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RE: Quest/War Bugs

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3/17/2010 9:56:36   

This probably is not the right place to post this, but I couldn't find a better place.

Type of bug: Out of Date Attic item.

Bug details: I wanted to do the attic quest, in which I need to get a 'Slimy Snail Tail'.
It happends to be though, that when I click the snail, I get a 'Delicious Snail Tail'
After I got the tail, I returned to the attic, only to discover that the Delicious Snail Tail is not the tail he is looking for. (The box with Slimy Snail Tail was still blank)
This means that the Slimy Snail Tail should be updated to Delicious Snail Tail.

Quest/War Bugged: The Attic quest (Above Yulgar's Inn)
Character Level: 40
Equipment: Feral Garb, Black Axe, Shield of Rennd and Nerfkitten (Not that this matters, I think)
Screenshot link: I haven't made a screenshot, since I think the description explains it better.
Character page link: http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=70620309

Well, I hope this gets fixed soon, since I really want that Ion Cannon...

I'm able to use the delicious Snayl Tail from a normal Snayl to fulfill the requirement for a Slimy Snayl Tail (either that, or it's giving both). The Garden Snayls in the Willow Creek quest don't do it. ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 4/7/2010 0:19:19 >
AQ  Post #: 251
3/21/2010 10:57:17   

Type of bug: Button Bug

Before bug occurred: Unrelated
During bug: Clicking the "Back to Town" button returned me to the scroll. Guardian Tower works but mehh....
After bug occured: Back to Scroll

Quest/War bugged: Devourer Scroll "Back to Town" Button.

Character Stuff: Unrelated

Did I log out and log back in: Yes

Did I clear cache: Yes

Did the bug happen again: Yes, and happens to other people too

Browser Info: Every Popular Browser except IE.

Flash Version: 10.42.2 (something like that...)

Operationg System: Windows XP.

Actually, Before Bug Occurred isn't unrelated - you went to the Devourer Saga using the access point from the Inn. That one causes the bug; the one on Deren does not. Known. ~Aelthai

So why isn't the one in the inn just a "copy paste" code of the one in Deren?

There is one small setting difference, that's all. ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 4/6/2010 0:52:20 >
AQ  Post #: 252
3/25/2010 14:01:41   

No idea if its a bug or not, but just encountered the elder void wyrm in the kindred quest under fire element twice in a row.

Not a bug. ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 3/25/2010 15:42:48 >
Post #: 253
3/26/2010 1:55:24   

eating eggs during the grenwog event doesnt heal you at all (both in the quests and on the buttons screen)
AQ  Post #: 254
3/27/2010 5:58:38   
cchris aka chris

my mega world portal dosent work. everytime it says error loading portal. it has been ocuring for the last 3 wars. i tried switching programs and everything even computers and went to interenet cafes and still the conection is fine but my stupid portal dosent work. everything else works.
please help.


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AQ  Post #: 255
4/2/2010 3:19:46   
Kite- the Shadow

I'm not sure about this one but I might as well post it.
Server type: Firefox
Type of bug: It keeps making me do the April fool quest every time I log in and won't let me out.
Items equipped: Gokar's Gi or Assassin armour, Spear of Awe and Nemisis shield.
Before Bug:-
During Bug: When I log in it takes me to the quest, when I die or run it takes me back to the quest again. Even when I log out this keeps happening and I've already completed the quest twice.

This was not a bug. There was no method to avoid this at the time. One has since been implemented, but it does not matter since the quest is no longer required. ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 4/6/2010 0:51:31 >
Post #: 256
4/2/2010 3:53:38   


server type means guardian or non guardian server
AQ  Post #: 257
4/2/2010 5:13:22   
Kite- the Shadow

Oh sorry. Guardian server, character Lv 97

< Message edited by Kite- the Shadow -- 4/2/2010 7:18:19 >
Post #: 258
4/5/2010 18:48:17   

Not sure if this has been posted before

Type of bug: no idea

Before bug occurred: unrelated
During bug: my character followed the camera and left the ground as the camera panned up
After bug occured: unrelated

Quest/War bugged: Twigs dilema.

