Hell Blazer -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/22/2007 13:04:58)
On a side note, I've beaten you Hell Blazer. Think so, do ya? Oh feel my wrath, both of you! Before I begin, SCAKK, it was ALL Shady Knight's fault. ~|*makes note*|~ Another day, ANOTHER BUNCH OF QUESTIONS! Bwahahaha! ~|Weee|~ I'm back! ~|O_O|~ So, what would you rather do? Be in a cage with the verocious tiger who desires to eat you... or, lick a hobo's stinky foot? ~|I can take the tiger.|~ What's my name? ~|Hell Blazer|~ Who are you? ~|SCAKK|~ What's the date? ~|Today|~ Am I just secsy, or am I just secsy? ~|>_> |~ Do you think I can beat Shady Knight? ~|Unknown at this time|~ SPAM! ~|Nooooo!!!!|~ Ooh, isn't spam just the best? ~|See previous answer|~ Why can't pigs fly? ~|No wings.|~ Why are you answering my pathetic questions? ~|Because you asked them.|~ Silly SCAKK, don't you know I've hypnotized you so can answer me? ~|*ignores you*|~ What are hot dogs made of? ~|Do you really want to know.|~ Have I beaten Shady Knight yet? ~|Did you begin without me?|~ No? NO?! ~|:O|~ Oh, it's on! ~|Turn it off.|~ What's a one-um plus a one-um? ~|two-um|~ THE OOC ROOM BELONGS TO ME! NOT YOU! GO AWAY! ~|Nevah!|~ :( ~|:P|~ Why do cats and dogs so friendly towards each other? ~|Cats were once worshipped and dogs never were.|~ You know, I am really a ghost with no life. ~|*gives you a life*|~ Le gasp! SCAKK's been promoted! Oh wait, I've already done that. -__- ~|Yep|~ \/\/l-l/-\ D0 J00 7l-l1l\lK 0F 1337 SP3/-\K? ~|Ewww|~ Leet-chat WILL RULE OVER THE WORLD! ~|Nooooo!!!!!|~ OVER THE WORLD I TELLS YA! ~|What will be under the world?|~ Bwahaha. My tradition of annoying and crushing the spirit of new promoted peeps continues! ~|Not here|~ *laughs* ~|*cackles*|~ *pokes* ~|*pinches*|~ *kicks* ~|*boots*|~ *pushes* ~|*pulls*|~ *NUDGE!* ~|*bumps*|~ *screams* ~|*yells*|~ Hehehee. ~|Hahahaa|~ I am the smart! I am the smart! S-M-R-T! I mean, S-M-A-R-T! ~|Weee|~ Lolz, LOLZ! ~|Haha|~ :( ~|:)|~ :) ~|:(|~ :P ~|P:|~ ? ~|!|~ I'm bored. ~|*hammers said board ^_^*|~ I'm scared. ~|Boooo!!!!|~ Maybe you'll be so angry of me, you'll give me a cake. ~|*gives a pie*|~ A Chocolate Fudge Cake! ~|banana creme pie|~ Ooh! Ooh! With fire and glass as toppings! ~|water and fiber|~ So. Bored. Meh. I'll leave you to it. ~|Ok|~ You must hate me by now. ~|Nope|~ If you do, then I'll say YAY! If you don't, I'll give you more questions. ... You don't? ~|Nope|~ You don't hate me? ~|No|~ TOO LATE! ~|:o|~ I got with peeps first choices! ~|Ok|~ Nevermind. ~|*leaves it alone*|~ I've already killed Shady Knight into dust. ~|The clean up the dust ^^|~ So, I guess.. this is good bye. For now. >:) ~|Cya|~ Oh well, my tradition of crushing spirits still goes on. Now, lets wait for the next promoted peep. Bwahahaha! ~|Yep|~ Shady Knight, you DESERVE to cry! HAHAHAHAHA! ~|Play nice|~ I do what a luh and I luh what I do. ~|Oook|~ Oh SCAKK, when will we next meet? Hopefully when you get promoted to an administrator. ^_^ ~|One may never know. BOO!!!|~ Good-bye! ~|Cya|~ Remember, the Hell Blazer is always in the shadows, waiting to crush your spirit! ~|I am lurking in the shadows behind you.... BOOO!!!!|~ Oh, Shady Knight, I forgot to say.. HAHA! The secsy spirit crusher has crushed yours as well! Bwahaha! Do not attempt to beat me, or you.. and SCAKK, will pay. ~|*steals money from Hell Blazer* Mwuhaha|~