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The Anti-Hermitage ~ Poetry in General

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6/4/2009 15:11:07   
not steve

Hello! Welcome to the forward for my first poetry gallery, I don't blame the people that aren't reading this, I rarely read these things myself. I have done allot in my breif time with this forum, I helped save a small forumid with a tightly knit community from deletion, was the most popular (though no where near the best) artist in the gallery for nearly four months strait, I started up a gameing project paying my respects to ricobabie that never got anywhere and than retired to come and write poetry here. But what I have done isn't important, what is important is who I am. I am not steve, a person. I like to write about allot of things, the only common theme through all of my poems is that they are nearly always light in nature. A favorite topic of mine is right and wrong, and how difficut they can be to tell appart.

Now, onto why I chose the name of the gallery. A hermitage is a place where a hermit lives, it's place of solitude and purity. One would think it would be easy to foucus your thoughs there as you can't get any disstraction from the outside world. Your inspiration would come exclusively from nature and your purist and most iner self. I, however, get my inspiration from a place near the exact opposite. Most of my poems are written in my bed at 10:30-12:00 PM. After a day of absorbing all of the media I possibly can, I look out over the city (I live on a hill, over looking the entire city) and I start think, than I start to write. I don’t know why this works so well for me, but lets not question a good thing.

I write many kinds of poems, but they can all be boiled down into three basic categories. I present you with my table of contents. I am using a system here that makes it easier for you to jump to each section and specific poems. Before each of the names of the poems I have included a little code that is guaranteed not to show up anywhere else in this gallery (you will see why in a moment). Just type the code into your “Find” box or your browser’s equivalent and you can surf through my stuff easily.

-Mixed Poetry
--Tiny Acorn
--The Fox
--My Faceless Friend
--What Am I?
--The Night
--A Call to Arms
--My Armor
--Tread Light
--Papa Papa
--Rising Stars
--The Window
-Love Poetry
--If We…
--My Bouquet
--Another Day
--But a Dream
--No Words
--I Am, You Are
--Every Bit
--The First Time
-Patched with Virtue (Narrative in Verse)
--Part 1, Chapter 1
--Chapter 2
--Chapter 3
--Chapter 4
--Chapter 5
--Part 2, Chapter 1
--Chapter 2
--Chapter 3
--Chapter 4

Mixed Poetry

Welcome to the mixed poetry section of the gallery. Here you will find all manners of poems, most of them filled with insights. Some of them filled with very discrete insights that you will have to really focus on to get. Some with secret codes that you must crack in order to save the world from destruction at the hands of the space kraken. Ok, I lied about the last one. Have fun!

Tiny Acorn
Tiny acorn, strong of will
Wrapped in soil, wrought with thrill.
Filled with dreams of what’s to come,
You’ll shadow many, bow to none!

You know there is a likelihood
You won't survive, you won't do good.
But you’ll be different, you’ll stand out;
You have no fears, you have no doubt!

You’ll always stand, you’ll grow and grow,
You’ll live to be a hundred or so.
But what if nature bears you cold?
What if you grow not so bold?

Would you halt in your ascent?
Give up glory; Stop, repent?
Your strength lies not in nature's call,
For every summer has a fall!

But you’ll bounce back, you’ll come right through
And what’s more you’ll be stronger too.
For you’re an oak, you won't give in.
You’ll chase off death, you’ll smile and grin!

You’ll weather storms, you’ll bear the cold.
You WILL grow strong, you WILL grow bold!
You’ll stand real tall, and wither? Nope.
You have all you need, as you have hope.

The Fox
There is a wood behind my yard,
Filled with trees and mice on guard.
For there's a fox with the intent
To hunt them down until he's spent.

He has a wife and family;
Many puppies (four or three).
He brings them food and teaches them
To take chances, and not condemn.

To see all living as their pray,
Unless it's me, then run away!
To touch, to hear, to taste, to smell
So if there's food near they can tell.

To boldly stride on through the wood,
To walk its kills round the neighborhood.
To play with things too small to eat,
To pounce on mosquitoes, to kick up their feet!

To walk with such an elegance
That they radiate brilliance.
To love, to hunt, to live, to be;
That they may grow strong, just as he.

My Faceless Friend
You make leaves dance with such an ease.
You charm the branches through the breeze.
You bring with you so much relief,
Sometimes long but sometimes brief.
You'll be with me until the end;
You might be called my faceless friend.

You're often cool but never sure,
That you won't change in temperature.
Your touch has quite a special way
Of moving me right through each day.
You push, you shove, for change you send;
You might be called my faceless friend.

I think it really is quite bold,
You never do just what you're told.
I like the way that I can know,
You'll always tell me where to go.
Your known by many, me by some;
I might be called the faceless one.

I make an impact, play my parts…
But your the one who touches hearts.
You make your way across the land,
The very clouds moved by your hand!
You whip and blow until you're done;
I might be called the faceless one.

I work hard, I run my show!
But you bring joy where'ere you go.
I've built my life, I didn't cheat.
But you move mountains, that’s a feat.
Your more than I, yet I contend:
You'll always be my faceless friend.

[XKCDSUX!!]What am I?

