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RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Ricobabie

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8/7/2007 0:16:20   
Snuggably SiLvEr!

heya Rico! :D seems they have stolen you from DF and NH and put you here o.O come back! ;_;
Hiya SiLvErWiNg ! I know Falerin stole me for L&L.
oh well :( *snuggles and steals back*
*snuggles runs back to L&L* :P
just came to visit and now that i know the origins of your name, it makes sense (and it's a whole lot better than mine XD)
I like yours^_^It's cool.
see you later! :)
Bye !

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/7/2007 9:35:18 >
Post #: 126
8/7/2007 12:11:11   

*pops up from the ground under Wicobabie*
hello ^_^ got a few new questions for you.
You guys sure like to torture me.
What is the Ultimate Question? (can't remember if i've asked this one already)
Isn't it What's the meaning of life ?
I've seen both versions of Sailor Moon. the Japanese one is much better.
Yup the Japanese one is MUCH better.
I need something new to poke you with... any suggestions?
How about a spoon ?
ooo! I know! *pokes with power katana*
Ouchness. *pokes with Dark Wartexx*
Why isn't katana in Firefox's spellchecker? o.O
Maybe it's because firefox isn't functioning on you.
so... you're a frozen phoenix? *melts wico with megainferno*
*runs away*
I'm running out of questions. Can you think of any?
do you play any board games?
Scrabble !!!!
how about strategy games? my personal favorite is Fire Emblem ^_^
Hmm not much.
do you like any sci-fi?
Not really
hey, waitaminute... your shackles are missing o.O How'd you escape?
Ooops.... *runs back*
please don't frostbite me for giving you shackles that gave you mana burn whenever you tried to cast ._. *hides*
It's ok
do you know what mana burn is? if you call on mana, but don't use it quickly enough, it "burns" you for one damage per point of mana. If you do it too much, you either lose your mind
Really. I should try that sometime ; )
(literally) or die. it's a concept from Magic: the Gathering, a TCG and book series that's far better than yugioh imo (although i do play both). try it sometime :)
*walks away slowly*

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/7/2007 19:31:44 >
AQ DF  Post #: 127
8/7/2007 12:17:54   
Master Guardian

MMMMMGGGGGG !!!!!!11ONE!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i did not mean to put 7 3 times in a row, i just realized it on the third one and didn't fix it
i've just heard people i know saying they spoke different things in canada. from english to french to canadian
i don't know what to ask you
I don't know how to answer :P
1. you know why?
you didn't answer me when i asked what questions you wanted me to ask
I didn't ?
2. what questions do you want me to ask tomorrow?
I have no idea.
uhhhh, what to ask...

3. how are you?
Good my sanity is still ok.
4. A, B, C, or D?
I like the B
5. Have you ever played King of Buttons?
The who ?
6. King of buttons 2?
7. 3?
8. favorite candy?
Belgian chocolate
9. uhhhh orange?
Isn't there only one type of orange ?
10. what's the weirdest question you've ever been asked?
Hmmm I don't think there is a weird one yet.
i'm about to ask you a deep burning question

the answer could decide the fate of millions

you have to think hard about what to answer

you ready?
11. Where's the bathroom?
Ermmm outside the den, down the hall on the right.
that was the question

12. who are you?
Ricobabie ? O.o
13. who am i?
Master Guardian
14. where are we?
On the AE forums ?
15. are you dead?
and now goodbye.....................
*gives rico everything but the kitchen sink*
*gives rico the kitchen sink*
Why do I need the sink for ?
.... wait a minute!

*takes PS3, the tv, and the kitchen sink back*
WOOT !? Not the PS3.
*vanishes with PS3 tv and sink*
Awwww... I wanted the PS3.

