WOPP -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Asenbesen (4/28/2007 20:03:31)
Hello Asesbesen *Dont answer Hello WOPP* Good day, WOPP. Why Do people like pie so much? Do you Like Pie? Why? I don't know why people like pie, it is largely overrated. I don't really like it, it usually gives me stomach aches. If you could have one Weapon from any animated series or staff weapons which one would you choose? Why? I'd like to have a permanent Fangmaw Axe. It is a staff weapon after all, isn't it? Do you find Darkflame of Evil funny? I do. Are you talking about darkflame of Ebil? How many New buttons did you discover when you became an AK? There were about 6 I hadn't seen before. How did the King Burb help you? He has caused at least 1,000,000 points of damage to my enemies. If you possesed the last Coke on Earth what would you do? Sell it to the highest bidder maybe? ... What are your opinions on this Things below? Please state an answer for each one below.[:D] I don't really like emoticons and I don't know what I could write about those below, so I'll just skip that part. 0_o o_0 ^_^ >_> <_< <_> *_* #_# $_$ Was I a bother? Except for the smilie question, no. Did you enjoy the questions? Except for the smilie question, yes. One final question before I leave? Go ahead. Why are most of these meet the Mods threads locked? I think they are getting locked, so the mods and AKs can concentrate on something else besides checking these threads every so often. Good Bye, Good Luck, Good Something else I cant remember. Thank you and see you.