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RE: =AK= The Ultimate Favorite / Least Favorite Thread!

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11/7/2009 1:13:23   

Favorite/Least favorite weapons:Tonbo-Giri/Star wand
Favorite/least favorite Armor:Soul Banisher and Fujin Plate/Werewolf form9the one from Willow creek...with the pig nose)
Favorite/least favorite pet:Pumpkin Golem/ any vampragon
favorite spell Summon Wooly Thoctar...unfortunately I can't get the last version of it

Least favorite of anything: the free player server cap, just when I'm almost able to get on it switches from 4000 to 3500, NOOOOOOO
EDIT:The free player cap hates me, it jumped from 6000 to 7500 and just when there were 7477 people it jumps back to 6000...AAAAGH!!!

Most desired items Soul banisher Form, Fujin Plate, and Summon Wooly Thoctar V(rare,NOOOO)

< Message edited by glaisaurus_x -- 11/7/2009 17:08:12 >
DF MQ  Post #: 326
11/13/2009 21:17:29   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Blade of Awe/ Steel Sword[The warrior,adventurer no drop weapon]
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour:Golden Plate/ Nemesis Plate
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Golden Shield/ Wooden Shield
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Dinozard NOMNOMNOM/ Agua Purge
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet:Fairy Godmum/ Moglo-habitat
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Walric or Poelala/ Artix
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Power Shard IV: Hogg/ The price changing miscs
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: Exodus Items/ Bad luck blade
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest:Nightbane's Castle/ DragonClaw Island
Favorite / Least Favorite Event:Frostvale+most wars/ Harvest Festival+boring wars
Favorite / Least Favorite Monster: Zombie and all other zards+most dragons/ King Frost,Goggs

Most desired / undesired of all items:Exodus Items/ 100% special ranged items
Most desired / undesired non-rare:Kindred Set/ Guardian Blade
Most desired / undesired weapon: Parvana/ Terror Eater
Post #: 327
11/24/2009 23:11:31   

Favorite NPC: Xyphos
AQ  Post #: 328
12/2/2009 0:09:45   

Favorite Rare: Coraline Promotion Items
AQ Epic  Post #: 329
12/2/2009 5:25:18   
Silently watching...

Favorite Class: Assassin! ... without a doubt!
AQ  Post #: 330
12/2/2009 17:02:37   
Legendary AK!!!

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Nemesis Mace / Any spell summoning weapon (except Sila's Staff)
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour:Golden Plate / Scholar outfit
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Reign Defender / ....
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: AMR3 / Summoning Spells
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Any Mhurble / ... (I'm a BMM, I like all pets) :D
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: BM class pets, mostly Shark and Frog (otherwise Tiger and Snake) / ... (same reason as above).
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Power Shard: Dr.Boom VI / ...
AQ DF  Post #: 331
12/10/2009 0:58:00   

Favourite/Least Favourite Weapon: SuperPsychoBlade lvl 50/Wooden Staff
Favourite/Least Favourite Armour: Necromancer Clokes/Flower Armour
Favourite/Least Favourite Shield: none
Favourite/Least Favourite Pet: Azamay Sandstone Golem/none
Favourite/Least Favourite Shield: Anxiety Totem/none
Favourite/Least Favourite Spell: Galvawk's Duty/Blaze
Favourite/Least Favourite Guest: VampireSlayer E/Vulgar
Favourite/Least Favourite Misc: Azamay Runestones/none
Favourite/Least Favourite Rare: Panic Armour/none
Favourite/Least Favourite Quest: Volu's Pride/Thunder Mountain
Favourite/Least Favourite Event: Ruins of Rundlecrum/none

Most desired/undesired of all items: Pumpkin Golem/none
Most desired/undesired non rare: Shadow Cloak/Flower Armour
Most desired/undesired weapon: Beautiful Oblivion/Shotgun Blade

