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RE: Monsters

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8/31/2014 15:31:51   

New image for Shake Spear.


Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

< Message edited by Voodoo Master -- 8/31/2014 15:55:47 >
DF  Post #: 576
9/2/2014 21:10:43   
Hopeful Guy
Hope Upbringer!

Tauros needs The Minotaur II: The Bludgeoning as a location.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

< Message edited by Niki -- 9/3/2014 1:35:15 >
DF  Post #: 577
9/6/2014 14:35:36   

I saw that Seed Spitter's Attack images are broken.

Here are new images:
Attack Type 1
Attack Type 2

Same thing with SylphDrake, his Attack image 2 is broken.

Attack Type 2

All added, thanks. ~Leon

< Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 9/6/2014 16:08:27 >
DF  Post #: 578
9/24/2014 10:00:53   

I got the new Booty Sneevil image (if you need).

Added, thanks. [Niki]

< Message edited by Niki -- 9/25/2014 14:19:53 >
DF  Post #: 579
10/1/2014 13:54:20   

New images for Swamp Shambler.

Attack Type 1
Attack Type 2

Done, thanks. [Niki]

< Message edited by Niki -- 10/1/2014 15:04:07 >
DF  Post #: 580
11/6/2014 16:07:31   
Grandpa Oz
How We Roll Winner

Mumragon from Dynasty Tomb is (now?) called "Mummified Dragon" in the quest.

*waves hand* you didn't see anything...it's always been mumragon...I didn't just go in and change it... ~Ash

I didn't see anything.

< Message edited by Grandpa Oz -- 11/6/2014 16:21:36 >
DF AQW  Post #: 581
12/27/2014 16:29:04   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Frostvale Alternative Images...


Frostvale 2014 Alternative Image


Frostvale 2014 Alternative Image
* Note the body parts change on this monster


Frostvale 2014 Alternative Image
* Note the body parts change on this monster


Frostvale 2014 Alternative Image


Frostvale 2014 Alternative Image
* Note the body parts change on this monster


Frostvale 2014 Alternative Image

Done, thanks. [Niki]

< Message edited by Niki -- 12/28/2014 6:15:31 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 582
12/28/2014 5:31:54   

These entries need the Rare tag added.
Ancient Ninja Monkee
Ancient Pirate Monkee

Scrapheap needs the Thankstaking banner added.

These entries need the Frostval banner added.
Sad Bear
Zorbak --> also needs to merge with --> Zorbak

Done, thanks. [Niki]

< Message edited by Niki -- 12/28/2014 5:59:44 >
DF AQW  Post #: 583
1/14/2015 17:26:36   
Slayer Zach
Yellow Fellow


Location: Sepulchure (Frostval)

Level: Scaled
Element: Evil
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 100, INT: 100, DEX: 100, END 500, CHA: 666, LUK: 50, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 50, Dodge: 50, Block: 50
Offenses: Crit: 10, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Flee: -200, Immobility: 100, All: 40

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience ganied: Scaled

Attack Type 1: Sepulchure clenches his fist and blasts you with darkness beams for 5 hits of Melee Evil damage, chance of condition 'Mana Leach (500-800 mana)' for 5 turns.
Attack Type 2: Sepulchure strikes you with his weapon for 3 hits of Melee Evil damage and has a chance of putting you to sleep for 1-2 turns.
Attack Type 3: Sepulchure fires a giant darkness beam at you, laughing at you for 1 hit of Melee Evil damage. If it connects, it inflicts the DOT 'Necrotic Pain' for 4 turns.
Attack Type 4: Sepulchure laughs at you for 1 hit of Melee Evil damage. If it connects, you are inflicted with the condition 'Taunt -50 PowerBoost' for 5 turns.
Attack Type 5: Sepulchure levitates and several Shadowscythe claws come from the ground to you, and he strikes you with his weapon, for 2 hits of Melee Evil damage. If at least one hit connects, you are inflicted with the condition 'Blind (-50 to Hit)' for 5 turns. Sepulchure also heals some HP during this attack.