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/7/2007 19:54:49 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 128
8/7/2007 14:28:27   

1. Hi again!
Hiya Serby !!!
2. I said did you read my poems not my PMS. I see ya did sonce you commented.
Oh lol
3. Read my story in the Writing Academy!
Just did ; )
4. Favourite type of weather?
Nice cool breeze with no sun. (Yes I'm weird)
5. Favourite place in AQ?
In the game ? Hmmm..... I like Alnaphar.
6. Have you had any hate mail yet?
Nope not yet :P
7. If you get any, direct em ta me! *sharpens cookie blade*
That won't happen :P I would probably report it.
8. Are there forums that only AKs can see?
9. OMG! You could be "poetic/pathetic rhyming mod of Glacius V3!
I know I can ; )
10. Muffins, cake, cookies or an apple?
Cake FTW !!!
11. You said Cake... I can't believe that...
I know :P
12. Bye again!
Later ; )

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/7/2007 20:07:11 >
AQ DF  Post #: 129
8/7/2007 16:39:16   

Hello I'm back, did you happen to see a mad man running around? He has a vampire slayer E avvy and is probably asking questions?
*looks up*
You mean Serby ? He's over there *points*
Don't bother I saw him.
Settled down a bit?
Yupper. Getting use to it. I feel more comfortable now than the first day ; )
You really should be poetic/pathetic rhyming mod of Glacius V3! [stupid stolen catch phrase]Believe it![/stupid stolen catch phrase]
I see you are getting the hang of editing other people's posts, and not only here.
(I would go as far as to say almost every post in Glacius would be edited by you if you had the chance. If I dared to do that.)
Nah I only edit spam, and posts that violate the rules.
Now comment some more on my story in the WA
Just did ; )
You are in one of my two newest poems, do you like the feeling of being famous?
I'm famous !? Since when ? O.o This is ever so strange.
So, I'll see you around.
*Runs after Serb*

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/7/2007 20:09:25 >
AQ  Post #: 130
8/7/2007 17:00:26   
Time to be a [BIG SHOT]

Wow you got more Pages then In Media Res in the Pedia lol
I do ? O.o
He/She only got 3 Pages!

< Message edited by Zhoaer -- 8/7/2007 20:59:31 >


DF AQW  Post #: 131
8/7/2007 20:36:17   

I can't flame you, that's "Harassing an AK" and I'd get Banned.
You can't flame me, that's "Harassing the cooliest member on the Forum" you'd get IP Banned.
So is this also a True or False question ? O.o This is ever so confusing.

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/7/2007 20:38:35 >


To the above poster: "That's what she said."
Post #: 132
8/7/2007 23:41:38   

This is probably the last time L&L will be graced by my presence just so ya know. :(
AWW.. come stay in L&L, we're one happy family : )
So that's why I got this for you! *gives present*
Ooo present !
It will open at the end of this post! Yay!
YAY !!!
But first another few questions!

1. WHAT!! is my name?
Paledragon ? O.o
j/k, how would you know that?
It says on your forum name O.o
Real 1. WHAT!! is telekinesis?
The abiltiy to control people's mind.
Would you rather be undead, or a dragon?
Can i pick neither ?
Thoughts on this? http://www.somethingawful.com/d/news/adventure-quest-rpg.php
How ever so strange.
Weird wasn't it?
Ok, after the next line, your box will open.
See ya at Paxia!
I"ll be there ; )
*box opens to reveal shackle key*:)
YAY I can get out now :P Shhh....Falerin doesn't know :P

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 10:58:47 >


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AQ DF  Post #: 133
8/8/2007 0:09:34   

Did I make it? I think I did. . .you hid it so well :P
Yeah I' m a good hider :P Is that even a word ? O.o
1. Heya Rico. /me snuggles
/me snuggles Tensy ^_^
2. Hmmm, power abuse is a good thing or a bad thing?
Very bad thing.
3. If I were to ask you to pick rock paper or scissors right now, what would you pick? I'm always ROCK! :P
So I can't pick rock ? Ermm paper ?
4. Favorite anime? Yes, I realize this probably has been asked, but it's 6 pages XD
Honestly I say Sailor Moon and Ah! My goddess. I like your avy ; )
5. How busy is it here? Reading many good stories? If I were to type up some stories, would you read them with glee?
I like reading them. Some of them are really well written. I would read yours.
6. Ever think about visiting my area of the forums?
I can but I'm not good in Battle Strategies >.>
7. Top three favorite movie and why?
1. POTC - just because Johnny is in there :P It's a really good adventure movie and really funny.
2. Final Fantasy 7:AC - I just love the story. Marlene is uber cute.
3. I know this is lame but I pick Sound of Music >.> I really like the music in there, plus Julie Andrews' singing is amazing.

