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1/11/2012 19:27:55   

Discussion: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=19982355&mpage=1&key=�

Crowds of people were gathered in front of the Omnicorp building. Rumor had it that today The Dealer was going to make a great announcement. The big television screen that was mounted onto the side of the building flickered on, as The Dealer steeped out onto the Terries wearing a microphone. "Hello lades and gentlemen, I The Dealer, head of Omnicorp, am happy to announce a great new, competition."! A logo flashed onto the TV screen. "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to invite you all to THE OMMICORP DEATH GAMES, In the Omnicorp Arena. The winner gets 10, million, Fame and a special prize. The special prize is a specially designed request made item by Ommicorp! So if a hero wins and asks for a unbreakable sword, you got it. A villain wins and asks for a Death Station, it's yours! Prize asked for is down to my discretion so as to avoid world destruction or some such. If I disagree with the request, a new request will be negotiated." The Dealer flashed the crowd a sly smile. "Now the courses will be made by 6 villains!" As he said that his eyes seemed to drift towards his office. "These villains’, are Darkness King, head of Omnicorp specialized projects!" A picture of Darkness King flashed onto the screen. "Trivial the mad Riddle `err with Doctor Blackshock as his assistant!" A picture of trivial and Blackshock flashed on the screen, it did this for all the other names as-well. "Blood Moon Eclipse`s bad side, Mallet the Omnicorp scientist that specializes in plants and radiation, voldo the man of Chaotiovoid ,and the Omnicorp psychic theorist Iriftus. They are the team!" As he said this The Dealer`s eyes once again drifted towards his office. "Now check you’re mail you may just get a invite!" The TV screen turned off and The Dealer went back into his office.

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 1/12/2012 16:20:26 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
1/11/2012 20:33:23   

I was sharply dressed and I bet I seemed very out of place among the riff-raff that frequented the shabby little coffee shop. It was purely because of its location that the coffee shop remained in business: it was within walking distance of the OmniCorp Arena. The coffee wasn't very good and was most likely made with grounds that had some kind of "natural herbal" dirt mixed in, but it was perfect for me and my needs. A quiet place, free from the prying eyes of surveillance.

My heart beat a little faster as I thought of that...that fabled call. Just one little call...lethal.

My phone rang, and I answered it. A single bead of sweat formed on my forehead.

"We've managed to maneuver your participation into the Death Games," said the wheezy, reptilian voice without bothering with greetings. "The former contestant's body is being sealed in a barrel with cement as we speak."


"They begin within the hour. You are close to the arena, I presume?"

"Within walking distance."

"Very well. I don't have to tell you the risk we are taking, placing you into this contest. You fail, and die, an investigation will be launched. Fingerprints will be recorded, queries will be made. Families will need to be silenced."

"As if I have a family to silence," I said, smiling brightly, not letting my face betray the tone of the conversation to pedestrians. "I have my job, and I'm going to do it. Just calm down. The device I ask for will be an incredible boon for our...club."

There was a very long silence. "You have standard back-up plans initiated?"

With my tongue I felt the cyanide capsule glued to my back molar. "I do."

"Try not to use it. You're a valuable agent, Segreto."

"Thank you, sir."

"May we live to see the New World Order."

"And may we live to rule all."

The line went dead. I finished my coffee and slipped a fifty dollar bill under the empty cup. I would need to leave immediately if I wanted to make it to the Death Games in time. It would be a shame for the Illuminati to miss out on the chance of a lifetime.

The arena's parking lot was packed with people. They were all trying to catch a glimpse of the competitors. The bouncer at the exclusive express-lane took one look at my pass and stood aside, allowing me to stride down the plush red carpet.

I was flanked on either side by throngs of people, all of their eyes on me. I remained calm. They weren't cheering. None of the cameramen were taking my photo. And why should they? Who was I? Some guy in a suit and designer leather shoes with slicked-back hair with an eye pendant resting on top of my dark purple tie? Where was the fan favorite, Commander Pain? At the bottom of the closest river, most likely. No one said a word as I flashed my pass again and was granted access to the towering, Colosseum-esque arena.

There was nothing archaic about the inside, however. All glass and white and gleam. A secretary sat alone inside a circular desk in the center of the main lobby, as VIPs and staff members smoked, ate, and watched one of the hundreds of TV monitors.

"I'm Segreto Donalle, the fill in for Commander Pain," I explained as I handed her my pass.

She sucked her teeth and shook her head as she scanned my pass to confirm my identity. "The fans won't like that," she said. "I hope you can put on a good show."

"We'll see," I said coldly, snatching away my pass and made my way towards the Private Observatory, for only the most exclusive of people: the participants.

I shook hands with the one referred to as The Dealer. He was a genial man, all smiles and pats on the back. He was brimming with excitement. And he had every right to be. These satirically named "Death Games" were shaping up to be the event of the decade.

There was a little note-card with my name taped to the back of one of the plush chairs. The position commanded a breath-taking view of the field and the massive seats that encircled it. For now, it was dull, akin to that of a tennis court. No doubt it could metamorphosis at the flip of a switch. But then was not the time to be studying a field that I would be fighting for my life on. I pulled my two pistols from my holsters and began to clean them.

Peacefully. Serenely. Mechanically.

< Message edited by Goldstein -- 1/18/2012 17:10:07 >
Post #: 2
1/12/2012 15:27:46   

Something... interesting happened a couple hours ago. I was rather busy trying to hide myself from the city when I recieved a message.
From Omnicorp, of all places, the "public relations" side of the villains... I knew this was going to be bad, but I had to read it.

I'll get straight to the point, renegade.
We're hosting our very own competition that we just know you'll join in, because we think we might have found someone who is genuinely concerned about you, and she (yes, she) was offered to spectate the competition. However, we felt it would be fair to have her know you, so we've sent her off to you and should be arriving shortly after you read this message.
Yes, this means you must attend, or there will be dire rammifications.
--Omnicorp Representative

Great... They capitalized on my one true wish and now they're forcing me to do this... at least this time they're true to their word, since I heard a voice faintly call out to me.

"Umm... hello...? is anyone out there?"
Okay, maybe it wasn't to me specifically, but I'm supposed to be a weapon of mass destruction... in the basic sense. Skulldeep made me with top-of-the-line stuff and even went beyond into the more dangerous experimental technology to set me up. It wouldn't be a smart idea to just blurt out who I am, especially when I've got everyone out for my head right now.

"Anyone at all?" the voice continued. That's when we first saw each other, and what surprised me was that this lady kept walking toward me; she didn't even stop or anything. "Oh, there you are... I'm glad I found you first."

"Why's that?" I asked this lady curiously.

"Well, I know you're not gonna believe this, but I'm actually worried about you. I've heard about some of the things that happened with you and I just couldn't--" She sighed soon after she suddenly stopped. "Look, I just had a gut feeling there was more to you than the robot I see when I overheard one of the arguments the evil people had yesterday, so I tried looking for you."

"If I wasn't part machine, I would've had a heart attack right now."

"W-wait... part machine? Right... I forgot it's those evil people who made you, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let you be so... free, if you don't mind me saying that."

"That's because one of those evil people still had a small chunk of niceness in them, or else we wouldn't even be having this conversation."

"Worse, I'd get to know first hand on why you're so dangerous. Still, you don't win any friends acting like a total jerk to anyone. That's why I'm trying to be nice to you."

"That's all I could have asked for." That's when I did something I never thought I was going to be able to do anymore... I genuinely smiled directly at this person. For the first time as long as I can remember, I was truly happy, and this lady made my face turn red by placing her arms around me and trying to push me toward her.

"Well, then that's what you're getting right now," the lady whispers to me, "You deserve it, anyway." I instinctively called her a human when I thanked her, but she either didn't notice it or didn't care, since she acknowledged my gratitude. "We better head over to Omnicorp, though, and get this over with. I'd rather not keep them waiting." That makes two of us. It's bad enough these guys hate my guts as it is, so we start walking back toward the city and pass by the park on the way. we discussed about what happened in the park, and I learned that Davinci practically cheated an important victory out of a teenager under the alias of 'Demolicious' and even went so far as to rub it in her face, among other details. I couldn't help but ask her to to tell this 'Demolicious' about me, since this might be my only real chance to prove who I want to work with, and she calmly accepted my request. Now I wait in an empty room in Omnicorp for either someone to show me what to do next, or for 'Demolicious to have a one-on-one conversation with me, I don't know which. I'm not stupid, though; I know how much everyone seems to hate me. The villains are furious over my sentience, with the city and the heroes thinking I'm some sort of monster that only Skulldeep could even think of. That's exactly why I purposely chose an empty room over their usual waiting area or whatever they call it; I've had more than enough hatred against me to last a century, and I intend to keep it from getting worse here on out.

Little did I know my existence was about to get better within ten minutes.


I just sat on the floor, waiting for when these brats shove me off in their competition with really nothing to do when I hear a soft knock on the door.

"H-hello...? Is anyone in there?" The female voice sounded rather young, but the particularly deep sadness in the voice was what concerned me.

"Yeah, there is. Come in." The door slowly opened and showed me a teenage girl in a plain long sleeved shirt and jeans, with her hair in a ponytail, but the eyes were unmistakable; she was the one the other lady told me about, and just like her, Demolicious didn't even flinch when she saw me as she closed the door behind her. I can definitely say she looks as sad as her voice.

"You're the one everyone wants to chase out of the city," she said rather flatly.

"And you were fightin' in the park. Now you should know why everyone hates me up here."

