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RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs

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7/11/2012 9:10:04   

If the monster is a Fire monster, the Chi Shield activates. It does not matter what the monster's attack uses, as long as the monster itself is Fire.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 876
7/11/2012 22:42:06   

Has this bug been reported before? Unless providing new info please do not duplicate reports. Not that I am aware of.

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Permanent item dissapearing

Bug details: My Mighty ultraguardian plate was changed to a guardian plate, to add on to it, It lost the darkness elementalization. I am it is not because of the game not saving as: I got the armor a long time ago, and it saved all xp and gold gain. I was playing at a friends house (I didn't save username or password there) and when I opened up AQ in my comp. I had a non-elementalized guardian armor.
Before bug occurred: at friends house, everything saved, and why the armors switched is a mystery to me.

During Bug: Lost ultraguardian armor.

After bug: I no longer have my ultraguardian armor.

Item Bugged: Mighty Ultraguardian Armor, Elementalization
Other Equipment: None
Screenshot link: Something not quite right here...
Character page link: Tempest

Did you log out and log back in? Yep, several times
Did you clear cache? Yep
Did the bug happen again? Still there.
Browser Info: Google Chrome
Flash version: Latest.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 877
7/12/2012 11:52:35   

I have no idea if this has been posted before me, probably it has, given the fact it has been like this for ages.
I just recently bought the Pureheart Mirror, and the effects aren't working. As said on the AQ encyclopedia for the lower levels (Braveheart etc..):

*This shield might not be working properly!*

, but not on this version, I figured this one had no problems. Appearently it does.

If this bug seems unfixable, then please do note that the Pureheart Mirror itself isn't working properly either in the encyclopedia page. Thank you. :)

I do wish to precise that the elemental defenses aren't added, and the damage absorber doesn't trigger.

EDIT: I found another bug. Appearently, the damage on Silverback Monkey doesn't display while in battle. It has occured everytime I have battled one.
Screenshot: Image

< Message edited by Nymbrion -- 7/19/2012 10:38:41 >
AQ  Post #: 878
7/13/2012 13:41:24   

When i equipeed shearhide form to fight a monster it did what it usually did. Then when i took it off all most of my stat points from dexterity strength luck and endurance dipped into intellect. Now my intellect is at 270
DF  Post #: 879
7/13/2012 14:18:12   

I find that the new reign armor has a bug in king's privilege that causes it to get stuck as if the weapon was doing a special.
Post #: 880
7/13/2012 14:38:43   

Yeah, sometimes when using King's Reign I get stuck in the pose usually held during a special if the king's privilege activates but the monster resists the effect.

The attack menu never comes up, nothing happens, it just gets stuck in that still frame of my character holding up his weapon.
Post #: 881
7/13/2012 15:31:31   
Tep Itaki

Has this bug been reported before? Unless providing new info please do not duplicate reports. Nope. Nevermind found the other one thanks to brawler

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): glitch

Bug details: I can't move my Twilight's Harbinger
Before bug occurred: Bought the pet but forgot to move it in the Twilight shop

During Bug: Can't move the pet at all

After bug: Can't move the pet

Item Bugged: Twilight's Harbinger
Other Equipment: None
Screenshot link: Don't have one because I sold it out of frustration
Character page link: Artimix

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Firefox
Flash version: Highest

< Message edited by Tep Itaki -- 7/13/2012 22:05:05 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 882
7/13/2012 15:32:57   
Baron Flux

Overlord Set Bug'

If a enemy resists the invoking of the armor, the game will freeze with the player's character frozen in casting/special attack stance. The game will NOT unfreeze by any means, Waited up to 45 minutes with no sign of the freeze going away.

Dunno if this is a bug or purely just my flashplayer. But to my knowledge all the system requirements are up to date & my computer is made for gaming so i don't see my computer being the cause.
Just hope that me reporting this will hopefully be helpful to others who may think the game will eventually unfreeze because from my experiment to see if it will was a failure (Wasted up to maybe 45 to 50 minutes waiting).

Bug Type: Armor Effect
Bug: Overlord Set Invoke Effect Causes Game Freeze/Crash
ScreenShot: N/A
Character Page: Classified.
CacheClear: yes
Latest System Requirements: Yes
Browser: Custom Made Internet Browser (OmegaSearch - High Speed Internet Browser)
Relog: yes
Bug Condition After Clearing Cache & Restarting Browser: Bug Still In Effect
Computer: Custom DeltaWare Gaming Labtop (2012).
Character Name: Baron Of Souls.
Account Type: X - Guardian.
Account Level: 122.

