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RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time

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7/15/2009 9:06:26   
Dark Sergio

Hiyas eln!

er.. can you plz say Elite Br Owna 1 day?(On aqw)

No more questions..


See you!!!


< Message edited by Dark Sergio -- 7/15/2009 10:44:52 >
Post #: 76
7/15/2009 10:19:04   
Slave of music

:O I see an owl.

I like the new avvy ^^

So how are you doing with the whole aqw section?

I can has hug now?(I am upset over CD loss ;_;)

yay for your new thread

And have fun trying to keep this place as fun as DF GD used to be :P

PS: what do you think of my sig?(means music slave)


< Message edited by Slave of music -- 7/15/2009 13:00:51 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 77
7/15/2009 11:26:13   

woah sure
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 78
7/15/2009 12:44:08   
Lord cm

Does everyone Blame the Destuctions of Buildings on Falcon punch?

Favorite Class/Armor

How is a Jar of dirt going to help?

Ability to fly at high speeds or turn invisible?

(This is an odd question but,) Who would win in a fight, Chuck Norris or Mr. T?


"You don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop laughing." ~Richard Pritchard
Post #: 79
7/15/2009 13:35:15   
Steel Fire

Hello der Mr. Owl

1. Yays! We can post our own thread now, coolio. Why all of a sudden?

2. Ever seen me on the forums before? (You probably didn't )

3. Hmm, you replaced angelique....what happened? Did she quit? Or were you voted in?

4. Lol, I saw your messages at the teleport the town....again, in AQW. Was that fun?

I got nothin else.....lol. Cya.



AQ DF MQ  Post #: 80
7/15/2009 15:11:13   

hello Mr. Owl

1. so have you really been a mod since april?

2. have you ever seen me on the forums before? (i REALLY HIGHLY doubt it)

3.never thought any of my questions would be answered by a mod

4. this is the last one...lol
Post #: 81
7/15/2009 16:38:29   
Still Alive~

/waves at Elly and gives Owl Treats
I's back!

1. You're not allowed to talk about the banhammar? Greystar and Raz did. *GASP!* They broke teh rulez!

2. Have you seen all the spammy topics since you unlocked the AQW forum3?

3. Did you seriously hink we were mature enough to be given that privilege?

4. Are AKs allowed to edit posts in this topic?

5. Why is my AQW toolbar not doing anything?

6. Did you know someone actually invented an Impact-Activated Parachute?

7. What's a more manly avvy? VJ's Viking, Coyote's Vulpix, or tflo's Kirby-Vulpix thingy?

8. US spelling or International spelling?

9. Did they give you your soul back when you became a Mod?

10. If you were forced to be something that isn't an Owl, would you be a hamster?

11. What's Infinity cubed?


The answer is Chuck Norris.

13. Oh noes! Numbah 13!

14. It's gone.

15. What is your favourite AE game, including Zardwars?

Bye! /rickrolls Elly

< Message edited by vezha -- 7/15/2009 18:21:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 82
7/15/2009 16:58:12   


Just wanted to say hi.

Good luck with the other questions here and have fun Moddin' :)
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 83
7/15/2009 17:15:24   
Auron Leonheart

whats with the left sock?

what on earth is an owl hamster XD?

how do mods become mods?

is there going to be a beta day that rumors going around?

how many mods are there?

is quibble going to have new items when he gets here by this weeks release dont name the just yes or no?

why does every body but me get to meet cysero? XD

is your char going to be an npc eventually?

do you have your own armor?

does it send me a message when you reply to my message?

How old are you?

what would you be other than a hamster owl?XD

not questions: im not going to ask any more XD.

As you can see i like the XD face :)

Ty for answering my questions and i will see the answers at a later time

< Message edited by Auron Leonheart -- 7/15/2009 19:12:10 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 84
7/15/2009 20:08:06   

I have a couple pointless and ridiculous question

Are You A Mod?


If you think you can sing it faster then your wrong

Is the cake a lie cuz i like cake

Do owls fly?

Do you watch Malcolm in the Middle?

Save Chuckles

Am I posting a post?

Are I in a forum?

Is this a post?

Can you wait for necromancer?

Is this question 9 or 10?

Since AKs have shackles do you have one of those wood things that you stick your head and arms in?

Do you know Cysero?

If you do can you tell him I squeezed an ostrich and he bit me

Well bai owl man and watch out for dem fleas dey do infest hamstowls


AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 85
7/15/2009 20:39:04   

What is your favorite color?

What is the average wingspeed of an African swallow carrying two coconuts?


