Hell Blazer -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/21/2007 13:26:14)
Wow, it's SCAKK! ~|Where!?! ^_^|~ Hehehee, now, let the pain begin! You will be set through a number of useless, foolishly set questions. Think you're upto it? ~|Of course|~ Having fun being the boss? Pressed the lock button lately? :P ~|Just a few minutes ago|~ Enjoying your amount of over-powered items? ~|To a degree|~ Ooh, that Swashbuckler's Raiment looks shiny! *touches* ~|Hands off ^_^|~ What's 1 + 1? ~|Pie|~ Why am I ask you idiotic questions? ~|Because there is no such thing as unidiotic questions.|~ if a tree falls in a forest, and no living creature was in the forest other than the tree itself, does it make a sound? ~|I always wonder what made the tree fall in the first place.|~ What is the meaning of science? ~|math|~ Ooh, ooh! I like spam! Do you? (Ironic, I know.) ~|Nope|~ Burger or Pizza? ~|Pizza|~ Cupcake or Kamehaha? ~|Neither|~ Do you like Evil? ~|At times.|~ ZORBAK & KABROZ WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD! ~|Goofy will.|~ Do you like Ebil? ~|At times|~ Favourite Pie? ~|Lemon|~ Apple or Banana? ~|Apple ... still waiting to one with a worm :P|~ Strawberry or Raspberry? ~|Strawberry|~ Bwahaha. Wait till you see the true OOC Room. You'll be over before you can say roast spam! HAHAHA! ~|I fear no forum ... Muwhahaha|~ Click on my signature. Go on, I dare you! ~|I will click it because I dare.|~ So, addicted to that nice, secsy song yet? ~|Not yet|~ CHOCOLATE IS EVIL! ~|LIES!!|~ I heard a few rumours about you being female, what do you think about this? ~|People like to spread rumors|~ So.. had enough yet? ~|Never|~ Say yes to that last question or prepare to feel my wrath spam! Favourite movie? ~|Matrix Trilogies|~ Favourite food? ~|Steak & Pizza|~ Favourite moderator? ~|Me of course :P Other than I like them all.|~ Favourite ArchKnight? ~|No favorite , however , Evo. and I were friends before either of were AKs.|~ Favourite Undead? ~|Ones not chasing me.|~ Favourite NPC? ~|Warlic .. He is a wizard.|~ Favourite Book? ~|I prefer to choose books based on authors.|~ Favourite Game? ~|FF3 ( SNES )|~ Isn't Hell Blazer just soo secsy? ~|Of course you are|~ Annoyed yet? No? ~|Nope|~ How did you feel when you got ''promoted''? ~|Suprised|~ Okay, now, I gotta admit, I'm tired of asking you questions too. ~|And I was on a roll. That must mean I am butter|~ Psyche! ~|Weee|~ Ever seen an administrator in real life? ~|I have seen a picture of 2 of them. Does that count?|~ *gasps* Okay, there's *pants* still more! *wheezes* *Dies due to extreme spam* The End. A Hell Blazer production. *How long SCAKK can take my spam* ~|As long as you can.|~ Oh yeah, this will be a best-seller! Bwahaha! Before I go and leave you to your utter doom... MY LAST QUESTION! Who is the queen of England's daughter's, son's, cousin's, uncle's, brother's, sister's, son's, wife's, grandma's, husband? ~|Bob.|~ Okay, I'm done. ~|Ok|~ PLEASE DON'T SUE! ~|Sues anyway.|~ Oh wait, another one! ~|Weeee|~ Congratulations on becoming a moderator! =P ~|Thanks|~