So... you all are ignoring what has been done differently with armors, what's been done differently with guns (AQ weapons like that can't be used as ordinary attacks like the other weapons can), the way quests are organized, and the music? That's not all of them. Those are just the ones that are obvious. It uses AQ's game engine, yes, it was NEVER claimed or hyped otherwise. WF was not over hyped as you were told exactly that it was going to be built off of AQ's game engine. You're either ignoring or overlooking the attributes that differentiate it from AQ. Saying that WF is the same as AQ is like saying that every turn-based Final Fantasy is the same. Oops, I guess my first post wasn't at all clear enough. If I may clarify...? The armors? It may be my ignorance but I don't see any difference in the armors except for their aesthetic aspects. I'm not quite sure what you're talking about, perhaps maybe the options of different attacks that are available? I was under the impression that those choices came from the class picked, as I have changed from Warpforce Gunner, to Retro, to Advanced Retro without finding much change, besides the usual differences between element modifiers and defense stats. I won't say anything about the guns, as although I chose to be a gunner in WF, I am not a Ranger in AQ, so my knowledge in that area is very limited/close to non-existent. Quests in WF are now organized into a "table of levels" of sorts... Really isn't that something that needed to be implemented a while ago? It would have saved me a lot of headaches when I started AQ, instead of having to flit backwards and forwards between the forums Q&A thread and the Encyclopedia, I would have enjoyed the "flow" of the game better, so to speak. I do not know if anything else changed with the way the quests are organized except for the abovementioned change. Music... So far the only evidence I have seen from this is during cutscenes, such as the quest given by Temura. If music were to be a valid point to be considered, from my perspective, I want music to perforate everywhere. Not just cutscenes, or maybe a few select special areas, but in every single aspect of the game. Such as during the Login screen process, the LSS Alteon, the different areas of the LSS Alteon, and during battles, just to name a few. I'm not talking about sound effects, but music. Also music is also, unfortunately, a problem for some when playing WF. Going through the Q&A as well as the Bugs sections, people have often mistaken the extra-long wait for Temura's quest to load as WF freezing, or their internet freezing, instead of knowing that it is actually the music loading. I'm with ADSL, or DSL, and it still took me the better half of the minute to load the entire cutscene, music and all. If I was still with Dial-Up, I can say with complete confidence, that it would have taken me about 15 minutes to load such a large sound file. So with all this said, I propose a system that allows players to choose whether to load music or not to load music. So, out of all the factors mentioned, I gather that the only possible differences would be the way guns operate, as well as something new that I didn't mention before but was mentioned a lot on the forums was the "Gauntlets" concept. 2 items so far that I have observed which have distinctly different aspects which completely separates them from being another 'carbon-copy, recolored, spruced up, polished' remodel of an AQ feature. And about my statement about WF being over-hyped... I retract that statement completely, it was made in haste and was thus ill-structured, and in general, simply wrong. So in all sincerity, I apologize for that.