Can you tell Cysero that he still owes me my left sock? >:O

Who would win in a fight, Mystery Inc. or Ralph Nader?

Paper or Plastic?

Why are ads for "Evony Online" everywhere? :o

Can I have your shoe?

How bout the other one?

Pease or Couliflour?

Egg yolk, or a raw mouse?

Blue, wait no, yellowwwwww...?

MQ  Post #: 86
7/15/2009 20:41:32   

3 questions.
1. Will you be my friend :)

2. Do you like cheesepoofs?

3.Cheesecake is good amirite?
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 87
7/15/2009 20:48:30   



Eaten by?

You feel it?

You hear it?

HAH! "it" is me melting your mind through your computer screen!



"A wound that'd make an ordinary man unconscious, I won't lose to it. ...A wound that would kill an ordinary person, I won't lose to it!... To face one who is extraordinary, I can't allow myself to be ordinary!"
-Roronoa Zoro -One Piece
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 88
7/15/2009 21:47:08   

There is one thing that i think would make aq worlds better. Trading. But i dont know if it will be released can you tell me?
Post #: 89
7/16/2009 1:56:36   

:o It's Elnaith.. Just stopping by to say "Hi" and all the best modding. ;)
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 90
7/16/2009 2:32:47   

Hello, how are you?

AQW  Post #: 91
7/16/2009 3:33:39   
Mario Mario Mario

This is my very first post on this, and I do not know how to post the questions i have, lol, so I will do my best not to offend anyone

1. How are all of you guys of AE Entertainment?

2. I am wondering when and if PvP will come out?

3. Will there be any more monsters and drops?

I am glad this game was made (AQW) I hope you guys keep up the good work, also good job on certain projects involving donations ;) good luck, and hve fun.........
Post #: 92
7/20/2009 21:30:34   

Meheheheheheheheh me iz back! *Gives a rat to the owl* Now time for more torture!!!!

Y is it so fun messing with mods?

Do owls attack bunnies or is it the other way around *Puts BunnyZerker on*

Twilly or Zorbak?

Favorite moglin?

Whats an owls worst enemy (mehehehehehe)

Do u think if a pirate watched this this or maybe This they'll become ninjas?

Well thats all the torture for now!

P.S.If u like fun click This!

Oh and if u clicked that Lol! i lied about the that's enough torture thing!

< Message edited by idkaname -- 7/22/2009 11:55:46 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 93
7/20/2009 22:07:55   

Sup owl, dase here

Have some questions for you...

Why "owl"?

Does that mean ur nocturnal?

good/evil/chaos or other?

Having fun?

don't u just love rhetorical questions?

Favorite weapon(in aqw)?

Hate repeated questions?

Hate repeated questions?

well... cya! thx for ur time
Post #: 94
7/20/2009 22:22:21   

Elnaith which would you like dragons or warlords?

Would you prefer chocalate chip cookie or cup cake?

Wat is your most favorite class in AQW?

Do you assume having a pet owl or a pet rat?

Well thankyou very much elnaith BYE!


The Greatest Master In The World
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 95
7/21/2009 4:37:05   

Hey Eliath!

How are you?

Do you like cookies? :D

By the way what is your project on next release?

One more question do you really like an area that is call Yulgar? o.O

That's all.
Post #: 96
7/21/2009 7:39:14   

Congrats on your Head Mod position, Elnaith!

What is your favorite AE game?

I have met almost every Mod in AQW, but not you, hope to see you in-game soon!

How has the Mod work been going in the AQW GD board?

Why is your avatar an animal?

That is all I have for now, good luck with your new position!


MQ AQW  Post #: 97
7/21/2009 8:37:31   


Hows your modliness goin?

Steal any souls yet?

If I have $5, you have $5, and CHuck Norris has $5, who has more money?

Which AE game is the best?

Will you rock and roll all night while making us go off the rails of a crazy train giving us whiplash?

Can you identify all the song titles in that last question?(Hint: THere are 3)

Cabo Wado?

Alright, thats all the random questions I can think about at the current time. Byes. FOR NOW.*evil laughh*
DF MQ  Post #: 98
7/21/2009 10:36:47   

hi elnaith

how r u this days?

< Message edited by yasser_naruto -- 7/21/2009 11:22:12 >
Post #: 99
7/21/2009 13:39:25   
14thLord of Chaos


What would you choose between hotworm or wormburger

İf you werent an owl what animal would you be

Do owls wear watches

There were three witch twins one of them was accepted in a witch school can u figure out which witch is which

Do you go hunting often

Nice to meet ya


Post #: 100
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