exchanges your snuggle for a hugglewugglecuddle*

Swallowtail -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 23:24:07)

hello fyrel :D (i didnt really have time to read all the other questions, i hope i dont ask too many you already answeres)

whats youre favorite color?
Pink, obviously, or lavender. ^^
do you like dogs?
No...*shudder* I hate dogs. They're evil and they run me over.
whats youre favorite animal?
Any felines. Big cats, small cats, domesticated cats, predatory cats, etc. ^^
what level is your aq character?
Well, My secondary character, I kind of cheated on and Gal bumped her up from level 0 to level 75. XD My main is at level 66, I believe...
what genre of music do you like?
Answered already, but opera, Broadway, and Asian pop.
whats your favorite forum section?
I love the people in OOC. It's where I started off myself, after all. ^^
well, thats all for now. thanks a lot :D
You're welcome, come again!

Doctor Zhivago -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/11/2005 23:54:51)

Greetings, oh great and all powerful Editor!

What is your favorite part of being a Mod? Least favorite part?
I don't know if this is true, or if people are just sucking up, but I feel a lot more intwined with the community, and I got to know a lot of wonderful people better, and I love that. This community is just so amazing. I like being a mod for the friends and the power I have to improve the community.
If you were a supervillain, how would you capture James Bond and prevent him from foiling your operations? Not that you are, of course...
I'd tie him to a giant boulder, put him in a box, and ship him off to Cambodia. Or Teletubby-land.
If you could visit any one place in the world, what would that place be? And for what reason?
I really want to see Ireland, simply because I've heard so much about it. ^^
Do you think that the Times will ever get really popular? BTN popular, perhaps?
I actually think it already is. ^.~
Speaking of which, how did you get started working for the Times, anyway? And how did you rise up to the rank of Editor?
Prool got me in, somehow...and I think I was always an editor. >.> Cookie just put me there.
What is the worst movie you have ever seen? What is the best movie you've seen that everyone else seems to hate?
Blair Witch Project. Terrible terrible terrible. XD I saw a really stupid Chinese soap opera movie that was utterly ridiculous, but I loved anyways. :P
When you conquer the world, can I be your Minister of Truth and tell everyone that you're right and everyone else is wrong?
Oh yes, please. ^.~
*Insert question asking for a snuggle here*
*snugglehugglewuggles a bazillion million times.*
Um... that's about all for now. See you later!

sharpie -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/12/2005 1:01:19)

Do you wuv me?
Oh of course! Very much so. ^^; You're my little IRC chat-minion. :P
Are you my friend?
Definitely, I hope.
Do I have a real question?
You'd better.
Was that a tricky question?
Very. I had to think about that one.
Whats your favorite aspect of AQ?
The community and all you wonderful people! I love being able to meet so many great members.
Whose your favorite person (you can name multiples) to talk to in chat?
Ooh, lots. I can go on for pages and pages, but I'll just name a few for now. You, for one. ^^ Dadric, SporkGoddess, Wallo, Chii, Pae, Reens, Vephoma, Kaley, Rinsaku, DarkSpeed, and lots, lots more that I'm probably forgetting.
Such as me...
I was just saving the best for last, y'know. Building up the anticipation. And of course, *drum roll*, Blackhawke! Yay! *joyous applause and confetti*

Edit, Again: Gyah, this sucks, sharpie. Why did you have to ask such a question?! >.< Also Seahawk, morgen, Cyrus, and anyone else I forgot. ;_; Basically anyone who's name ends with a letter of the alphabet. There. XD <3 <3 <3

How many of the above questions have been asked before (rough estimate is fine)?
2, maybe 3. ^^
Do you like my sig? (points down)
Very much so. :P I told you already. It's creepy but lovely nonetheless.
Do you wuv me now that you've seen said sig?
XD I loved you before, but sure.
Am I out of questions?
Did I have any questions to start with?
I wuv you Fy...*snugglewugglehuggles Fyrel the Goddess of sharpie*
XD *snuggles*

skyboy59 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/12/2005 1:45:43)

ooo, get to ask if you like me :P since i get slapped on irc lol
XD I do. Slapping is just a way of showing my affection. :P

knives -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/12/2005 6:20:49)

who is your forum boyfriend?
Forum boyfriend? I have a lot. ^.~ Ask around. They'll all say yes. And not only males either. *wink wink*
u think its annoying when i do this?
A bit.
wat school u go to?
That's a secret. ^.~ I'm paranoid of stalker-ish people.
u have a job?if so wat is it?
I have an internship/job-shadowing at a local clinic.

Rinsaku -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/12/2005 8:01:03)

*Sees Fyrel's whip* O_O;

Would you harm a person who mistreated a cat?
*growls menacingly* What do you think?
Does I have bad grammar?
No. Perfect grammar. Flawless. It's just that everyone else is wrong.
If yes: Does I have bad grammar for a person who started to learn english 4 years ago?
Not at all! I couldn't even tell! Considering I started to learn Spanish four years ago, my Spanish is no where near as good...
Who is best, you or Noah_B?
Who do you think? *wink wink nudge nudge* :P
Limbo, good or not?
What do you do, if you got some hash in your pocket, and gets stopped by a officer? Remember, you can ask the audiance, go 50/50 or ring your dealer?
I pass it off as some emptied pixie sticks.
Who bez your favorite Beggah?
XD Rinsaku!
All for now, I will be back (Or something >_>)
You better. Rawr.