Character Stuff:
--Armor: Obsidia's Cloak
--Weapon: Staff of Awe
--Sheild: Aegis
--Pet: Ultra Firewere
--Guest: Doom Wolf

(only my armor weapon and sheild showed up during the bug)

Did I log out and log back in: no

Did I clear cache: no

Did the bug happen again: havent tried it again

Browser Info: I.E.

Flash Version: latest i think?


I am a necromancer and a vampire... So am I death squared or something?

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 259
4/6/2010 18:19:07   

two things, one since the snail art has been updated the attic quest cant be done. and two, when fighting the werewolf in willow creek quest he never appears and the game just freezes.

I'm able to use the delicious Snayl Tail from a normal Snayl to fulfill the requirement for a Slimy Snayl Tail (either that, or it's giving both). The Garden Snayls in the Willow Creek quest don't do it. I had no trouble fighting the Werewolf, either. Did you catch which one was the problem? ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 4/7/2010 0:19:59 >
AQ  Post #: 260
4/10/2010 21:17:00   


two things, one since the snail art has been updated the attic quest cant be done. and two, when fighting the werewolf in willow creek quest he never appears and the game just freezes.

I'm able to use the delicious Snayl Tail from a normal Snayl to fulfill the requirement for a Slimy Snayl Tail (either that, or it's giving both). The Garden Snayls in the Willow Creek quest don't do it. I had no trouble fighting the Werewolf, either. Did you catch which one was the problem? ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 4/7/2010 0:19:59 >

I am having the same trouble getting the werewolf to come on screne... I have been able to get the snail tail, whichever one it is, i just cant get the werewolf to load up I am running IE6 and level 10 active x... Why wont final battle load?

Since it loaded for me I'm not sure. Hmmm. What EXACTLY is the name and level of the monster it says you are trying to load, or does it not say? Also, what level are you?
What version of Flash Player are you running? ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 4/13/2010 15:47:03 >
Post #: 261
4/12/2010 8:24:44   
Lupus the Wolf
Heres How We Roll Winner
July 2014

I can't accept Death's quest in Death Realms. When i accept it the games freeze. It's really annoying.

Please clear your cache and try again. That sounds like you have a corrupted file; clearing your cache will clear it out and make you redownload a working file. ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 4/13/2010 15:48:05 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 262
4/14/2010 9:05:46   

My "Today's Event" button is missing, and "Today's News" is blank.

Appears fixed. Please post again if you are still not seeing it after logging out and back in. ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 4/14/2010 17:40:06 >
AQ  Post #: 263
4/14/2010 9:30:30   

Ditto above

Appears fixed. Please post again if you are still not seeing it after logging out and back in. ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 4/14/2010 17:40:17 >
AQ  Post #: 264
4/14/2010 9:35:15   

i'm not so sure if i'm experiencing a bug or what... or if adventure quest had some updates and i'm not aware of it... im so sorry for not knowing but everytime i log in today my "battle on news" section is always empty so can anyone explain it to me i will appreciate it very much. again good day..

Appears fixed. Please post again if you are still not seeing it after logging out and back in. ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 4/14/2010 17:40:28 >
AQ  Post #: 265
4/23/2010 9:42:59   

When you finish the dragon blade quest and the moglin appears and gives you potions I can take them but when I continue looking for the dragon blade and when the moglin appears for the second time and offers the potions, I cant take them and I cant do anything in the game. This has happened for about 3 time

Known. We've looked for this one and can't find it, but we know it's happening. My personal recommendation is that if you get potions, leave the quest and return - as long as you leave the quest, you can then repeat it with no problems. You don't need to logout or anything, just go back to the part where you get to choose your quest. ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 4/24/2010 1:39:14 >
AQ DF  Post #: 266
5/6/2010 22:19:15   

In the "Mr Jypley part 2" quest, there seems to be a bug with the ORC Horde. They don't seem to die at all.

