I have returned! Hello again. Can you help me out here please? With what? I need help taking on Thyton. Seeing as becoming the ninja leader is only possible by asasinating the old leader, I am going to kill him and take his place as the ninja leader! Then I can bring about the whole "pirate ninja relations" Thing! Sounds good in theory, but... Assassinating the leader of the ninja might not be the best path to peace. However, in order to do so, I need a distraction... Hm... So can you get your pirate pals to invade the Shadow Of The Wind village? Then, when he is busy trying to stop you, I can sneak up behind him and...Well, you can probably geuss what comes next. Yeah, sorry, don't think I can go along with this. If yes, then Get ready to invade when I say "Ninja". No. Attack from the rear of the village. They do not expect pirates to be clever enough to do that, so it is undefended. If only they were not so blinded by hatred... Pft, they really underestimate us that much? Just because we enjoy a good time and are confident enough in our abilities that we don't have to hide in the shadows like those uptight little cowards... Ooh, did I strike a nerve, all you prejudiced-against-pirates ninja reading this? So here are some questions, but first... Mmhmm? (Sprays TLH-B-Gone spray everywhere, and Coyote- B- Gone, and VJ- be Gone, and every other AK be gone spray Exept Griffinfire- B- gone spray.) *Raises an eyebrow and stares. ~TLH~ Hm, looks like it's rather ineffective... THAT will stop them. But just in case...(Places poison cake on floor) Obviously not. No way will they come here for a Poisoned cake! MUHAHAHAHAHA! Hm. Here is a normal cake GriffinFire! *sniffs it suspiciously and sets it a safe distance away* Did you see the message? The what? So, seeing as you must have full acess to all pirate records and stuff, being the pirate king, can you tell me just WHY the pirates hate us so? Because they hate us. Speaking of that, How much do you hate NINJAS! As much as they hate me. (Sneaks up on Thyton) o-o He's spotted me! (Gets beaten) Unfortunately, I have to consider this a positive. Sorry GriffinFire, looks like I will have to try some other time when I get out of The Ninja Prison, which is unlikely, because NO ONE gets out of The Ninja Prison. It even has its own capital letters! *angrily scratches out that apostrophe, breaks "no" and "one" apart, and stuffs an "e" into your rendition of "unlikely"* No need, I just did that. If this is the last time we see each other, I would just like to say, Thank you for answering my questions. You're welcome. One last question though... ? Can you try to break ME out? If yes, then Thanks. Bye! (Gets dragged to Ninja Prison) *blasts a hole in the wall with a cannon* :3
< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 7/18/2009 4:06:09 >