RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Doklim Falcon -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/7/2007 14:28:24)


Gong of the Wind (both versions) have technically gone rare because of the war (using the travel map to go to paxia will take you to Clans in Chaos).
I'm hoping that's only temporary. ~In Media Res

battlefreak101 -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/8/2007 5:51:28)



Flying Eyeball

Type: Guest
Location: Mage Robes

Hits: 1
Element: Darkness
Attack Type: Magic
Damage: 2+(Mage Level/4) - 6+(Mage Level*1.25)
BtH: 5+(Mage Level/2)
Rate: [67+Mage Level+(CHA/2)]%

Effect: Flying Eyeball restores MP equal to half damage done. This amount is halved if your not in Mage/Wizard/Archmage robes.
Also, it costs 5 SP per turn to maintain if your not in Wizard Robes
That should be Mage Robes, not wizard.
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Dray`Gon -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/8/2007 7:47:10)


Fansarin seems to attack about 75% of the time. out of 20 attacks, he attacked 15, though my charisma is 50 if that matters.

P.S. I figured I'd try to get Fansarin's data as a guest which seems to be incomplete at the moment. I'll be recording the damage of his attacks soon, as well as how often he seems to hit against enemies with different defenses, dexterity, and Luck. I'm not sure how to calculate what his actual damage would be, or his Bonus to Hit so hopefully with the data I'll be gathering, Someone else can figure that out.
I'll add it in as estimates. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Twilight Master -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/8/2007 13:59:01)


Maple Leaf Turkey 07
Location: Aria's Pet Shop
Level: 5
Price: 500 Gold
Sellback: 80 Gold
Training Difficulty: 10
Dammage: 9-27

Attack 1
Hits: 9
Damage: 1-5
Element: Earth
Attack Type: Ranged
BtH: unknown
Attack Rate: unknown

Attack 2
Hits: 1
Dammage: 1-5
Element: Fire
Attack Type: Ranged
BtH: unknown
Attack rate: unknown

Description: This turkey is ready to throw anything at your monster enemies!



Maple Leaf Turkey 07
Location: Aria's Pet Shop
Level: 60
Price: 1800 Gold
Sellback: 360 Gold
Training Difficulty: 60
Dammage: 9-45

Attack 1
Hits: 9
Damage: 2-5 each
Element: Earth
Attack Type: Ranged
BtH: unknown
Attack Rate: unknown

Attack 2
Hits: 1
Dammage: 1-5
Element: Fire
Attack Type: Ranged
BtH: unknown
Attack rate: unknown

Description: This turkey is ready to throw anything at your monster enemies!

NOTE: both of these were only available on 10/8/07 (8th October 2007)
Astral got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Kain -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/8/2007 14:29:49)

Just to point: The 9 hits will do a damage of 3-5, not 9-45, being that if all the hits do 5, the total damage is 45. And the fire attack...I have only see it hit 3-5, but I can be with bad luck...

Hedning1390 -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/8/2007 14:44:07)

It is most likley 1-5 for each hit regardless if it is the 9 hit attack or 1 hit attack.

B.L.I.T.Z -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/8/2007 15:08:30)


Location: Aria's Pet Shop
Level: 1
Price: 10 Gold
Sellback: 2 Gold
Training Difficulty: 0

Attack 1
Hits: 1
Damage: ? [1-3?]
Element: Fire
Attack Type: Magic
BtH: Unknown
Attack Rate: Unknown [33%?]

Attack 2
Hits: 1
Damage: Unknown
Element: Fire
Attack Type: Magic
BtH: Unknown
Attack rate: Unknown [33%?]
[Heals 5Hp and 5Mp]

A very cheap and as low leveled as you can get pet.Great for starting characters, as it doesn't waste gold.
And the healing atack could actually save characters in these low levels.Overall, a great pet that could last
a while.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

WerWolf -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/8/2007 15:56:41)

Maple Leaf Turkey

They are the same nearly the same with a bit different names and they cost more...

Reign Man -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/8/2007 17:49:26)

To add to/fix Twilight Master's post: (assuming same stats as the old Maple Leaf Turkey)

Level 5 variant:
BtH 10%.
Attack 1 is 9 hits of 1-3, not 1-5. BtH +0. Rate: flat 33%.
Attack 2 is 1 hit of 1-3, not 1-5. BtH +0. Rate: flat 33%.