For the first time in a long time
I am feeling self-concerned,
My legs are feeling numb
And my stomach’s feeling churned.
For all the years I think I’ve known
I now know I have lied,
Not that I'm asking myself
Just what am I?

I’m a lover and a fighter,
Yes the kind that can do both.
A braveheart and a coward
And a freeman bound by oath.
I feel lost and I feel scared
With no identity,
It’s difficult to see the things
That make up me.

One is defined by their own actions
But mine often contradict.
One moment I’m the trickster,
And the next I am the tricked.
People see me differently,
None know me as the same.
I suppose the only thing I am
Is my name.

My name is something that I own
Yet it is what I am,
In the way a shepherd sees himself
Within a baby lamb.
When people ask your name
They are asking who you are;
They think one word can tell them
But from the truth their far.

I am different things in different ways,
In different circumstance.
I’m many people all in one,
I act in new by chance.
I am satisfied right here
Whatever I will be;
For I will be what I am,
And what I am is me.

It is the end of my long day;
End of my fun, end of my play.
Mom reads, dad talks and all the while,
I watch the sunset here, and smile

I’m going off to high school soon,
To learn great things as future looms.
A future where I might do poor,
I watch the sunset here, unsure.

Time to start at my career.
I’ll build my drams I’ll have no fear!
I’ll make a life, I’ll do it right.
I watch the sunset here, in light.

Today I am forty years old,
My heat for work starts growing cold.
But if I quit, cant meet my dues…
I watch the sunset here, confused.

Today’s the day that I retire,
Reclaim my vigor, rekindle my fire!
Time to rest, no longer mope;
I watch the sunset here, with hope

Today’s the day I finally died,
I sat and watched as my family cried.
Now it’s time for life anew,
I watch the sunset here, with you.

The Night
From my window I can see,
Sky scrapers looking down on me.
It is night, but the sky glows,
To everywhere the bright dark flows.
I’m filled with awe at it’s great light;
I look into the city’s night.

Yet up and to the left I see,
The night’s stars looking down on me.
They are quite weak, and very faint
Yet they exist without a taint.
Blessed wit peace, but not with might;
I look into the heaven’s night.

One is quiet, other’s loud
And not afraid to show a crowd
That is it great, for glory fit,
That other things strive to be it!
The other does not throw such bait,
How could any think it’s great?

The glow eliminates nightfall,
The city stands higher than all!
Yet under the stars it is still,
Despite all ego, wealth and will.
For there is much that this cant get,
Maybe the glow is lacking yet.

The stars out last eternity,
They live in quiet dignity.
For many cities come and go
But the stars will forever glow,
So if you seek a lasting light:
Look up and left, to heaven’s night.

I fight for justice from above,
I hate to hate and love to love.
Where there is darkness I bring light,
I kill the shadows of the night.
I cleanse corruption of it’s sin;
I am a modern paladin .

You sir, are but a violent brute!
Don’t you see your ways bear no fruit?
To feed the hungry, heal the sick,
Makes your “justice” a cheap trick.
I help whoever that I can,
I do not fight, I harm no man.

You, pacifist, are but mislead;
The poor need safety more than bed.
I give lend my strength, I give my time
To rid the dirty streets of crime.
No mugger shall ever escape,
My attempt to keep these streets safe.

How can a paladin decide
Which men go free, and which are tied.
For threw your high and threw your low,
You’re an ordinary fellow.
If you wish to make the world great,
Lead with love, don’t dispense hate.

Upon your tactics I do frown,
For holding hands will hold you down.
To just be good cannot be right
When others can be made through might.
Pacifist, oh don’t you see?
I’m a man you should want to be!

“Made”? What a sick thing to say,
To use your might to get your way!
When I am kind, men’s hearts do fill,
And they are made new of their will.
Speak what you’ll speak; say what you’ll say,
But through and through mine is the way.

“Made new?” Ha! Give me a break,
That is as funny as it’s fake.
Your ways do nothing on this land,
Save turn men’s safety into sand.
Call my ways wrong; say there with quirk,
But in the end they still do work.

A Call To Arms

A call to arms oh brave nation,
You’ll be on top when all is done.
With your great arms, you’ll evoke fear,
And trade and respect follow near.
And as for lands? You’ll get a few,
Trust me, this row is good for you.

A call to arms patriot man,
As for your homeland you do stand.
You fight for freedom and virtues,
Someone must defend your values!
You will fight back, not just take it.
You’ll bear your teeth and never quit.

A call to arms adventurer
You’ll win gold, frankincense and mere.
You’ll have some laughs; you’ll have some fun.
Go have a time, get the job done.
And at the end of the day,
“I fought and won” Is what you’ll say.

A call to arms young gallant lad,
Your father will be proud and glad
To have a boy that is this brave,
Who’s not a coward, not a knave.
You’ll show those who say you cant fight
You’re filled with vigour, filled with might.

A call to arms, patriot man,
I know that this was not the plan.
The suffering from this great war
Makes it seem not worth fighting for.
You sadly know beyond all doubt,
There is no way you can get out.