8. Favorite sport?
I don't do sports.....
9 Like to gamble? Hope so! :D What game?
I'm not old enough to gamble >.> But I probably won't even if I was at the age.
10. Toss a coin right now and tell me the results :P
Thankee for the time :P *Snugs*
/me snuggie again ^_^

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 11:05:21 >
AQ DF  Post #: 134
8/8/2007 2:10:26   
Legendary Blacksmith

Rarely venturing out of the AQ section, I still can't resist in playing in MtAKs... Anyway, congratulations for your AKship!
Still gonna help out in the Q&A and Newbie Help?
Sure. Have I seen you somewhere before ? O.o
Hey hey hey! Almost everybody knows you in Q&A and Newbie Help!

< Message edited by gavin25598266 -- 8/8/2007 22:37:48 >


AQ  Post #: 135
8/8/2007 4:46:16   

1 B4CKZ0R5!
Ever notice how real spammer dont know how to speak 1337?
So I'm not a real spammer eh ?
Anyways, about you explanation of how you got your name, how does babie girlify? babies have a 50% chancde of being a male!
noes >.> Baby as in babe or baby girl or something like that...... I guess >.> this is weird....
Why Frozen? Does everything you touch turn to ice, like that Greek King that makes everything utrn into Gold?
Well Frozen because I'm in Glacius silly ! ; )
History buff?
Who buff ? O.o
How does Nix get first post so many times? I only got one (For AGWing).
Maybe Nix is a robot XD
Anyways, g2g, cya.

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 11:07:25 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 136
8/8/2007 9:48:58   

hehe, i'm gonna post again. *gives lady wicobabie greetings punt*
Ouchness. What's with the punting and stepping on me.....
So are you gonna punt me back?
No I can't punt people.
For answering the question above, i just punted you!
T_T *runs to teh corner and cries*
Favourite chocolate?
Belgian chocolate. Yummy....
Can i punt you again and again?
DO you promise to give me the rice cake of yummyness that i asked for?
am i even allowed to post here twice? o.O
*punts lady wicobabie, giggles and runs away*
do you like Linkin Park? my favourite
Not really.....
favourite food?
notice that your beanie baby is missing yet? what, i didn't take it!
WOOT !!?!?!? Who tooke it !??! *sends out an army for phoenix to look for missing beanie baby*
*gives lady wicobabie goodbye punt*
* after some severe puntings, pokes wicobabie with my scythe *
*pokes with my Reign Bringer*
and if you change your mind about the rice cakes, PM me

Okie Dokie.

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 11:09:53 >


AQ  Post #: 137
8/8/2007 13:20:54   

Haha you have not answered everyone yet!

I"m doing it now :P

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 17:25:16 >
Post #: 138
8/8/2007 13:48:53   

o.O here we go again. *has change of heart and snugglez*

Are mangos that good?
Of course !
i confess, i took your beanie babie. i'll trade you it for a rice-cake.
Ok fine. *gives rice-cake*
You don't like being punted? *stares at lady wicobabie's bruised rear and legs*
*Takes a rice cake, giggles aand runs*
do you hate the bratz movie? i made a thread about it in the OCC
*punts self for lady wicobabie*
Ouch. My arm.....
Ha! *punts beanie babie, then snugglez it*
O_O Ze !! MINE !!!!!
you like hockey?
Not really.
am i allowed to PM you about the rice cakes of doom, i mean, yummyness?
I guess you can.
Can i have a rice cake now?
I already gave you one.
haha, this is the 3rd time i posted here!
I can see that : )
Me and you in a imaginary post fight? i star t* chokes wico*
o wellz, byeas. *gives goody-bye snugglez*


< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 17:28:12 >
AQ  Post #: 139
8/8/2007 14:57:54   
Day Malrone

Ever been interested in Falconry?
Interested in politics or do you keep out of it?
I try to avoid it.
Favourite cheese?
Cheese ? O.o Mozzirella (sp?)
Do you like Dolly Parton?
Who's that ?
I won't type that out, it's too long :P
Read the new Harry Potter book yet?
I don't really like Harry Potter >.>
Nelson Mandela, terrorist or freedom fighter?
Freedom Fighter.
Bye for now, off to Newbie Help to try and beat hinkpink to all the good questions.
You guys, it's NOT a competition of who answers questions. The point there is to help those in need not to race and go for the rewards.

