 The Question (AdventureQuest)
Character Info: Char ID (optional) Char Name (optional)S.K.A.L. Level:30 Bug Info: Max cap has been raised, am I'm level 30 already, but it still keeps saying I cannot level any further. Location: LSS Alteon load page Details Logged in, got this message "You have reached the WarpTracker level cap! You can become a WarpGuardian to train further!". Logged out, logged back in, same thing, went into a battle, still nothing, reset cache, redid everything. Before Bug occurred: Just logged in. During Bug: The white message at top pops out saying I need to be WG to level any futher. After bug/game crash: None. Did the game kick you out? No. What was the error message/code? You have reached the WarpTracker level cap! You can become a WarpGuardian to train further! Screenshot link: Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: Yes and Yes Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!) Yes Technical Info: Graphics quality setting: Low Browser type and version: Safari 4 Operating System: Vista HP Flash version: 10 Duplicated for WG. ~Aelthai
< Message edited by Aelthai -- 11/26/2009 2:50:07 >