A call to arms adventurer,
I know things are not as they were.
This war has not kept its promise,
To fill you with a pride and bliss.
This is not joyous, is not fun;
We all just want it to be done.

A call to arms young gallant lad,
I know you miss your mom and dad.
You fear that all this violence,
Has ridden you of innocence.
You wonder, as your trench you roam,
Will you ever see your home?

A call to arms oh brave nation,
Now that all is said and done
You came out having only shame,
And only have yourself to blame.
You can’t look up, these scars won’t mend,
I fear this war will never end.

My Armor
My mother is my helmet in that she protects me,
From things that I’d be better off if I’d not hear or see.
Sometimes it gets in my way, sometimes it prevents fun,
But it has saved me many times when all is said and done.

My father is my bracers because he helps defend,
The part of me that I use to achieve my wills and ends.
They may make my arms heave, and slow me from rushing,
But without their protection I would not have anything.

My brother is my buckler as he does help to shield,
From any form of assault that I’d otherwise have reeled.
Occasionally it bumps me, or hurts me in some way,
But it protects me twenty fold when we are in a fray.

My sister is my chainmail because it moves to fit you,
And whenever you need help you know that the mail will do.
Sometimes the chainmail pinches and this will cause you to yelp,
But it will always be their for you if you need it’s help.

With an armor this protective I have never come to pain,
But I’m myself no different, I am the fact the same.
We all help each other out, that’s what we’re meat to do,
As to each of my pieces I’m piece of armor too.

Walk along life's rugged road.
Walk off you small and humble load.
Walk, but detour when it's fun.
Walk until it's time to run.

Run when the path is more clear.
Run to places far from here.
Run, to see ahead just squint.
Run until you need to sprint.

Sprint, forget to give, just take.
Sprint, leave lessers in your wake.
Sprint, just sprint, you need your best.
Sprint until at last you rest.

Rest in the place where you are.
Rest weather your near or far.
Rest as you accept your lot.
Rest as that is what you've got.

Tread light
Speak light,
breathe light,
Feel light,
Make light.
Never down
Only up,
Spread the knowledge
Pass it up.
Just give
Don’t take,
Can’t make
Cant stop,
Can’t fight,
Tread light,
Tread light.

Es few,
Needs you.
Must love
Can’t hate,
Be late.
Need this
To live,
Can’t take
Must give.
Can’t stop,
Can’t fight,
Tread light,
Tread light.

Can’t breath,
Can’t leave,
Too much,
Held back,
Must stay
On top,
Don’t fall,
Wont stop.
Tread light,
Tread light,
Tread light
Tread light;


[SaberToothedLime!]Papa Papa

Papa, Papa I must ask because I need to know;
Why does the sun leave at night and than where does it go?
Could it be the sun and moon are fearsome, bitter foes?
No need to say, don’t waste your strength, I think that I now know.

Papa, Papa look at this! I’ve got something to say,
The flowers bear their seeds but than the wind steals them away!
The earth must have wronged the wind and it’s returning fray,
I’m feeling that a callous war begins this very day.

Papa, Papa why is it that when fire is doused,
Both fire and water leave, they take each other out?
Is it that they’re both depleted from a tiring bout?
I’m sure that is what’s happening, I know beyond a doubt.

Papa, Papa raindrops strike the earth, oh cant you hear?
And bonfire chars the air, oh how this fills me with great fear.
The rocks fall freely to the sea, I think it’s been made clear:
Nature’s tearing itself apart, I know the end is near.

Rising stars
Rising ever onward still,
Rising, rising, to the top.
We are strong of heart and will
Rising, rising, never stop.

Rising fast and rising far,
Rising more than any star.
Rising far beyond your ground,
With the rising friends you’ve found.

Glowing in your own great light,
Glowing with your awesome might.
Glowing with the stars you love,
All who look see you above.

Glowing almost through the day,
Glowing through dark every way.
Glowing more than anything,
You’re the master, you’re a king.

Fading, you glowing subsides.
Fading as your power slides.
Fading, losing what was ours,
Coming short of other stars.

Fading, you pass the baton.
Fading, it’s time to move on.
Fading; yet the elder Czars,
Will always love old rising stars.

I once was young, I once was proud,
My heart was free, my voice was loud.
But my appointment was a guise
To stop the rebel’s “vicious lies”.
And now that my values are shed,
I am left as a figurehead.

I’ve become expected to do,
Exactly what I am told to.
I’m told there is no other way,
To keep things running every day.
But what there doing, it is wrong.
And I have known it all along.

Do I have the power to stop?
I am the king, I am on top!
Those fools down there are quite mislead
To think I’ll be their figurehead!
I’d show them now, I’d show them all,
That I hold power after all!

I’d march up to them than they’d know
Where I want this nation to go.
And than they would all smile at me,
Tell me my visions could not be.
I would nod rather than speak,
Though I act firm they know I’m weak.

This is not fair, this is not right,
Those fools should tremble from my might!
Why should I watch them wreck this land,
When they can be killed at my hand?
But I am just a poor old fool,
A puppet to the ones who rule.

And who get blamed when things go wrong?
They’ll say it was me all along.
My life’s a ploy, I am a sham,
I’ll die like this, it’s what I am.
Made hollow by the lies they’ve fed,
I have become their figurehead.