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 17:30:34 >
AQ  Post #: 140
8/8/2007 15:00:36   

Yo Ricobabie!!!
Yo !
should my questions be questions be answers?
Ooo try answers, that way I can do the questions.
If there was a change in the atmosphere, would oranges be coconuts?
when you fly a plane, do you ride into the next reality?
I guess so.....
do you want to see a sword which is really a whale that is not a whale but actually a sword?
What ?
will you spread the word of my dreaded Mtak questionS?

how DARE you?
Dare me what ?
Having fun?
Yeah you're questiosn are quite interesting taht I can't even type properly.
let's begin then!
Having fun?
You already asked that.
deja vu? have it!

d-d-d-do y-you t-t-talk n-normally?
fo uorsec :P
Well, I do!
Later ; )

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 17:34:15 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 141
8/8/2007 16:06:26   

I r teh back.
I r teh back t00 !
Did you know you defined telekinesis wrong? It's actually the ability to move things with your mind. Just had to point it out. :P
OOPS !!!ONE111!!!
Am I in your Address Book?
What condiment are you especially fond of?
Nothing really.....
How many threads have you locked so far?
About 15 I think.
Are you gonna be patrolling other boards, too?
well I patrol Paxia too : )
What's your favorite color?
Purple and blue.
What's your favorite ride at a carnival/amusement park?
Oooo....the water slides :P
Is being homosexual wrong?
I don't think it's wrong, it's natures way of making thigns different ; )
That's it. Maybe I'll come back for thirds. Or two and a halves...if that's even possible...
Cool ! Halves !

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 17:37:07 >
Post #: 142
8/8/2007 16:12:38   

Can you comprehend the advanced gyrokinetic values of pi and similar mathematical prowess'?
The who ?
Can I comprehend the advanced gyrokinetic values of pi and similar mathematical prowess'?
The what ? and what ? O.o
Can Regis Philbin comprehend the advanced gyrokinetic values of pi and similar mathematical prowess'?
Is this english ? :P

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 17:38:27 >
AQ DF  Post #: 143
8/8/2007 16:52:09   
Master Guardian

apple !
1. Aren't you clad i didn't say hi?
you mean glad.
2. why do you almost always edit posts now?
cuase it's easier that way :P
3. will i be able to post tomorrow?
yeah but it ends tomorrow night.
4. will i be able to pm you more questions?
I prefer not to receive PMs with questions....
5. what's the weirdest question to ask you?
Hmm the guy above you.
6. this is that question
The what ? O.o
7. are you ever gonna run in glacius elections?
Not anymore ; )
8. ever seen Ripley's believe it or not?
9. favorite subject?
MUSIC !!!!
10. least favorite subject?
Math -_-
you squish lucky cricket
ewww a cricket !!! *runs around panicking*
11. what temperature do you consider to be hot?
above 27 degrees celcius
12. when is your birthday?
June 1st
13. If our planet is inhabited with creatures made by God...is it possible that there's another planet inhabited with creatures made by the Devil?
I guess so.

*stands there*
I thought you were leaving.
14. what? why are you looking at me like that?
There's something on your face :P
15. What are you doing?
Smacking the fly off your face *smacks*

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 17:42:19 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 144
8/8/2007 17:29:32   
The Game
Pegasus Overlord

Hey! It's me again! ^_^
The Rating Centers Thread is turning into a barren wasteland, I haven't gotten a request in 6.5 hours in my center.
I guess you'll just have to wait.
Anyways, on to the questions

1) Now do you know who I am?
Yes I have seen you over at NH a few times.
2) How do you feel about Global Warming?
Oh gosh -_- it's making it really hot >.<
3) Do you like locking threads?
Locking the random ones are the only good part :P
4) How do you feel about Guerilla Warfare?
No comment.
5) Your feelings about Aerodu.
It was my first clan ; )
6) How do you feel about pie?(The edible one)
I like cakes better though.
7) How do you feel about pie?(Non Edible one)
I like this moogles.
8) If you were a chicken, would you eat yourself?
9) Did you read my new guide on mage weapons which is located in the pending section?
Not yet, I will.
Well, that's all I got!
Later ; )

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 19:16:31 >
AQ  Post #: 145
8/8/2007 18:40:15   

I have to post last!
You're not last now.
Will I become an AK? Yes or no.
That I have no idea, and if I knew that information cannot be disclosed.