< Message edited by Baron Flux -- 7/13/2012 15:40:37 >


In Memory of Traci Michaelz 1974 - 2008. Very Close Friend, Awesome Drummer, & My Vocals Teacher.
You're Still Missed Traci ='(

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqPobphfGUE (Not My Video)
Post #: 883
7/13/2012 16:11:22   

is the freeze bug being worked on or what its happened about 15 times with me in bad timing


I dont SUFFER from insanity i enjoy every minute
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 884
7/13/2012 16:19:39   

"It is all fun and games till someone" is frozen. This big in the overlord set just confirms that there should be a way to save your progress in a quest before something like this happens (i.e. power outage, computer bugs, or a family pet chewing on your cables)
Post #: 885
7/13/2012 17:54:34   

The overlord armor freezes the game when its armor special has been resisted. Like it says, "your enemy has resisted the overlord" but the game doesnt respond and your stuck. Like the game stops responding.
Post #: 886
7/13/2012 21:43:20   
A Dreamer

When I use the "Giant Me" pet and am using a Blade of Awe, my Giant Me's blade is a different color. (mine is purple, his is red) Now, this doesn't change the weapon's element for damage, It's just an aesthetic bug that bothers me a bit, and I'd greatly appreciate if anyone could make that fix, if possible.

AQ DF AQW  Post #: 887
7/13/2012 22:55:36   

I have this bug where I can't login because my starting equipment is the King's Plate and I cannot equip it :( It freezes at loading starting equipment. Thanks!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 888
7/13/2012 23:08:55   

Perhaps this is a side effect of the staff trying to fix the Overlord freezing bug?
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 889
7/13/2012 23:23:47   

Game will not even load the Overlord armor. If I select it to equip it, it will just stay there, forever loading.

Setup: any
Monster: any
Browser: Firefox
DF  Post #: 890
7/13/2012 23:37:07   
Baron Flux

Yeah they are fixing the Overlord & Twilight bugs. I have my starter set to Overlord Plate and it won't load it so they must be working on fixing it.
Post #: 891
7/15/2012 8:44:28   
Sinister Jester

Has this bug been reported before? I believe it hasn't, but I may be wrong.

Type of bug: Graphical error and glitch.

Bug details: When wearing Jester Facade [might be the whole series), if you cast a spell, or a special goes off, the shield shown as equipped is changed to the default shield graphic. Resistances and combat defenses are left intact. However, it seems to override shield effects (in this case, Solaris Shield's regeneration).
Before bug occurred: I have fought several monsters wearing the armor, and if either situation mentioned above occurs, the bug takes place.

During Bug: Mentioned above.

After bug: One must re-equip the shield in order for it to show up as the equipped one. However, if either of the two situations occur, the bug happens again.

Item Bugged: Jester Facade (Series?)
Other Equipment: Blazing Solaris Shield, Z-Blade Scythe Replica/Summertide/Guardian Ice or Darkness Draconic Blade, Heal Wounds/H4XBBQ/Cave Collapse/Guardian Twig's Ewectwic Boogawoo.
Screenshot link: Before the bug takes place, once the bug happens
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Opera 12.00
Flash version: The latest, I believe. Don't really know the number.

< Message edited by Sinister Jester -- 7/15/2012 8:54:47 >
AQ  Post #: 892
7/15/2012 20:46:49   

Has this bug been reported before? I don't belive so
Type of bug: Loading error

Bug details: Deadly Hunter armor does not seem to be loading for me... I tried using several weapons, pets and shields however the armor still didn't load. This was during the quest "Emerge from the Shadows" it seems to load fine in other quests and RA

During Bug: Mentioned above.

After bug: I logged out and back in cleared my cache and the bug still occured

Item Bugged: Deadly Hunter
Other Equipment: Twilights ressurection, spear of awe, novel of the winds, chieftans iron sword, gaia shield, vampire nerfbat.
Screenshot link: ... just the armor not loading even after 10 even 20 minutes have gone by
Character page link: http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=82154084

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Firefox 13.01
Flash version: The latest
AQ  Post #: 893
7/16/2012 4:57:30   

The Big100k overwrites Algernīs Carapace. Said .
AQ MQ AQW  Post #: 894
7/16/2012 15:30:32   

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Typo

Bug details:
Before bug occurred: Eventide Set is set as my login equipment.

