Ont- no that's cool, I assumed that's what you were doing: I liked the flip to generate momentum by the way. Can I just check I’ve understood your attack correctly- the reference to Blaze’s body rotating, and the shield coming in after the katana, made me originally think the katana’s arc was a backhanded slash, coming in horizontally from Kalen’s right hand side (Blaze's left). However, when I re-read it, the reference to the katana heading for Kalen’s chest made me think it might be a thrust, with the tip of the blade going front-on towards Kalen. Just so I don’t mess up, could you clarify which of my interpretations is correct? And on a side note… is everyone happy for Ont to be credited with the idle kills for Sir Giovanni Inge (as played by Calcon30) and Zypher (as played by Voltar), through his earlier light blade maelstrom spell? Personally, I think it would be a nice touch if we said Esir Prus (as played by AryaMechKnight, who notified she would have to retire from the battle) was only injured by the light blade attack, and his imps dragged him off the arena for healing.