"Everyone? Even the villains?"

"Especially the villains. They were furious when they found out one of their own decided to give me a shred of humanity out of empathy." She chuckled at me for some reason... was it something I said?

"I think you mean sympathy, but it's still surprising to know that." She walks up to me as I respond and sits next to me.

"Though it shouldn't be surprising that they treat me like trash, and the city's reacton toward me isn't helping at all."

"So the rumors were true... you really are half machine..."

"Uhh, I think they called me a monster, if you haven't noticed."

"You expect me to call you that? Did you forget what kind of problems I'm dealing with here?" I stopped and thought about what happened after the park battle, then turned my head away from her in shame. It seems like I'm still rather sensitive over Skulldeep.

"N-no, I... I'm sorry, Demolicious. I'm just still sensitive over what happened." She sighed and realized she made a rash decision too.

"So am I... I'm sorry, too. Consider it even?"

"Yeah, we both over-reacted. We'll call it even." After admiting our mistakes, we started to get to know each other a little: who we are, where we're from, things like that. While we were discussing the park war though, someone pounded on the door twice like they were giving me a signal, and it startled Demolicious. "It's alright; just time for me to get ready for the first event."

"Oh, alright then." We both stood up and I walked toward the door, but then she grabbed one of my claws about halfway through and tugged at me. I don't know why, but I felt nervous when she grabbed it, other than worrying she might have accidentally hurt herself on it. I mean, they're razor sharp. "Wait, just one more thing..." I turned around and saw her smiling at me, but before I could respond to her, she places her arms around me and pulls me right up to her, which really turned my face red. Unfortunately I couldn't hide my utter embarrassment, no matter how hard I tried, but Demolicious only seemed to smile wider.

"Wh... what's that?" I finally manage to ask her.

"Thanks for listening to me. It really means a lot to me right now."

"Same to you, Demolicious" was all I said back to her before she let me go.

"Please, just call me Meg, my real name." Demolicious trusting me with her real name? This early? That triggered a couple of my surge protectors.

"I... are you sure?"

"Yeah. The secret's already out about me. They all know that Megumi and Demolicious are the same person."

"Alright then, Meg... I just... I wanted to help."

"Maybe some other way. Right now though, you've got something to do, so..." She briefly placed her arms around me and whispered this before we left the room and parted ways: "Good luck."
Well, we left the room after my face turned back to normal to prevent suspicion, but I kept thinking about her all the way to where I was supposed to go, and I swear she looked back at me just before we were out of sight.

< Message edited by Vector -- 1/14/2012 20:46:32 >
Post #: 3
1/12/2012 18:38:25   
star screamer

“Sir… we have a problem…” Said one of my lackeys.


“Well… we received a letter…”

“WHAT!? How do they know this location?” I asked.

“Just read it.”

Greetings mysterious one, we have heard countless
rumors that you are one of the most intelligent beings
around. We would like you to design a course for what
Omnicorp is calling: The Death games. No need to reply
to this message; just head over to warehouse C by next Friday at three PM sharp.

“Designing a course, eh? Bring me my most genius plan yet! Bring me… THE RIDDLE SHEET!”

“Oh no, not the riddle sheet!”

“Oh yes the riddle sheet!” I laughed manically.

“How are we going to plan this all in time?” my minion asked.

“I am the most intelligent being in the world, how aren’t we going to finish this in time?” I asked.
AQW  Post #: 4
1/13/2012 12:27:37   

A lone figure walked along the streets at night. As he walked, his gaze turned towards the night sky where the moon was full and clearly visible; glowing a deep red that bathed the entire city in its hue. The figure’s eyes seemed to reflect the aura that the moon was emanating.

The night’s silence was broken by the buzzing of a pager.
The figure looked down at his and smiled.

“I was expecting the Dealer to want a chat with me, but it looks like he wants me to build some sort of course in a collaborative effort with several other expert villains...” he muttered, “this would be a nice change. Now that there’s a permanent lunar eclipse, courtesy of me of course, I have time to spare.”

The figure, Blood Moon, better known to the general public as the powerful hero Eclipse, glanced again at the pager and saw the place where he and the one called the Dealer were to meet and discuss the plans.

There was a rustle and Blood Moon had vanished.

Seconds later he was face-to-face with the Dealer-a cordial man who was the mastermind behind Omnicorp, the largest corporation for villainous enterprises in the world.

“You certainly came quickly didn’t you?” he said, “as expected from one that can travel at light speed...Blood Moon. You are Blood Moon, right? And not that misguided self-proclaimed hero Eclipse.”

Need you ask? Just look outside, there’s still a lunar eclipse isn’t there?” Blood Moon responded “that lunar eclipse is there to stay and as long as it does, Blood Moon will be as well. So, what’s this about a Death Game that you told me about?”

“Glad you asked. I have requested for you and several other master super villains to design and build a course for heroes to compete in. If you lose, you die. Simple, really.”

“So what would motivate them to compete?”

“Omnicorp will provide the winner with whatever he or she desires within reason. Anything from an unbreakable sword to a death station. A prize of 10 million fame will also be awarded to the winner.”

“And what makes you think I have the inclination to exhaust my time and labor at the construction of such a course?”

“Glad you asked, first off, because I know that you’ll do it. You get bored easily and I know you’ll find it interesting. Also, think of how easily it would be to accomplish your personal goals with all of those heroes out of the way. Hard to refuse, right? Especially since those heroes were such a pain the last time you awoke.”

Blood Moon pondered the Dealer’s words for a minute, then came to a conclusion.

“Alright I’ll do it. Should be easy, and you don’t mind it being in space, right?”

The look on the Dealer's face told Blood Moon that the idea was was fabulous to him.

A short time later, Blood Moon left the Dealer's office and paused for a moment as he stared once more at the blood-red moon in the sky...Then he burst into hysterical laughter. He quickly regained his composure and said to himself,

"Ah, I haven't felt this excited since the day I lifted the city out from the ground, this will be immensely amusing."

He took out a sheet of paper the Dealer gave to him explaining the rules of the Death Games and skimmed over it idly. He then incinerated it without a second thought.

Rules..." he muttered, "I don't like the idea of my potential being restricted, especially by a weakling like the Dealer...but if it has to be done his way, I don't really have a choice.

I should instead focus on the construction of the course. Let's see...I think I know what I'll do. And that Diamond Planet I've recently heard of will be very useful...."

In an instant, Blood Moon was standing on the moon's surface looking down upon Earth, remembering that it was the only planet known to contain intelligent life.

"Humans? Intelligent? How ridiculous. They had potential, but looking at them now. They're a bunch of lazy, spineless fools that do nothing but cower behind so-called heroes whenever something happens. I'll never understand why heroes defend them. People like me that have these powers...are superior to those pathetic humans that can't do anything for themselves. We have a right to rule over them. For some...a birthright.

But there is just one problem for me..my power is limited to the lunar eclipse; and who knows how long I can hold the moon in place? I must construct this course to remind humans of my superiority. And there will be a surprise for both heroes and villains in the end..."

< Message edited by Shadowlight1 -- 1/23/2012 16:25:13 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
1/14/2012 1:39:09   

Darkness was in the Skulldeep bar chugging down a glass of rum. His cell phone rang in his pocket. He flipped it open and checked the caller id. It was the Omnicorp business line. Darkness took the call. “Hey Darkness’s I was thinking, how long would it take for you for make some kind of course for the death arena?”

“How deadly do you want it?”

“As deadly as possible I need racetracks and obstacle courses with lava, monsters, lava monsters, see if you can get some vampires or werewolves or something to join in, they always excite a crowd.”

“May I make my own beast`s?”

“Yes, you can make your own beasts; I want the course to be REALLY hard. I mean, throw all kinds of unfair surprises in there. I want this thing to be impossible!”

“You mean literally impossible?”

“YES I MEAN LITERALLY, the best ones will find a way through anyway!”

“What are the rules?”

“The only rule is you can't kill the spectators. Get to it!” The Dealer said in a dull tone. Then The Dealer cut the line. Darkness used his mental powers to get out of paying the bartender, and hurried off. He created a blueprint and sent his robots, to the arena to the build the courses. He then got to work on the beasts! He sent some of his kill bots to find some test subjects, while he got out some evil looking vials!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
1/14/2012 19:49:37   

One day ago, I was unaware of the future. A mysterious force blinded my sight, and I knew something bad were to happen. Only three people were in my kingdom the day of Ka’Lask, a perfect day to get work done. The messenger came around 4:00, human time, but he did not look of enough importance. I wondered how he got in the Darkness Realm.

“Umm, are you by the name of A-a-ancient D-d-d-darkness?” the messenger stuttered

“Hmph, what does it look like?” I said, glaring at him.

“V-v-v-very good. I have a package for you.” The messenger said.

“Give it here.” I demanded, gesturing to the man.

“Y-y-y-yes, sir.” The messenger handed me the small package.

I nodded him away and opened the human-made box. Except the Omnicorp made one. I grinned; maybe it had been the darkness orb I ordered. I perfectly opened the box with my Twilikinesis, seeing that the box had contained a hologram of a human computer technician. I frowned upon my gift; they could have sent me the darkness orb I ordered. But no matter, immediately turned on the voice.

“King Ancient Darkness of The Darkness Realm, you have been chosen to participate in the Death Games-,” the voice said

“Interesting. Now, tell me. What are these Death Games about?” I interrupted.

“I was getting to that sire. The Death Games are a trial of courses, which only the fittest smashers can join, created by the smartest thinkers of Omnicorp-“ the voice started telling me.

