Stages: quote:
ever trying to win. I dunno, it seems to flow better and make more sense if you put "forever." Either that, or take the word out. quote:
Learning when to use our words and when not to mince. I know what you mean here, but the rhyme still sounds a bit forced. It might be just me, or it might be something you wanna look into. I love this one!!!!!! Great imagery, and I love the concept of the stages of life! Anything to do with that gets my seal of love. =P I Believe: quote:
I believe a sad person hides, Too long, not the best for flow. "I believe the sad hide," perhaps? quote:
in fairy tales of old. I think "from" works better here to avoid the repetition of "in" from the previous line and also fits better in this context. quote:
I believe hidden in a jungle, Need a comma after "believe" "hidden in a jungle" is a parenthical aside. While poetry doesn't have to be very strict, in this case, I also lost my place reading and had to reread to get the meaning without that comma... quote:
and doing what is right. I think "what's" flows better, but depends whether you want to value language or flow more. I choose the second, but that's just me... quote:
I believe we should enjoy life, and find ways to have fun, I believe it is time, for this poem to be done. May I be really, really, really bold and suggest a different ending? I usually love your endings, and this one is unique too, but the whole poem was so... beautiful and serious and /that/ kind of feeling, so... I wonder if you can keep it that wait right until the end? I believe we should enjoy life, and find ways to have fun, I believe in enjoyment, for we only live once. Now, fun and once don't really rhyme, so you might not like that... Here's a more rhyming suggestion, less impacful, but it rhymes better... I believe we should enjoy life, and find ways to have fun, I believe in no regrets, by the time life is done. Eh, not very good either. Feel free to ignore me... Now, to get that over with, that was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was even better than the previous poem. This... spoke to me so deeply on a personal level... I... don't know how to praise it. That's why I suggested an ending change, I guess. Because of the type of poet I am (serious), I thought I serious ending fit more. This poem could be either serious or not, but I looked at it from a serious POV. To stop my ramble, all you need to know is that I love your poetry to death. =P