It's gone! Where is it? This cant be.
It's got to be here, cant you see?
It could not be gone, not from here,
I always held it close and dear.
It will turn up, it cant be gone,
I wont be without it for long.

This is not right, this is not fair!
I'll tear it's taker hair from hair!
How dare this happen, how dare it be?
How dare they come take it from me!
From what dark mind did this scheme stem?
Whoever's it is, shame on them!

Uncle! Uncle! I give in,
To whoever did this great sin.
Whatever you want, you can take,
I forgive you for your mistake.
I don't care about your attack,
I just want my lost thing back.

I suppose silence, it means no.
Why did my treasure have to go?
I had it, and was happy than,
And now wont see it ere' again.
I need it, I cannot move on,
And now it is forever gone.

It's not so bad I think, I guess,
To dwell upon it's life's digress.
I do not have it, beyond doubt,
So I must learn to live without.
Yes I'd still like it as before,
But I don't need it anymore.

[Huhhuh]The window

From the window, looking out,
There are many things about.
Most prominent, a crescent moon,
that struggles with the clouds for room.

Looking far down in the sky,
A city in the distance lies.
It emanates a feigning light,
Just nearly the perfect bright.

Slightly up, but much less far,
Lower still than any star,
A sleepy gaggle fly by night,
Moving onward through my right.

A fair bit down, with serene ease,
The trees start swaying in the breeze.
As fall is here, some leaves come down,
On to the grass in this fine town.

Just slightly down I start to skim,
The surface of the window brim.
The world outside, it looks sublime,
So majestic in the night time.

The window beacons and I come,
It is where so much joy comes from.
All night I'd stare into the west,
But I nod off, as I need rest.

The choice to make, the final round,
The end to end it all,
Left or right or up or down?
It serves no point to stall.

Oh I fought long and I fought hard
To make this grand decision,
And now I am caught in a crux,
My thoughts caught in collision.

I cannot bring myself to chose
Either option at hand,
The struggle is what's hurting me,
It's more than I can stand.

But a choice, it must be made,
That much is quintessential.
Yet I fear a quick decision
is what makes it consequential.

Both options leave me wondering,
Both outcomes are unseen.
Both could prove disastrous,
So to chose I'm not too keen.

This is it, I've had enough,
I'll chose and just be done.
It won't matter what's chosen
Because with either I have won.

I've made my choice, I've broken free,
Now I sit and watch the show;
as the present lets me see where
past decisions had me go.

Love Poetry

You might be thinking: “Why does love poetry get it’s own section? I didn’t get my own section, why should love?” well, I write quite a few love poems and they are actually pretty distinct from my other ones. You don’t get your own section because I haven’t written that many poems about you, unless one of the characters in “Patched With Virtue” is a metaphor for you in witch case you DID get your own section so stop complaining! Anyway, on with the mushy stuff.

If we…
If we went out? I’d fall in love,
My heart would fit yours like a glove.
We’d sit under the moonlit sky,
I’d always dread the word goodbye.

If we would last? I would still love,
To time spent here: gifts from above.
I’d laugh with you and stroke your hair,
And wish I could always be there.

If we engage? I’d love you so,
To the altar we would go.
We’d look each other in the eyes,
Know nether pair could hold a lie.

If we should wed? I’d love always,
Even in the darkest days.
I’d stand up there and say, “I do.”
Knowing that you soon would too.

If we grow old? I’d love you still,
With all my body, mind and will.
We'd sit side by side, and start to read.
With all I'd have, you're all I'd need.

If we should die? I’d love you best,
We’d stood our trials, we’d passed our tests!
I’d look on you and I’d adore,
As I would love forever more.

My Bouquet
I feel your presence when you’re near,
You radiate your joy and cheer.
When I see you in the halls
My starts racing, than it stalls.
When you're in view all else is hazy,
You catch my eye, like a daisy.

When we speak you brighten my day.
It’s always sweet, whatever you say.
What you do is always kind,
It brings nice thoughts into my mind.
You don’t hurt anyone of your will,
You cheer me up, like a daffodil.

When we're embracing any time,
The feeling I get is sublime.
Just to hold you in my arms
Separates my heart from harm.
Your touch, your lips, your eyes, your pose;
You enthrall me like a rose.

You make me think about the things
That make men poor, That make them kings
You make me ponder life and light,
Time, space, sound and sight.
With you with me there’s none I lack.
You fulfill me, like a lilac.

You’re always happy to see me.
You make me feel alive and free.
You make me think; you make me proud
To hold you high above the crowd.
You're all to me, my joy, my way;
For you’re my love, and my bouquet.

Another day
Oh, good morning! How is your day?
I’m not busy, sit and stay.
How’s the weather? What is new?
When is that assignment due?

We sit, we talk here every day,
I cant get out what I need to say.
You smile at me, I’m sure you know
But my fear will not let me go.

I’m almost sure you beckon me
To come right out, to with you be.
But I can never be just sure
That my want is not the true lure.

I know that you wont linger long,
I hope I ask before your gone.
Do you like me? I have to know,
My heart wont let me ask you though.