“Hold it right there. The smartest thinkers? Do you realize whom you are talking about? But anyways, go on.”

“Okay, sire. You have been chosen throughout a raffle created by The Dealer. That is all.”

“Very good, goodbye.” I said to the holo-gram, turning it off and destroying it to nothingness. I grinned; The Death Games seemed like a fine thing to participate in. I looked at my son; the boy had just learned his poweress.

“C’mon on Dwight, we have something to attend to.”

“Okay, father… What is it? Is it a showing of Chauncey creating a death ray? Oh wait, even better… An arena,” Dwight said excitingly, creating an accidental orb of darkness.

“Sorry father…” I grinned at my boy. He was just like Light… Clumsy and powerful.

“Pack-up. Let’s go.” I said, using my Twilikinesis to pack my bags.

I put my hand on Dwight’s shoulder and started to tune into dimension traveling.


The suburban part of Earth, homeless men were begging for their worthless money. The loud noise of the trains passing by, the horrible noise of the chudlings splashing through the sewers. This was definitely Super City. Dwight and I walked through the bustling streets of Super City towards the Omnicorp skyscraper. I stepped towards the doorway and entered the building.

< Message edited by Ancientz -- 1/14/2012 19:50:57 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
1/15/2012 21:54:14   
Question Mark?

One’s dreams are the most private of places. Where one might dwell in the utmost secrecy, secure in the knowledge that one is entirely isolated within one’s own private machinations. One’s cerebral domain is a dome of glass, beneath which affairs dubious and beautiful are carried out with a whimsical and elegant flourish. Dreams are a place of love, and a place of controlled fear, where one can face one’s dread in single combat, and rend it from existence. They are a place of revival, where the mind, the most fragile of networks, allows itself to regenerate, to prepare itself, steel itself even, for the perpetual torment of the waking world. To break into the private dreamscape of another is violation of the highest degree. That never stopped the though. They were above law. Above reason. They were beyond even the flimsy facade of sanity that so perpetuates thought and knowledge, even reality itself, within the depths of the multiversal ghetto that is the bleak domain of the human species.They were the denizens of the castle on the mount. The epitome of perfection, of evolutionary success, and of the glory that is madness. That, at least, was the tale that they wove for me. It enshrouded me like gossamer. It enveloped my body, shrouded my eyes, and bound my limbs. I was powerless beneath the vast and all encompassing cosmic void of story-silk that mummified me as if I was the final descendant of a line of kings long past. In a way, I might be said to be. I am, for the lack of a term more suiting my position, at least in the filthy mud-tongue that I call my own, an emissary. I am more like a puppet though, or a doll. Yes, a rag doll is what I am. Swept into the vast seething cauldron of psychosis, and tossed like cloth in a storm. The vast torrent of madness and power, of life, hurls my paper form about as if I were weightless, until I come crashing down into the abyssal depths of insanity from whence I came. They violate me. Always. Their fibrous, nebulous muchness encroaches upon the dwindling core of sanity that cowers within the eldritch labyrinth that is the flesh within my head. They are like wolves, like wild dogs. They will not stop until I am but a shredded and mangled scrap of meat and fluid, discarded like waste along the side of the interstate. I cannot say that I blame them. I will have to come to this later though, I suppose. I plead with them, every so often, as If they were some sort of reasonable thing. A thing that cared. I don’t really care about the pluralistic nature of them anymore. They are all in one and one in all perhaps. That is really the least of my concerns now. Anyway, I’m here now. I don’t know why or for what reason. I doubt there’s even a reason though. I’m often in strange places for no reason. This looks like a place. That’s not at all good enough, but I don’t truly believe that I’m entitled to anything anymore. The sign says “Omni-Corp.” So what, they claim to manufacture or regulate everything? Balderdash. There are things that they’ve never even attempted to fathom that lurk within the arcane and obtuse depths of the labyrinth of flesh that is Thursday. They are blind. They are fools. They will all suffer. Whatever is going on here, although I can only assume that it’s a contest, will be won in my name, to please those whom I serve. I cannot hope for compensation. I can only hope for self-preservation.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 8
1/16/2012 13:11:27   
Clown the Jester

The Games were being set...and the players were beginning to receive their invitations. And even with the sound of construction... there could be heard a laugh.


“Get out of my office,” The Dealer ordered, not bothering to look up from his papers.

“DAW COMEON DEALER, YOU LOVEABLE LITTLE RASCAL!” Clown the Jester exclaimed, propping his purple cane against a wall and hosting himself onto the businessman’s desk, ignoring the two chairs provided. “DON’T BE A GLOOMY GUS! Heh heh heh…You know I can stand to be thrown out in the cold. I shiver in the cold! You know that! Yes you do. Besides…I DIDN’T BRING MY MITTENS! Forgot my car keys at home too…which is weird cause I remember driving here. HOO HOO HOO HA HA HA!”

“I thought I made it clear that we would never, EVER do business again,” The Dealer said, taking a sip of coffee out of his mug and placing it back on his desk.

“Come-on my main man, who else besides me knows how to make games work?” The Harlequin asked throwing an arm around the Dealer. “And when you want to create a game show for slicing, dicing, slashing, bashing, gnashing, dashing, uh…CRASHING for the boy scouts in tights….there’s no one alive with a better track record for setting traps than yours truly. I’m the co-creator of…THE GAME! That’s gotta mean something for my application sheet. And imagine the ratings you’d get if you had the Ringleader of the Chaos Carnival guest staring on your show! Why…imagine all that hate mail. HEE HEE HEE!”

“You are far too great a risk of taking on,” The Dealer replied, still not looking up from his paper work. “I can’t have someone with such an uncontrollable nature ruining this project.”

“DEALER! I CAN BE A TEAM PLAYER!” The Clown cried out, slamming his fist down on The Dealer’s desk and breaking his coffee mug. The Two watched as the dark brown liquid began to soak The Dealer’s OUT paper stack. The Dealer’s nostrils flared, his entire body trembling in rage. “Whoops…Oh well…team mates forgive one another…Ya know? SHOW SOME SPIRIT! You know I would never unintentionally make you sad unless I thought it was funny…that’s gotta mean something…right? Huh right? Yeah…I think it does.”

“Get off my desk, stop destroying my office, and get…out…now,” The Dealer said calmly…too calmly the kind of calm a very patient man uses before he snaps and starts shooting people. The Dealer reached down, pulling out his brief case and retrieving a copy of the papers that were ruined as this clean-up bots absorbed the coffee and discarded the soaked papers. “And be thankful I don’t have you shot.”

“Now that ain’t team spirit!” Clown the Jester hissed, reaching for the pile of fresh papers, crumpling up the top contract form into a little ball and tossing it into the trash bin across the room. The ball of paper bounce off the trash rim and landed on the carpet floor. “Close enough…THREE POINTS! WHOOO HOOO! Now back to the matter at hand, now where was that? Hm…uh…a little help teammate?”

“You were about to either walk out,” The Dealer said, rubbing his eyes in annoyance. “Or be thrown out.”

“RIGHT! THE GRRR-UDGE!” The Harlequin exclaimed, clapping his hands together with glee. “Now Dealer, you can’t honestly be still upset about that time I used you and discarded you like a Kleenex? After all…I thought since you play people all the time you’d enjoy a good taste of your own medicine…and to be fair…I did have a runny nose. Heh heh heh…but that’s all water under the bridge now. Old history. Yesterday’s gossip. Today’s a brand new day! The Angels are singing, the birds chirping, the sun is high…and perfect weather for someone…to die. HEE HEE HEE HEE! Oh..uh huh huh huh….just die.”

The Dealer did not respond, still focused on his papers. Clown the Jester began to drum his fingers against the desk, whistling a carnival tune.

“Oh Dea-wer, can I ask you a wittle favor?” The Clown asked in a childish voice.

The Dealer let out a snort, still not looking up from the papers he was filling out.

“Well I was wondering if you could…” Clown the Jester began, his face darkened to a look of absolute rage and hatred. He suddenly shot out a hand, grasping the Dealer’s tie and lifting the business man out of his seat and into the air. The Clown stood on top of the desk, holding the Dealer in air with one hand.

“...LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALKING TO YOU!” Clown the Jester roared, a blood stained knife appearing in the harlequin’s hand as he pressed the blade into The Dealer’s throat. “I WON’T BE IGNORED BY A DISGUSTING CORPORATE FAT CAT…AT LEAST NOT WITHOUT SKINNING THAT CAT TWICE! ”

The Dealer’s stared wide eyed into the demonic harlequin’s eyes. In those cold, insane, merciless, cruel, blood shot eyes, he could see than many ways the Clown could kill people.


“Clown…put me down or…I’ll...” The Dealer gasped as the harlequin pressed the knife deeper into his neck.

“DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH MY HAPPPY NATURE, YOU GREEDY LITTLE PUNK?!” The Clown roared; spit pelting The Dealer’s face.

“No...Clown,” The Dealer wheezed. “I….I was…just joking.”

“Oh!” The Clown exclaimed, his face turning back to his amused silly grin. “In that case…I was just joking too! Good Joke Dealer. WA HA HA HA HA HA HA! You had me going!”

He dropped the Dealer back in his seat, and hopped off the desk, shoving his knife into his purple top hand and shoving his hat back over his purple haired head.

“Now that that’s all nicely settled,” Clown the Jester mused, straightening The Dealer’s torn up tie. “I expect you’ll wanna give me the scoop…RIGHT?”

