RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (Full Version)

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Tritran -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (2/7/2008 19:19:49)

there is a connection bnetween the "Spell" in MQ used by RH (magic missile) and a spell in DND (magic missile...)

hawkeye1995 -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (2/8/2008 21:59:32)


ORIGINAL: Mr. Squirrel

Who has seen the movie Stargate? Aren't we doing the exact same thing in DF as they did in the movie? We are overthrowing an evil God-king who has ruled the desert from his pyramid/palace and has abused his people. Did anyone else notice this?

I believe 'Sha're' was a character in the sg1 series. And I think her father was named Kasuf...

Drallon -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (2/24/2008 21:06:07)

Mysterious Johnson. is he a parody of michael jackson

WA -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (2/24/2008 22:04:45)


ORIGINAL: NinjaMaster

Today,I just saw friend of mine reading a book(forgot the name).When I
looked at the back,I saw the picture of the author Brian Jacques.What made me realize
is that this author and AQ jacques seems to like the same!

[image][/image]Brian Jacques(book author)

forgive me if someone already ponted this out or if its old news

WHy did I not see that?! I've read his boooks so often!

Starwing -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (2/25/2008 7:11:31)

Warlic calls himself the blue mage because "Black, white and red were already taken."
In the Dragonlance books black, white and red are the colors of evil, good and neutral mages.

Nastara -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (2/25/2008 21:18:26)

Sadly Warlic doesn't know that Blue has been taken too.

Azerkail -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (2/29/2008 0:49:59)

Possible spoilers of Lost. Highlight at your own risk.


In the episode of The Constatnt, Desmond's girlfriend's dad is bidder 755, bidding on the diary of a sailor on the Black Rock. The episode also references time travel and time manipulation.

kitten.dream -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (2/29/2008 7:17:06)

has blue been taken too?

Nick -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (3/4/2008 0:18:00)

DOes anyone see a connection between the games and Daivd Brin's novel "The Practice Effect" ?

Olestas -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (3/20/2008 9:59:07)

Hey.. isnt this thing on the left of Dean Warlics table similar to Escape pod or assault drop pod from Quake2 game (which you come out from at the start)

And what else you see there?

spiderlord -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (3/20/2008 19:28:52)

This is the most obvious thing ever. Mogbusters are like completely identical to mythbusters everything about them.

lolol123123 -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (3/30/2008 10:27:15)

in Dragonfable, Doug Digg is probably a parody of a classic game called Dig Dug, where you had to dig stuff to win basically.

weapon of choice -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (3/31/2008 16:16:58)


ORIGINAL: lolol123123

in Dragonfable, Doug Digg is probably a parody of a classic game called Dig Dug, where you had to dig stuff to win basically.

It says so in the design notes! I didn't believe you, until i found that entry! And it used to be my favvy game.

weapon of choice -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (4/3/2008 11:42:55)

Xan krieger from UT, could be a source of Xan. Apparently, his favorite weapons were the explosive ones.

zelderex -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (4/17/2008 22:16:21)

Well D&D is like a baseplate for RPGs thus magic misile I mean technically the RPG itself referances D&D mogbusters and Doug Digg are deliberate jokes but there is one thing this is probably just me but the WB bandana reminds me of solid snake from MGS and there is the entire kordana area OMG HALO-HALO3 lol had to say that.

SLC -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (4/17/2008 23:39:14)

Oh lol!

Enlil and Enki are both Mesopotamian gods.

EragonZZZZ -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (4/18/2008 2:03:37)


ORIGINAL: Azerkail

Possible spoilers of Lost. Highlight at your own risk.


In the episode of The Constatnt, Desmond's girlfriend's dad is bidder 755, bidding on the diary of a sailor on the Black Rock. The episode also references time travel and time manipulation.

I do believe Lkeas' avatar represents this very event.

As for other coincidences, Xan is psychotic...and Xan is short for a drug often used to treat severe psychiatric disorders (Xanax).

purple potato -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (4/18/2008 16:18:58)

if this is old srry but our dragons and some characters in Dragon Fable and the movie Eragon seem alike cause there is a dark wizard in Eragon(like sepulchure) and he is the main threat in the movie and the dragon in eragon flies up into the sky and like seconds later the drag comes back down and is BIG and there are other relations

ayyo -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (5/4/2008 1:23:25)




ORIGINAL: NinjaMaster

Today,I just saw friend of mine reading a book(forgot the name).When I
looked at the back,I saw the picture of the author Brian Jacques.What made me realize
is that this author and AQ jacques seems to like the same!

[image][/image]Brian Jacques(book author)

forgive me if someone already ponted this out or if its old news

WHy did I not see that?! I've read his boooks so often!

that was the first thing that came to my mind when i saw him! he is my second fav author in the world! don't remind me of eragon, though, because it's plagarism.

Cerbero -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (5/4/2008 16:18:36)

Ah, yes... LOST and the Truth Saga are closely related in their themes and science, time travelling, phillosophy, as well as how they disambiguate darkness and evil, a distinction many fail to see.
Credits to Maxwell for the first half of this statement ;)

EragonZZZZ -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (5/8/2008 3:24:58)

I was surprised and overjoyed at the same time to realize that Falerin (or whoever concocts names for items) has obviously read Vonnegut. (Kurt Vonnegut...amazing author).

As it turns out, Ice Nine (the spell) is a fictional chemical state of water from his novel Cat's Cradle that melts at a much higher temperature than normal water (so it's always ice).

Very clever, AE...very clever.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (5/18/2008 23:01:45)



Mysterious Johnson. is he a parody of michael jackson

NO! it's Magic Johnson Spoof, not Jackson...

~Orodalf the Master Heliomancer

Genoclysm -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (5/19/2008 9:30:46)



I was surprised and overjoyed at the same time to realize that Falerin (or whoever concocts names for items) has obviously read Vonnegut. (Kurt Vonnegut...amazing author).

As it turns out, Ice Nine (the spell) is a fictional chemical state of water from his novel Cat's Cradle that melts at a much higher temperature than normal water (so it's always ice).

Very clever, AE...very clever.

Actually it is a spoof of a spoof. It is a spoof of 8-bit Theater's Ice Nine spell which is a spoof of something else. I believe I heard the original Ice Nine was a music CD or something though...

EragonZZZZ -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (5/19/2008 15:21:53)

Aw, curses, I got really excited for a second :P

Falerin -> RE: =AE= Spotted a Parody or Spoof in our Games Post it Here (5/19/2008 15:59:17)

I read Vonnegut nonetheless.

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