Well, here are two articles that you might find interesting regarding "why people hate Twilight" These are by no means for or against my perspective--just why a few pros don't like Twilight. Anyhow, as for me, I've read only the first book. I don't mind it. It wasn't amazing, certainly wasn't something with depth that made me think about it long past the final page, but it entertained me for a few hours, so no complaints. It was hilarious, though Mastin is the only one who agrees with me, lol. You should've seen the school librarian's face when I told her I laughed through Twilight. Anyhow, I agree that it lacks depth, but nothing wrong with it. I disagree with those who say that she's bad in technical writing. I feel that it's a bias against first person writing. I find nothing wrong with her style; she's not perfect (starting so many sentences with "I" is hard to avoid in first person, but she did take it to the extremes), but I know authors as successful who use run-on sentences and word repetitions and all that jazz. I don't find the books all that harming to the teen population. The girls who think he's real will grow outta it, and even if they don't, well, not Meyer's fault. What is there to do? Should we blame the death of John Lennon on the guy who wrote The Catcher in the Rye? Should we ban Twilight, when plenty of more objectible books exist--and shouldn't be banned? Some people might wanna read just for a few hours' entertainment, so the lack of depth... Eh, not optimum, but it's not enough to induce hate. I heard that Twilight the book was good, but that the series got progressively worse as it went on. I dunno, can't confirm this. I don't think Bella's has no personality. In fact, her arguments with Edward were the /best/ parts of the book, imo. I kept laughing. Anyhow, I say that she had personality in the first book. Maybe she lost it later on in the series due to lovey-smutty-ness. I dunno, I haven't read the later books. And yes, Edward is an idiot, but I actually like him. He's one of those characters who aren't good characters but I don't mind him. But I wholly conceed that it's just me. (Voldemort wasn't an ideal villain, but I liked him) In a way, I agree with RB's stand on this. There are way worse novels than Twilight out there, and there are crappier teen novels. But Twilight gets the hate 'cause it was the one that got popular. It's far from the worst-novel-ever or worst-influence-ever, but it gets all the bashing 'cause everyone is mad that it got popular. And yes, the hype is annoying. I shut down the TV just now because of the Twilight talk on there. I don't like how they're saying it's Harry Potter with vampires. <_< There is nothing similar between their styles, their content, their whatever in a book except that they're popular. And the fact that I love Harry Potter might've added to my annoyance. Oh, and the Twilight party at my school! No one allowed in the library that day except those who've read Twilight and came with a costume. In fact, I felt so outta the trend that that was why I actually went I read Twilight, lol (or, that was the excuse =P) Bottom line is, I don't mind Twilight. It's not the deepest book in the world, but it's certainly not worth getting angry over. More than the Twilight hype, I find the it sucks 'cause it's popular or it sucks 'cause it's unpopular paradigm annoying. Twilight got too popular for it's own good, I guess, so it's bound to have haters. You can't please everyone. On a last note, I still don't get why people think Jacob is so cool, though my opinion of him might change once I read a bit more than the first book. @Argeus He's more good-looking than all of them. =P Plus, we're speaking about an English audience here. I'll bet all my savings that more Chinese people know those people you mentioned as opposed to knowing Twilight. @Jer What? I'm surprised. I thought you loved Twilight. You told me it inspired a story of yours, that you liked the vampires she portrayed, and you admitted to being a fan. What happened? I clearly remember you saying all those things...