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RE: =AK= The Ultimate Favorite / Least Favorite Thread!

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10/10/2014 10:40:54   
red vector

Favorite Weapon: Custom Spear, but I liked it even better with the golden head, not the vicious hooked head
Favorite Armor: Aesthetically, Horde's Ire. Other, FMG
Favorite Shield: Shield of Awe. It covers more than one element.
Favorite Skill: Either of Chimeran's
Favorite SPell: Seeds of Restoration
Favorite Pet: Fairy Godmother, for obvious reasons
Favorite Misc.: Pendant of The'Galin. Higher accuracy, more HP, stronger pets, and higher defense against an element each round
Favorite Quest: Right now, the Fujin Set quest, for farming gold so I can upgrade my inventory
Favorite Enemy: Seekrat. Finally, someone who doesn't just want world domination!
Favorite Monster: Conceptually, Am-bush and Ghost?, the one that looks like a person wearing a white sheet. For any other reason, any lvl 150 monster I get in RA

Least Favorite Armor: Oracle's Taldosian Robes. Too many of my fights go something like this: *Every turn besides last: One-hit attack with minimal damage until it barely has any HP left. Last turn: Three hit attack with 700+ LS*
Least Favorite Pet: Neko Waifer would probably win this one. I like the effect, but it takes a pretty big damage penalty, when that hammer turret pet from one of Kamui's quests can do the same thing.
Least Favorite Enemy: Truphma. You don't just try to destroy all creativity in the world. You just don't.
Least Favorite Monster: Razorweed, Golems, and Undead Gnats in particular, because it's so hard to hit, but can do more damage than FGM can heal

< Message edited by red vector -- 10/10/2014 10:43:04 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 426
7/2/2017 14:05:36   


Favorite Weapon: Horo-Show Void Vanquisher
Favorite Armour: Shadow Themplar
Favorite Shield: Chieftain's Ironthorn
Favorite Spell: Dracomorgrify
Favorite Pet: Dunamis
AQ AQW  Post #: 427
7/2/2017 18:36:21   

Favorite Weapon: Tie between Hydromancer Bloodblade and Ultimate Dragon Scythe of Elements. One is an awesome water weapon while the other looks amazing and can swap between all the elements.

Favorite Armour: Champion of Sinmaw. It's a kick-butt merman with a weapon you can actually use against water monsters.
Favorite Shield: Celtic Wheel, the Mage's best friend.
Favorite Skill: Hydromancer Bloodmage for ultimate water nuke. Probably the Human Fisher's skill or the Celtic Set's two skills after that. White Knight Z's lance attack is pretty sweet also.

Favorite Spell: Hard to say. Probably all the burst spells.
Favorite Pet: For looks and fitting with my character design, Fishboy. For all-around usefulness, Fairy Godmother.
Favorite Guest: Gokar. Love watching him use the Kamehameha... I mean Zardribargribarg ;)
Favorite Misc: Warlic's Oblivion Sphere. At least, until it got nerfed. It was nice being able to shut down enemy's SP nukes.
Favorite Class: Wizard. But Pirate, Dragon Slayer and Dracomancer all bring up fond memories as well.
Favorite Rare: I have barely any rares, and the ones I have I can't use, lol! Still, I wish I had the Moglord set. That seems cool.
Favorite Mastercraft Set: Three-way tie between Chimeran, Celtic, and Dragon Knight sets. None of them are useful for my build, but they all look cool and have fun MCs.
Favorite Quest: A single quest? I can't even begin to try and pick one, lol!
Favorite Saga: Devourer, no question. It was the biggest, most epic saga AQ has ever seen, and probably ever will. I also love the Dragon Wars, Chessmaster, and Truphma. (Still salty about how the Truphma Saga was rushed/cancelled/thrown out.)

Favorite Event: Frostval. We get an awesome set and a fun quest every year. I like all the yearly events, though.
Favorite NPC: Warlic, the *Original* Archmage.
Favorite Villain: I like the classics. Akriloth, Carnax, and the most ebil of them all, Zorbak ;)
Favorite Deity: Hmm, I never much got into the deities aspect of the game. But I suppose I'd say Lorithia, because your PC is her Chosen. Other than that, the Water Lord, because Clan Nautica forever!

Favorite Monster: Too many to choose from!

Least Favorite Weapon: Can't really think of a least favorite, but I wish there was a top-tier magic trident water weapon, lol!
Least Favorite Armour: Can't really think of one. I will say that I was saddened when the old "Uber" armors started to come out, as it spelled the end of the era of classes being useful.

Least Favorite Shield: Twilight's Regalia. It always says it reduces the accuracy of the foe's strike, but they always hit anyway, lol!
Least Favorite Skill: All of the armor skills that are locked into the element of the armor. To use the armor's skill, you almost always have to equip the armor against an enemy who is strong against it. Bad design, imo.

Least Favorite Spell: Zardribargribarg. It's so cool, but yet so useless. Mages can't use it because it runs off Warrior stats. But Warriors don't use it because it burns up to much precious SP, which their builds rely on more than Mages...

Least Favorite Pet: All the old Z-Token shop pets that were once awesome but now suck.
Least Favorite Guest: The ones that hog up all your SP while not doing that much more damage than a regular, less SP-hungry guest, lol!
Least Favorite Misc: Urn of Daryngord. I spent Z-Tokens on this back in the day, and now it's useless :(
Least Favorite Class: Necromancer, Ninja, and Assassin. I'm for Paladins, Pirates and Knights all the way!
Least Favorite Rare: The ones that are really useful that I will probably never get. (Pixel Ether, Moglord set, Savage Werewolf and Predatory Vampire forms, etc.)
Least Favorite Mastercraft Set: Kindred. Because we've been waiting for this one to get updated for years now.
Least Favorite Quest: The Silence quests. Very out of character for AQ, and was just bad all around.
Least Favorite Saga: Bizarre Flecks. Pretty much all your character does is sit back and watch gods talk about stuff while characters *vastly* more powerful than you gracefully allow you to play the hero, just so you have something to do.

Least Favorite Event: None. I like all the yearly events.
Least Favorite NPC: None. Although Irolustre was a little.... lackluster. *Ba-dump, tish!*
Least Favorite Villain: Erebus. Because as stated above, I didn't like the Bizarre Flecks saga at all.
Least Favorite Deity: Oh boy... people are gonna *HATE* me for this but.... Falerin. Before you take out your pitchforks and torches, hear my reasons. A staff member writing themselves into the game as a GOD, whereas other staff members were usually just cool NPCs. (Lord Barrius comes rather close to god-like power as well, but isn't quite on the same level.) Not only that, but he's not even a god from Lore. No, he has to be from another universe, with *way* too much complicated backstory and long-winded lore built up around him. Quests written around him usually attempt to be serious, but often get boring with all the pages of backstory and explanation that come along with him. When he shows up in a story, it usually signals that the story is about to shift from focusing on your PC being the hero to just being a bystander or even a pawn in events far beyond their comprehension. So yeah, unpopular opinion, I know. But I just thought I'd share, since this thread was revived.

Least Favorite Monster: I always hated Lightbringers back in the day. Doing quests where you encountered them was a nightmare, due to their high damage and healing. Nowadays, I'd say anything that dodges you constantly, plus Bun-Bits, lol!
AQ  Post #: 428
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