Rafiq von den Vielen
Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: PETA DRAGON BUSTER., Platinum Edge, Axe of Agony's Chains / Ultimate Destroyer (can we haz re-art plz?), ValeSword (just... what), Gumblade (eurgh.) Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: The Decimator (I have an absolute thing for Steampunks.), Svadlifari's Oath, Tinkerer / Tharg Hide, Stone, Aqua Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Eternal Twilight's Regalia, Horo-Show Void Vindicator, Bloodthorn Shield / Eye of Naab, Vampiercer, Mega Clover Shield (y u no make sense?) Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Heal Mortal Wounds, Scrambler Ray, PowerWord Soupy Red Fog / Frost, Tendrils of Darkness, PowerWord Whoops Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Soluna, Infernal Djinn, Bungles the Penguin / Birdbunny (whut?), Bunnybird (double whut?), Goldyfish (so huge O_O) Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Shogun&Ansatsu, Halliphax, Amoria / Nezujimbo (Y U NO HIT -_-), Galrick, Krenos Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Legendary Shadow Crystal V1, Minotaur's Pride, ZettaSnide Transformation Formula / Whoopee Cushion (...), Dragonsblood Charm (y u no make sense?), Magic Mirror Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: Platinum Edge (I still have this. So much love. <3), Full Metal Santa, Bungles the Penguin / Bun-Bit pets (Nothing can make me love this annoying critters, not even a million dollars on my bank account. :L) Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: Absolution Saga Part 1, Pool of Immortality, 10th Anniversary Event Favorite / Least Favorite Event: Frostval, Mogloween, Snugglefest / Grenwog (Bun-Bits *shudders*) Most desired / undesired of all items: Moglord Tortress, Moglord Tortress, Moglord Tortress :( / Glamdung Most desired / undesired non-rare: Horde's Ire / Uhm. Most desired / undesired weapon: Four-Leafed Clover Axe / Glamdung