RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (Full Version)

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Evil Artix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 3:11:00)

Hi Asenbesen :)
Hello Evil Atrix.
As I said in a coughpmcough, Congratulations on your promotion.
As already said in my reply to your coughpmcough, thank you.
Now, King Burp, So so many things can be said about this guy...but I won't say to many things that I think about him cause you might kill hurt do something:P to me for what I might accidently say, but anyways, here goes.
Oh, don't worry, King BURP is very forgiving, and if he forgives you for saying something bad about him, I will too.
Would you take the first chance you got to get him as your permanent pet?
Of course. Why would I wait?
Hmm, BURP King Form? What do you think? :P
Uhm, no, I don't think this is a good idea. In his description it says "The one and only-- King WereRat! Lord of the B.U.R.P.s!" It would be strange if there suddenly were 2 (or even 3, with the pet).
As I've seen you say many times before(I think) Mr king BURP has stolen many of your awesome kill before by taking the last hit, What do you say to that?
That's right, he has done this quite often. I have 521 pictures of him doing that to different monsters. But we fight for the same cause, so it doesn't matter.
Do you like doing the Fenris Quest? having a pretty good chance to run into King BURP must be where you always go to get him as a guest.
Yes, I like the Fenris Quest and if I want to do something different from the usual drill, I go there. It can be a bit challenging, because there are no more full heals at my level.
If I want to get King BURP as a guest, I always go to the Grogh Swamplands, the chance of meeting him is higher there. In Epic Quest 12, I have to win 6 battles first and then I have a chance of 1/7 of encountering him in the 7th battle. In the Grogh Swamplands, I have a chance of 1/11 to meet him.
This means that I will meet King BURP 2 times in 100 battles in Epic Quest 12 and 9 times in Grogh Swamplands. Unless my logic is completely flawed, that is.

Now, Random Q uestion time :)
Hooray for randomness
Mexican Cheese!
I have never tried it.
Wuza Wozzle??
If you say so.
Favourite colour?
Still green or blue.
look! Omg Omg Omg! A Squirrel!
Eh, I won't fall for that.
Do you own a game console?
A few actually. An old Gameboy from 1990, which still works, a SNES, which broke when I borrowed it to a friend, a N64 and a Game Cube.
Thats about all for now... See ya!
I sense another question coming, so I won't say bye yet.

I'm back! Now, one more question before I really go~
Oh, I already had a hunch.
If you had 1 wish in the whole of Aq, not including anything that complies with the BURP King, What would it be?
If I had one wish, I'd want a permanent Leprechaun tophat.
ok, Good bye ^_^ No seriously :P
See you.

Icemaster Yeti -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 9:07:56)

It just wouldn't be a MtAK if the mod who asked you didn't turn up, would it now? [;)]
(here, have some tags: [b ][ color=#808010][ /b]) [:D]
Hello Icemaster Yeti, thanks for showing up. These tags will prove to be useful. Here, have some in return: [Color=#0000FF][/Color]
You seem to be finding your feet as an AK pretty well - have there been any major surprises or problems for you?
I was surprised that from the moment on when I became AK, I haven't been able to concentrate on the game at all. The forums now completely distract me. There have also been a few problems, but they have all been solved with yours and Evo's help.
"People that slurp when eating soup drive me crazy." I noticed this earlier on - what about people that chew noisily with their mouths open? Does that bother you as well? (because it sure bothers me XD)
Now that you mention it... That is even worse.
You appear to have a wide variety of Nintendo game equipment - any plans for a Wii any time soon?
No, I don't think I'll buy one. When I bought the Game Cube, I found myself rarely playing with it, so I think the Wii would be a waste of money for me.
Do you have any particular favourite meat for that stew you like?
Yes, the same meat that is used for pork goulash. Of course it only should be use when it hasn't been spiced yet.
Do you like potatoes? If so, chipped, mashed, boiled in jackets, roast/baked ... or sliced and placed in layers in a baking tray with cream, mushrooms, bacon, onion, topped with cheese *mmmmm* (and two extra points if you can guess which is my favourite :D).
Yes, I like potatoes. Boiled, mashed, from the grill, that's how I like them. Hm, how do you like them best? Something tells me that the part between "..." and "*mmmmm*" might be it. Do I get my two extra points now?
Wait, extra points? Does this mean I get points for answering here?