Your made for me, I cant get enough,
And that’s what makes this just so tough.
When you’re near my ears they rings,
And that’s what makes this challenging

I know that I should ask right now,
Than with your love I’d be endowed
Time for class? What’s that you say?
I guess I’ll wait another day…


I see you when I’m walking down
The halls in school, the streets in town.
I see you be it day or night,
Dry or humid, dark or light.
Your in the ground, your in the air,
My dear, I see you everywhere.

I see you on the T.V. screen,
And in my lamp when it is clean.
I see you in my old photos,
And in the patterns on my cloths.
I see you lots but am mislead;
I can’t get you out of my head.

I see you when others are there,
On people’s heads I see your hair
They turn around, I lose my glee;
Why must my eyes lie to me?
Your presence, it drives me insane.
I can’t get you out of my brain.

I think I really must love you
To see your face in all I do.
I think my love has blinded me,
All things not you I cannot see.
I see you wherever I stare;
My darling, you are everywhere.

But A Dream
If I’d a castle and was king
Every day of you I’d sing.
I’d procreate, post-haste decree,
That you and I would become we.
I’ll love you always it does seam,
Yet this is but a poor man’s dream.

If I’d a forge and was head-smith,
Always you I would be with.
I’d make our love from nothing and
Forge for us a life that’s grad.
I’d forge with care, home gold I’d bring
But I am just imagining.

If I’d a ship that I could sail,
I’d send you letters through the mail.
By day I would command the crew,
But by night I would dream of you.
I’d love you and you’d love me;
Yet this is but a fantasy.

If I was a rich business man:
I give you all the wealth I can.
With one trade the whole world I’d lead
Yet with all that you’re all I’d need.
For you infinite love I’d feel,
Sadly this cannot be real.

If I had wings and I could fly,
I’d swoop down to you from the sky!
I’d pick you up into my arms,
And never let you come to harm.
Oh darling, you were made for me;
Sadly this love can never be.

I’d battle men with a steel sword,
I would move mountains with my word,
One-thousand choirs I’d make sing,
For you I would do anything.
Yet no matter how real these seem,
They are but one wondrous dream.

No Words
You are like a diamond ring
In that you’re a beautiful thing,
But you hold more worth to me
Than any diamond easily.
I can but hope these words will do
As dear, there are no words for you.

You are like a new grown leaf;
Filled with life, lacking all grief.
But you will be there for much more time,
As leaves fall out with winter’s chime.
I can but hope these words will do
As dear, there are no words for you.

You are like a soaring bird;
Always free and always heard.
And yet you are greater still,
In your freedom, heart and will.
I can but hope these words will do
As dear, there are no words for you.

You are like a fresh apple,
For the joy you bring me is full.
But apples are in great supply,
And you are rare and held on high.
I can but hope these words will do
As dear, there are no words for you.

What are you? I cannot say,
But I will figure out some day.
How such beauty can exist
Is beyond any scientist.
I fear even these words wont do
As dear, there are no words for you.

I Am, You Are
I love the air, you love the earth,
Each of us firmly hold.
I am shy and timid whereas
You my dear are bold.
But it does not matter at all
What I have had or lacked,
I feel at least in this case that
Well, opposites attract.

You laugh allot, I smile silent,
Your shirts are black, mine blue.
It seems almost as if I am
Not at all close to you,
And yet I am the closest one
Your heart has to react,
I will love you always
Because opposites attract.

How do these things work? Well that
I do not understand,
We are in essence equal once
Our earthly lives have panned.
And I do plan to love you through
And far past our accent,
Upon closer inspection
We are not that different.

If you look at both of us
Were basically the same,
We both feel love and hatred,
Pain and pleasure, pride and shame.
We both lead lives that leave us
Feeling more than just content,
We vary yes, but on the whole
We’re not that different.

I do not care what we are
I care just that this works,
I feel I shouldn’t question it
As no good’s free of quirks.
It does not matter what we are
Or what we soon will be,
The one thing I care about is that
I love you and you love me.

[KupoKupo!]Every Bit

When you smile it makes me glad,
Never again shall I be sad.
When you smile and I look at you,
I cannot help from smiling too.

Your laugh’s like an angelic choir,
And in my heart it lights a fire.
The need to hear it one more time,
Puts my words into their prime.

You voice is sweeter than honey,
No matter what you’re telling me.
I get to hear it every day,
It tells me more than what you say.

Your eyes run deeper than the sea,
Your soul brings you so close to me.
When I look to them I know,
I am now where I’m meant to go.

You're wonderful in every way.
I yearn to see you every day.
When I’m around you I feel new,
I love every bit of you.

The Fist Time
The first time that I saw you,
My eyes lit up with glee.
I know one day that you and I,
Would be defined as we.

Yet the moment was fleeting,
And I quickly looked away.
You seemed not to notice me
I found to my dismay.

The first time I spoke with you,
I caused myself to awe.
My words composed themselves without
A fault, or break, or flaw.

You enjoyed talking to me,
But I was just a friend.
This attitude so haunted me,
And harmed me to no end.

