Cuyler, I think you misunderstood what I had said, so I reiterated the response in the above post. Yusaku Godai, I just tested by making a new character, so, through my experience, I don't know if you can. Try going to the Virtual Reality Deck and changing your face. If it still doesn't work, you'll have to wait until it is fixed. Cookingdaddy, I tested this as well, and it still froze up my screen. Though, you could test it as well by clearing your cache, then refreshing your browser, and playing the game again, battling with one of the Rocket Launchers. ebilmaster, yes, Strength and Dexterity stat points increase ranged damage. Because the stats of WarpForce are the same as AdventureQuest, you can read more about them here: Guide to Optimal Stats. kaokashin, you should contact one of the moderators of the WarpForce Discussion forums, about this: Falerin or Eldron. Only they can help you with this dilemma, as they are they are staff members, and the most closely related to the subject.
< Message edited by TreadLight -- 7/4/2009 0:14:38 >