Bah, fast reader and good reader aren't exactly the same. I don't consider myself a slow /or/ a bad reader (just my opinion; I won't be offended if you tell me I'm a sucky, snail-paced reader =P), but there are 12-year-olds who can read faster than I can. =P I might've forgotten to mention this, but I also learned a lot of grammar from L&L. Yes, I wasn't a grammar-tard when I came, but I've learned quite a bit here. Before, I simply knew what to do subconsciously. I didn't really know the rules of /why/ so, while my writing didn't look too shabby, my critiques contained things like "Comma after 'sometimes,'" with no real explanation because I simply /couldn't/ explain why. All I could do was give an example and know by gut feeling that a comma was needed. =P 200 books? I envy you... I've read about half the spinner in the fantasy section of my school library, but I own only about a dozen or two books.