Seahawk -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/12/2005 11:03:18)

Hmmm... by the time I get around to these threads, all the good questions are taken... [;)]

So, ummm... oh, I know: A classic stupid team-building question!

If you had to describe yourself as any part of a bicycle, which part would you be and why?
;_; A bicycle?! Is that all I am to you?!? *sob*

:P I don't know. The little pink streamers that come off of the handles on those uber girly Barbie bikes. ^.~ And it's 'cause I'm cool, just like the streamers.


Kodi -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/12/2005 12:27:25)

Can you snuggle-huggle-muggle-wuggle-snuggle-tuggle-everycharacteruggle me please?
XD *creatively-uber-long-snugglehuggle-everyletterofthealphabet-wuggles Kodi.*
Do you know that you are definitely the coolest?
Sure. I do now. :P
To answer your questions from my thread :P :
Aren't I like, totally awesome?
You are, but not totally. Uber Super totally.
Do you hate me?
I wuv j00. :P
Is my brain linked with Pae's?
Guess so..
Is this a conspiracy?
*X files music* It is! Aliens are taking over da world! Aaah!

Sorry for using your thread :D

XD I don't mind at all! Yay! :D Pae and I are crime-buddies. Fear us.

SPANKY -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel (4/12/2005 12:51:23)

Which mod would you most likely go out with?
If I weren't engaged? >.>
where abouts is your favourite part of the AW forum?
AQ forum, I'm guessing you mean. ^^ I really like the OOC boards, and everyone's quite friendly here. :P
whats the best job you have ever had?
I've only had one job, and that's the internship I'm at right now. Unless tutoring counts.
whats the worst?
Read up. :P
fave movie?
Finding Neverland.
fave food?
Answered already.
thanks very much for answering ^^
You're welcome!

Gravitron -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/12/2005 13:22:53)

Hello, thou random person of randomness! Randomness art with thee.

Art thou liking pie?
Sure, why not. ^^
What pie dost thou prefer?
French silk pie. :D
Dost thou like my AQ Theory?
I do! I read it. Very clever. ^^
What operation system dost thou haveth?
>.> And that be...what?
Art thou God almighty?
Hardly. :P
What is that thy favourite book?
Aimee Bender's short storied or "Blink".
What is that thy favourite animal?
Art thou a fervent supporter of Nikola Tesla?
Not really.
Art thou a pie?
Nope, not last time I checked.
Art thou an alien from the celestial Planet Bob? If not, art thou real?
Unfortunately, I originate from boring ol' planet Earth. I'm very real. ^.~
What is that thy favourite paradox?
No idea.
Art thou tiring of my interrogative questions?
Not yet. :P And what can questions be if not interrogative?
Ist the language of which I speak in annoying thee?
:P Not really, but you're using it wrong. ^.~ I'm an English major, and if you're trying to be polite and formal, "you" is actually the more formal one.
Am I teh kool?
Are you teh random?
At times.
What do you hate the most?
Hate is such a strong word...
What do you like the most?
People on AQ! Music. ^^
Which staff member is the coolest?
They're all equally cool. Honestly.
That is all I can think of... for now...
Dun dun dun!!

Problemchild -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/12/2005 14:36:56)

Hi... Greeting from my planet... *Hides under table*

Are you one of them Final Fantasy players?
Unfortunately not...
You better be, cause everytime a person flames FF a kittie will die...
Gaspness! I don't play but I don't flame either. :P
Why the Name "Fyrel"?
Derived from a mispronounced Chinese nickname.
How do you get the time to answer all these questions?
I fed my life to the fishies. So now all I do is lurk away my time online. :P
What is you're favorite movie?
Finding Neverland.
Well im out... *Starts running away, screaming very loud*

Vertex -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/12/2005 15:34:07)

Hey Fyrel, whats up? I couldnt pass this thread up, even with me being not as active with the forums anymore.

So. To the questions..

Do you <3 Hello Kitty?
Omigod definitely. :P Sanrio rocks.
Do you <3 Me?
XD Sure.
What are your favorite TV shows?
Lost! On ABC!
What is your favorite food?
I really like mochi right now...
Do you like college?
I'm indifferent. I miss home and kitties but I like the independence.
Whats your favorite thing to do in the whole world?
Sleep and eat. ^^
Are kitties teh ub3r kewl doods?
Thats all that I had to ask, Bye!

Dragon Fang -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/12/2005 16:00:52)

Um Well My Forum Is About Anime, Click My SIG to join, and then ill automaticly make you a mod as soon as you reigster, also add the forum to your favorites because the website is kinda hard to remember.
XD No thanks. Maybe when summer rolls around.

ORIGINAL: Dragon Fang

Would You like to join my forum and be a mod?
Depends on what your forum is about.

DragonMagi555 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the mods - This week, Fyrel - Online (4/12/2005 16:12:38)

Do you know who gave da_dragon_slaya the awesome title he has and doesn't seem to like?
XD Sorry, no idea.
On the other '=AQ= Meet the mods' threads are you obligated (that doesn't look right...) to ask at least one question?
Not at all! But I usually ask...multiple questions. :P
Do you think that, since the mods and Archknights have done it, the Grand Council and KoO will have 'Meet the ___' threads?
GC already does! In the GC thread, and I believe the KoO do as well in their thread.
What is your opinion of 'leet' speak (I know I can't stand it)?
I can't stand it either. >.<
Again, thanks for answering!
- DragonMagi555

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