Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (Full Version)

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Apocalyptic -> Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (5/13/2007 11:09:55)


This is the place where all the Glacian art is stored.
Feel free to submit anything you have made, I'll add it to the archive.


Happy Feet - Ricobabie
For the Penguins - Ricobabie
Meet Bobby - Ricobabie
Meet Bobby 2 - Ricobabie
Meet Bobby 3 - Ricobabie
End in Ice 01 - LaureaDaphne
End in Ice 02 - LaureaDaphne
FrostBite - LaureaDaphne
Hidden Beneath - LaureaDaphne
Lurks - LaureaDaphne
Freezed to meat you - Mortis Angelus
Chill Out - Mortis Angelus
Feed Me - Mortis Angelus
Iwilleatyoursoul! - Mortis Angelus
I-Ce - mistermafio
Glacius - Apocalyptic
Mortis Draconis - Mortis Angelus
Knight of the Frozen Pheonix - Mortis Angelus

Large Pieces

The Ice is Calling - Snowstorm 13
Clan of the Ice - Ricobabie
Glacian Lights - Ricobabie
At the World's End - Ricobabie
Glacian Civilisation
Jingles! Teh Ebil Sn0w M0nster!! - Serbitar
Jingles hath wings! - Serbitar
Glacian Flag - Eternal Chaos
Regnum Glacialis - Lord of Ice
Path to the North - Ricobabie


Ice Orb - Snowstorm 13


I will not be adding any of the art from the last thread unless you submit it here.
If i recieve enough requests to do so, I will, but not before.
I look forward to seeing more contributions

Ricobabie -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (5/13/2007 11:51:09)

can u stick all teh sigs I made then ?

IT'll be a good idea to get the older one locked.

Apocalyptic -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (5/16/2007 15:40:47)

Ok Rico.
Thanks SCAKK.
I'm working on a Glacius sig as we type, should be up by tomorrow.

EDIT - Avvy up!

LaureaDaphne -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (5/20/2007 12:06:30)

So, I've created a collection of sigs. The various ice pictures aren't mine - I got them off Google image search.

Here are links to the images:
End in Ice 01:
End in Ice 02:
Hidden Beneath:

I also have a couple using war cries, but I'm waiting on permission from the writers before posting them.

Ricobabie -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (6/7/2007 10:37:34)

Ricobabie had too much time on her hands so she made 3 large pieces.

Mortis Angelus -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (6/20/2007 2:32:29)

Freezed to meet you sig...


Chill out sig...


Bobby sig...


Penguin sig...


Ricobabie -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (7/2/2007 11:03:33)

Ricobabie was bored this morning and made another large piece ^_^

Serbitar -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (7/15/2007 8:42:12)

I demand you add Jingles! Teh Ebil Sn0w M0nster!!

Serbitar -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (7/15/2007 9:23:49)

I've entered him on Glacius' side in the competition thingy... LOL!

News just in! Jingles has grown teh wings!!


Serbitar -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (7/15/2007 9:47:27)

Indeed. I shall soon rule the artistic world with Jingles by my side!

Add this: Its by Mystic Endevor but with the coming war I think it should be added,

Mistermafio -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (8/17/2007 17:36:16)



my kind of humor really. I wouldn't give it to much thought if I where you.

Apocalyptic -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (8/18/2007 8:42:36)

I will just as soon as I make it. I'm having a little trouble coming up with suitable renders...

Edit - Here ya go. The text is aweful, but otherwise I think it's Ok...


You can use it freely, as long as you don't try to remove the A in the bottom right corner.

Mortis Angelus -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (8/18/2007 9:20:30)

Rico is my Glacian Mistress, so I figured...



Z -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (8/24/2007 5:41:57)

'Large Piece' by Eternal Chaos. Also the Glacian Flag:


Pretty. <3

Lord of Ice -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (9/1/2007 7:45:50)

How is this? [image][/image]

Mistermafio -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (9/2/2007 8:16:26)

Wow serbs got a new avvy!

@ Senventan.
Try this tut. I used it too.
Quick & Easy, Installing GIMP. (With Pictures.) 4 star tutorial.

Ricobabie -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (9/2/2007 12:14:39)

Wicobabie made a new large piece ^_^

Demonstar -> RE: Making Snow Angels - Glacian Art Gallery (9/10/2007 10:43:35)

hmmmm.... I am changing sigs and want this to be saved for eternity! since it is a "Glacian" sig ill place it here:



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