Lilyheart Butterflies
Well, I don't know about you, but I've been wondering for ages about this! You know the Frogzards, you gotta know the Frogzards! But this is the 'Ultimate Question!' What is YOUR favourite type of Frogzard? The Frogzards have many types and have been ruling their time for generations. The Frogzard species: Frogzard (normal): This is the basic lvl 1 Frogzard, the most common of them all. This is an earth using beast. Icezard: This is the ice type of frogzard. This is quite common, but not as common as the Frogzard. There is a 99% chance you'll battle this type of Frogzard on a Frogzard quest. This is an ice using beast. Firezard: The most hottest of them all. Make sure you wearing white! These are as hot as the sun! There is an 80% chance you'll come across this type of Frogzard on a Frogzard quest. This is a fire casting beast. More like spitting! Sorry, just searching AQ for the other types. I haven't been working with them and need to get back online. And I'm back! Oh Yes! Energyzard: This is a quite rare creature. This is why I forgot it. There is round about a 35% chance you'll come across this one. He uses energy spells. Nice buety eh? Darkzard: This is a... Well it uses darkness and I'm not sure how rare it is. But it's quite good. Tadzard: Yes! The one I've been waiting for! Yep, the water zard. He's quite rare I suppose. Round about 50%. Dunno. Windzard: Yeah, I haven't seen this one for ages. The windzard. He uses wind and the strongest one, round about. 10% rarearity... Er, ish. Rayzard: Hmm, the light one. 5%ish, I dunno. Might be more common. You decide for this one. Erm. I think that's all. I'll just check! Nope, don't look like it. My favourite is this: Tadzard. Nice eh? You?