< Message edited by Stoksy -- 12/12/2009 3:42:16 >
Post #: 332
4/12/2010 4:35:35   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Terror Eater / Coin's Coin
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Shadow Cloak / Nerfage Plate
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Fujin Shield / Invisible Shield
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Darksplatter Classic / Salad Shooter
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Nerfkitten / Cardinal
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Any BM guest / Artix
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Head of Radius Dragon(HoRD) / none
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: Vampire Nerfbat / Alex's Wand
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: Nightbane's Fortress / none
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: Frostval War / none

Most desired / undesired of all items: Deadeye Cupid / Nerfage Plate
Most desired / undesired non-rare: Terror Araņacabra / Stone
Most desired / undesired weapon: SnowBlind Staff / Long Sword
AQ  Post #: 333
4/12/2010 4:43:59   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon:Sila's staff/Long sword
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour:Golden Plate/leather
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield:Eye of naab/Wooden Shield
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell:Archmage research III/Malevolent Shadow
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet:Nerfkitten/Vampragons
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest:Hitokiri/Twilly
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc:Head of Raydius Dragon/Helm of Drakkonan
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare:None
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest:shadow set quest/Frostval in july
Favorite / Least Favorite Event:None

Most desired / undesired of all items:None
Most desired / undesired non-rare:None
Most desired / undesired weapon:None
AQ  Post #: 334
4/13/2010 20:22:24   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon : Tonbo-Giri / Long Sword
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Kindred's Valiance / Steel Plate
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: CIT / Wooden Shield
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Archmage Research III/ Lightning
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Creptus / ...heh...
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Eldron / Twilly
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Power Shard VI: Hogg/ none
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: Nerfbat/ Idk...Woopie Cushion?
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: NightBain's fortress / Vamp/Werewolf quests
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: Frostval / Harvest Festivale...
Favorite / Least Favorite NPC: (Does Cysero count? Hes Kind of in this game...) NightBain or Nightreign/ Bun-Baron...

Most desired / undesired of all items: Kindred's Valiance/ Wooden Staff
Most desired / undesired non-rare: Kindred's Valiance / Students robes...
Most desired / undesired weapon: Tonbo-Giri / Wooden Staff

Oh and i also Love Lamp...
AQ  Post #: 335
4/13/2010 21:05:14   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: mage blade/ lycan slasher (old and new)
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Obsidian cloak/ lycan
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: I hate them all
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Darksplatter classic/ Darksplatter classic (the first one is a rare, the other one is the one sold by valencia)
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: fairy godmother/ dragonkitten
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Lavistra/ anyone else
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: I have never cared
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: that i own: supernova classic ()() that i used to have then foolishly sold Darksplatter classic / any of the limited time items
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: anyone that i can choose evil/ any one that i cant
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: same as quest

Most desired / undesired of all items: anything from my suggestions/ another limited time item
Most desired / undesired non-rare: same as above
Most desired / undesired weapon: same as above

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 336
4/13/2010 21:19:17   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Boomstick / King tide reaper
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Fujin Plate or Gokar's Gi / War
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: CIT / Spellblocker
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Frightful Weather (F'val spirit armour spell) / shadowbat swarm (darn you Safiros)
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Ceptus / Firewere
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Mogleets or Mirror Ryussei / Zorbak
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Power Shard IV: Hogg / Light orb
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: UNDER Gun / Shadowwolfs (the summon spell)
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: The Mogbusters: Twig's Dilemma / Golden Set Quest (aarrghh!)
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: Frostval!!! / April Fool's

Most desired / undesired of all items: Anthracite Coal Armour !!! /
Most desired / undesired non-rare: Petasnide (lvl100 one) / War Armour
Most desired / undesired weapon: Grim Eater (Not quite lvl102...) / King tide reaper
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 337
6/17/2010 17:07:38   