The Dealer would not suffer such a disgrace…however he knew the Jester’s nature. Wild, unpredictable, treacherous, and paranoid. However, The Dealer would get even with the freak. Perhaps letting the Clown join would be in the best interest of The Death Games. His involvement alone would double the viewers. The Dealer was a very patient man when it came to revenge. He could wait till the Clown was vulnerable…then the giggling hyena would pay…BIG TIME!

“The rules are simple and non-negotiable,” The Dealer said, his business nature turning on. “You are not allowed to kill participating audience, you are not allowed to tamper with other game level designs. You are not allowed to tamper with Omni-Corp equipment. You must verify that your level does not exceed…”

“Right…right right,” The Clown interrupted, folding another of the Dealer’s contracts into a paper airplane and tossing it across the room. “Basically the same rules as Monopoly. Land on free parking, go directly to jail, break out, force feed the Monopoly guy his monocle, tie him up, annnnnd toss him in front of the Reading Railroad…yada yada yada.”

“Do you agree to the terms?” The Dealer asked.

“Do you doubt me, Dealer?” The Clown asked with a mock expression of hurt. The Clown tried to hold the face, until he burst out with an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

“Of course I do,” The Dealer responded with no hesitation.

“Heh heh…yes…I guess you would. Oh Ye of little faith,” Clown the Jester smirked, holding up his hands a small violin case materialized in grasp in a puff of purple smoke. “Maybe this will satisfy your concerns.”

“What is it?” The Dealer asked, his eyebrows rising.

“Uh…heh heh…a violin,” The Clown replied holding the case up to the Dealer.

“I know that,” The Dealer snapped, taking the case and examining it’s contents. “But why are you giving it to me?”

The Clown’s grin faded. His entire expression and stance grew serious…a very very rare thing.

“It’s my past,” The Harlequin hissed, carefully taking out the violin and plucking the strings with his fingers. “Well…not my past…not Clown the Jester’s past…the man before me…the normal me’s past.”

The Dealer stared at the old violin. No one knew of the Clown’s old life before he became the animal he was today. The Clown didn’t even know his past. There were rumors of course…but these rumors shared no similarities or aspects.

Clown the Jester family man who lost his love, Clown the Jester, solider returning from war to find his only relative his family butchered by a serial killer. Clown the Jester a reincarnation of a chaotic god. Clown the Jester the living entity of the worlds hatred fear and chaos. The stories got even more bizarre.

“I don’t know much about the violin…I don’t know if it was a gift to someone…an instrument I played,” Clown the Jester said, shutting his eyes as if struggling to remember. “But I know it was important...naybe it was a treasure to a..ah…a little sister who I swore to protect…and failed to do so…maybe…maybe…”

The Clown trailed off for a moment, then he opened his eyes saying, “But that’s neither here or there now. Think of this as something you can blackmail me with…but I warn you now Dealer…NOT…A…SCRATCH! Or I’ll scratch your back...scratch it...GOOD! Deal?”

“Deal,” The Dealer confirmed taking the violin from the Clown, placing it in it’s case and carefully sliding the case into his indestructible private safe. “My men will inform you where you can set up your level. Will you require any supplies?”

“Oh my no…no no no,” Clown the Jester replied, a slow grin spreading across his face. “I already have everything I need!”

Clown the Jester reclaimed his cane from the wall, turning around to tip his hat to the Dealer.

“We have fun days ahead MISTA Dealer…heh heh heh Very fun days indeed,” The Clown hissed in a scratchy giggle. “The Stage is almost set, the players are receiving the invetations…and the Ringleader is here….Let the games begin. Heh heh heh heh…..Ha ha ha…AND LET THE GOOD TIMES...ROLE! WHOO HOO HOO AH HA HA HA HA!”

Clown the Jester walked out of the Dealer’s office rambling nonsense and telling random jokes to nobody but himself. The mutterings and whispers of a lunatic that was about to do what he did best. Kill and leave the world screaming.

“Heh heh heh...ha..ffnkk... heh heh...hee hee...I..heh heh...I just hope...” Clown the Jester giggled under his breath, his eyes twinkling with delight. “...Hee hee...just hope...My special contestant…receives…my invitation. Heh heh heh…When he reads it…he’ll Just…DIE!"


< Message edited by Clown the Jester -- 1/16/2012 13:33:03 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
1/16/2012 14:00:43   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

While carefully tending to the wounds from his last encounter with a mutant experiment gone wrong, ND Mallet watched the tv screen flicker off as The Dealer finished his announcement.

"Dangerous death arenas? Let's see just what I have in stock for death arenas."

ND walked slowly with a noticeable restraining of the joy in his stride. He knew that he didn't have much built in terms of Death Arenas but wanted to look around anyways, needing a little break from almost being killed once more by his creations. ND always enjoyed making a good deadly invention that wouldn't attempt to rip his face or eat his innards.

After a long hour of ceaseless effort and determination, ND let out a long, defeated sigh.

"I have no ideas or inventions."

He walked back to his desk when the squealing of his pig mutant caught his attention. His mind flashed back to the first creation of that breed, and to the time it was fed meat and turned savage killer. The arena had been born.

"Pig plus pile of meat plus race course that slowly sinks into the lava beneath sounds like an excellent plan. But it needs more. I'll throw in a power neutralizer so those pesky competitors won't just fly to the end. Toss in an obstacle or two here and there and we have a fool proof course."

He began ordering the necessary materials for the course when inspiration struck once more. Before placing the order, he left one final item on the list. A spoon.

"What good would a death arena be if the only challenge was holding onto a pig until it got to the food? It should be interesting to see if one is capable of killing these monsters with a spoon."

ND Mallet leaned his head back and let out a bone chilling cackle that seemed to originate from deep inside the bowels of the NetherWorld. This course, is going to be good to watch.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
1/16/2012 14:17:18   

. .Home. I was home when it started. Laying in bed.

. .I lay in my bed, a queen size, in my small bedroom, nearly ten by ten feet in size. A medium sized window was open, letting in a nice warm breeze. I lay their, daydreaming, when I hear a howl. Not just any howl, this was a wolf howl, yet somehow...It sounded more feral. I looked over to the window to see a massive claw covered with long, brown hair take my window, break it from the wall, and throw it to the street.

. ."Why yes, come in..." I grumbled. I watched as a wolf-like beast entered through the new hole in the wall, crawling on all fours. It slowly stood on it's hind legs, which, oddly, didn't look strange. The creature began to look more human, as the hair slowly vanished, except for the normal head hair, and it's claws and teeth shrank to become normal nails and teeth. After about twenty seconds, I was looking at Saphire Moon, an old friend of mine. However, she was naked.

. ."I have a dress here somewhere..." I began.

. ."Oh, please don't, Zafara. You know I hate dresses." She replied. I couldn't stand her voice. It seemed that any man that heard it just magically thought she was the woman of their dreams. However, she did look good for a werewolf. And for a human. And for a...nevermind, you get the point.

. ."So..." I said awkwardly, "How's it goin'?"

. ."Good. But I'm not here for chatter. I have a message from someone named 'The Dealer'."

. ."Oh? What does he want with me?"

. ."It seems that you're invited to some sort of game...'The Death Games' is what he called them. Are you in?" She asked. I looked at my armor, thinking of Syrena and the Olympian Games. That promise I made so many years ago...I looked at Saphire.

. ."I'm in."
AQW  Post #: 11
1/16/2012 22:32:05   

The announcement ended for the Death Games and everyone went back to their lives, No one noticed a strange-silhouetted figure standing on top of a nearby building who watched the entire event.

"Six Villains eh, I don’t technically count as a villain, but no matter, the course is already under way"

Earlier that day I, Voldo, was hanging around the shadows of the circus event, The Cirque Du Muerte, enjoying my box of popcorn and watching people challenge the Alligator Man. All of a sudden I spotted a figure drop down from a circus tent and advanced towards me. I drew my sword and looked towards the figure.

"It's not very polite to interrupt someone" I spoke to the figure.

"I haven’t come for a fight, I have something of great importance for you" he replied

He walked out from the dark and I saw his appearance. He was an Omnicorp Messenger skilled with the arts of Ninjitsu. He wore a tight mask that showed only his eyes and he wore a big black, white and red belt with the Omnicorp Logo on it. But instead of a silent ninja suit he wore a very formal suit with the same colour scheme as his belt.

"I guess the Dealer brought him for I am very hard to find,” I thought. The Omnicorp Messenger spoke again.

"Omnicorp wishes you to make a course for a future project known as "The Death Games" which will be held at DeathGate and Deathitude, The Dealer only wishes for the best to make courses, you may not be known much but the Dealer has seen talent in you"

He then handed me an envelope and disappeared into the darkness once more. I opened the envelope and read what it contained.

"I have invited you to make a course in my little show known as The Death Games, I have only hired the best and your one of them, we at Omnicorp would like you to make a course that could be anything, it can do anything to the competitors but make sure the course doesn’t harm the audience in no way.

~The Dealer

I finished reading and teleported to the Shade Realm in a flash of black and purple lightning.

"Odlov, I need to have a word with you!"

a young woman walked towards me, she had dark red hair that went down to her shoulders, she wore a small purple shirt and short jeans, her eyes glowed bright green for she was under mind control.

"What do you need Voldy?" she asked.

"I'm trying to think of an idea for a course theme" I replied.

"How about a Chaos course?" she questioned.

"Very original Odlov, I'm trying to think of something unique" I answered.

"Then think of other abilities you have" she replied.

And then it hit me.