  • Attack Type 1 doesn't seem to drain your mana if Sepulchure has 0 MP.
  • Attack types 2, 3, 4, 5 uses MP.
  • Wearing DoomKnight Armor reveals a notice at the top of the screen ( image) and gives Sepulchure more powerful effects: Mana Leach is buffed to 2000-5000 mana damage, you are also inflicted with a condition 'You think you can face him in that armor?' for 999 turns which lowers your Melee Def by 500 and your Boost by 300. Switching weapons can temporarily remove those effects until next turn.

    Also See: Sepulchure (Final 13th)

    Done, thanks. Image file size should be 75KB or less. [Niki]

    < Message edited by Niki -- 1/15/2015 2:00:54 >
  • AQ DF AQW  Post #: 584
    1/16/2015 21:22:03   
    Slayer Zach
    Yellow Fellow

    Blue Frostval Moglinster has an effect on Attack Type 2: 'Puffed Up' for 3 turns, raising its Parry/Dodge/Block by 180: Screenshot
    Note: The effects don't start until its next turn: Screenshot

    White Frostval Moglinster has an effect on Attack Type 2: 'Frenzy! 50 PowerBoost' for 3 turns: Screenshot

    A new main image for Sepulchure (Frostval)

    Son of Akriloth

    Location: Dueling Timelines

    Damage: Scaled
    Element: Fire
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 30, INT: 40, DEX: 35, END: 15, CHA: 100, LUK: 15, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 1
    Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Water: -20, Ice: -30, Immobility: 20

    Attack Type 1: Claws you for 1 hit of Melee Fire damage.
    Attack Type 2: Headbutts you for 1 hit of Melee Fire damage.
    Attack Type 3: Breathes fire on you for 4 hits of Melee Fire damage.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Alternative image (Shrunken)

    Merged Akriloth

    Location: Dueling Timelines

    Damage: Scaled
    Element: Fire
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 50, INT: 200, DEX: 50, END: 200, CHA: 50, LUK: 50, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: 10, Pierce: 10, Magic: 10, Parry: 15, Dodge: 15, Block: 15
    Offenses: Crit: 30, Bonus: 20, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Flee: -200, Light: -30, Water: -30, ???: -40, Ice: -40, Immobility: 80

    Attack Type 1: Merged Akriloth breathes fire on you for 10 hits of Melee Fire damage.
    Attack Type 2: Merged Akriloth shoots flames out of magic runes for 1 hit of Melee Fire damage. If it connects, it inflicts condition 'Blind: -70 To Hit' for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 3: Merged Akriloth lifts his head in the air and breathes fire, causing some spikes to come out of the ground to attack you for 4 hits of Melee Fire damage. If at least one hit connects, you are stunned for 3 turns.
    Attack Type 4: Merged Akriloth briefly surrounds himself in flames, powering up for Attack Type 5. This move clears all status debuffs that he currently has, and also has a chance of healing some of Merged Akriloth's HP.
    Attack Type 5: Followed up after Attack Type 4, Merged Akriloth breathes flames on you for 8 very powerful critical hits of Melee Fire damage.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Alternative image

  • Attack Types 2 and 3 uses some MP.
  • Wearing DoomKnight Armor buffs Merged Akriloth by making him heal 50% of his HP for every attack he does, except for Attack Type 2.

    All done (some by Jorath), thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by Niki -- 1/22/2015 11:05:21 >
  • AQ DF AQW  Post #: 585
    1/16/2015 23:24:21   
    Slayer Zach
    Yellow Fellow

    Baby Fire Dragon

    Location: Dragonrider Waves

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Fire
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Ice: -20, Water: -20, Immobility: 50

    Attack Type 1: Breathes fire on you for 1 hit of Melee Fire damage.
    Attack Type 2: Bites you for 1 hit of Melee Fire damage.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Done by Stridoom. [Niki]

    < Message edited by Niki -- 1/22/2015 11:06:31 >
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 586
    1/18/2015 10:36:32   
    Slayer Zach
    Yellow Fellow

    Corrections for Baby Energy Dragon:

    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled
    Offenses: Bonus: Scaled

    And some alternative images, too:
    Alternative main image
    Alternative Attack Type 1
    Alternative Attack Type 2

    Done, thanks. Used images as main. [Niki]

    < Message edited by Niki -- 1/22/2015 11:25:16 >
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 587
    2/8/2015 8:07:10   

    New images for Really Big Gerbil

    Attack Type 1
    Attack Type 2

    Decadere Eldest's missing Attack Type 2 image

    Done, thanks. ~Karika

    < Message edited by Karika -- 2/8/2015 9:54:03 >
    DF  Post #: 588
    2/11/2015 11:13:01   

    New main image for Guffer

    Seems like his alternative image is broken too...

