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RE: The Nautican Amphitheatre

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9/6/2007 1:16:11   

I still don't see why everybody is so upset about this. So we have to have our contests in the contest forum, what's wrong with that? It's just like having Canu'r Delyn in the L&L forum. Paxia just branches out into other parts of the forums is all. What we need here in the Nautica subforum is stickies to include links to all the places where we're holding events. That way people come here first to see where things are going on, then just click to wherever the event is happening. The clan forums become the hub of all the other clan-related threads.

It's not hard, people, we don't need to move to another forum just because we can't dump everything into this one tiny area. Paxia was never meant as an excuse to let users subvert the universal forum rules. Which is what has been happening.

What we need are delegates from our clan who will volunteer to keep track of one thread each. Say for example we have one person in charge of a clan suggestions thread in the suggestions forum, keeping that up to date. Another couple people in charge of clan games to go in the UCaG forum. Another to watch over Canu'r Delyn. And if the Coral Reef ever gets locked and moved to the GoCA, we'd need a representative there.

We can do this!
AQ DF  Post #: 51
9/6/2007 14:06:38   
Sir Gnome

Well... People joining the PFs seems very high at the moment. If it turns out that is acutally a dud, then i will return here in full force, and help expand this web of links radiating out from here. For now though, i'm devoting time to the PFs, although i am keeping on top of all duties here!

EDIT: Ok, i've had a change of heart - i'll take on both things at once, get a bit more active! I'll hapily take over the suggestion part of your idea Lkeas, do you think we could get a =Nautica= tag on that thread?

< Message edited by Sir Gnome -- 9/6/2007 14:12:56 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 52
9/6/2007 15:02:16   

also branching out into other forums are a great way to draw attention to Nautica and Paxia to make it more active!

If the reef gets locked I'll keep charge of it in the GoCA....I've still got a updated copy of the code, so that wont be a problem.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 53
9/6/2007 15:30:06   
Sir Gnome

Just in addition to my above post, i'll happily go along with the spreading out idea, as long as we're allowed to put =Nautica= at the top of everything - can you, as an AK, allow that Lkeas? (even if its only for threads we used to have here, not future ones)
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 54
9/6/2007 16:58:10   

Well... I can't really tag threads in other forums since I only have AK powers here and in Speculations and Theories. If you want to make a suggestions thread in the suggestions forum, we should make sure your thread gets linked in one of these sticky threads so people can just click and find it easily. How about that? We can use pretty colors and fancy fonts and everything.
AQ DF  Post #: 55
9/6/2007 17:11:23   
Sir Gnome

Lol... ok, fair enough. I will make that at some point later this week - the first project will be the old Quest Design one, and we won't do anything else until that is finished, just as it would be a shame to fall at the final hurdle on that one!

EDIT: This is on one condition - i can rope you in to do a bit of your great artwork on that particular project

< Message edited by Sir Gnome -- 9/6/2007 17:13:05 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 56
9/6/2007 17:37:07   

Haha crazy guy. If I have time I won't mind helping out, just remember I've been pretty busy planning wedding stuff.

Ok, so I've checked with several AKs and they seem to think it'll be fine for us to host clan contests in the UCaG forum even though the rule says all games must be open to include every forum member. Rico said Igneus clan hosted a game there and nobody seemed to mind. So we should be good to go if we want to challenge another clan on stuff!

The only question remaining is the art contests. SCAKK says he talked to Grafh and art-related contests should go in the GoCA, not UCaG. I'm not sure where they would go, though, we're still looking into that. There is a Digital Arts battle section but I don't want to interupt the GoCA artist tournaments with Paxia events since only one contest can be held at a time there. I'll let you know as soon as I find anything out!
AQ DF  Post #: 57
9/6/2007 21:29:40   

ok wut r we talking about here
Post #: 58
9/6/2007 22:43:27   

Nautica stuff, ok, Lkeas, PM me when you get the answer so I can move the thread to that area, we might have to live with this.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 59
9/7/2007 12:44:37   
Sir Gnome

Ok, Nautican Suggestions is up! As i said, its only the Void War thing for now, but will expand later - lets get the old one finished soon!


ALSO, first post updated - Read!!

< Message edited by Sir Gnome -- 9/7/2007 12:50:58 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 60
9/7/2007 17:01:35   

Hey, I updated your link on the first post to go directly to the suggestions thread rather than the suggestions forum, that should make it easy to access! I was worried about what Cubal said about collaborative suggestion threads, but I guess it's all worked out now, yeah?
AQ DF  Post #: 61
9/7/2007 18:18:15   

Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest

Yay, Natuica's active again! And Lkeas is also here! So much fun to but y'all :P

Anyways, case y'all didn't know, the new suggestions thread is up for the Paxia Project.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 62
9/7/2007 19:31:32   


It's not hard, people, we don't need to move to another forum just because we can't dump everything into this one tiny area. Paxia was never meant as an excuse to let users subvert the universal forum rules. Which is what has been happening.