"Odlov, get 56 squads of BioHazards and Carnages, we're making an Illusion Course!"

< Message edited by primalvoldo -- 1/17/2012 1:51:06 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
1/17/2012 20:08:15   

"Then put this gene here..." I steady hold the tweezers in my hand under a microscope "Hello ladies and gentlemen!" the decrepit T.V behind me blared while I toppled over my microscope and let the disease I was working on hit the ground and went through it. "Darn it, I should really fix that T.V volume!" I turned back to see a ominous bald man with a eye patch speaking behind a logo " I The Dealer, head of Omnicorp, am happy to announce a great new, competition." The Omnicorp logo was placed on the screen while it white noise obscured the screen, I hit the T.V to put it back to normal. "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to invite you all to THE OMMICORP DEATH GAMES, In the Omnicorp Arena. The winner gets 10, million, Fame and a special prize. The special prize is a specially designed request made item by Ommicorp! So if a hero wins and asks for a unbreakable sword, you got it. A villain wins and asks for a Death Station, it's yours! Prize asked for is down to my discretion so as to avoid world destruction or some such. If I disagree with the request, a new request will be negotiated." "A MILLION FAME!? ANYTHING I WANT!?" I screamed at the T.V "Well, I don't care for any of those things.." I tuned out for a minute looking at the T.V of all the fun and mayhem I could in sue "-iddle `err with Doctor Blackshock and his assistant!" I tuned back in.

I turned back to my workbench covered in some green substance I never seen before. I put a wielding mask on and unattached my robotic arm from my body "This thing is getting old, time to spice it up! HETERAKIS COME HERE AND HAND MY MY TOOL ARM!" I yelled to the other room besides me while a grunt could be heard. "Come on Heterakis! Your soap operas aren't that important..." I mumbled that last sentence behind my breath. A six foot,hunched over,muscular rat man opened the door besides me and grunted with my tool arm in his right paw. "Thank you, you can continue with your soaps now..." the rat grunted and turned around and went back in slamming the door shut causing a large crack in the door. "Yeesh..." I said as I attached the arm to my shoulder. "Let's begin." as I put my wielding mask down

Several hours later I put up my mask. "Done, let's check over what I added...Disease Combiner, stronger resister, and a blaster!" I climbed up a ladder and lifted up the man hole and chuckled...

< Message edited by DoctorNflunsa -- 1/17/2012 20:09:09 >
Post #: 13
1/22/2012 14:32:58   

Agent K Lightingale of Neutrality was running down the street. Later that night after the staff had cleared out K broke into Omnicorp. Not only had he managed to secure some Omnicrop data, he had also found a Death Games competitor pass! He had taken it back to the Neutrally HQ that was hidden underneath Overlook towers. His partner Intellect aka John Reno had managed to change the name and photo on the pass. Now K was running towards the arena. The games would start any minute now. When he finely made it to the arena, he showed his pass to the bouncer and made his way to the competitor area. Once he was alone in the hall he brought his finger to his ear piece. “Intellect come, in do you read me”

“Yes I read you. What is you’re statues?”

“I am in. The games start in a few minutes; I am heading to the competitor area as we speak.”

“Good, do you know you’re objective?”

“Yes, I am to make through the games, and ask for a device with the power to change reality. So we may use it to better the city.”

“And you’re secondary objective?”

“Plant bugs and collect data on the other competitors in the tournament. If something happens do you have the emergency measures in place?”

“Yes everything is prepared, over and out.”

“Over and out” K repeated as he took his finger away from his earpiece. K opened the door to the competitor area. He sat down on a metal bench, reloaded his Pistol, put a bullet proof vest on underneath his leather jacket, checked his earpiece and stuffed a modified HAL droid into his pocket. Just then a bell rang. The games were about to begin.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
1/23/2012 23:44:12   

The crowd was restless, the competitors were strapped into little bumper cars, and the side line reporters SL9K and Thad were babbling on about something no one cared about. The competitors were in a little area that seemed like a cross between a garage and a stable. The competitors sat in there cars, there were thin metal dividers separating them from each other. Each competitor had there own garage like door that led onto there race track lane. Several camera towers stood above the race track so the race could be seen on arena view screens. Once they had finished setting up an obstacle course on one half of the main field, giant marble walls jutted out of the ground on the other half. The Dealer who was sitting up in one of those raised booths you see at football games, with Thad and SL9K spoke into his mic. “Roll clip!” A video flickered onto all the screens in the arena, including the flat screen TV mounted on the wall of the competitor area. Darkness King the tentacle headed freak himself appeared on the screen.

“Why hello earthlings, let me tell you about my course. First you have to drive you’re little car to the finish line. Some my earlier zombie werewolves that aren’t as bright as the rest of the pack, will be running in front of the cars. They should be nothing more then a pain in the rear. Then you enter an obstacle course. The obstacle course consists of four sections. First, competitors must charge through the mall section, leaping over cardboard cut-outs of panicked and fleeing shoppers, as well as dodging large men with shotguns. Once they open the door, they move on to the next obstacle. The pyramid is a race through three subsections, avoiding archaeologists and treasure hunters armed with crossbows to reach the end. Next, they will dart though a cemetery, avoiding fire, and grieving families while carrying a small doll to its tomb within a crypt at the end of the course. The fourth and final section of the obstacle course is based on agility, and calls competitors to maneuver through a dark forest while avoiding the traffic cones of doom. Then the competitors will enter a dirt floored arena. Were they have to avoid my zombie werepryes (have werewolf half vampire have zombie) and make it through the door on the other side. There are all sorts of unfair surprises hiding in the battle dome, such as quick sand pits, lava spouts, and trap doors.' Then a bell rang “Well that’s the official bell, that will mark the start and end of all 6 courses. The bell is courtesy of Omnicorp funeral industries! Better get going old chaps!”

The Dealer lit a cigar, “ Roll suspenseful montage music!” The music blared through the speakers. The bumpers cars engines had sarted, and the door`s opened. THE COURSE HAD BEGUN!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
1/26/2012 21:59:12   

The competition wasn't entirely intimidating. Not at all, not to me, at least. Dossiers laid in my hotel room's dresser, each with information on each one. "Getting a leg up," the note had read that had been placed inside. No fingerprints, of course. They're too good for that.

The cyborg, code-named Experimental. Created by OmniCorp. Went renegade not too long ago. Had relationships with Demolicious, the smasher that lost to DaVinci in the park conflict. How many people trailing her? Six? Seven? Enough to deal with her, at least.

Ancient Darkness. Some sort of being from another plane of existence. Limited data on that one, but enough. Powerful. Dangerous. Ambitious. Bleeds like the rest of us. That's figurative, mind you. I had no idea if he actually bled or not.

Lord Thursday. Even less data. Obvious mental issues. Not likely to use as leverage or advantage during fight, though. Fancies himself some kind of cross between Thoreau and that fellow that wears the Guy Fawkes mask. Unsure of extent of powers. Nothing our resources can't handle.

Zaphara. Vampire. Curious case, special breed, lacks many genetic weaknesses. Not the dime-a-dozen savages so easily silenced by recruits needing combat experience. Can NOT be underestimated. Chances of success low, however.

Agent K Lightingale. Fake name. Works for Neutrality. Motives, unknown. Deals in surveillance, espionage, professional theft. Little threat to Illuminati. However, growth and increase in influence has been unsettling. May be impressionable target for sleeper cell treatment once defeated and suitably humiliated.

My weapons were all cleaned, primed and ready once the Dealer and the course makers had returned to our little hideout. The Dealer was in the front, still all smiles, not at all fazed by the motley crew he led. Worked in finance, corporate, use to dirtbags and scum, perhaps. Clown, standing off to the side, guarded, but acting obfuscatingly stupid, as usual. Highly dangerous. Highly, highly dangerous. I'm glad he was simply a course designer. The Illuminati has plans for him yet, but I want no part in them. Too...dangerous.

"Competitors, the time has come for the first course!" the Dealer said, his face shining. "Please, follow me. I'm afraid our designers will be taking your spots. They deserve the best seats, after all." Sounding oddly serious, he added, "Try not to blow the place up."

Doctor Nflunsna laughed and snatched the bottle of champagne off a nearby table. "We'll try! This stuff's poison, you know!" And with that he chugged the entire bottle.

I swear the Dealer's left eye twitched with suppressed infuriation, but he expertly let it go. He opened the door for us, and we filed out.

The stands were full, to say the least. Screeching, hollering, like Romans watching gladiators torn asunder by lions. Thousands of flashes winked in and out of existence. This morbid little affair had to be properly documented, after all.

The Dealer led us down a flight of concrete stairs, and into a dark, underground area. We were level with the field. It had been radically changed, as I had predicted. Us competitors couldn't see anything, though; the top had been sealed off. Surprises were essential to getting us killed.

"I don't envy you," the Dealer said as he opened a heavy-looking metal door, "but regardless, good luck. And try not to die too soon, it won't be fair to the later course designers."

I snorted at his feigned interest in our safety. He didn't follow us in.

Behind the door was a room, or rather, a garage, each with individual little cubes, like stables. I was reminded painfully of a horse race. No matter. I drew a cigarette from my silver case and lit it. My nerves, what little I had, were getting to me. No need for that. Not now. Without exchanging any words, the competitors split up to find their designated locations.

There was no roof, but the cheers of the crowd sounded far off in the distant.

Inside the cube with my name, there was a bumper car. Like one from a circus. Painted red, chipped, seat made from cracked leather. I climbed in, my knees nearly touching my chest. It wasn't uncomfortable, exactly, but it sure was awkward. Thankfully, I still had easy access to my weapons.

