Weapons: Block Hammer (rare) , Dragon Blade (rare) , MANA SCEPTER (rare, man i wish i had this), Sila's Staff/ Long sword (adventurer warrior no-drop), meele weapons Armor: Block Armor (rare) , Golden Plate, Fear, BUNNY JAMMIES (rare) , doomknight (look's amazing), ANTHRACITE COAL ARMOR (rare), ICEFALL (rare, it would be too low leveled but i like the idea) , / Steel Plate, Reign (due to it's super high price and being worse than chimeran), Nemesis, Misc: Bar of Soap (rare), Crucible of Fire (rare), Scrumptious Bora'jee/ anything that buffs mele Spells: Monglin Carolers (rare), Poison arrow, Red Fog/ Illuminate Ultra, any summon spell (this might change as i level up) Pets: Akriloth Plushie, Nerfkitten, Nerfbat (rare :(), Heart hound (rare)/ Bunnybird and Birdbunny Sheilds: Kindred's Devotion, EoN, Frostval Tree Topper (rare), Sackleberry special, GrandTower, spell blocker/ Trampoline Shield (rare) Monsters: Kringle the Barbarian (rare) / Bun Bits...just...Bun Bits, Burps, Banshee's (they steal my mana!!!) NPC's: Assasin in Granemor (u kno the one that goes, what are you looking at), Twilly, TWIG, Nightreign, Nightbane, Falerin, Loco/ Galanoth, Cyrus (for fighting with each other)