So, not a consumer of alcohol at all? Or just on special occasions perhaps?
I was drunk only once, I decided I didn't like myself being drunk at all and I haven't drunk anything alcoholic since then.
That'll do (for now - I reserve the right to return. heh) as far as the questions go. But you're doing great, and I'm glad we found you [:D]
Feel free to return any time. It's not like I could keep you from doing so, anyway. A lowly AK telling a head mod not to post anymore, that would be outrageous and the universe would surely collapse. I really don't want to risk that.
I am glad you are glad you found me.

Resolute -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 9:16:00)

Ello Asenbesen
Hello GhostBear5.
How do you pronounce your name?
The A is pronounced like the U in undead, sen as in send, be as in berry and sen again as in sent. That should be close enough.
Why do you like burps so much?
Oh, I don't like all BURPs. Most of them are quite annoying, to be honest. The one I like is King BURP.
How many thread per day will you lock?
I don't know yet. I have locked an average of 0 threads per day until now.
Do you hate noobs?
No, everybody stats of as a newbie, so why would I hate them?
Light or darkness?
Light is better. I can't see in the darkness.
Red or black?
Red for no particular reason.
Me or the person above me?
How old are you? (Already answered in previous posts)
I'll still answer, I'm used to it, it's the same with all those questions that can be answered with the FAQ after all. Somewhere between 20 and 30.
Where do you live? (Already answered in previous posts)
I live in Germany.
I have two brothers.
AQ or DF? (Already answered in previous posts)
Thanks. Congrats!
Thank you too.
See you.
GB5, it's polite to read through the topic so the AK/Mod doesn't have to answer the same questions repeatedly. Ice.

dragonkillerajc -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 9:28:01)

Hey Asenbasen. (Did I spell that right?)
Hello dragonkillerajc. You almost got it right.
I was reading some of these Q+A's and one of them said that you like wrestling. Is there any particular company that you like? I personally prefer TNA.
Considering that I can only watch WWE Smackdown here in Germany regularly, the answer should be obvious.
Who's your favorite wrestler? (Come on, say AJ Styles.)
I actually like Finlay best.
Who's cooler, a maid or a dentist?
Depends on the person, I guess.
If the world suddenly ended, what would be on your to-do list?
1. Tell myself this isn't going to happen.
2. Yell at whatever is the cause.
3. Ask the perpetrator if he/she/it could at least spare a little part for me to live on. If it is a sentient being, that is.
4. Moan and groan to myself for a while.
5. Look for a nice place to watch the fireworks/flood/chasms that open everywhere.

Is there a McDonald's where you live?
Yes, there is one, although I rarely eat something there.
Do you read Harry Potter? If so, can you believe that the series is ending in July?
No, I don't.
C ya
See you.

Sir Harlequin -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 14:06:55)

I dont think it can be said too often, congratulations Asenbesen!
Hello Sir Harlequin. Thank you.
So you are not good with names, recognize mine?
Yes, this one rings a bell. I've seen you post Q&A and Newbie Help a lot.
I do my best to help out when I can (not as often anymore) When are you normally on? (makes note of the time in case of spammers)
This varies. Sometimes I am on in the eary morning, sometimes during the day, other times in the evening. My profile shows when I am online, I haven't disabled that option.
Would you say that it is more helpful to ignore a problem post, or report it to you (or another AK / Mod)?
It's better to report it. If nobody tells the poster what he/she has done wrong, he/she will continue doing so and others might follow the example.
Any specific tips to the "Helpers" to keep them out of trouble with you?
Besides blatantly ignoring the rules? Don't slurp your soup while I'm around.
Did you, like me, find that you spent more time on the boards than actually playing AQ? (pre-AK)
Yes, I already realized this some time before I became an AK. It became more and more difficult to concentrate on the game, the more I got involved with the forums.
We all have some quirks, but robotic responses would be boring, So I will ask you one very very important final question.
Do you like pie?
It's the mother of all questions! No, not really.
Congrats again! Harley
Thanks again. See you.