The first time that I held your hand
It was so soft and warm,
I though, before this nothing
Could hold such a perfect form.

You took it casually
If you noticed it at all,
Your indifference seemed to me
As a kind of ploy or stall.

The first time that I kissed you,
I felt like never before.
I felt something that rattled me
And shook me to my core.

For what I felt surprised me,
Yet filled me with great glee.
It was because I didn’t kiss you;
It was you dear, who kissed me.

Patched With Virtue

Patched with virtue is a kind of narrative set in verse. I used to write regular narratives but I found them tedious and un-fulfilling, I will admit that in this way I do lose out to some of the drama but I get allot more out of this than i would with a narrative (being a poet) and I think that others could to (as the people reading this are also likely poets). Anyway, on with what this is about. The title, Patched With Virtue, comes from my favorite from Shakespeare. It is in twelfth night and to paraphrase it “Anything that's mended is but patched; virtue that transgresses is but patched with Sin, and sin that amends is but patched with virtue” this spoke to me allot. It speaks of how people see each other, in black and white. You are ether good or bad, there is no grey area there. If you are bad and become good, you are still bad in the eyes of people that knew you before. I felt this was a good title for my heavily veiled memoir of my forum life. It is appropriate to the plot as well. Anyway, enjoy! New chapters will be added as new poems. (Does this conflict with rule six? probably not...)

Part I: Amending
Chapter I

I am sulking in my cell,
Angry at the world I’m in
What I did I did for life
They call it wrong, they call it sin.
Entered the guard, he came in to
Say “Fife, there is a visitor for you.”

Smiling calmly he walked in
A staff in hand, a hood on head.
Something about him I thought I knew;
He smiled at me, approached and said:
“I am Bhor, remember me?”
And all at once, I could see.

“You’re the reason that I’m here,
You’re whom I lost my freedom from.
If not for you I’d still be free.”
He said “I’m not” and I felt dumb
“It seems you have forgot, you see
It was YOU who robbed from ME!”

I was shocked, though it was true.
When I was done he continued,
“But that is not why I did come,
I came here simply to forgive you”
“I come here only to relive;
That you may smile when you might grieve”

He bowed to me and walked away.
What kind of thing was that to do?
What does he gain from saying that?
What does he get from forgiving anew?
And than he still just walked away,
What kind of thing was that to say?

Why should he care how I am now?
Was he with a large heart endowed?
The fact is that he did indeed care,
He came, smiled, forgave and bowed.
Could he mean it, was it true?
Was “to forgive” what he came to do?

And than he was just walking still,
I felt new impulse, felt new will.
“Hey!” I yelled, and he turned round,
I was so pleased upon that sound.
He looked at me, as if on cue.
I yelled down the hallway “Sir, thank you.”

Chapter 2
Today’s the day that I get out;
Beyond all fear, beyond all doubt.
Today’s the day that I atone,
Go get a job, go find a home.
I walk through the ajar front door
Knowing that I’d sin no more.

I walked up to Bhor’s country home,
Asked if his ears he would loan.
I told him of my gallant plan
To become a better man.
To find a job, to get a home,
How no longer the streets I’d roam.

He seemed imprested, and on this land
Said, “Well, I do need a farm hand…
If truly you wish to atone
You’ll work my farm, live in my home.”
I was stunned, this was to great.
He said “c’mon, lets celebrate!”

And after a drink or three,
I knew him well, and he knew me.
He tuned to me and I did real
Said “Fife, what was it like to steal?”
I felt the need to protect him,
From what was my awful sin.

“No one would do it of their will,
it was not fun, it was no thrill.
I only did this thing to live,
Felt a need to take, not give.
But I now see that I did wrong,
And now work will be my song.”

Satisfied, he went up stairs;
To go to bed, to say his prayers
And I still sat, but now alone
Inside of my new country home.
I should in my new bed lay,
tomorrow would be my first day.

Chapter 3
The crops are gone, the harvest ends,
My cuts and bruises can now mend.
End of the season, now I’m free;
But to do what beyond to be?

For fall is as season of bore,
With too much time for lack of chore.
With no harvest or cut do chew
What is there for me to do?

While I was faced with this great plight,
Bhor was out near every night.
I asked him to where he was going
Said “to make myself quicker and knowing”

“This place is for the gifted few,
If you wish I could bring you…”
A complement, and one quite strong;
I resolved to come along.

We arrived and who was there
But many townsfolk and the mayor.
It seems Bhor had arrived just late,
For his upcoming big debate.

I spoke with others, they told me:
“Bhor is the best, none can beat he,
None could ever take his crown!”
But I am not one to step down.

Our fight lasted an hour strong,
It was ferocious as was long.
Yet in the end but one could win,
And he did wear a boastful grin.

Twas I who struck the final blow;
Delivered with much grace and flow,
And bhor, when all of this had panned
Said “Fife, you are a bright young man”

And proud as true I tuned to see
All the townsfolk looking at me,
At first they stood and only awed
But than they started to applaud.

All cheering, spotlight on me;
I was fraught with joy and glee
But in my head was a great din,
For I knew Bhor had let me win.