A television that I hadn't noticed before flickered to life, broadcasting a message from the Darkness King. His description of his course fit his personality perfectly. A desperate urge to appear insane, characterized by over the top randomness. Pitiful.

"Roll suspenseful montage music!" boomed the Dealer. A fast, energetic tune started playing, greeted with much fanfare from the crowds. My engine coughed to life, causing the entire frame to shudder. The garage door shot upwards, revealing the first part of the track.

It had, for better or worse, begun.

< Message edited by Goldstein -- 1/26/2012 22:06:56 >
Post #: 16
1/27/2012 16:22:24   

K had arrived late, so he had gone directly to the competitor area. Unlike the rest who, had had some time to prep, in there motel rooms. K didn`t care, he preferred to dive right into to the action anyways. K and the rest of the competitors were led into an area. That was like a cross between a garage and a stable. It reminded K of the vehicle chamber back at HQ. K went over to his cube. A sign with his name on it had been hastily slapped over the original competitor’s name. Inside the cube was a bumper car, painted dark black. .The smooth leather seat might have been sort of comfy if a spring hadn’t been sticking out. K climbed into the car. He grinned at the though of a race. He had tipped many a car in hot purist of enemy’s of the city. Though he knew he could not get to confidante. That could be the death of him. He brought his finger to his ear piece. “Hey Intellect, got any info for me?”

“Why yes I do. First, I put some spy gadgets, in you jacket.” K checked his jacket and sure enough there was a bag of spy gadgets. “Now would you like to hear about the competition?”

“No duh?”

“Fine fine, just give me a minute to hack into the Omnicorp database! Here we go competitor files. Experimental Omnicorp cyborg, has had relationships with Demo, and is currently in a relationship with one of the Lion twins. King Ancient Darkness of The Darkness Realm, limited data. Lord Thursday, has Dissociative Identity Disorder. Zafra a vampire! Doctor Nflunsa an evil doctor, cyborg, and likes champagne. The last one is you`r old rival Seg ”

"reto Donalle, of Illuminati!" K spurrted with disgust. K`s hand went directly to his gun. K looked around,he could see Segreto four cubes down. K was filled with utter rage. Segreto and K had meet many times in the past. Never on nice terms.

“Control you`r rage !” Intellect barked. A flat screen TV flickered to life, The Darkness King appeared on the screen. K looked down at a scar on his arm. He had fought Darkness King once before. Darkness went on to explain the course.

“A race, a obstacle course, and a battle arena, piece of pie!”

“That confidence and rage will kill you!” Intellect warned. The bell rung and the door began to open. “Well good luck partner. OVER AND OUT!”

“OVER AND OUT!” K repeated as his engine roared to life!

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 1/28/2012 0:11:20 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
1/27/2012 20:38:48   

I knew I'd get angry looks from everyone that passed by me, but they all knew they couldn't take me on without getting a dangerous surprise, so that was all they could do. Not that I really cared, anyway, but it was hard to ignore it all. On my way over to where they put the competitors though, I noticed a pendant of an eye on a businessman. I had to admit it looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't figure out where I saw it before, so I didn't think much of it and continued walking to the competitors' area. Of course I tried to distance myself between the other competitors even when the Dealer led us down some stairs into an underground section of the place. They definitely switched things around, and every one of us could hear the cheering like it was a gladiator battle from ancient Rome.

"I don't envy you," the Dealer said to the other competitors, intentionally ignoring me, "But regardless, good luck. And try not to die too soon; it won't be fair to the later course designers." The competitors split to find their locations as the Dealer started to walk out, and only then did I decide to follow them in.

"Get out of my way, human," I said to the Dealer angrily, intentonally bumping into him.

"I guarantee you won't live to see the end of this, you trash compactor," the Dealer replied as I kept walking past him. There was no need to be polite if there was something you hated their guts over.

"Yet to be seen" was all I said afterward before I was out of his sight. I knew what this first event was going to be: a race over different kinds of obstacle courses with random bits thrown in for kicks. Only problem is that no matter what they make me drive, my armor is too heavy to make the tin can they assigned me to even budge. Chances are that I had to run through this course literally to the end, which would be annoying, but at least it'll help test my abilities.

"Roll suspenseful montage music!" the dealer shouted over what sounded to me like a megaphone, like he never even saw me earlier, and one fast, energetic tune played out; didn't do me any good, though. The engine surprisingly turned over with how beat up this car looked, but I was sure this thing wasn't going to move at all and just waited for the signal to start the first match... or whatever you called it; it's all the same to me.
When that bell tolled, everyone started their engines and drove off... well, almost everyone. There was someone basically stuck in the start area pushing the accelerator to the floor, and all they were doing was making their tires scream.
That was me, and I wasn't happy. It wasn't the tin can's problem though, it worked well enough to drive at least about 10 miles, but it wasn't going anywhere because of me. My armor was just simply too heavy for the thing to even haul me an inch, so I just turned the engine off and stepped out, then looked at the course ahead of me. It was relatively short, but there were quite a few obstacles to get around, most notably the shotgun-wielding brutes near the mall section among others. I walked up to the door that's still open, made myself look like a marathon runner ready to start, then actually started running through the course. The werewolves were easy to dodge; half of them didn't even notice me at all and I was in the mall before long. I was a little surprised none of the other competitors got killed by these shotgunners here, or at least blew a tire, but nonetheless, I evaded the brutes rather easily, and chuckled when one of them actually shot another shotgunner by mistake, that was definitely amusing. The cardboard cutouts aren't even worth mentioning at all; they were like a walk in the park passing by them, but I had to pick up the pace now. The others had to be at least half a section ahead of me by now, so I ran over a shotgun brute, literally, and passed through the already-open door.

The pyramid was rather annoying. The archaeologists and treasure hunters had a rather bothersome accuracy with their crossbows, even though they were useless on me, but they actually chased after me and the pyramid itself had a snake-like pattern I had to go through, along with traps of its own, especially those boulders. Safe to say the pyramid is easily the part of the course I hate the most, but at least I could finally see the other competitors after I passed through it... eventually. The cemetary was pretty straightforward and about as easy as the werewolves, especially since I steered clear of the people unfortunate enough to both lose a family member or friend, and for being here at a pretty bad time. Had to keep going though, so I grabbed the last doll left and I ran about as fast as I could, passing through a few columns of fire along the way, since my metal armor could handle a few brushes of the flames but had to keep the doll away from the fire for obvious reasons, and managed to catch up with the others with a little help from my jetpack. These guys were surprisingly close to each other; I didn't think the race would be this intense with them going after each other, but it didn't matter. Not to me at least.

Passing by these guys wasn't as easy as I hoped, what with them dancing around trying to avoid everything, but when I did I had a clear shot to the end of the cemetary and dramatically leaped high, let the doll go and let physics guide it to the tomb it was supposed to be in, then continued into the very not-scary looking forest after landing. Turned out the forest was like a maze of sorts, but I had no problem navigating through the 'dark' forest. Heh heh, nothing a little night vision can't handle, but the traffic cones were a little interesting when they shot out different weapons with each one I passed by: one shot arrows, another one armor piercing rounds... different attacks every time. Still, it was easy enough for me with the poor timing of some of them, and before I knew it I was in a very large area without any sort of real floor. This had to be the arena, so those zombie werepyres had to be around here somewhere, and I had plenty of time to mess around here... but I didn't, and went right on my home stretch to the finish line. Can't explain why, but I never dealt with any quicksand... must have gotten lucky, but the fire jets always knew where I turned out to be. Good thing my armor still held, because I saw a couple of those zombie werepyre things coming after me and they do not act like zombies! Those things are fast and there was no way I would have enough time to take them down, so I just tried to ignore them and headed straight for the door... getting blasted by those annoying fire jets every once in a while. Those werepyres were 'generous' enough to delay me long enough for the other guys to catch up, but I still made it through. Don't know who actually won this part of the competition, but everyone at least survived the whole race... for now, anyway.

< Message edited by Vector -- 2/9/2012 21:45:37 >
Post #: 18
1/31/2012 16:38:17   
delta blitz

I walked through the city, looking for something to do; "It just keeps getting worst I thought to myself as I tried to ignore the vioces in my head". "Why must we stay calm my white chaos hissed in my ear as I walked pass Titanium threads, we could show them all how wonderful loneliness is, we could make all of them like us", "SHUT UP I shouted, suprising a group of Smashers that had just came out of the store, I will not become Clown". As I quickly flew away from the stares of the Smashers, a flyer smacked me in the face, I pulled the piece of paper off my face in disgust and read it. "Hmm Omnicorp is sponsering a competition I thought to myself as I read the paper, it could be fun to watch a few Smasher's beat eachother's head in". I tossed the piece of paper in the garbage and followed a group of Smashers into the stadium, as soon as I got to the inside of the stadium my white chaos began reacting to the surplus of chaos in the staduim. "Oh yes I said to myself as I took my seat, Clown is here somewhere, this might be more fun than I thought.......PAHAHAHAHA.

< Message edited by delta blitz -- 1/31/2012 16:39:46 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
2/4/2012 14:11:38   
Question Mark?