Hansuke -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 15:02:37)

Congrats on becoming an AK Asenbesen!
Hello Arthur_R2X. Thank you.
Here come the questions!
Followed by my answers.
What you like best about AQ?
The constant updates, King BURP, Trobbles and the forums.
Who's your favorite Simpson's character?
Do you play Super Smash Bros Melee?
No, I have never played it.
If so, which character do you use?
Nothing to see here.
Do you think you can beat me?
I think you would mop the floor with me.
Did you know Ununbium means 112th? That's because it's the 112th element, the 111th used to be called Unununium (pretty useless information, huh?)
No, I didn't know that. But I love useless bits of information.
Have you ever heard of Ninja Five-0? It's the best game ever! But no one knows it but me D:
I'm afraid I've never heard of it.
I think that's all... Bye!
See you.

Angelique -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 20:14:21)

Hello Asenbesen,
Hello Angelique.
Congrats on becoming an AK from me too.
Thank you.
When I first read your name (on your really helpful map for Alnaphar and your replies to my qs there) I thought it meant that you are called the broom of the Asen gods LOL (My first language is German too). Cool name I think.
The full name is actually Asenbesen Hasenwesen, with A, B, H and W being the only letters that make sense when you add -sen to them. Except for S maybe, but I didn't want a verb in my name. After explaining this in IRC, I was called Bunny Man, the God of Brooms, which makes perfect sense.
Which part of Germany are you from? (Roughly)
I live in the north-western part, about 10 km away from the dikes.
As an AK are you required to mod certain amounts of hours a day/week?
AKs are supposed to post at least once a week, although it doesn't hurt to be more active than that.
Are you free to mod any forum you like or are there assignments handed out?
At the moment I only have modding powers here in Q&A and in the forums that every AK has powers. I might get another forum to mod in the future, but at the moment I'm glad I can practice here in Q&A, in which spam and the like isn't such a problem.
Do you, like me, ever dream of AQ?
That has never happened to me.
Do you think this is a first sign of reality slipping away/ of insanity?
Who knows? But I would start worrying if my real life would become turn based.
Would you say that being hooked on this wonderful world of Lore is kinda weird/sad/remarkable by the time you are not in your 20s anymore?
If you get enjoyment out of it, I see nothing wrong with it.
Do your cats ever remind you of Moglins?
No, there aren't many black moglins around.
And when you say Stew do you mean Gulasch?
More something like Kartoffelsuppe.
Is it your fav food even in summer?
Only if it isn't too hot outside. In that case, I prefer eating nothing at all.
Good luck with everything and Battle On!
Thank you and see you.

~Q -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 21:20:58)

Greetings Asenbasen (sounds Sweedish [8D]) congratulations on becoming an AK, this is gonna be hell! [:)]
Hello ~Q and thank you. The name isn't Swedish at all.
Do you think the King burp is fat?
No, that's all muscles.
Would you eat a King Burp?
Eh, no, I can't think of any reason why I would do this. His meat would probably be quite chewy, anyway.
Do you like my forum name?
Sure, it is just a bit difficult to pronounce, with the ~ thingie.
Do you like my game name?
Sure do, I'm a big fan of alliterations myself.
Is your secondary a guaridan?
Yes, trying to log in while being subjected to the server cap became tedious after a while.
What's it like being an AK?
I haven't made any bad experiences yet, so as of now it feels great.
Locked many threads yet?
Not a single one.
Have you read the Pendragon books?
Do you mean the legend about Arthur? I started reading it, but I found out that I didn't like it, so I stopped reading it.
If so, did you like them?
See above.
Pie or Ice cream?
Ice cream for me.
Wanna see Hot Fuzz?
I'm not that much of a movie fan, so I won't watch it in cinema. I might watch it on TV in a few years, though.
What's it like being an adventurer at such a high level?
It probably isn't much different from being a Guardian at high levels.
Why don;t you upgrade?
Because it would be boring to be able to rush through all Guardian only quests with only little effort. I have my secondary for these quests.
Did you want to become an AK?
At first I had doubts, but they have been cleared.
Do you want me to stop asking questions?
No, please continue on as long as you like.
That's fine.
See you.

