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Choosing The House That is Right for YOU

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7/3/2009 14:41:01   

Now before you say anything, i know that for a lot of you, picking a house was pretty simple.
i only made this thread for the new people (i don’t like using the word newbie) who cant tell which house is right for them.

table of contents:

1. introduction
2. strategies and combos
3. looking at stats
4. picking the right house
5. abbreviations


ok, so first, lets review what happened.
you were on a spaceship, wandering out the bay doors, going into space, getting pulled back, fought a lot of monsters and here you
are, at GEARS University, twiddling your thumbs, trying to figure out the "best" house.
well no need to worry, this is a guide on helping you decide!

strategies and combos

OK, now, there are three houses, Wolfblade, Mystraven, and runehawk.
All of them have different ways of winning.
Wolfblade, relies totally on brute strength.
Mystraven, relies on pure critical strikes and luck
and finally, Runehawk relies on spells and effects.

So technically, you can say this:
Wolfblade: knight/overlord
Mystraven: rogue/ninja
Runehawk: wizard/mage

Now, I’m making wolfblade sound a little over powered, but you'll see later, basically that they all have equal power overall.
(trust me, I’m a Mystraven)
now first, lets get down to the strategies

hmm, wolfblade has about no effects, whatsoever, but a mere stun. the advance version increases to its power like Berserker!,+ 50%, and things, I’m not sure.
so you can say that wolfblade uses raw strength to overwhelm the enemy.

Mystraven: the range of the damage go from very far ranges, take advance Mystraven for example, its explosive sniper goes from 22-88(i think)
Mystravens overall strategy is, stun, lacerate,(if advance, smokescreen),and overwhelm.
So basically, it obviously has more effects than wolfblade, but if your unlucky enough, you may hit that 11(for the level 6 Mystravens) and bang! your dead.
So(this is a bit off topic but:),you should train some luck and accuracy for this one.

And last of all, Runehawk:
Runehawk doesn’t have much HP, take the advance Runehawk for example, 300 hp.
But don’t get your hopes down, its as good as you think. You see, Runehawk hits a teensy little bit lower than wolfblade but it can have lots of effects such as: Mana shield,+ 50%, iceball, heal, and this fire effect(I forgot the name).
many of these effects add to the Hp or the power.

looking at the stats

well, now that we've seen the power, why not see the overall stats?

hit points : high
energy points : low
Energy points regeneration/recovery: low
power: high

hit points: Medium
energy points :Medium
Energy points regeneration/recovery: Medium
power: low-high

hit points :low
Energy points: high
energy points recovery/regeneration: high
power: in-between low and medium(if with effects, maybe high)

picking the right house

SO now that you know how each house works, choose a house!

also consider the energy regeneration rate, because if your fighting a long match, and it goes out, your done for.


some other guides that could help:
new? get help tips and advice from this guide: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15182672
need help with building stats? http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15800305
need help with energy blades? http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15762979
need money or exp?: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=16005233
more strategies? http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15702427
growing out of house mechs? http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15832467

to all the people who made the other threads, to me( I didn’t have to put myself lol),
special thanks too:

The White Fang,
Venturer90, and,
For helping me edit this guide

the AE team for making the game! *claps hands*

If i had something wrong in this thread, feel free to correct me.

< Message edited by teenager41 -- 7/9/2009 11:50:47 >
Post #: 1
7/3/2009 19:07:21   

Not bad, but you need to fix some typos and punctuation errors, rouge is spelled ROGUE not rouge, stradegies is spelled STRATEGIES not stadegies , and it's the AE team, not AQ team. Your missing caps on all sub-titles by the way.
MQ  Post #: 2
7/3/2009 19:19:40   

Oh? A New guide? It's been ages since one has been made. Time to get to work *Crackes Knuckles* Here are my corrections that will help when approval time comes:

1. you spelled Strategies wrong throughout, try to fix that when you have time
2. Navigation Brackets, I cannot stress this enough, They make looking at a guide so very easy.
3. This might be a better title: "Choosing The House That is Right for YOU". It sounds cooler and friendlier
4. put a separator tag between sections strategies and combos and looking at stats , and between looking at stats and picking the right house.
5. abbreviations .
6. Try to spell out the abbreviations, as new players might not understand some of the initials you state in your guide.
7. There are lots of Typos in this guide. Try to run it through Microsoft Word and fix the spelling on some words you spelled wrong.

These guides will help you get your guide approved for sure!