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 19:17:08 >
Post #: 146
8/8/2007 19:11:52   

hehe, yes! my 4th post here! *snuggles and hugs lady wicobabie*
does toronto own london, ontario?
Hmm I guess it does :P
if i'm canadian and your canadian, does that mean i own you?
No :P
can i borrow your beanie-babie for a night of torture a punting?
* eats rice cake with massive and evil grin on face *
like my posting colour?
Sure I think Magic's is similar to yours.
takes beanie-babie and forces rice cake down its throat
i hope the incredably cute beanie babie isn't the killer whale, cuz if it is, puntation!
That one isn't.
i like mango too. i don't like cutting it up though.
My mom cuts it up :P
you play gameboy or any other consoles?
PS2 and Wii
do you like my sig?
haha. 11th question wasted!
do you like mario?
It's ok.....
* does the almost-time-to-snuggle dance *
*does the funny dance :P*
haha. rate me on a scale of 1 to 1!
1 ?
good byeas * gives good bye snuggle, for second time *
if i can make it here by 9 in the morning, i'll post again

IT ends tomorrow night ; )

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/8/2007 19:20:27 >
AQ  Post #: 147
8/9/2007 4:07:17   
Beta Dragon Rider

You an AK too now, eh? *Sigh* When do I become one... oh well, time decides. bballman, Cubal, you... so many new Mods I've known when they were normal forumites.
So, here's the questions:

1) Do you need something to become a Mod, say age?
2) How the heck do you even become a Mod?
Ermm I'm not a mod. I'm an AK. Mods are picked out usually from the current AK crew.
3) What would happen if my dragon friend here BBQ'd your whale plushie?
I would kill your dragon friend :P
4) Green or red?
Green looks more soothing.
5) Is there a thread or something that says how to get a title (say "Creative" etc.)?
Not really.
6) Weird order these questions are in, eh?
they are ? O.o
7) Do you like 1337 speek? I don't...
Meh not bad.
8) Well, I've got no more questions. This was just a waste of space, my last "question".
Later ; )

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/9/2007 18:59:49 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 148
8/9/2007 4:44:16   

Resistence is futile Help is not at hand
Hello enjoy your stay (Good cop Bad Cop)

1.Who appointed you AK
2. Do you live in the States and if so which one
I live in Canada O.o
3.Republican or Democrat
3.5 What is your current or previous Occupation
I'm a high school student if that counts.
4.If you were a kitchen utinsil what would u be and Y
A fork seems good, I have spikes :P
4.5. Rambo vs Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
5.Dream Car
I have no clue.
6.Dream Holiday
A week in Paris.
7.Fav Food
8.First thing you'd do as president
I was the president ? How come I didn't know.
9.H.M hrs on DF/AQ a wk
10.Will you play MQ
12.What class would you be if AQ world was real
13.You like my sigs?? (Reens like Sigs)
14.H.M Hrs on Forums
like forever :P
15.Method of Travel (E.g Flying Banana)
A car ?
16.Most wanted Pet
A killer whale !!!
17.Three things you'd take on a Deserted Isle
I like it ? O.o/color]
18.If u were a Kitchen utinsil what would u be and Y
Hmm didn't you ask this already ?
19.Dr Pepper?
=It Flew=

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/9/2007 19:03:14 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 149
8/9/2007 5:57:26   

1. Heyas :3
FEI !!!!
2. *AHEM* Grats on becoming AK. Very, very well deserved.
2. What languages do you speak?
English, Chinese, French
3. Cats, dogs, birds, snakes, goldfish, or mouse as pets?
4. Do you like driving cars?
I can't drive O.o
5. Favorite book ever?
Angels Fall by Nora Roberts
6. Favorite game ever?
Final Fantasy 10
7. Most exotic food you've eaten.
Does lobster count ?
8. Salt or sugar?
10. O___O or >___<?
>____< seems more entertaining.
11. Scariest movie you've ever seen
The Ring
12. Yup, thats about it!
Okie Dokie then.
13. Hugs hugs, cya <3

< Message edited by Ricobabie -- 8/9/2007 19:05:26 >
AQ  Post #: 150
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