I agree!... Let the record show I don't have an account over there.

P.S. Sir Gnome, can you please give us a link to the actual thread? I can't find it .
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 63
9/7/2007 19:54:10   

This is the link here:


I fixed the link in the first post of the amphitheatre. The question is, do we want the Amphitheatre to be the big hub of all the major links for our projects and activities? Or do we want a separate sticky?

If we keep all the threads here, we should make the links big enough and in their own section so people know where to go. Maybe use colors and fancy fonts like how we have the Coral Reef organized. We could also think about creating a banner for the Amphitheatre, an underwater gathering place. What do you think?
AQ DF  Post #: 64
9/7/2007 20:02:42   

Thanks Lkeas..

As for having a hub, we already have the FAQ... So I'm going to have to be Neautrel on that one... But If we do have one I'll be happy to run it, the reef hasn't been active recently so I don't have to much on my plate right now.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 65
9/7/2007 20:25:39   

Aye, I can make a new section with links to the Nautica "branches" (a link to the board and then names of the Nautica threads there (or I could link them in the names).

I've calmed down a bit, just... y'know... feelings start to burn quite heavily when stuff like that happens (and considering how long we've had those threads) (and I won't PM Reens, she already posted anyway and SCAKK have answered my PM as well soehh...).

I'll start working on the new section (it's gonna be close on top) with links and all, but if ya start a new thread in one of the other boards, then please post it on the FAQ thread... I'm not gonna start running around everywhere (it would be pretty hard too >,>).
AQ  Post #: 66
9/8/2007 2:42:56   
Sir Gnome

I'm very happy to make this thread a hub, and i will make a nice shiny 'out of Nautican forum' list, with good link descriptions and everything. Apologies about that link, i didnt realise i'd done it to suggestions instead of the thread!

An Amphitheatre banner would be FANTASTIC - but then again its more work for our long-suffering artists! But if they want to do it, it would be very much appreciated

EDIT: First post update, see last section especially. Is that large and shiny enough, or do you want something more?

< Message edited by Sir Gnome -- 9/8/2007 2:53:56 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 67
9/8/2007 8:11:31   

OFF TOPIC: you used the [shiny][/shiny] tags, right?

ON TOPIC: We should probably move the art competition somewhere.....But where to put it....
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 68
9/8/2007 11:21:10   

Well, if worst comes to worst, we could put it in the PF, if not I'm awaiting word from Lkeas where to put it, as for a central hub, the way that I read Lkeas's post, I think that she was offering to make the banner, although I'm not sure, I think that it would be good to have a central hub, even the Greek people had gathering places to make distions ex. and they have our "Ideal goverment"
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 69
9/8/2007 13:07:15   

Are there gonna be Clan wars or sumthin?


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 70
9/8/2007 14:03:34   


The clans have more or less developed clan Neutrality
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 71
9/8/2007 14:05:53   
Sir Gnome

Hey Nirtro7k! There's not much going on in-game for Paxia at the moment, but we forumites have got some good things in the suggestions forum - look here and here, and you'll see what i mean. In the meantime, feel free to contribute to Nautican events - the front post of this, our Oraganisational thread, is definitely a good place to start. I look forward to seeing you arround!

Unless people really want it in the Q/A, i'm gonna keep this as our linky hub, and if we had a nicy [shiny]banner[/shiny] to go with it, that would be great! (a new sig for me! hehe).
In terms of Art Comp threads, either way we're not 100% sure of what we're gonna do - we need somewhere we can discuss who to challenge, and to what, and then we really would want a new thread to hold the actual competition in. When it comes to it, i'll go around inviting judges from other clans and so on and so forth (and trying to improve my horrific voting system!)
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 72
9/8/2007 17:45:41   

And check out the FAQ now that you are at it (it's a sticky), you'll learn a few things there.

Also, seems like we'll have two link hubs, I'm making one in the FAQ as well (actually, already made one :P). But mine will be Nautica only, the more "All-of-Paxia" stuff won't be taken in (so it's really smart if it's here).
AQ  Post #: 73
9/8/2007 17:59:11   
Sir Gnome

Fantastic. Well done Birdy! (now get on with that spell check )
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 74
9/8/2007 18:03:36   

Heh, well, I'll stand back for a little, and watch untill my Mentor Student thread gets active or I get word where the art contest should go...

Genoclysm is an AK!!!
Genoclysm is an AK!!!
Genoclysm is an AK!!!

That makes 6 (I think) Nautican AK's!!!

< Message edited by Hyrdocannon47 -- 9/8/2007 18:25:14 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 75
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