6.7k AC's? Wow. If it's that much, you can be certain they're gonna load you up with SO much spam, your inbox will ker-plode, and they'll probably make you take about 20 other offers, about 3 of which actually are free. These are bad, don't use them, or you'll regret it come next month's bill. Anyways, I've heard about this kind, and they tend to be so very evil. If it's 670, which seems more reasonable, you can expect to fill out a series of 'offers', most of which aren't free anyways, (2 'Gold' 3 'Silver' and 4 'Bronze', all needed) in order to get it, and that's after tons of spam, bombardment with ads, and a series of complaints before you even have a chance of getting it. >_> Either that, or it's an application which basically spies on you, providing 'free' smilies that no self-respecting person would be caught dead using. So, be very very careful, read ALL the fine print at the bottom AND top, and make sure you don't sign up to anything with you real, regular email. Make another, with spam at the end, specifically for that entire thing. I have one with some 300 emails, and I made it a few months ago. Things to beware of: Offers that give you 'a free gift/cash/credit card'. They'll just use the data you gave them to bill you for it. And it's NOT cheap. Don't do any which need a card. Offers which have you fill out a survey, but give the coins to you when you reach the results page. You need to do a ridiculous number of other offers to get there for some 100 coins. Offers which enter you in a contest. These often have hidden fees. Slightly better offers: Those which reward you them after you submit your (fake) information. Those which tell you to complete a survey, with the questions being on different pages. They are discriminatory with your answers, but there's no real chance of getting a virus. Still use your spam address. Really cheap ones, like newsletters. Make sure you confirm them to get the coins. Hopefully I am helpful, otherwise, why am I posting here? ~Your friendly *cough* neighborhood dragon.