Yes, Iron hide is 4:1 vs slow DoT, which is why it's counter to it, as it's the only shield which is more efficient than DoT Yes, Iron hide should be piercable, Being able to iron hide every turn isn't the main issue, as would only leave 5 mana to attack, or do other actions, being able to restore mana back up to 20 while doing so, is the issue, as that lets damage dealt be more than 5, (or 6 with cat). And jop, you should know yourself it's far from unbeatable, with the 8-9 duels of Reso-VS-Taro, which you've won the majority of,,, I've dueled other people who have used monks with same build, using my 22 attack/3 non attack void, winning despite their iron hide phalanx, from just being able to attack over it, with main losses being from when i drew too many of the non-attack cards, and having close games with my earth fairy who just set up mountain strikes -> double quake, (would be even easier to set up on ice with freeze, or other earth which have petrify), simply because neutral is anti-meta doesn't mean it's overpowered. Counterstike on neutral is pretty terrible(at least on shadow you're +1 mana on it), as it forces you to use 7 mana on a 5/4 and a 5/3 shield, that would be better used individually, as the shield from it is ignored by DoT and Pierce, so at best vs characters that use only physical attacks, you're doing exactly the same as having used vanilla cards. -Resk