Oh, and one more thing; if you don't want to make this guide anymore, you feel like you can't handle it, you're going inactive for sometime, or you're retiring from the guide put [code][/code] tags so that the AK's can lock the guide, and gave a new person make a new version of the guide.

< Message edited by venturer90 -- 7/3/2009 19:25:39 >
Post #: 3
7/3/2009 23:07:24   

@venturer: The suggested title looks very familiar. I wonder why? :D

You might want to use the actual stats of the mecha. For example, compare the EP Regens so that a player would know which house they should pick if they like to not run out of EP.

Try to not use text sizes larger than normal. You can use it for a title heading, but other than that, regular bolding can work for subsections.

Also, use the following coding to make the links down at the bottom look nicer:

[link=Input URL Here]Insert Text Here[/link]

And the link to the Energy Blades guide isn't correct; it's: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15762979
MQ  Post #: 4
7/3/2009 23:11:45   

zeke50100: I didn't realize that it was only one word different. Sue me. >:-D

I think the Ultimate Mechquest Spreadsheet would be a nice addition to the Helpful links section: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15917696

Post #: 5
7/8/2009 20:06:36   

k thanks for advice. fixing right now

ok, done!

< Message edited by teenager41 -- 7/8/2009 20:28:19 >
Post #: 6
7/8/2009 21:34:42   

I suggest you separate the sections using the

You know, this:

Post #: 7
7/9/2009 0:41:27   

Bored, so will try to edit everything typo i find.


Now before you say anything, I know that for a lot of you, picking a house was pretty simple. 
I only made this thread for the new people (I don’t like using the word newbie) who can't tell which house is right for them. 

[size=4][b]Table of Contents:[/b][/size]

1. Introduction 
2. Strategies and combos 
3. Looking at stats 
4. Picking the right house 
5. Abbreviations 
6. Credits 


OK, let's review what happened. 
You were on a spaceship, wandering out the bay doors, going into space, getting pulled back, fighting a lot of monsters and here you 
are, at GEARS University, twiddling your thumbs, trying to figure out the "best" house. 
Well, no need to worry, this is a guide on helping you decide! 

[size=4][b]Strategies and Combos:[/b][/size]

OK, now, there are three houses, Wolfblade, Mystraven, and Runehawk. 
All of them have different ways of winning.

Wolfblade relies mostly on brute strength. 
Mystraven relies on critical strikes and luck.
Runehawk relies on spells and effects. 

So technically, you can say this: 
[b]Wolfblade:[/b] knight/overlord/warrior
[b]Mystraven:[/b] rogue/ninja/9999-trick pony
[b]Mystraven:[/b] wizard/mage/spellcaster

Now, you may think I'm making Wolfblade sound a little over powered, but as you'll see later, they all have equal power overall. 
(Trust me, I’m a Mystraven) 
now first, lets get down to the strategies 

The classic wolfblade has 2 main specials, a 50% chance of stunning, and a chance of 50% bonus damage. At level 20, you gain an energy stealing attack, making up for the low energy. The advanced version focuses around its "berserker rage" ability, and if your Star Captain, it is much better than the Non Star Captains, raising damage at the expense of hit chance. However, it makes up for the loss with the shoulders, which have a 50% chance of lowering defence by 50 for the rest of the battle. 
So you can say that wolfblade makes the enemy vulnerable and then overwhelms them with raw strength to overwhelm the enemy. 

The range of the damage is very large. Take the Advanced Mystraven for example. Its explosive sniper goes from 20-88 damage.
The classic Mystraven has a much lower chance than Wolfblade for activating its specials (except for the Front Arm), but they are much more deadly. The Front Arm, the least deadly weapon, does 6-8 Damage per Turn for 4 turns. The other effects include double damage and a 3-turn stun. The advanced Mystraven revolves mostly around the body "smokescreen," boosting dmg by a small amount, doing Damage over Time, AND, if you're Star Captain, lowers hit chance by 50. The shoulders tend to be comboed with this ability, each having a chance to do a critical hit, stacking on the damage boost. In addition, it can do another DoT, lower defence, and if smokescreen didn't lower hit chance (if your Star Captain, it means you missed with it or didn't use it, and if you're Non-Star Captain, you can't lower hit chance with it), you can lower their hit chance by 30.
More effects, but if your unlucky enough, you might hit low 20s...at level 25...repeatedly.
It's a lot more about luck and specials. 

