RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (Full Version)

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Necromancers at work -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/27/2007 5:30:43)

Hey SCAKK your my new fav mod [:D]
Hey SCAKK would you promote me to mod or something along those lines someday?
~|Choosing a Mod is up to the Admins|~
What do you do as a mod?
~|Basically the same as AK but with more areas. I can also bane people and remove their sigs.|~
Being mod fun?
Fav mod?
Y r u so cool?
~|I have the AC on ^_^|~
Would you make me a sig if i asked u nicely?
~|I can not even make my own sigs :(|~

GirliePanda -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/27/2007 12:42:47)


Lol, I hope you don't. I was a flamer. =(
~|People can change|~

Change makes me hyper. =P
So......your thoughts on life?
~|It is a fun road tip with interesting places and people.|~
What's your favorite flavor of pie?
Thoughts on..........summertime?
~|Time to go swimming.|~
What's the meaning of life?
~|Not dying|~
Do you like my sig?
~|*dances also*|~
G2G, Bai!

Blot -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/27/2007 13:32:48)

Hey Goofeh!
~|Hello Botteh!|~
What happened to #foodcourt?
~|We moved to #GoofsTavern|~
How be life?
~|It is going good.|~
Do you like Rammstein?
~|I have two of their CDs|~
And thats all I can think of...
Do you love me? :)
~|/me snuggles Blot|~

nolraitru -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/27/2007 18:30:50)

So yeah.... you beat me v_v
How are you on this glorious day?
~|Doing well and you?|~
Did you ever think I had the chance to beat you in our MtAK/M thread length?
~|It would depend on the number of fans one has.|~
I had hope ;_;
~|Hope is good at times.|~
Anyway, <3^2 and I'll catch in on IRC :D
~|And I will !paint you :P|~

Lathomir -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/27/2007 20:36:32)

Cool, so you got promoted to a mod now? Now you're no longer an AK, now you're a member of AE itself! Rejoice!
~|*does the Mod dance*|~
Do you like FF5?
~|Never played it.|~
Okee...Beck fer mere.

Manofthetrees -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/27/2007 20:38:38)


What kind?
What digit, here is a list: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105
There are 50 for you to choose from, and yes, I have enough time on my hands to memorize that...
Do you like Locking Threads?
~|Not really. I would prefer to let them go but some people choose to make it where I have to lock them.|~
Do you like me?
Have you seen my suggestions? (you should) (nearly 2 years old)
~|I rarely go to Suggestion.|~
Do you like mickey mouse?
~|He is ok.|~
Minnie mouse?
~|She is ok.|~
~|*gives Pluto a bone*|~
The Duck?
~|Donald is qwackers :P|~
Personally, Goofy is kinda, well, um, how to put this, um, he's kinda goofy. Not really giving me that "not goofy" vibe. Sorry 'bout that.
Ever judged a forum contest?
If so, why isnt more of my stuff in the game? Because I know that you have answered yes to questions 6, 7 and 11. Yah...

Goo-Bah foo nouw!


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