I have been battling them back and forth and they get down to 1 HP. My side will strike and maybe even hit but it doesn't take away the last pt of HP. Instead they have 1 HP and they then recover using "reinforcements" to recover 200+ HP.

Could you guys look into this and make sure that the Orcs CAN die?


EDIT: There's nothing wrong with the Orc Horde. The way it's designed is that you're unable to kill the entire pack until you've killed all... I believe it's 12. So until you've killed the final orc, you cannot reduce the pack's HP below 1. So yeah. It's not that they're unkillable, it's simply that you don't win until you kill them all. ~magicdog

< Message edited by magicdog -- 5/7/2010 11:03:15 >
AQ  Post #: 267
5/10/2010 19:54:15   

Before bug occurred: I went to the Inn, click the Devourer Saga button, and clicked the right button until I got to the Restoration. I fought a few battles, and fled (still in the Restoration) while fighting an Elder Void Wyrm.

During Bug: I clicked on the Back to Town button, and it took me right back to the same Devourer Saga Scroll

After bug: The bug repeats

Quest/War Bugged: Devourer Saga Main Screen
Character Level: 96
Equipment: Golden Plate, Golden Axe, Golden Shield, Jinx, Nerfkitten
Screenshot link: N/A
Character page link: http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=54550645

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Firefox 3.0.18
Flash version:

known. That entry point is bugged. You can leave by going to the Guardian Tower. To completely avoid the bug, use the entry point from Deren. ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 5/13/2010 15:38:12 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 268
5/13/2010 8:39:26   

Bug Report: In the cutscene before the boss match in Bizzare Flecks chapter 4; one of Cartwright's blurbs are skipped over really quickly so you can't really see what it said. (The part where he calls out your characters name for help)

Passing it along. ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 5/13/2010 17:21:52 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 269
5/21/2010 17:52:03   

Made the Tirplechallange in Guardian tower today.. won 50 fights and got bored cause the monster where low lvl so I press the flee button.
Had 33 Hp potions and 30 Mp potions after that.
Dont know if this should be.
Post #: 270
5/29/2010 7:20:48   

On give snowbeard his gold iv done the quest, iv gone to donna charmer and she say.

Amazing work,deary!You have helped me out so much that i will give you the gold that i owe snowbeard. That Dwarf did win it fair and square, atfer all. Dont be a stranger now, you hear?Cme back anytime... I am sure to have work for you!

And then back to snowbeard but the quest will not complete, so i cant get to the next level/ part of the game, I am more then happy to restart the quest if it can reset it for me.

P,s i done everythnig on the quest list for this part of the game.



< Message edited by zeeday1 -- 5/29/2010 7:22:32 >
Post #: 271
5/29/2010 14:19:16   
Loss Of Many

Type of bug : Game crash

Bug details: I've been trying to see the un-trainer in Death's Domain and the last 3-4 times or so the game got stuck after speaking to Death and it wouldn't load the place with swirly portals.

Before bug occurred: Normal, even tried clearing my cache.

During Bug: The background blanks, leaving the player visible

After bug: Have to log in again

AQ  Post #: 272
6/5/2010 18:21:45   
Loss Of Many

The Germinator quest doesn't seem to work (does nothing when I click on it while talking to Vince). I've logged in and out, still doesn't work.
AQ  Post #: 273
6/10/2010 22:45:45   
How We Roll Winner

Part 3 of Irolustre's quest.

In the cutscene where it shows the wyvern after being called and Irolustre telling you good luck and to show this cult (etc)

Irolustre and the castle are shown in shadows. But the hero is super-imposed(ie) zoomed in on so much that he is much larger rather then distantly shadowed like irolustre.
AQW Epic  Post #: 274
6/24/2010 22:59:52   
How We Roll Winner

In the new Zardmaster war,

when you've finished a few battles and it returns you to the main screen that says battle/return to camp.

My character(as you can see in the provided screenshot) is superimposed on the left hand side. Blocking part of the buttons.

AQW Epic  Post #: 275
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