[^_^]Chapter 4

One day a strange man came to town
He wore upon his face a frown;
He came up to the square and said:
Rise up good sirs, take leave of bed!
You must leave your homes post-haste
So Lord may build his army base.

I was shocked, as were my kin,
To take are land was a vile sin.
“You there, on who’s name do you come?”
He said “the king’s quart I am from.
As none of you have paid your tax
The king comes to take his land back.”

“You are mad” I did decree
“All of these men are good as me,
If you think we cant make our dues,
You my friend, are quite confused.”
These words it seemed heightened his frown
“This is not a poor man’s town”

“Is this a joke? You think it’s funny?
My king has received no money!
Despite all you have been told,
My lord, from you, has got no gold.”
I stood confused and wondered how
The gold we sent was not his now.

“It is not the fault of these men
You have received no gold from them,
We gave to out, we watched it go,
T’was your tax-men who lost the flow.”
Insulted, he took one step back,
But than drew up for his attack.

“It seems to me like a great scheme,
To try and fool m’lord’s esteem.
You paid your tax, than robed my men blind,
You left not one pence behind.”
That straw’s the one that broke my back,
Now it was my turn to attack.

“How dare you come and accuse me
Of such a violent treachery
What I have done I do no more,
My ways have not received encore .
But of your virtue I’m not sure,
For gold’s a tax-man’s greatest lure.”

His eyes widened, he howled aloud,
He now felt shame where he felt proud.
“You are a thief, I do insist,
but you’re arguments prosiest;
so rather than keep arguing
I shall go and fetch the king.

My eyes lit up as n’ere before,
I would be called a thief no more.
“Go and fetch your noble king,
that he may see what’s happening.
He’ll come and see that YOU’RE the thief
And you will feel an earnest grief!"

Chapter 5
The next month trumpets, they did sound.
They awoke all and shook the ground.
I awoke, as this act contrived:
That the king had now arrived.

Him and two guards did approach me,
Should I speak first or wait for he?
I need’nt thing, as he than groaned:
“Are you the thief who has “atoned”?”

“I am indeed” I did reply,
“I will not jest, nor will I lie.
I did once steal, but that was than;
I stand, as you, a gallant man.”

“That’s all well and good but I
Am in more demand than supply.
There is a war that’s happening
So let us end this futile thing.”

“I apologise to you,
I’m sure there’s much you need to do.
But my town owes my liege no gold,
Your men lost it, as I have told.”

“And what does that leave my country?
I rule for all, not just for me.
They are my brothers, are my kin,
And my family wants to win!

I’ll make our foes all taste defeat,
But with no gold that’s quite the feat.
When I say this, I use their hand,
I need your money or your land.”

“You give me these options two
Because they hold the same value,
But I feel I can add a three
As I have will to offer me.

All of these men will vouch for me,
I am adept at strategy.
I’ll be better than all before.
I’ll make your foes, by all, abhorred.”

The king than stood there in deep though
And than took out a sword he’d brought.
“What is your name, young gallant lad?”
“My name is fife” I said, quite glad.

“Sir Fife the witty,” he did say,
“Don’t lead my country to dismay.”
I would not, he soon would see;
I’d be the best knight I could be.

Part 2, Questions

Chapter 1
I stand out here in the cold,
This was a twisted prophecy.
From thief to regal I had turned;
To all this men I was to be:
A fearless leader, strong and tall,
A general to one and all.

I try to think of what to say,
In front of my battalions.
Trying hard to justify
The slaughtering of millions.
“Sir, I mean not to be bold,
But the troops are getting cold.”

“And who are you?” I said, surprised,
He paused until my shock had panned.
“I am Shyne, and know I’m young,
But am your second in command”
“Tell me Shyne” I said, through bore,
“Why should I want to win this war?”

“I don’t know about you sir
But I have a great life;
I love our ways, I love our home,
They're free of pain and strife.
Our foes wish to own all our fates
They want us to assimilate.

They wont accept our differences,
They will make us all the same.
They’ve forced us to swordpoint because,
We’ve lots to lose and none to gain.
Our culture’s what we’re fighting for,
We fight for freedom, not for war.”

That took guts to say to me
And pride to back it too,
He must have a good reason
To back what he’s meant to do.
Though my logic did forbid
My gut told me I liked this kid.

“I was a thief, than was a man,
Now I am a king’s knight.
And though I have the knowledge,
I lack reason to fight.
You Shyne, have given me one too,
I’ll fight and win for all like you.”

Chapter two
Dear Bhor my friend, I wish to state,
Apologies, for this comes late.
But close contact is not my style
And I’ve been busy all the while,
I speak now as I have much news,
Of Battles won and one I lose.

It all started three months ago,
When the land was filled with snow.
I spoke with a soldier of mine,
He told me that his name was Shyne.
He acted like a younger me,
I guess you that would make me be.

We fought on many battlefields,
With not but our swords and shields.
I fought next to my new friend Shyne,
And commanded from the front line.
He learned my tactics, used my way,
It went well till one fateful day.

Shyne moved three platoons down a hill
To what looked like an easy kill,
But the hill bordered on a woods,
And from came many men in hoods.
As twelve men die, the rest retreat,
I was slaughter, not defeat.