During Bug: When the full set effect of the Eventide Set is activated in battle, it says "The full power of the Shade set...." Instead, shouldn't it say "The full power of the Eventide set..."?

After bug: Battles go on as usual.

Item Bugged: Eventide's Guise, Eventide's Panic, Eventide's Standard
Other Equipment: Fairy Godmother
Screenshot link: I think the bug is pretty self explanatory and doesn't need a screenshot...
Character page link: Me!

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? No
Did the bug happen again? Yes, sometimes.
Browser Info: Latest version of Chrome
Flash version: Latest version
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 895
7/22/2012 12:52:48   

Bug with king's authority
The burn inflicted by it has a level of undefined first then it becomes 0 INSTEAD of 105 [I had prince's rule armour and king's epic shield and prince's restoration pet] tried against many different monsters but same results

This bug was not there earlier today

I have latest version of chrome and flash

I did not log out

I had reign sword[level 85] before the reign set re wamp

I am level 91 as of now

Edit : This bug did not happen when i tried the sword with my cloth robes and as i recall i was using full set [prince armour king weapon and shield] when this burn happened so i guess the the armour is bugged or something

edit two: the bug happened again with forest shield, poisnous chimeran armour and prince restoration pet so I have a theory that the bug happened when u have equipment like shield,armour,pet etc whose level is different/lower than the weapon edit 3: this theory seems false as the bug happened even with level 90 nemesis set and king's authority
It also shows vassals burn or smething insead of kings burn or something I have no idea what is going on now

< Message edited by jaikumarbanthia -- 7/22/2012 14:30:52 >
AQ  Post #: 896
7/23/2012 19:02:16   

Has this bug been reported before? no

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): inventory

Bug details:
Before bug occurred: I accidently had my weapons full when I redeemed my FlameStop Blade. The weapons inventory said 9/8 slots when i had it. I sold 2 weapons, but it was still not useable.

During Bug:It shows in my inventory, but for some reason I can't use it.

After bug: I tried again and again, but it still wouldn't work.

Item Bugged: FlameStop Warhammer
Other Equipment:n/a
Screenshot link: I don't have a link, it's in a download.
Character page link: http://aq.battleon.com/Build30/charview.asp?temp=78114802

Did you log out and log back in? yes
Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? yes
Browser Info:
Flash version:
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 897
7/28/2012 5:58:15   

My character's link is at the bottom where it should be

This is a HP/MP potions bug
I mailed some staff about it too but there is another issue

I am an adventurer btw not a guardian

but I am getting 9 starting potions instead of 1 each which is shocking

but that is not the main problem

somehow my potions reset to 9 when i log out, no matter if I have more or less
I was questing in yonder for potions simply and had a total of about 15 potions each or something and then a gogg killed me so i got frustrated and logged out and when i log back in have only 9 each!

some bug this is
AQ  Post #: 898
8/13/2012 23:06:49   

problem: when using the special my character is submerged in the "wave" but my pet
(either the big clone or little clone depending on the need for accuracy)
does not submerge. i am unsure if this is intentional or unfixable. if someone could tell me if this is an unfixable glitch that would be nice to know it just kinda aggravates me.

thanks for making a great game keep it up.

Ehh... It's not easily fixable.

To fix it, we'd need to hack apart the weapon file and turn the special into a "spell". Then the weapon would cast the "spell" whenever its special goes off. Spells go on top of more-or-less everything, so that'd fix the problem. But that seems like an awful lot of work to fix a small bug like this. Sorry. ~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 8/14/2012 9:51:26 >
AQ  Post #: 899
8/14/2012 11:54:31   
Phlox Lover


Whispering raiment is performing EVERY SINGLE ATTACK ANIMATION, and not doing any damage.

I believe it is being swept, but I could be wrong.

Then it freezes on stalwart solitude.

ALSO, there is still a layered button in the Shinobi Shozoku, without a skill. It is located under Ninja Death Strike.

I'm sorry, but I can't reproduce the first one. We're not sweeping it yet -- hasn't been touched since '09.

What did you do to start the bug? Did you just equip it and it borked, or did you hit attack?

What characters are you using? What class levels are they?

What version of Flash are you using? Did you try clearing your cache?

Are you using any add-ons to modify the game?


I was able to duplicate the Ninja bug. Thanks!

~In Media Res

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 8/14/2012 16:12:05 >
Post #: 900
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