I turned slowly and looked out toward the end of the race track that they had designed for us. It wasn't particularly far, but it was lined with armed assailants and other such obstacles. It would take a great deal of physical and mental prowess to avoid the varying diversions and manage to end up at the end of the course intact before any of the others. at least, that was the scenario for my opponents. The only obstacle confronting me was whether or not the course was brief enough for me to stroll to its end without expending any excess energy. This was crucial, as I had no desire to tap into my reserve power at his time. I could feel them, pulsating within my skull, longing to begin, to take control. That would be quite dangerous. Especially after the little incident with Drakkoniss. They bad together now, pressing, writhing, forcing their way through my consciousness. It was quite irritating to say the least. I massaged my temples lightly, and hooked the miniature plastic tubing to the finger of my gloves. I retracted and extended the needles a few times, testing the mechanism. I really couldn't have it jamming while I utilized it. I was going to succeed, and I was going to continue upon my way. No heated arguments, no battles to the death. I was simply going to enter the competition, succeed, and leave. Any prizes would further Their goals. I pressed my hand lightly too my temples, focused for a brief moment, and steeped forward. The feeling of steeping through space is odd, to say the least. Imagine the sensation that one experiences directly before one falls forward, and lengthen it. It seems to last forever. It is more than a bit unsettling, and has none of the pleasant characteristics or sensations that are induced by alternate forms of spatial manipulation. I closed my eyes as I fell. I had no desire whatsoever to see them this time. They spoke to me enough within my dreams. I landed in the final portion of the course. I immediately felt the groping, dragging sensation that comes with standing directly within a rather large portion of quicksand. Of course. Here came the fun part. I pulled space in towards me, feeling its smooth and silky form caress my hands, fondling its curvature. I pulled it in toward me and pushed it downward, enabling me to step directly out of the quicksand, which had rapidly recoiled, as if avoiding a plague victim. Now came the Werepyres. Oh GODS that name was stupid. Who was the imbecile that designed this infernal raceway anyhow? I looked about. There were three of the wolf like creatures surrounding me. I sighed, and increased the volume on the micro-speakers imbedded into my work gloves. All three of them collapsed into a pile of fur and blood. I heard nothing. That's the good part about being a puppet, I suppose. After a while the madd gibbering becomes so commonplace that you can just tune it out. I slammed my boot against the door, realized that it was meant to be pulled, and leaned back against the wall in a fashion most ornery. I had apparently moved about much more efficiently than I had assumed. I really did hope that the others didn’t take too long.

< Message edited by Question Mark? -- 2/12/2012 16:53:37 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 20
2/11/2012 21:37:08   


Zaphara. Vampire. Curious case, special breed, lacks many genetic weaknesses. Not the dime-a-dozen savages so easily silenced by recruits needing combat experience. Can NOT be underestimated. Chances of success low, however.

Stupid number guessing <.<

Why hello earthlings, let me tell you about my course. First you have to drive you’re little car to the finish line. Some my earlier zombie werewolves that aren’t as bright as the rest of the pack, will be running in front of the cars. They should be nothing more then a pain in the rear. Then you enter an obstacle course. The obstacle course consists of four sections. First, competitors must charge through the mall section, leaping over cardboard cut-outs of panicked and fleeing shoppers, as well as dodging large men with shotguns. Once they open the door, they move on to the next obstacle. The pyramid is a race through three subsections, avoiding archaeologists and treasure hunters armed with crossbows to reach the end. Next, they will dart though a cemetery, avoiding fire, and grieving families while carrying a small doll to its tomb within a crypt at the end of the course. The fourth and final section of the obstacle course is based on agility, and calls competitors to maneuver through a dark forest while avoiding the traffic cones of doom. Then the competitors will enter a dirt floored arena. Were they have to avoid my zombie werepryes (have werewolf half vampire have zombie) and make it through the door on the other side. There are all sorts of unfair surprises hiding in the battle dome, such as quick sand pits, lava spouts, and trap doors.' Then a bell rang “Well that’s the official bell, that will mark the start and end of all 6 courses. The bell is courtesy of Omnicorp funeral industries! Better get going old chaps!

Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me...

A race? I was a vampire with immense strength and speed, and they put me in a CAR?! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!


I pressed my foot down on the gas pedal (so I assumed), and I took off. It was just a simple straight course. There were supposed to be werewolves here, but I assumed that they were afraid of my 'vampire scent'. Ah, well. Makes it that much easier to me. I was closing in on the finish line. I'd have to stop and get out of the car soon...But where was the brake pedal? Was it the one next to the gas? Do I hit the brake with my foot still on the gas? I blasted past the finish line. Bah, screw it.
I jumped out of the car, as it flew forward.

...Blah. I can't write this...Maybe I'm just having a bad writing day...Either way, I need to write something...But I can't...Ugh. I'll just write something short and simple...Pretty bad since I've had like two weeks to think of something, but my mind is just blank for this...
Meh. =/

"M...Mr. Dealer?"

"Yes, minion, what do you want?" he replied, facing his large window, viewing the next course.

"Y...You have a letter."

"Oh?" He turned around, and walked to the minion, grabbing the envelope in his hand. "Thank you, minion. you are dismissed."

"Y...Yes, sir." He scurried away.

"Now what could this be?" The Dealer said to himself. He began to open the envelope, and slid the piece of parchment out. He carefully unfolded the paper, and looked at the words inside. He frowned. "Well, if it was that easy for you," he grumbled, "Maybe we'll make the next course harder..." He dropped the paper, and walked away.

It said: "I passed your stupid course. Tell me what's next."

Still not very good, but it's the best I can do...I believe I may be sick...Can't think >.<

~Lady Zafara

< Message edited by Arachnid -- 2/25/2012 13:33:55 >
AQW  Post #: 21
2/11/2012 23:39:12   

K grinned as his engine roared. Soon he was off down the race track. K was leaving dust in his path. Being a secret agent the concept of shooting and driving was not that new to him. This made dealing with the zombie werewolves easy. Though he did waste some time trying to slam into Segreto`s car. He quickly made it into the mall section. Were he jumped out of the car just as it rammed into the wall.

His bullet proof vest served as good protection from the shot gunners. K enjoyed the making the cardboard cutouts, look like Swiss cheese. He shot several holes in at least two of them before heading on. He stopped halfway from the door. The other competitors were quickly passing through it. He sat down and poured water all over the bottom of his shoes. The water on the shoes plus the tile floor caused him to slid right through the door.

Bumping into, a group of crossbow, welding men. . He quickly ran out of there site before they could fire there crossbows. He got an arrow to the knee when he rounded the corner. Intellect guided him through most of the pyramids snake like maze using the ear piece. He managed to avoid most of the traps though a few did spring on him. Though he was a little behind he made it out in time to see the others race through the cemetery with there dolls. K tried not to look at the grieving families. He knew they were actors there to distract him. They weren`t even in a real graveyard. He literally dropped, ducked, and rolled through the fire columns. He quickly threw the doll into it`s spot and ran through the door.

He then ended up in the dark forest. He pulled out a flashlight and walked through the forest. The cones caught him off guard. When they began to shoot weapons. Because of this he ended up with quite a few wounds. He braced the pain and walked through the door.

His uncanny point accuracy made hitting the werepryes easy. It was hard at first, until he figured out to target the wings. He jumped over the quicksand though he almost fell in once. K carefully stood and watched as the other went ahead of him. The trap doors and lava spouts were on a timer. He timed it just right and made it through. The last surprise, a patch of ice actually helped him. Once again he slid right though the door. Though this time it wasn`t on purpose. Every one had gone through the door by the time the bell rang. “He he looks like no one loses this round!” Cackled crazy Thad the sideline reporter.

The Dealer greeted them and told them to rest up for the next course. The comtpiors began to file out. Until there were only two left. K and Segreto. K approached Segreto and said, "Why hello why do I have the displeasure of seeing you? You know what I should do, expose you! YA YOU WOULD HATE THAT NOW WOULDN`T YOU?"

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 2/12/2012 8:12:06 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
2/12/2012 0:10:13   
Question Mark?

I looked about. The area behind the door was a small, relatively cozy waiting room with a glass panel through which one might view the other contestants. K and Sergeto were having a bit of a tiff, and it was just the sort of distraction that I was looking for at this time. Something small against the back of the dapper fellow's mouth caught my eye. A suicide capsule. The Omincorp agents wore these as well, attached to their rear left molars. This would be a marvelous opportunity. I did a quick inventory check. All of the micro electronics and hallucinogen capsules were in place and loaded. The circuitry looked fine, and the speakers hadn't broken yet. It seems that this new glove design worked even better than I had expected. I was feeling quite pleasant, actually. I even took a small piece of gum from the bowl that sat upon the side table, licked it, and stuck it to the window. Eventually I had created a spiral of sugar-free meal substitute. Delicious. I sat back in one of the small chairs at watched the shouting match unfold.
The Omincorp agents looked at me irritatedly, and busied themselves by scraping my artwork off of the window. Perfect. As the last fellow bent down ward to complete his sweeping, I struck him swiftly beneath the jaw with the tip of my knee, and heard the satisfying crunch of the cyanide pellet betwixt his teeth. I ground his jaws together a few times for good measure. He feel to the floor, devoid of life. Yes, this would be quite marvelous. I puled the little craping tool from his cold dead hand and removed the final bit of gum from the window, hurling it forcefully into the rubbish bin, and chuckled contently.

< Message edited by Question Mark? -- 2/12/2012 17:42:19 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 23
2/12/2012 2:14:40   

The course was as bizarre as it was straight-forward. A paradox. All of the go-carts squealed for a moment as their cheap tires struggled to get a grip on the slick concrete floor. Once they did, they shot forwards as if fired from a cannon. I had a little trouble controlling mine at first, but soon gained enough competence to change directions. The course was similar to that of a go-cart course, all curves and turns with a bridge over part of the track, with the sides of the track lined with rubber tires cut in half.

