The Finnish Phoenix
yuno44907: Electric Arc isn't that good since it can seldom run its full course in a duel because the characters that can use it have relatively weak defence, and for most of them it interferes with their main strategy (that being (Super)Charged combos) since it isn't an attack card which also means it can't be Surged or Energized. If it isn't drawn in your first hand, chances are it won't run its course. Even when it's 200-300% efficiency, it's only a multiplier on 4 energy, whereas a SuperCharged combo can potentially convert 20 energy at over 200% efficiency instantly (over 4000 damage). This is why Resonance with 5 Electric Arc CC's can (and generally does) lose to more conventional Energy characters' attack combos. I tried to make use of Hex Void's second Electric Arc in the Energy Tournament, but most of the time a simple 500 attack was more versatile for the 4 energy. Electric Arc is particularly ineffective when drawn near the end of a duel, where it does 0-50% of its cost. Incinerate is a good card, but it's not better than it has to be within the context of an element with no charge card, no stuns, and weak defence. Fire as an element is one of the weakest in the game at the moment and needs Incinerate to stay in the hunt. Void Rebirth is by far their best character and it relies on another element. Fire also has to deal with the fact that all of its characters besides dual-elementals, certain Apprentices, and LoveWeaver have two or more copies of Inferno, which is actually the worst card in the game in my opinion as there's no way to boost it, it's so rarely useful, and so often a meagre 75% efficiency. Ice Orb and Snow Orb are not meant to be used every time they come up. They're finishers that can be discarded when they don't apply without much of a problem since good Ice characters can convert the rest of their energy quite consistently and efficiently through Ice Wall and Shatter. So while it takes 22 energy in total to do 2000 damage through Ice Orb and 11 to do 1000 with Snow Orb, Ice characters can consistently pull this off at times when it's to their benefit (especially on the tail end of a Freeze that's activated their Shatters and gained them 3 energy before their opponent can have a say).
< Message edited by The Finnish Phoenix -- 10/4/2014 14:09:17 >