lguan -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: bballman23 (6/14/2007 22:15:44)
*Snuggles* /me backsnugs Monkey man ish back again to haunt ye! >:) Did ya miss meh? Would you be too insulted if I said no? :p Pie or cake? Why? If it's chocolate, then pie. If not, cake. It's just that chocolate pie is amazing, but I don't like any other pie and I like cake pretty well. Do you speak any foreign languages? If so, which ones? Spanish, Latin (if it counts), and a tiny bit of French. Own any pets? Can you describe them to me? Nope, no pets atm. Are you more of a serious or silly person? Depends on my mood. Usually not too serious. One word that describes you? Win. ;) One word that describes monkeys? O_o Phail. :o O.o or O_o? O_o looks much better, IMO. Ever broke a bone? Or ... fracture? How was it and how did it happen? Fortunately, the worse I've ever suffered is an ankle sprain. *Darn idiot pushed me while I was taking a shot in basketball ... >_<* Nope. Never broken, fractured, or anything like that. Since you play basketball, are you tall? I'm only asking, though I hate hearing this stereotype. I'm not that tall and I rock tall people's faces >:D! So, you tall or short? I'm pretty tall. 6'2'' and growing. ;) Are you anti-social, or do you enjoy conversations ... not online chat ... I love conversating (if that's even a real word). :D Favorite cartoon character? Dunno. Probably someone from Family Guy or South Park, if you count them. Favorite comic character? I don't really like actual comics, but I like people from X-Men, who I guess could be considered comic characters. I like Wolverine. Well, you've already got tons of work as an AK and as a person, so I'll stop here. Congrats and have a good day, ol' chap ^_^. Alright, you too, Iguan lguan. ;P