The wandering...monstrosities were the one thing that disconcerted me. They were mangy looking wolves that padded about on their stumpy hind-legs. Their fur was patchy, and did little to cover the almost skeletal body of their owner. They didn't seem intelligent. Feral.

I dodged the first three or four. It was simple. They were dumb and slow and didn't react much. Once they started to realize we were a threat, they lashed out, however.

One simply stood still, growling and hissing. I furrowed my brow and floored the gas pedal. The monster didn't attempt to dodge. My bumper slammed into its legs, causing it to somersault over my head, landing behind me with a satisfying WHOMP.

Before I knew it, I was crossing the finish line and jumping out of my car. Of course the first part would be easy. I still had somewhere in the area of ten more sections to complete.

The go-cart course became a typical mall rather abruptly. Cardboard cutouts of shoppers in terrified poses offered little protection from the, as the creator has put it, "large men with shotguns." I cracked my fingers and went to work.

Two of the competitors were already ahead of me, getting shot at and generally acting as an excellent distraction. I ducked down low and ran along the outer edge of the mall, hiding behind potted plants and benches. Barely any of the shotgunners noticed as me, and those that did decided that the vampire and robot and such were more imposing. Sometimes, simply being an unassuming human can have it's advantages.

My luck wouldn't last, though. Between me and the exit were two shotgunners, their backs to me. Going around them would put me right in the middle of a war-zone, and they'd notice anyway. Hoping my skills hadn't become rusty, I silently crept towards them, flexing my fingers.

Unfortunately, I carelessly let my foot knock over a fern in a terracotta pot, which made an extremely loud sound when it broke. The two shotgunners turned around, their weapons already aimed at me.

I sprang at them, my palms facing them. Before they could squeeze off a round, I planted a hand on each chest and forced them to the ground. Without even breaking my momentum I sprinted away and slammed the cast-iron door just in time to hear the sounds of pellets bouncing harmlessly off.

Two down. Easy, really. But I was still third. Now that wouldn't do. Time to sprint. I un-holstered one of my weapons, and plunged into the inky darkness that was the pyramid.

Three sections, lower, middle, top. No time for inane mazes. I put on a pair of goggles, flicked them on, and said aloud, "Direct route to exit, visual mode Blue Stream."

It took them a second to register the request before the goggles projected a glowing blue stream snaking down the hallway to my right. I allowed myself a rare smile and started off.

Left, right, right, left, ladder, right, straight, left, stairs, left, right. I had no idea how the others were faring. The dark, stony hallways, lit by only torches, were quiet, except for the sounds of distant footsteps and the roar of the audience outside, most likely watching us via hidden cameras.

I saw no one else as I traversed the hallways. Feeling strangely cheated I rounded a corner as my goggles said, "Exit within: twenty yards."

Simple. And not a single armed assailant...in sight.

From the inky darkness came a barrage of crossbow bolts. Most missed, but three managed to find their targets. One in my right shoulder, left thigh, and upper torso. Ignoring the throbbing pain I raised my pistol and fired exactly eighteen electrified darts with enough voltage to make a man fall to the ground, foaming at the mouth. And that's exactly what the treasure hunters did as I ran past them, the bolts still sticking into my body. No time to remove them.

The pyramid's exit led directly into the cemetery. There was no roof, and the audience cheered wildly when I emerged. They booed when I ignored them.

Into the graveyard. The grieving families were unnerving, I'll admit. All dressed in black and carrying umbrellas, wailing and screaming and tearing at their hair. They clawed at me as I passed, but I shook them off and focused on dodging the columns of fire.

They shot up randomly, but I soon figured out an indicator. There was always a hissing sound, and the aroma of gas, right before a blast of flame erupted from the ground.

I was SO close to my objective when a man dressed in a torn suit clutched me by the lapels and dragged me to the ground. "Me wife," he kept hollering. "Where's me wife?"

I struggled to pry him off when I smelled gas and felt a gentle breeze touch my face. It seemed to be coming from underneath me...oh God.

Without thinking I punched the man in the face and kicked him off me before rolling away. He got to his feet, rubbing his eye. "What the heck man, you're not suppose to attack us," he yelled at me.

A jet of fire shot into the air, right where we were a moment ago. It was hot enough singe the edges of my hair.

"You're welcome," I said as I ran past the dumb-struck actor. I threw the doll into the tomb and proceeded to the next section, the dark forest. Again, there was a notable absence of a transition; the forest formed a neat line marking where it began and the cemetery ended. I switched my goggles to "Night Vision" along with the "Find Exit" program and plunged into the soupy blackness.


It was the easiest section, by far. Instead of walls, there were trees, with gaps between them big enough for me to squeeze through. And the cones were laughable, being bright orange, and standing out in contrast. Anytime I got close to one I shot it with a Taser dart, which had the wonderful ability of disabling them.

The other competitors were making just as swift progress as I. I saw the cyborg smashing one of the cones in half, the vampire dancing gracefully, avoiding machine gun fire, the Neutrality agent getting licked by flames from a cone that had not been within his flashlight's beam. That, I'll admit, made me smile a little. I mentally admonished myself for enjoying the sight of my enemy in pain, and I slipped out of the forest.

And now, finally, thankfully, the arena.

It was littered with bubbling pits of quicksand, pits of death, and other assorted traps. Not to mention, the werepyres. The more intelligent, competent, frightening werepyres. I noticed one flaw of the arena. Wherever the werepyres moved, the ground would most assuredly be secure. They all stuck to the lighter, more tan dirt, so I did as well.

I ducked under swinging buzzsaws, jumped over almost invisible tripwires, and tiptoed out of a minefield. The crossbow bolts were really starting to bother me, but still not time! No time to tend to minor little splinters! The exit was so close, so very close...but what did I expect? To be done right then and there?

To not be confronted by one of the monsters?

Not one, but three of them, moving as a pack, jumped into my path. They completely blocked the exit, and there was no hope of outmaneuvering them. Despite being "zombies," they were fast. Very uncanny. They roared at me and brandished their wickedly sharp claws.

Calmly, I removed my suit jacket, letting it fall to the ground. Underneath was my ace in the hole. My magnum opus. My tailor made flame-thrower vest.

Shall I explain? Very well. Harnessed to my torso was a thin mechanism, no bigger than a textbook, that acted as a storage device. Without going into the complicated side of things, the mechanism held a very combustible flame, that, when ignited, creates a laser-guided steam of fire. That stream was issued from a collapsible nozzle, that I kept attached to my upper right arm.

I undid the velcro holding the nozzle to my arm, and snapped it into it's full size. The werepyres glowered at me curiously, waiting for me to make a move.

Using just one hand, I pointed the nozzle at the center were-pyre, smiled, and squeezed the trigger.

The fire quickly engulfed the werepyre. He recoiled in pain and fell to the ground. The one on the right pounced at me and received a face full of fire. The third whimpered and bounded away, it's tail between it's legs.

The center one tried to rise, but was put down by another roasting.

I picked up my jacket, dusted it off, and exited the arena.

The Dealer and a cameraman were waiting for the competitors. A few minutes later the last one straggled in, just before the bell chimed.

"Congratulations, and a job well done!" he said as the cameraman trained his lens on the battered group. "You all finished within the allotted time. So, you may advance to the second course! A thrill, I'm sure. You gave the audience a great show, and I thank you all for that. Now, follow me. You will be given a brief rest before the next trial."

Slowly, the competitors filed after him, one by one. I was the last to leave, behind K. But he closed the door and spun around, an annoying smile decorating his annoying face.

"Why hello! Why do I have the displeasure of seeing you?" he said in his annoying voice.

I stared at him dully, waiting for him to get to the point.

"You know what I should do? Expose you! Yeah, you WOULD HATE THAT, NOW, WOULDN'T YOU?" he said, nearly yelling the last words. A bit of spit hit me on the cheek.

That did not make me happy.

I dropped the nozzle and suit jacket and grabbed the back of K's head and brought it down on my knee, then against the door. Several times. I let go, grabbed the front of his shirt instead, and slung him to the ground, then proceeded to kick him a few times. I wasn't sure his ribs were broken, so I stomped on his chest a few times for good measure.

He had lost consciousness. A blessing, maybe. Rummaging around I found my cell phone and made a call.

"Move K Lightingale from Unaware to Revealing. Yes. Yes, a lobotomy is advisable. And begin to take steps towards the dismantling of Neutrality."

I hung up, and with a sigh, left K, sprawled on the floor.


It had been a good beginning, all things considered.

< Message edited by Goldstein -- 2/13/2012 19:12:32 >
Post #: 24
3/8/2012 17:35:15   

"Dealer we have a problem." Hissed one of his uniformed agents. The Dealer lit a cigar.

"Yes what is it? Spit it out old bean!"

"Aceint Darkness and Doctor Nflusane never made it to the arena. What should we do master?" The dealer walked over to a desk and picked up a list that had the name of almost eves smasher, secret agent, or etc on it.

"Hmm lets see. Who would be a good replacement?" The Dealer skimmed over the list with a red marker in hand. After a few minutes or so he circled two names. "Send some people out to find a shrine to the gods. See if they can summon Velmur the peace god. Also take the Phyicpow Dome 1330 and use it to send a mental message to Celstein. Remember we need them here quickly!" The agent left the room as The Dealer looked through the window down at the course.

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 3/8/2012 17:44:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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