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RE: The Nautican Amphitheatre

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3/2/2012 15:38:07   

O.K., I'll PM you and you can tell the other Geotians.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 326
3/5/2012 15:29:54   

Congrats on holding the line this week Nautica!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 327
3/13/2012 15:57:04   

Ok, plan tuesday I guess? If anyone has a better name for it, speak up and be heard!

Anyways, Dynami's not screwing around anymore. This weekend is it! We fight or die!!!

Good news, we're importaint enough to kill. And being THAT intemidating/ hated is the most a clan can ask for (except for victory, but lets face facts... That ship is pretty much gone.)

Hope everyone knows how powerfull and effective Algern's Carapass is VS. Dynami, and I'll be there for our final glorious battle! (probly)


A Nautican Werewolf.... What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 328
3/13/2012 23:13:43   
Spanish Inquisition

Good luck Deth. Fight the good fight.
AQ  Post #: 329
3/27/2012 12:45:56   

Allright, Dynami is taking Aerodu spaces and it's not looking good for the 2 remaining clans (sorry Glacious, you're not active.) Dynami's just been opening a crap-load of wins every week and I'm REALLY curious as to how? The Algern's Carapass armor is effective aginst them and it's not like they have rediculously powerfull enemies.... Apparently they just have alot of active members that they just PM every week to war-monger thier defence score, but I'm not 100% sure they aren't pulling some kind of trick, glitch, or cheat on the system.

Maybe it's because Nautica's out of the game, but something tells me there's something going on behind the scenes when a single clan can gain 5,000+ wins a day with three other clans trying to bring that number down. The most likely explemation is that they are playing on multiple screens and alternating clicking attack so they can get 2 or 3 hits in before they finish the first character's animation.... Not that there's anything wrong with doing that, but I have my suspicions about what else they could be doing.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 330
3/27/2012 15:11:08   

You're absolutely right! I had my suspicions about Dynami all along. They can't be pulling off these amounts of victories without cheating. Perhaps someone should confront them to see what they have to say about it in their defence?
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 331
3/27/2012 19:36:43   
Riffus Maximus

It's not like it's the first time they are accused/suspected of that. It's just that they have a lot of active players playing on multiple characters. Just like Glacius used to do back then when they were ruling the contests.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 332
3/27/2012 19:46:19   

I'm just kind-of suspicious when there's so many wins at once and no activity on thier own fourms.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 333
3/27/2012 22:32:48   
Riffus Maximus

There's about 4-5 active Dynami members at the Paxian Private Forums. I wouldn't say that they are inactive, quite the contrary, I believe they are the most active clan of all Paxia. It's been a while us old-timers have taken activity to the Private Forums, since there's less restrictions on topic subjects than here.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 334
4/3/2012 19:28:07   

Well, Dynami has taken Aerodu teritory and are slowly creeping across the map like a drunken starfish with a busted jetpack. Aerodu, keep it up and they won't last much longer... hopefully....

Well that's basicly it and about this weekend's Aerodu space Dynami will predictably attack....
*plugs a squid guitar into an amplifier*
*puts on sunglasses for epic reference*

"THEY'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT, NO THERE NOT GONNA TAKE IT!!! DYNAMI'S NOT GONNA TAKE *Aerodu strategic clan territory for this fourm game by overwelming them* ANYMORE!!!" *Instramental break*
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 335
4/3/2012 20:03:50   

You know, we would be insulted that you're calling us a drunken starfish with a busted jetpack, but it's actually more insulting yourself because that aforementioned starfish kicked your butts.

< Message edited by DigDog -- 4/3/2012 20:04:12 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 336
4/3/2012 20:08:36   

I'm comparing how quickly you CONQUOR stuff to a drunken starfish.... WITH a broken jetpack, mind you. When you include the jetpack, you're dealing with some serious buisiness....

Almost like an angery buisinessman with a bag of staples.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 337
4/3/2012 20:15:36   

Good thing we're not an angery buisinessman then.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 338
4/3/2012 23:07:49   
Spanish Inquisition

This conversation is bringing to light some serious buisiness.
AQ  Post #: 339
4/3/2012 23:45:26   

This serious buisiness is making me angery.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 340
4/4/2012 17:00:27   

Oh you Dynamians.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 341
4/4/2012 20:54:01   

Lighten up, Dig. Your starting to some-what contradict yourself in a round-about way.


you're dealing with some serious buisiness....

Almost like an angery buisinessman with a bag of staples.


This serious buisiness is making me angery.

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 342
4/5/2012 21:43:44   
Spanish Inquisition

Don't mind him deth, he's just angery that he's round in a round-about way.
AQ  Post #: 343
4/5/2012 22:58:59   

Not completely round, just some-what.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 344
4/10/2012 18:36:17   

OK, plan time. So this one's going to be short. Dynami won and Geoto failed.... Never underestimate polar bears. See you next week! (No offence Geoto.)

Stay sharp fellow guardians (except Dynami, your so powerfull you can afford to stop fighting) and to quote Albert Einstein:

May the odds be ever in your favor! Now to go wing-walking.

Unfortunately, if my knolage of history is accurate, the odds were NOT in his favor.

< Message edited by dethhollow -- 4/11/2012 21:38:14 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 345
4/10/2012 20:43:20   



AQ DF MQ  Post #: 346
4/11/2012 22:54:43   

Forget the Earth clan that`s the clan of purple shiny rock!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 347
8/14/2012 21:48:04   

Come-on Nautica, it's been FOUR months! Even if it's something dumb, let's get some activity up in here! I know there's at least two other Nauticans out there.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 348
8/20/2012 21:38:53   
Rising Darkness

Weeeeellllll, I guess I could post more, but there is little to keep me interested. But if you have any ideas, I'm fair game. Maybe we should come up with Nautica Gear, or a Clan quest. Maybe have a quest to the bottom of the ocean, and unlock a nautica armor's new secret special ability.
AQ DF  Post #: 349
8/20/2012 23:25:24   
Spanish Inquisition

Maybe they all drowned?
AQ  Post #: 350
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