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RE: =AK= The Ultimate Favorite / Least Favorite Thread!

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8/29/2008 8:02:17   

big 100k.


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 176
8/29/2008 10:56:03   

Red is favorite, Blue is least favorite.

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Magic Elite Ice Katana/ReignBringer
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Asgardian/Guardian Plate
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: IronThorn/Eye of Naab
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Nightbane's Apotheosis/Groglurk Rage
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Fairy Godmother
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Guardian Angel
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Pet Whistle
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: Lady Liberty's Footsteps
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: Vamprook Spyre
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: Dragon War

Most desired / undesired of all items: DragonBlade
Most desired / undesired non-rare: An Uber Darkness Magic Weapon
Most desired / undesired weapon: DragonBlade

< Message edited by Rheannon -- 9/16/2008 23:04:28 >
Post #: 177
8/31/2008 12:59:07   
Underclass Hero

I'm going to use the ones I have in ly active inventory

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Golden Axe / Fortuitous Bladehenge
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Shadow Cloak / White Wiard Robes
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Ironthorn / Nemesis Shield
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Darksplatter / Illuminate Ultra
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Fairy Godmother / Big Trobble
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Jinx / Galanoth
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Bar of Soap / Dark Orb
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: Bar of Soap
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: Mogbusters / Stragath One
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: Undead Wars / Dragon Wars

AQ DF  Post #: 178
8/31/2008 13:26:31   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: EIK / Big100K (old version looked much better; new version is ugly)
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Nightmare Plate / Guardian Plate (Bring us the previous version in the armory, damn it)
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Nightmare shield / punishment shield (honestly, who wants that? O.o)
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Deadeye Cupid (no least favorite)
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Huntragon / any NPC

Most desired / undesired non-rare: Golden Plate / Guardian Plate
Most desired / undesired weapon: Mjollnir / longsword


AQ DF  Post #: 179
9/2/2008 6:18:34   

Favourite/least favourite weapon: maurinelle's melody/ ogre shaman staff, longsword (I totally regret buying it)
Favourite/least favourite armor: nemesis plate/ (default adventurer armor)
Favourite/ least favourite shield: eye of naab(think healing)/dragonslayer shield (waste of my time really)
favourite/ least favourite pet: Nerfkitten/ Fire imp (total waste of my money!)
Favourite/ least favourite guest: Daimyo & artix/ (none really)
Favourite/ least favourite spell: Nightbane apotheosis (i have a love-hate relationship with it)
favourite war/least favourite war: Bradakhan event (to be more specific I liked fighting void monsters)/ dragon wars (i'm sick of them)
Favourite monster/ least favourite monster: Void dragons/ terrorzard
AQ DF  Post #: 180
9/2/2008 9:17:51   

Favorite Game: Adventure Quest!
Least favorite activity: spending 3 months away from AQ
AQ  Post #: 181
9/2/2008 10:57:10   

Favorite fire weapon/least favorite fire weapon: reignbringer/flame hatchet (had it on my secondary)
AQ  Post #: 182
9/2/2008 20:55:08   

I really dislike the fact that Frozen Time Spines went rare, because at the time it was out, I didn't have the level requirement, and now that I have the level, it's gone. Shows how much luck I have. :/
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 183
9/4/2008 1:34:47   

Fire Pastmodern Chrono Blade Z + Gatekeeper/Necromancer FTW!
Post #: 184
9/6/2008 18:59:01   

Favorite Weapon: Cryo Crystal Shard
Favorite Armour: Nemesis
Favorite Shield: Nemesis again
Least Favorite Spell: DS (Somany Z-TOkens )
Favorite Pet: Toss up between my Bobble Devourer and Quackinator
Favorite Guest: Poelala
Favorite Misc: Any of the orbs
Favorite Rare: Cryo Crystal Shard
Favorite Quest: NightBane's Castle
Least Favorite Event: BURP wars

Most desired of all items: Mana Scepter
Most desired non-rare: Golden Plate
Most desired: Mana Scepter
AQ DF  Post #: 185
9/6/2008 19:02:32   

Favorite Weapon: Mjollnir
Favorite Armour: Asgardian
Favorite Shield: Asgardian Shield
Favorite Spell: Don't have one...
Favorite Pet: Asgardian Lion (Notice a trend?)
Favorite Guest: Warlic
Favorite Misc: Don't have one...
Favorite Rare: My Auspicious Bladehenge
Favorite Quest: Don't have one...
Favorite Event: Don't have one...

Most desired of all items: The Asgardian Set *pet included*
Most desired non-rare: Read above...
Most desired weapon: The strongest Bladehenge...too bad it's rare...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 186
9/6/2008 19:09:53   

This is out of my whole inv

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Golden Axe/Sword of Over 9000 Truths
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Reign/Guardian Plate
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Iron Thorn/Nemesis Shield
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Heal Deep Wounds/Shapeshift
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Asgardian Lion/Elite Zombie Zard
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Galrick/(N/A)
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Pet Whistle/Head of Raydius Dragon
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: N/A (dont have any rares)

Most desired of all items: Cant decide which rare i want...lol
Most desired non-rare: Asgardian
Most desired weapon: Mjollnir

Oh and my favorite Events are the Frostvale Wars (the gift box's are so much fun ^_^)