Favourite NPC: Miss Fixit


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AQ Epic  Post #: 338
6/17/2010 19:52:09   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Mjolnir/Ultimate destroyer
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Grim Raiment/Nemesis plate
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: Frosval Staff/None
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: That quest where Warlic turns into a necromancer/None
AQ  Post #: 339
6/18/2010 5:25:43   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Guardian Oaklore Maul
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Centurion (level 102)
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Pureheart
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell:
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Nerfkitten
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest:
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Powershard: Hogg
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: Frostvale 2009 items
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: Frostvale gift delivery
Favorite / Least Favorite Event:


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DF  Post #: 340
6/19/2010 12:09:25   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Soulcarver / Custom Weapon
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: OBSIDIAN CLOAK FTW!! OR CLOCKWORK ARMOR. :D / Werepyre. Nuff said.
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Starblaze Shield / Mogloo
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: If Wizard specials work, Divine Magic then Fire Wave. / Two sizes too small.
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Nerfkitten. (Is in love.) / Moglo-Habillis. Or however you spell it's name. o3o
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Rhum and Krum. They gonna freeze you good, but burn you badly. ;) / Twilly. He heals me all the time, but it's useless.
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: PET WHISTLE. D< / Those misc items where you have to do a certain pattern to get more money, but couldn't figure it out.
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: I don't.. exactly have a rare. ;_;
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: Transfarmers. Especially the boss. / Shadow Armor quest. -explodes-
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: Return of the Centaurions! / Miss Fixit's quests. I don't like them for some reason. o3o

Most desired / undesired of all items: Shadowcloak I like dark ubers. ;_; / THE SECRET ARMOR. WITH THAT GREEDY LEPRECHAUN.
Most desired / undesired non-rare: BUNNY PJS. But it's gone. D: / Bunny outfit you get for getting a membership at your 0-24. Seriously, you look like a melted chocolate rabbit in that suit.
Most desired / undesired weapon: Shadowspear I like spears that look like Brachiosaurus's fossil. ;_; Or Nemesis Mace / The most undesired weapon in Lore. o3o

< Message edited by Lovelight -- 6/19/2010 12:15:34 >
DF MQ  Post #: 341
6/19/2010 12:14:48   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: AuA/ longsword
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Shadow cloak/ nerfage plate
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Sackleberry special/ none
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Fwying wonder/vortex
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: nerfkitten and FGM/ none
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Poela(the spell increasing one)
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Dr voltbats misc/ none
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: My chestnut
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: None
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: FROSTVALE!

Most desired / undesired of all items: the signs
Most desired / undesired non-rare: Terror armour
Most desired / undesired weapon: mana sceptor

AQ MQ  Post #: 342
10/8/2010 9:35:43   
Underclass Hero

I'm going to do the best/worst items of my active inventory

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Oaklore Bludgeon / Nova Knight Kilij
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Toxic Chimeran Cavalier / Centaurion Custus Form Secundus
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Chieftain's Ironthorn / Asgardian Shield
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Summon Carolin's Mother / Summon Wybie
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Roasted Chestnut / Spirited Hanuboy
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Power Shard VI : Hogg / Helm of Drakonnas

AQ DF  Post #: 343
12/5/2010 12:06:27   

I absoloutley HATE Wyverns.

Reason: Even like level 70 ones have an unfair advantage on me and kill me all the time
AQ DF  Post #: 344
12/5/2010 12:08:46   

I like chimerian(90) and the golden set items and i hate all postsweep monsters. I don't have a favorite or least favorite for the other items.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 345
12/5/2010 12:20:54   
Communicant of the Light Lord


Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Golden Axe / Changing Staff (I don't like random weapons)
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Gokar's Gi / Daulfin Rider
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Chieftain's IronThorn / Seraph (I don't like its looks.)
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Summon Eukara Vox (Do summons count?) / Iceball
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Gween / Gygaf
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Eukara Vox :3 / Zorbak
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Omega Astramorph / Leech Head. Ew.
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: Platinum Edge / Tiny Demon (weird one...)
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: The Restoration / Kragoth Pt. 2
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: Return of the Centaurions! / last BURP war. I hate Tanks.

