Mr.Sweetness -> Hydra's Lair, The (4/20/2007 19:07:05)
[image][/image]The Hydra's Lair Location: Path connecting Oaklore Keep and Falconreach -> Sir Pent -> Quest Level/Quest/Items required: Dragon Amulet Release Date: April 20th, 2007 Objective: You have come down to the cliffs outside Oaklore forest and into the caves that the Hydras call home. These monsters seem to be spawning faster and faster, and soon they will overrun the river unless you stop them! Objective completed: The Hydras numbers have been thinned and Oaklore forest is safe from the watery menace for a little while. Scaled Yes/No: Yes Monsters (X) Cave Hydra (1) Horidon - Boss NPCs None Rewards Weapons Wavecrest (I-V) High Tide (I-V) Deluge (I-V) Pets Spume Misc Ancient Text Dusty Old Tome Emerald Key Locked Book Mage Sketchbook REALLY Special Dragon Chow Dialogue None Thanks to ILmaster13 for entry rewrite. librascythe for links. DawnChere, floater82, and Lord Gangrel for reward information. Stephen Nix for information. Jay and Peachii for corrections.