Evil Artix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 3:11:00)
Hi Asenbesen :) Hello Evil Atrix. As I said in a coughpmcough, Congratulations on your promotion. As already said in my reply to your coughpmcough, thank you. Now, King Burp, So so many things can be said about this guy...but I won't say to many things that I think about him cause you might kill hurt do something:P to me for what I might accidently say, but anyways, here goes. Oh, don't worry, King BURP is very forgiving, and if he forgives you for saying something bad about him, I will too. Would you take the first chance you got to get him as your permanent pet? Of course. Why would I wait? Hmm, BURP King Form? What do you think? :P Uhm, no, I don't think this is a good idea. In his description it says "The one and only-- King WereRat! Lord of the B.U.R.P.s!" It would be strange if there suddenly were 2 (or even 3, with the pet). As I've seen you say many times before(I think) Mr king BURP has stolen many of your awesome kill before by taking the last hit, What do you say to that? That's right, he has done this quite often. I have 521 pictures of him doing that to different monsters. But we fight for the same cause, so it doesn't matter. Do you like doing the Fenris Quest? having a pretty good chance to run into King BURP must be where you always go to get him as a guest. Yes, I like the Fenris Quest and if I want to do something different from the usual drill, I go there. It can be a bit challenging, because there are no more full heals at my level. If I want to get King BURP as a guest, I always go to the Grogh Swamplands, the chance of meeting him is higher there. In Epic Quest 12, I have to win 6 battles first and then I have a chance of 1/7 of encountering him in the 7th battle. In the Grogh Swamplands, I have a chance of 1/11 to meet him. This means that I will meet King BURP 2 times in 100 battles in Epic Quest 12 and 9 times in Grogh Swamplands. Unless my logic is completely flawed, that is. Now, Random Q uestion time :) Hooray for randomness Mexican Cheese! I have never tried it. Wuza Wozzle?? If you say so. Favourite colour? Still green or blue. look! Omg Omg Omg! A Squirrel! Eh, I won't fall for that. Do you own a game console? A few actually. An old Gameboy from 1990, which still works, a SNES, which broke when I borrowed it to a friend, a N64 and a Game Cube. Thats about all for now... See ya! I sense another question coming, so I won't say bye yet. I'm back! Now, one more question before I really go~ Oh, I already had a hunch. If you had 1 wish in the whole of Aq, not including anything that complies with the BURP King, What would it be? If I had one wish, I'd want a permanent Leprechaun tophat. ok, Good bye ^_^ No seriously :P See you.