Level 60 variant:
BtH: 10%.
Attack 1 is 9 hits of 1-5, not 2-5. BtH +0. Rate: flat 33%.
Attack 2: BtH +0. Rate: flat 33%.

Basically, its just a cleaned up version of what's posted for the old Maple Leaf Turkey. I'm almost positive its the same stats, I have 180 CHA and it seems to be the same as the rare version.

For Little Death, a small correction: For his first attack, its not three hits of melee, but one ranged and two melee. If you don't believe me, I'll provide photographic evidence.

IMR got it. ~Astral

Frayzer -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/9/2007 2:04:59)

From Maple Leaf Turkey 07


Price: 500
Sellback: 80

Price should be 400 for the level 5 version not 500.

Fixed. Thanks. ~Astral

Keno Chao -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/9/2007 16:31:52)


Tiger beastmaster guest's two hit attack is Ranged then melee.
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Dray`Gon -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/11/2007 12:57:56)


After further study, adn calculations, I have come to the conclusion that Fansarin's Rate is actually 80%, his damage is 8-21 Range, and his B2H is 13. I'd like to thank Blues for helping me with the calculations.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

The Trobble One -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/12/2007 3:39:03)


The Tough Sea Squirt is Guardian only and the Maple Leaf Turkey 07 sellback has also incresed by 10 times and should be tagged "Rare".
Cha-ching! I mean, tagged and added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

infuturity -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/12/2007 15:49:36)

Maple Leaf Turkey 07 (Level 60 version) is now worth 3600 gold

darkdragonvx -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/15/2007 21:06:19)


ninjat and octopirate are now available at aftermath of chaos > Pirate vs Ninja War!
Re-added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Reign Man -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/18/2007 20:08:40)


Lord Cyrus guest is no longer rare.
Added. Thanks!~In Media Res

ati123 -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/18/2007 20:20:48)


Dragonslayer Twilly can also be obtained in the Dragon War
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Manofthetrees -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/18/2007 20:51:38)


Firemage Zorbak is no longer rare.
Heh, we never marked him as rare. Yay inefficiency! ~In Media Res

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/19/2007 10:15:12)


Little Death

Little Death's attack rate needs update.
My experience that his attack rate is the same as Ice Rhino's attack rate and Dynamo's attack rate.

Chance-to-Attack Percent: 68 + (0.50 * [Player CHA])

CHA value Chance to Attack
0 ............ 68%
20 .......... 78%
50 .......... 93%
64+ ....... 100%

My 2nd. char has them as a proof.
Eye of Naab
Eye of Naab
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Mr. Ouch -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/20/2007 13:33:15)


Buccaneer Monkey still doesn't have the stats posted and also has gone rare.
I'll start complaining until I get the stats. ~In Media Res

ChristmasDragonBlade -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/20/2007 13:52:04)


dragonslayer twilly doesn't seem to work on the vartai
and they are classified as dragons
He triggers when the monster's name contains a keyword. Unfortunately, "Vartai" isn't one of those words. ~In Media Res

NeoSano11vr -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/20/2007 16:28:02)


New Pet:

Void Drayk
Level 45
Price: 4500 Tokens
Attack Type: Melee
Element: X
Damage: 16-48
Description: All of those deadly Void Dragons brought to Lore by the Dracomancer Bradakhan left something behind. Exceptioannly strong baby void dragons ar ecalled Drayks
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Draxx -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/20/2007 16:31:55)


New pet Void Drayk

Level: 25
Price: 4,500 tokens
Sellback: (< 48 hours) 4050 Tokens, (> 48 hours) 2250 Tokens
Location: Valencia Z-Token Shop

Element: Void
Damage: 16-38
BTH: 5
Training Difficulty: 80

Pic - same as the baby void dragon

Description - All of those deadly Void Dragons brought to Lore by the Dracomancer Bradakhan left something behind. Exceptionally strong baby void dragons are called Drayks.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/20/2007 16:33:48)


a change was made, the new Void Drayk does now 14-38 damage.
Also got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Aves -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/20/2007 17:00:27)




Actually its about as powerful as the level 90 Baby Void Dragon (its got 1 less base damage, 1 more random damage and 5 more BtH).

So that means the Void drayk has 5 BTH (the lvl 90 BVD had 0 BTH).

info from Kal has already been added into Draxx's post
Still, it's nice to have some confirmation. Thanks! ~In Media Res

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