Most desired / undesired of all items: Classic Dragonhand :3 / Glamdung
Most desired / undesired non-rare: (does that count?) Permanent Dragon Partisan! / Glamdung
Most desired / undesired weapon: Classic DragonHand / Glamdung

AQ  Post #: 346
12/7/2010 2:36:21   
Trash Talker

Favourite Weapon: Totally obsessed with King Tide Reaper, but the Blade Of Awe looks better.
Least Favourite Weapon: LONG SWORD, but as a guardian I hate the Sun Sickle - ugly and the special attack stinks.
Favourite Spell: Definetly Frost Elf Attack.
Least Favourite Spell: Aquabat Swarm.
Favourite Armor: Asgardian Plate foreva!!
Least Favourite Armor: Souviner Boy's T-Shirt, I usually go by he looks and damage hits, although I have it in storage it just looks hidious.
Favourite Misc: Pet Whistle.
Least Favourite Misc: Hard to say... Tea Cup Of LIFFFFFEEEEE.
Favourite Shield: Eye Of Naab, Golden Shield, Chieftain's Ironthorn and Kindred's Prestige.
Least Favourite Shield: Frogzard Shield.
Favourite Pet: Nerfkitten and Fairy Godmother.
Least Favourite Pet: Anxiety Aranacabra :)

Well thats my list. I HATE LONGSWORD!!!

Post #: 347
12/7/2010 10:19:38   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Tonbo giri / crossbows
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Protector Armor(insane with the whole set) and also clockwork/ nove knight Nuff said.
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: heartrender shield / nerfage shield
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: gokar's gi energy fist. / all summons.
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Lil Drac / trobble.
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Diviara and zero-hex/ wolfwing
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: grim visage/ quilon
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: the void dragons / class quests
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: Snugglefest / burp wars
Favorite / Least favourite NPC: radagast and his buddy kholl (whatever his name) / kabroz

Most desired / undesired of all items: shadowcloak, soul banisher set and full mastercrafts / the nerfage set
Most desired / undesired non-rare: beast king jammies and the flowerpets from snugglefest 2008
Most desired / undesired weapon: the permanent darklaw / nerfage stick

AQ DF  Post #: 348
12/7/2010 15:38:34   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon:Changing Staff IV, and Nova Knight Kilij/ BoA
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: GiftBox IV 2010/ Whispering Raiment
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Dread Totem/ Nemesis Shield
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Heal Extreme Wounds/ Umm, every summon spell?
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: GiftBox IV/ Fairy Godmother
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: None/None still :D
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Hogg Misc VI/ Guardian Dragonsblood Charm
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: GiftBox Armor IV 2010/ Opposcythe
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: Fighting Nighreign and Dracopyre training/ Golden Set Quest, all uber set quests, Harvest Festival
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: FrostVale/ Harvest and Mogloween

Most desired / undesired of all items: Er... Oaklore Crusher and Changin Staff V Chimera+ Kindred 105 and 120, Grim Totem/ Guardian Robes
Most desired / undesired non-rare: Oaklore crusher Chimeran./ Umm, i desire all items....
Most desired / undesired weapon: Didn't I say the word 2 times? it's Oaklore Crusher
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 349
1/11/2011 23:02:59   
Trash Talker

Favourite Weapon: Lightning Rod

Least Favourite Weapon: Anxiety Eater

Favourite Spell: Guardian Gnome Stampede

Least Favourite Spell: Salad Shooter

Favourite Misc: Pet Whistle

Least Favourite Misc: Helm Of Drakonnas (Seems pointless, but I have it anyway).

Favourite Armor: Golden Plate

Least Favourite Armor: Werewolf Form

Favourite Shield: Kindred's Devotion

Least Favourite Shield: Agony Shield

Favourite Pet: Tiny Demon

Least Favourite Pet: Chiken

Favourite Rare: Opposcythe VIII, Bunny Jammies and Little Me.

Least Favourite Rare: Bee Bee Gun.
Post #: 350
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