Tolkienfanatic -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: chaos oracle (4/30/2007 22:30:04)
First of all, congratulations, this has been a long time coming. Now, onto the important part.... 1) Shaken or stirred? Stirred, for it's an aromatic. 2) If there are three people in a burning building, your best friend, the love of your life and a little old lady, and you only have time to save one, which would it be? Tough... 3) Favorite movie? Star Wars 4) Favorite book? Pillars of the Earth 5) Favorite musician / band? Of all time: Queen, Recent: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus 6) Left wing, Right wing or *gulp* Communist? =P Republican =P 7) Is Elvis really dead? I don't know, let me ask him... 8) Favorite game(s) Tales of the Abyss, Dragon Warrior series, Dynasty Warrior Series, Xenosaga, .Hack series, and any other really good adventure/Rpg game on the market. (Especially those with a good story.)