@Goony: The problem with lowering the price of everything in-game is that this would devalue everything you've already purchased. Let's say everything were reduced to 55% of it's current price (approximately equal to what giving us 80% more Varium would be), your Sharkzooka would be worth 536 Varium and would only sellback for 82 Varium, 10 enhancements would only sellback for 140 Varium. You'd have the same problem now in that players would ask for some sort of compensation for their previous purchases at the higher price. In the end, it's the same result. On top of that, it is much more work to reprice every single item and feature in-game than it is to change the amount of Varium we receive from the packages. Promos have always cost more than non-promotional items. Bunnyzookas were also 2200 Varium, Rixty Rippers were 1200 (originally 2200 too). They've been in-game as a bonus for anyone that already has Varium, but I think it's pretty clear from their prices that they're meant to be gotten through the promotion rather than bought in-game. @Shad, in your post you included thinks like War Kills and the rare leaderboards as driving up pricing. True it costs a lot of Varium to get on the War Kill leaderboard, but it's not in the same category as buying or enhancing equipment. The latter are essential if you want to stay competitive in PVP, but the others are just extras if you want an achievement like Warlord or Treasure Hunter. If you don't participate in those features, you aren't at any disadvantage in the core part of the game, combat. Most of the increase proposed here is to help cover the extra cost of enhancing armors, guns and auxiliaries. Also it looks like this thread just reached 10 pages... so locked. ~Ashari