Zero F
Yay! Page 4! Congrats again. Thank you. Question time! (Based on your previous answers, I'll try to make this short.) Aw. thanks. X3 1. Favorite Viking? /me expect V_J to edit. Jorun. :D Griff couldn't have said it better. (: ~V_J 2. Favorite Hero? /me expects TLH to edit this one. That one Legendary one. 3. Favorite Animal? /me think Coyote will pass by...or a "Griffin" Mythological critters aside, I like bears, turtles, tamarins, armadillos, binturongs... The list goes on. 4. What about your favorite bird? (Is a Griffin a bird? xD) Swans are nice. The standard griffin is half eagle, half lion. Read more about them here 5. If I had a cookie, who would take it from me first? :O Me. 6. V_J's axe, Platinum Axe of Destiny, or Blinding Light of Destiny? Hm, Platinum, because I actually own that one. X3 7. Icy, Firey, Watery, Windy or Woody? Both fiery and windy. 8. If Griffins would be house items, would you keep it captive, or let it go? 0.O Would it go far? :< 9. PC or Mac? PC. 10. Will you be expecting another "spoiler" question? O_O I hope not. >-> 11. still on I am. xD My account still exists, as far as I know, but I haven't actually been on the site in years. That's all...for now...I'll be back depending on the reply/comment on this sentence. See you later. -ZeroF-
< Message edited by Viking_Jorun -- 7/12/2009 23:33:11 >