Exiled_forcer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 21:25:06)

Sup Home dawg!
Hello Exiled_forcer.
Why do you like those stupid B.U.R.P.S?
I don't really like them, I only like King BURP.
Like : The Causualties?
That is a music group, right? I found that out via google, but I have never heard anything by them.
Why and How did you become and a AK? (What did you do?)
Why? Because I like doing what I do here. How? I sent a PM to someone, which included: "I gladly accept your offer." Shortly later I was an AK.
That is all for now... :)
See you.

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 21:33:13)

Aha! I won't miss this one!
Hello darkflame of Ebil.
I consider myself suggletackled now.
Snuggletackling is very addicting. Do you find anything addicting?
These forums here, for example. I haven't tried snuggletackling yet, so I can't comment on it.
Speaking of that, if somebody did try to snuggletackle you, what would you do?
Dodging is out of the question, with all those chains on my, erm, bracelets, so I would probably get hit fully.
Is the PS3 Doomed?
I'm not sure, the Blu-Ray drive might save it in the long run.
Zelda beats Mario. Agreed?
I wholeheartedly agree.
Where have you traveled in the world?
I've been to Austria and Switzerland. That's not exactly far, but at least nobody had problems understanding me there.
I see you live in germany. I knew somebody from Germany! Small world eh? :P
It indeed is.
Last thing - If you could AK another area, where would you? :P
I haven't thought about that yet. But if I had to choose one, I'd pick an AQ related sub-forum.
See you.
~~Teh Flame of darkness

(Oh, and In Soviet Russia, Reply types YOU!!)

Mitsuhede -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 21:40:16)

hey Asenbesen how's it goin?
Hello Mitsuhede.
Were you a helpful before this or did you go straight into the hotseat?
I only had a runner-up title from my InfluenZard entry in the Zard Contest before becoming an AK.
What is your favorite movie?
It's still The Naked Gun.
Favorite band/music group?
I actually don't have one.
Favorite AQ monster?
King BURP. That came as a surprise, didn't it?
See you.

twilight_dweller -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 21:43:06)

Hello twilight_dweller. Thank you.
I remember you when you were but a wee member.
Heh, I actually remember these times, too.
Who upgraded you up the hierarchy of forumites?
Reens did it, as far as I can tell.
How'd you choose your name?
I added the syllable -sen to different letters. The resulting words with A and B made sense, in German at least, and then I put these two words together.
If you can choose one weapon out of all of the weapons in AQ which would you choose?
I'd want a level 45 Pumpkin Carver. It was the first rare I had, bought it during Mogloween 05, and I foolishly sold it at some point.
What is your favorite monster, sans the BURPs?
That would be the Mondrogors. How could you possibly not like little clods of dirt with flowers on their heads, yelling at you for massive hits of void damage?
What is your position on school exams?
They are a necessary evil, I guess.
What country do you live in?
I live in Germany.
Are you my mommy?
That would be really weird, with me being a guy and all.

Cataclysm -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 22:24:59)

Hiya Asenbesen! Weeeeeee!!! I like asking completly random questions! (When I have the choice)
Hello hiayspeople. Go ahead and ask.
Favorite nacho topping?
I have never eaten nachos.
How do you like your bacon?
I like bacon best together with a fried egg.
Do you like potatoes? If yes, how much?
Yes, I do. How much? Better than beetroot anyway.
What is your least favorite colored food?
Green ketchup. The person who though of that should be... uh, I'll leave that up to your imagination.
Do you like explosions?
Only if I am far enough away from them.
Do you like to wear a hat?
No, I rarely wear one.
Who is your favorite Monty Python character? (Mine is the French guy in the castle.)
I agree, the French guy is hilarious.
Do you think these questions are stupid? If yes, rate on a scale of 1 to 5. (1 not so stupid, 5 reeeeeeeaaaally stupid.)
I'd say they range from 2 to 4.
Uhhh... that is it... for now... Have a nice day!![:D]
See you and have a nice day, too.