    Added, thanks. ~Karika

    < Message edited by Karika -- 2/11/2015 11:20:18 >
    DF  Post #: 589
    2/14/2015 9:29:54   

    Sandstorm needs new attack images

    Attack Type 1
    Attack Type 2

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    < Message edited by Peachii -- 2/14/2015 9:32:58 >
    DF  Post #: 590
    2/16/2015 11:25:42   

    New attack images for Cyklon Pummeler

    Attack Type 1
    Attack Type 2

    His alternative image is broken.

    New attack images for Mother Eye

    Attack Type 1
    Attack Type 2

    His alternative image is broken..

    New main image for Cyklon Centurion


    Done to here. ~Karika

    New images for Deep Puddle

    Attack Type 1
    Attack Type 2


    Paindeer's missing Attack Type 1 image

    His alternative image is broken...

    New main image for Zombie Tog


    Opticlops's missing Attack Type 2 image

    Cephelorachnid's missing Attack Type 1 image

    Boardrake needs new Attack Type 2 image

    His alternative image is broken.

    Spidermancer needs new attack images:

    Attack Type 1
    Attack Type 2

    New main image for Badbones

    Done (some by Karika), thanks. ~Peachii

    < Message edited by Peachii -- 2/20/2015 1:18:06 >
    DF  Post #: 591
    3/6/2015 10:48:31   

    Flying Eyeball needs a new Attack Type 2 image.

    Done, thanks. ~Karika

    < Message edited by Karika -- 3/6/2015 12:07:44 >
    DF  Post #: 592
    3/6/2015 15:06:06   
    Slayer Zach
    Yellow Fellow

    A bunch of alternative images.

    Alternative Image (To Edelia)
    Alternative Image (Soulthreads)

    Alternative Image (Soulthreads)

    Draydenfish Zombie:
    Alternative Image (Soulthreads)

    Alternative Image (Soulthreads)

    Alternative Image (Soulthreads)

    Chained Barrat

    Golden Cabit:
    Chained Golden Cabit

    Lava Daver:
    Chained Lava Daver

    Thanks to Stephen Nix for Slime image.
    (Slimes at Edelia Sewers look identical to Soul Slime, but I felt like that alternative image should be included.)

    Done, thanks. ~Karika

    < Message edited by Karika -- 3/6/2015 18:09:20 >
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 593
    3/27/2015 18:49:11   
    The ErosionSeeker
    *insert cheesy pun here*

    Kathool has changed greatly.
    Attack 1 either always deals 3 hits now, or always dealt 3 hits, not 2.
    Attack 3 takes 15-20% of your maximium MP (or all, if less), and your MP recovery is based upon the amount drained. At full MP, it restored 2000+. When I had 319 pre-steal, it would only regenerate by 319.
    Attack 5 now restores the crazy amount of 18025 HP once, and then again for 2 more turns (not 3, as it claims), for a total of 3 times.
    Attack 6 now says "Kathool destorys[sic] your mind"

    For some reason, his B/P/D have also become inordinately high, despite the info bar claiming that he only has 1/0/0.

    No one has touched him that I'm aware of so I'll try and track down what's going on with him. ~Ash

    The thing about Attack 3 used to be the same as before, and AFAIK this is the same way that the Fire War Akriloth mp steal works.
    Ultra Kathool is still fairly manageable (second attempt was successful), if you're willing to leave this version in as an optional extreme mode :p

    < Message edited by The ErosionSeeker -- 3/27/2015 21:50:19 >
    DF AQW  Post #: 594
    3/28/2015 12:48:13   
      Stephen Nix
    Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

    To add to that Kathool entry above, according to the to do list, the image is broken. Is it? I still see the image.