[b]And last of all, Runehawk:[/b] 
Runehawk doesn’t have much HP. However, they make up for this with their insane EP. 
But don’t get your hopes down, its as good as you think. You see, classical Runehawks have a chance of doing 10% bonus damage, Damage over Time, or healing (although you can only do 1 effect at a time) with the front arm. The back arm can add an incredibly powerful DoT called "magical fire", doing 8-12 dmg per turn for 4 turns, adding up to 32-48 damage total. The shoulders do a basic +50% damage. The advanced Runehawk puts its huge EP to use (only if you're star captain) with its mana shield, diverting a lot of incoming damage to your energy. This does not mean it will run out of energy: it can heal it back with the shoulders, which do damage over time to your enemy while healing your energy over time. Plus, you can mess with an enemy in multiple ways: back arm does 3 different effects, head forces cooldown (or cuts boost by a drastic 50% for 2 turns if its unequippable), and the front arm cuts regeneration to 0. And even if you're not star captain, the body can still reflect damage back at your opponent.

[size=4][b]Looking at the Stats[/b][/size]

Well, now that we've seen the power, why not see the overall stats? 

Hit points : High 
Energy points : Low 
Energy points regeneration/recovery: Low 
Power: Stable (as in, doesn't deviate in damage range very much) 

[b]Mystraven: [/b] 
Hit points: Medium 
Energy points: Medium 
Energy points regeneration/recovery: Medium 
power: Wild (you might get a killer 100 at lvl 15...but you might get an equally killer in a different way 15...) 

[b]Runehawk: [/b] 
Hit points: Low 
Energy points: High 
energy points recovery/regeneration: High 
power: Not stable, not wild. Somewhere in between. 

[size=4][b]Picking the Right House[/b][/size]

SO now that you know how each house works, choose a house! 

Don't forget to consider the energy regeneration rate, because if you're fighting a long match and you can't regenerate energy fast enough, you're done for.  

[size=4][b]Some Other Guides That Could Help:[/b][/size]

New? Get help tips and advice from this guide:  
Need help with building stats? [link=http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15800305]Mecha Stats and Stat Builds Guide[/link]
Need help with energy blades? [link=http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15762979]Energy Blades, Fights, and Uniforms[/link]
Need money or exp?: [link=http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=16005233]A Simple Guide to Farming[/link] 
More strategies? [link=http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15702427]Mechquest Advance Tactics Guide Ver. 2.2[/link]
Growing out of house mechs? [link=http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15832467]A Guide to Buying and Selling Mechs[/link]

[size=4][b]Credits [/b] [/size] 
To all the people who made the other threads, to me (I didn’t have to put myself lol), 
Special thanks too: 

Venturer90, and, 
For helping me edit this guide.

And also, the AE team for making the game! *claps hands* 

If I have something wrong in this thread, feel free to correct me. 

I'm not god, im certain i missed something.
btw, i added in my own personal touches...for example, i added as many of the house mecha's specials that i could remember.

< Message edited by forumlogin -- 7/9/2009 18:54:52 >
DF MQ  Post #: 8
7/9/2009 0:44:37   

Forumlogin: Try to give the Guide owner the code to that, otherwise, he'll just make a HUGE mistake by copying all that stuff in the quote directly.
Post #: 9
7/9/2009 0:45:38   

shoot. forgot that.
how do you do that?
DF MQ  Post #: 10
7/9/2009 4:23:44   


So technically, you can say this:
Wolfblade: knight/overlord
Mystraven: rogue/ninja
Mystraven: wizard/mage

There are 2 MystRavens.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
7/9/2009 11:46:13   


< Message edited by teenager41 -- 7/9/2009 11:51:34 >
Post #: 12
7/9/2009 12:49:24   

Now that all the changes are made, it's ready for approval. Send it through here: MechQuest Guides Approval Requests
Post #: 13
7/9/2009 18:52:35   

@guide starter
btw, i mentioned most of the specials in my edited version.
u should probably shoot those in, as urs doesnt seem to mention all of them, and actually makes WB look underpowered.

and im not sure if u should put my name in the creds. u dont seem to have used my edit.

< Message edited by forumlogin -- 7/9/2009 18:53:46 >
DF MQ  Post #: 14
7/10/2009 11:42:49   

k i will look at it when i have time
Post #: 15
7/26/2009 12:48:59   
The Game
Pegasus Overlord

I am sorry, but I see no purpose behind this guide. Between Choosing the Mech that is Right for YOU and a plethora of other guides that touch on the MQ houses, this guide is covered, really. For now, this topic concerning houses and their mechs is closed for future guides. Perhaps try a different topic...one that has not been touched upon.

AQ  Post #: 16
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