lguan -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 22:49:18)

Hello lguan.
Congrats on being K ^_^
Thank you.
Favorite l33t/chatpspeak phrase?
I rarely use this lingo, but I guess "woot!" would be it.
favorite sport?
Table-tennis when played actively, wrestling when watched on TV.
Got any pets? What kind?
Yes, I have two cats.
Thoughts on monkeys?
They are way overrated.
FAvorite typed out smilie?
I very rarely use them, just like l33t- or chatspeak, but when I use one, it is this one: ";)"
Does chatspeak and l33t bother you?
No, it doesn't really bother me, except when it is used exclusively in a post.
Basketball or soccer?
Cheese or bacon?
Iguanas or lizards?
Chickens or turkeys?
Cows or pigs?
That's it for now. Congrats again ^_^
See you and thanks again.

Fenten -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 23:00:53)

hey Asenbesen! =]
Hello fenten415.
how are you? got milk?
I'm fine. No, there's no milk in my fridge at the moment.
if so gets some oreos!!if you dont have none
I'll skip that part then.
sooo on with the real questions..[8|]2
Good idea.
ever been to a dollar store??what cha buy?
I bought some kitty treats, but my cats wouldn't eat them.
(>'.')> 1 more to go!
That was quite short.
which would you prefer: Wii,PS3,or Xbox 360?
Wii. It would fit with my other consoles, but I don't think I'll buy it.
well thats it see ya and congrats!
Thank you and see you.

Debml -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/23/2007 23:22:00)

Hi and congratulations
Hello debml and thank you.
1-How long have you been an archknight?
I've been an AK for almost 4 days now.
2-can i make a voodoo doll of you?[:)]
I don't think so. You'd need one of my hair and I doubt that you have one.
3-can i kidnap you?[:)]
What are you up to?
4-can i kill you?[:)]
That's it, I'm calling the police.
5-are you mad at me because of using more that 3 smileys?
Eh, I'll edit out 3 of them, so you won't get into trouble.
6-favorite food
I might have said it before, homemade stew.
I'm single.
8-do you use an iron fist to rule the Q&A board?
No, I use my mouse and those handy buttons next to all the posts.
9-if so....can you teach me
Since the above was a no, I'll skip this question.
....maybe ill be back....
See you later then.
and Mr. Irish.....if you are reading will know i ask some questions to everyone

Dox Para -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/24/2007 2:28:19)

Hi Asenbesen. First, Congrats on Arch-Knighthood [sm=fun_08.gif].
(Forgive me if there are previously answered Q.)
Hello Dox Para. Thank you and don't worry about already answered questions.
How's AK-ing so far?
I haven't run into any problems yet.
Do you chat with other AKs/mods often?
I am a shy person, so I don't really chat often.
Proudest moment in AQ?
Getting the Rosethorn after having defeated Grakma with a horrible choice of equipment, defeating Ultra Magma Akriloth, getting a Baby Void Dragon before the time in that war was turned back.
Proudest moment in RL?
My graduation from school.
Your char's goal in AQ?
Reaching level 130 one day.
Your goal in RL?
I haven't set any goals, so I don't have to be disappointed when I die, if I haven't reached them.
Van or Truck?
Convertible or Sedan?
Drama, Comedy or Romance?
Tough choice. I pick the lemon.
The must bring item if you are marooned on an island?
Something to read, to keep me sane.
Most hated Celebs?
I don't pay attention to them.
That all for now ...[:)].
See you then.

Lord_sNap -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/24/2007 3:36:55)

o_o Everyone whose name I am familiar with are slowly becoming AKs.

