Shadow Raven X -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: bballman23 (6/14/2007 14:51:29)
Hey Man! Great job on the AK, i remember you before you were an AK, or Helpful, or a Zard Contest Winner, and well, all those other Titles fitted into one tiny space. ;) Well yeah Congrats! Ah, so you're one of those, are you? I must get rid of you, then... Thanks! What kind of music do you like? I love Ska. Ever heard of it? I mainly like Rap/Hip Hop, but I have a few Ska songs, if All Star by Smash Mouth counts... ;) Girlfriend or no Girlfriend/ Boyfriend or no Boyfriend? (Don't answer it if it's too personal) No girlfriend at the moment. Favorite Food! Beefs! Favorite...Moglin! Dunno... Right now it's probably Twilly since he's helping me in the Pirate vs. Ninja war. Dogs or Cats? Or pets in general? I don't really love either, or pets at all, but dogs > cats if I have to say... No Drugs or Alchohol, Right? They're Icky. Straightedge For Life! XXX =). Haha, yeah, I'm straightedge. Correcto. :) What's your first name? (If that's allowed. Which i think is? Sorry if it's not) I'm Chris! =) Not telling. :P About, how much time do you spend on the computer? (Per Day) Probably around five or so hours, but I'm always doing other stuff like watching TV, listening to music, etc. Do you work? If so, what do you do? or are you in school? In school. Do you have AIM? If so, can you PM me your SN? I think I've already given it to you by now... How about your favorite sport to watch? (Since i already know that your favorite to play is most likely Baseball, Mine is too! =) ) Baseball! What kind of Lifestyle do you live? I can't ever say I've been strapped for anything. Congrats! once more. =) Thanks...once more.