< Message edited by jayembee -- 9/6/2008 19:12:05 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 187
9/7/2008 14:16:51   

Hate the stupid Sheapbiter.
AQ DF  Post #: 188
9/7/2008 20:46:14   

Favorite Weapon: Golden Axe
Favorite Armour: Shadow or golden
Favorite Shield: Golden
Favorite Spell: Vortex
Favorite Pet: Zorbak
Favorite Guest: Mogleets
Favorite Misc: Bar of Soap
Favorite Rare: Twilly Form!
Favorite Quest: all of the epic quests!!!
Favorite Event: frostval

Most desired items:Twilly Form!
Most desired non-rare: Mjollnir
Most desired weapon: Dragon Blade
AQ DF  Post #: 189
9/9/2008 6:15:33   

My favourite pet is Zorbak ;)
Post #: 190
9/11/2008 20:31:23   

The Aegull and the lv 87 ogre are both really cheap: they can hit for over 200 damage per attack, and the ogre dosen't even need to use MP to do that ridiculous damage. It should really be higher level...
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 191
9/11/2008 23:44:35   

Favorite Weapon: Chopalot
Favorite Pet: Razor Claw
Favorite Armor: Guardian Armor
Favorite Shield: Chaos/Unity Shield
Favorite Monster: Drakel (easy kills)
Most Hated Monster(s): Battle Trolls, Warrior Trolls, the stupid orc you fight in the Granemor Captain's Daughter's voice quest (Forgot the daughter's name. It's something like Maurinelle or something like that.), Carnax (old form), SuperMegaUltraGiant.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 192
9/11/2008 23:56:13   
Tenrai Ryong Shen

Favorite Weapon: Vartai Blade (Fire) dont ask me why, cause i dont even know myself
Favorite Pet: Twig(?) the yellow moglin thats in yulagr's inn/next to the teleporter in the guardian tower
Favorite Shield: Monster Claw (same reason as vartai blade)
Favorite NPC: Brother of Cyrus (just forgot his name)


Asian Mythology Based: Shishin Set & Seals Warlord Class
AQ  Post #: 193
9/12/2008 0:08:08   

Favorite / Least Favorite Weapon: Glacial Short Staff/Fireblood Blade
Favorite / Least Favorite Armour: Guardian Robes/Obsidian Cloak
Favorite / Least Favorite Shield: Eye of Naab/Nerfage Shield
Favorite / Least Favorite Spell: Ice Nine/Fundead Flensing
Favorite / Least Favorite Pet: Nerfkitten/ZombieZard
Favorite / Least Favorite Guest: Diviara/Sparky the Dragon
Favorite / Least Favorite Misc: Light Orb/Epheel's Gift
Favorite / Least Favorite Rare: (Soon to be) Celestia
Favorite / Least Favorite Quest: Any of the "Fight The Brilhado!" quests/The Farm
Favorite / Least Favorite Event: The Final Battle!/Fundead War.
Favorite / Least Favorite NPC: Amiliara Celegra/Mutant King
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 194
9/15/2008 5:39:22   
earth breather

Zards are awesome
guardian blade
NOTE: i will edit this!


DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 195
9/15/2008 12:07:28   

Fav species: Goggs!
Fav Build: Rangers!
AQ MQ  Post #: 196
9/16/2008 22:52:31   

Favorite Guardian Dragon Quote:

"And, as an added twist, i'm really just 12 frogzards in a dragon suit!"

I STILL lol when I see that!
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 197
9/16/2008 23:29:04   

Fav NPC: Visia
Fav Monster Animation: Dirty Snowman...I smile every time when he gets hit, his hat flies off, he catches it and puts it back on:)
Least Fav Weapon: Can't remember the name of it now but I had it for 2 hours then sold it and bought something else.
AQ  Post #: 198
10/15/2008 13:22:45   
manu buhay

Favorite Weapon: mjollnir and golden axe
Favorite Armour: ASGARDIAN!!!
Favorite Shield: ironthorn
Favorite Spell: none
Favorite Pet: asgardian lion and nerfkitten
Favorite Guest: any, but giliaria is what i use mostly for his healing
Favorite Misc: any of the orbs...and the signs...^_^
Favorite Rare: hmmm...can't think of any at the moment..
Favorite Quest: hmmmm....willow creek
Favorite Event: FROSTVAL!!and any events that concerns darkovia and its trio of powerful dark forces;vampire,werewolf and werepyre

< Message edited by .*. .*. .*. -- 10/15/2008 13:22:45 >


Post #: 199
9/22/2008 0:52:54   

Favorite Weapon: Zhilo's Axe
Favorite Favorite Armour: Battle Tested Axe Master Armor
Favorite Favorite Shield: DracGuard
Favorite Favorite Spell: Yellow Snow DOOM!
Favorite Favorite Pet: Nerfkitten
Favorite Favorite Guest: Artix
Favorite Favorite Misc: Pet Whistle
Favorite Favorite Rare: Battle Tested Axe Master Armor
Favorite Favorite Quest: Tharg :D
Favorite Favorite Event: Talk Like A Pirate Day XD

Most desired: Battle Tested Axe Master Armor
Most desired non-rare: Dragonhand Z
Most desired weapon: Zhilo's Axe
AQ  Post #: 200
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