Anyway hi there.
Hello Lord_sNap.
So what's your favorite band? fave song by them?
I actually don't have one.
What's your favorite food?
It's still homemade stew.
What is the most embarassing moment you had on the internet?
I once uploaded something to a web page and shortly after I was flamed to the moon and back. Ah yes, I was young and stupid.
All for now as my mind isn't working at full operational functions atm.
See you later then.

car maniac -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/24/2007 4:40:47)

Hi Asenbesen
Hello car maniac.
were do you live
I live on the coast in Germany.
what do you like about battleon
The constant updates, King BURP and Trobbles.
favorite TV show & channel
My favourite show is The Simpsons and I'm not sure if you are familiar with German TV channels, so listing it is probably not needed.
what do you do during the day
I hang around in the forums or do some garden work.
have you beated the pied burper
I only fought a weak one in the Huntress chase. I wasn't here during the BURP war.
that's all the questions [;)]
See you then.

paoloflordelis -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/24/2007 7:40:22)

Congrats.. needless to deserve your new position..i've reviewed few of your recent post and find it impressive and articulate.
Hello paoloflordelis and thank you.
got a few personal questions though.
I am all ears.
1. We're you expecting to be assigned as an AK by the AQ staffs?
No, I never expected this.
2. Personally what do you think you've done the best so far..that they decide to hire you as an AK.
I'm not sure if there was one single thing I did that led to this decision. It must have been everything added together.
3. It's the first time i asked an AK about this.. Aside from locking and deleting threads..what other priveleges does an AK enjoys?..
I can also move threads, I can post in locked threads here, I can warn forum members, I can choose a title and I can upload an avatar. And maybe a few other things that I forgot.
4. Do you guys get compensated monetary term..if not in what way?
Being an AK is a completely voluntary work and I don't get anything for it.
5. Have you ever heard about the Philippines? How do you find it?
Yes, I heard about the Philippines. I don't know much about it, though, and I've never been there.
6. Which do u find more cool..Wolfwing or Nighbane.. I really hope it's Wolfwing..but that's just me.
I'd pick Wolfwing, because he doesn't seem as evil as Nightbane. At least he hasn't waged a war against Battleon.
7. Do you ever use yahoo messenger? Cause i want to add you on my friendlist..lolz. talk about having a AK friend..he he!!
Sorry, I don't use any kind of instant messenger.
We'll i guess that would be it for now.. thanks in advance for your time..Goddluck..more power
See you then.

Magleby -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/24/2007 10:03:48)

Hi Asenbesen! Congrats on being an AK now :) Finally you got your Meet the AK Thread :)
Hello Magleby. Thank you. There was a slight misunderstanding on my part at the beginning, that's why I posted it so late.
I have talked with you a bit over PM, so I dont have many questions.. However, here are a few questions

Do you believe in BIG bang or a religionous creation of the world?
I believe in the big bang theroy.
What kind of beer do you drink, when/if you drink beer?
I don't drink any alcoholic drinks at all.
What kind of music is your favorite?
I usually listen to eurodance music.
Which MOD/AK is your favorite, besides yourself?
Who said I liked myself? Seriously, though, I haven't given this much thought. That's quite a diplomatic answer, isn't it?
Do you think, that you will one day become a Mod?
No, I highly doubt that. Mainly because I wouldn't want to be one.
Which time zone are you in? Im in GMT + 1, (Scandinavia for me)
It's the same for me. I actually wanted to tell you that as an answer to one of your PMs, but I totally forgot about it. Sorry.