    I see the image too (and all attack images and NPC entry image). [Niki]

    < Message edited by Niki -- 3/28/2015 13:01:20 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 595
    4/4/2015 23:37:59   
      Stephen Nix
    Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

    Kara needs a space after the MP scaled.

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    < Message edited by Peachii -- 4/5/2015 3:58:52 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 596
    4/7/2015 17:44:59   


    Location: The Challenge of Moocluckles

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Water
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 1, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Energy: -300, Fire: -300, Ice: 25, Water: 200

    Attack Type 1 - Attacks with a shower of spit for 1 hit of water damage
    Attack Type 2 - Shoots a waterball at you for 1 hit of water damage

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Added, thanks. ~Karika

    < Message edited by Karika -- 4/7/2015 19:47:52 >
    DF  Post #: 597
    4/8/2015 7:46:38   

    Shade of Death

    Location: The Challenge of Moocluckles

    Level: Scaled
    Element: ???
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 200, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 10, Dodge: 10, Block: 10
    Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: Equal to Level, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Flee: -200, Darkness: 200, Shrink: 100, Immobility: 75

    Attack Type 1 - Telekinetically slashes you with scythe for 1 hit of ??? damage, inflitcts "Necrotic Touch" DOT for 6 turns.
    Attack Type 2 - Ghostly skeleton climbs out of hood and phases thorugh you for 1 hit of ??? damage.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Done by Stridoom. ~Peachii

    < Message edited by Peachii -- 4/8/2015 10:03:44 >
    DF  Post #: 598
    4/13/2015 11:52:16   

    Deathwidow has one more attack:

    Attack Type 2 - Attacks you with its spider web which applies a DoT: 1-5 melee damage for 5 turns

    Chaos Weaver needs a new Attack Type 1 image

    Sneevil Gladiator's alternative image could be removed, it's deleted

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by Niki -- 4/13/2015 12:07:26 >
    DF  Post #: 599
    4/26/2015 18:35:43   
    Slayer Zach
    Yellow Fellow

    These two monsters are missing an additional attack:

    Attack Type 5 - Orders pirate monkees to fire a cannon at you for 1 hit of melee damage

    Gary, the Ice Spy
    Attack Type 3 - Runs up to you, kicks and slashes you with his Chakram for 2 hits of melee damage

    Guardian Dragon:

    Shrunk him down for a fuller-sized image:

    Entropic Minion (Female):

    An alternative image, this one is seen in Falconreach Havoc, Sepulchure's Fortress, Eclipse, etc. She has a green glow on her helm, unlike the "regular" version.

    Alternative Image

    Titan Trey + Entropy Dragon
    Epic Titan Trey + Epic Entropy Dragon

    Gold gained: 165
    Experience gained: 2244

    Gold gained: 180
    Experience gained: 2448

    Undead Akriloth / Elite Undead Akriloth
    Kordana / Kordana 13.0
    Ultra Dracolich Body / Elite Ultra Dracolich Body
    Ultra Dracolich Claw / Elite Ultra Dracolich Claw
    Ultra Dracolich Feet / Elite Ultra Dracolich Feet
    Ultra Dracolich Head / Elite Ultra Dracolich Head
    Ultra Dracolich Tail / Elite Ultra Dracolich Tail

    Gold gained: 83
    Experience gained: 1122

    Gold gained: 90
    Experience gained: 1224

    Drakath (Titan) + Dreaddragon Drakath:

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Gold gained: 480
    Experience gained: 2400

    Are you sure you didn't have X-Boost when checking the new values?
    Edit: I don't have X-Boost, so, no.

    Done so far. [Niki]

    Fire Sprite has been renamed to Cinder.

    We could either merge it with the Mission: Improbable version ( Cinder), or keep them seperate?
    Edit: Seperate, as in, one entry for the scaled and the other entry for the non-scaled. Probably best to merge them, either way.

    < Message edited by Niki -- 5/2/2015 6:15:42 >
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 600
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