How do you feel about fame? It's Ok, the only bad part is when they swear if you don't fame them. Do you want fame gone completely? No, free cheevos are nice. And (some)people get pissed off if it's gone, due to their hard work. Do you feel that fame can stay if there are certain limitations imposed? Yes, improve the chat filter. If so, what are limitations on fame you would place? Above. I ask for fame in battles too (rarely though, I mainly NPC), but I don't get rude if people say no. I fame back if someone asks me to. I actually like fame because of the cheevos, but I don't really see the point in it. Fame for clicking? Seriously? But if you go on the leaderboards, you're famous, if you go to FB/twitter etc. and post your name and Char Page link you get famous with the community somewhat, and people may get interested in ED, meaning more profit. Makes sense innit? It's the effort you put in to spreading your character page link that makes you 'famous'. Increasing outside interactions and advertisements with fame is good, but we have to lower the in-game interactions with fame. EDIT: Remorse's idea is VERY, VERY good. Add this to Xendran and Khimera's stat suggestions and instant happiness form all players. My twist to Remorse's idea: Allow faming on Char pages so that outside interaction can be secured. But remove the character page link from in-game (Character webpage button in stat page), and you can only fame people once a day, like the current system. Also remove fame requests in-game and improve the chat system.
< Message edited by Monstrocon -- 7/11/2011 13:52:57 >