Cataclysm -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/24/2007 10:29:39)

Haha!!! I said I'd be back Asenbesen!! More random questions!! BWAHAHA!!!
Welcome back. I'm prepared for more randomness.
What is the square root of a lemon? (I'll give you a hint. It is an unrhymable fruit)
I'm completely at a loss here.
Least favorite Monty Python character? (I like 'em all.)
It's been a long time since I've seen anything by Monty Python, so I can't think of anything right now.
Favorite pasttime?
Being on the forums maybe?
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do?
isn't that an oximoron? Doing something when there is nothing to do?
Do you collect anything? If you do, what? (if it is too embarassing, you don't have to answer)
I collect little porcelain cows. Weird, huh?
Favorite game other than AQ and all AQ related games?
Street Fighter 2
Are you considered annoying? Because I am.
I'm sure there are some people that consider me annoying. I don't think you are annoying. Until you start slurping your soup around me, that is.
Are you a grammar nut?
I don't think so. My own grammar is horrible enough, so I am in no position to correct others.
What about a spelling nut?
Same as above, just replace grammar with spelling.
Favorite pastry?
That would be raisin bread.
Geez... I am out of random questions... I'll think of some later... Please rate on same scale as before. Pleeeaaase?
How about 2-3 for the regular questions and 5 for the one with the square root?

DK Eternity -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/24/2007 10:33:34)

Heya Asenbesen. Congratulations on your AK-hood.
Hello DK Eternity. Thank you.
So, was being an AK all that you expected it to be?
Not quite. I didn't expect to get even more distracted by the forums after becoming an AK.
On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest, 10 the highest), how surprised were you when you were asked to be an AK?
At least 9.
What's your favorite TV show?
The Simpsons
Favorite movie?
The Naked Gun
Favorite game?
Street Fighter 2
I've only seen you on IRC once before. Was it different compared to the forums?
Yes, it was different. I usually take a long time to think of an answer. This doesn't matter on the forums, on IRC it is annoying for the others. That's why I usually stay away from IRC as much as possible.
What's your dream car?
I'd like to have a Mini Cooper.
Finally, do you still use King BURP as your guest?
Of course, all the time. I just hope that the Grogh Swamplands will never become Guardian only.
Well, that's all for now. Congratulations once again, and good luck with your AK-hood.
Thanks again and see you.

Ricobabie -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/24/2007 13:59:17)

HI Asenbesen ^_^ me again
Hello again, Ricobabie.
What time is it at your place ?
Right now its 1:29 am
What's your favourite smilie ?
This one: ";)" I rarely use it, though.
Do u help your mom garden during spring ?
Yes, if she needs help.
Do u play any instruments ?
No, I am not musical at all.
What's your favourite type of music ?
Eurodance music.
TV or computer ? (u can't choose both :P)
How about a computer with a TV card? I don't watch much TV, so I'll say computer.
If you were stuck on an island and can only bring 5 things, what would u bring ?
1. a book
2. a hammock
3. a knife
4. a cigarette lighter
5. a change of clothes

Pepsi or Coke ? ( i personally like coke [;)])
I like Coke better, too.
Is it just me or does Pepsi blue taste like gummy bears ? O.o
Pepsi blue? That sounds slightly disturbing.
I fink that's all for now ^_^ (did u know "fink" is my trade mark ?)
Did you know that "Fink" is German for finch?
Cya [:)]
See you.

lguan -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/24/2007 19:55:31)

Do you remember me from ... a few posts ago?
Hello again lguan. Yes, I remember you, because I spent some time trying to figure out whether you have a upper case i or a lower case L in your name.
Hate to bother you, but it's nice having a little "chat" with AK's ^_^
Oh, you don't bother me at all. Letting others post here is what this thread is for, after all.

Favorite candy (though I understand some people just don't like candy, and that's okay)?
Plain old chocolate.
Tweety or Sylvester(sp?)?
I always rooted for Sylvester, sadly to no avail.
Daffy or Donald?
Goofy or ... Pluto? O_o
Skittles or M&M's?
I have no idea what Skittles is or are, so I'll choose M&Ms
Elephants or alligators?
Hmm ... now you're the king of BURPS. So, does that mean you like to ... burp?
I am the king of BURPs? I think you misunderstood something. My avatar is only a hommage to said king. But to answer the question: I never thought about whether I like or dislike burping. I just do it when I have to. And kudos for coming up with such a question.
Blue or gold?
Okay, I sure hope I'm not being a bother. Again, congrats and good luck!
No, you are not. Feel free to come back any time and thanks again.

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