And worse was Shyne had watched it all,
He saw their lifeless bodies fall.
Next day I knew he hadn’t slept,
I heard him all night as he wept.
As he struggled, as he grieved,
He packed his bags, ready to leave.

I asked “Where do you plan to go?”
He said “Bassdor tomorrow,
If I knew more they’d be alive,
And so to know more I shall strive."
He loved Bassdor’s school, loved it blind,
And Shyne had made up his young mind.

Now that he is on his own
I’m goanna have to fight alone.
I’ll make decisions on shorthand,
Without a second in command.
In cities burned, on land that’s scarred,
I will start fighting twice as hard.

- Fife

[I_I]Chapter 3

A year passed on the battle field,
And spoils of war did not yet yield.
Yet Fife was doing very well,
And his superiors could tell.

A warrior’s heart’s in him” They’d say
“That man’s on top of every fray!”
Soon Fife would surprise even them,
And show he’s more than any gem.

None would believe, they’d all call bluff,
Fife was a diamond from the rough.
All had forgot his sinful way,
He was forgiven, least to say.

For one day, army in a rush,
Fife caught a platoon in the brush.
And so by the light of lamp,
They were lead to enemy camp.

He forced their leader out of bed,
And threatened severance of his head.
And so as if to tune of bard,
The coward folded like a card.

They raided all of their supplies,
And their equipment (for disguise).
And than just as an added thing
Sent them back naked to their king.

Next day Fife’s units (in disguise),
Took a general by surprise.
Two hundred prisoners they did take,
Seemed Fife could not make a mistake.

Fife returned them to his king,
Next happened an expected thing:
Once Fife’s exploits king had perused,
Fife, the hero, made the news!

Fife had such fantastic luck,
That his deeds, they were hyped up.
And as rumours swish and stir,
He’s made the people’s saviour.

His words shook all men to their core,
He was someone all did adore.
It seems someone mixed up his fate,
As for this thief life was so great.

Chapter 4
Dear fife, my friend, I now must state,
Apologies for this comes late.
But close contact is not your style,
And You’ve been busy all the while.

We hear much news here the fight,
Your victories, your army’s might,
It must bring one such great joy
To be the king’s war’s poster boy.

I trust that it is not your fault,
The king’s brought honesty to halt.
That being said, while in your lew,
We’ve all been very proud of you.

Nothing will ever be the same,
Since you have brought this town your fame.
A greater time I’ve yet to see,
No greater time is left for me.

People come from far and near,
Stories of you they want to hear.
I tell them you are a great man,
I praise you as high as I can.

But they insist I tell them more,
So I tell them your darkest lore:
How you committed a grand crime,
But paid your debt and served your time.

Some don’t believe, some just refuse,
By the king’s praises there confused.
But many of them do not mope,
And see you as a sign of hope.

Finish the job, go win this war,
That’s what the king has chose you for,
Take your sword, take your shield,
And win out on the battlefield.

Yet wherever you may go,
I hope always know;
No matter who or what you’ll be,
You’ll always have a friend in me.

- Bhor

< Message edited by not steve -- 10/24/2009 20:48:23 >
AQ DF  Post #: 1
6/30/2009 16:52:51   
not steve

I'm going to start making update posts. "A call to arms added"

code: [phelem123rocks!!]

AQ DF  Post #: 2
7/7/2009 16:26:34   
not steve

new poem: My armor

code: [XDnotrlly]
AQ DF  Post #: 3
7/13/2009 19:52:57   
not steve

New Poem: Part 2, Chapter 1 (patched with virtue)

Code: [('/-\')]
AQ DF  Post #: 4
7/17/2009 16:54:38   
not steve

"Walk" added

AQ DF  Post #: 5
7/22/2009 12:58:56   
not steve

"Every Bit" love poem added.

Code: [KupoKupo!]
AQ DF  Post #: 6
7/25/2009 12:45:43   
not steve

New poem: Tread light

Code: [2&1/2MenRULEZ!]
AQ DF  Post #: 7
7/30/2009 9:32:07   
not steve

Part two, chapter two up

Code: [(+_+]
AQ DF  Post #: 8
8/17/2009 9:30:52   
not steve

New Poem: Papa Papa

AQ DF  Post #: 9
8/21/2009 16:08:10   
not steve

Rising stars added

AQ DF  Post #: 10
8/28/2009 12:29:46   
not steve

New patched with virtue added.

AQ DF  Post #: 11
9/2/2009 13:15:27   
not steve

The First Time (love poem) Added

AQ DF  Post #: 12
9/8/2009 9:30:12   
not steve

New poem "Figurehead" added. It's pretty good IMO so enjoy it.

AQ DF  Post #: 13
9/17/2009 15:11:12   
not steve

New patched with virtue.

AQ DF  Post #: 14
9/30/2009 17:48:51   
not steve

*Dusts off thread* new poem :D "Gone"

AQ DF  Post #: 15
10/13/2009 20:56:24   
not steve

New poem added: The window

AQ DF  Post #: 16
10/24/2009 14:24:50   
not steve


Indecision, new poem
AQ DF  Post #: 17
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