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RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy

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9/4/2009 20:59:22   

Ah...I knew this was coming. Congrats green_girl :).
O.o Really? How did everyone know this except me?

uh-oh! Spare me, please!!! *falls to knees beggin*

Um...I don't have any right now. I'll return...maybe. So congrats :).
*perks up* Oh, ok! Thanks! see you around!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/4/2009 21:52:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 26
9/4/2009 21:38:58   


Fear my questions!!!
*starts to tremble* oh, I do!

1) You are an AK, should I envy or pity you?
Hmmmm, depends on if you like hard work, chains, shackles, insane people, and cells! :p so, both?

2) If a tree fell in the middle of the forrest, would it's friends do it too?
Point their branches and laugh at how clumsy it is before calling the enviromentalists who will make a study, find a rare species, make the goverment turn it into a National Park, and somewhere in there help the trees sue everyone!

3) If all of your friends jumped off a cliff, would they make a sound?
Yeah, I think it would go something like this: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! (ect.)

4)What goes faster, light or dakness?
Me of course! Light is fun to play with and dakness is just a puddle of indescribably jelly! ;P

5)What is your opinion when it comes to the use of time travel in order to correct the past?
It would create a new future, but there would be a future where you didnt go back and thus the timeline as you know it would change.

8) Where is Waldo?
*peers around* There! and there! ooo, and over there! noooo!!!! They're everywhere!!! *runs away screaming*

10) Gatorade or Powerade?

9) What is your favorite gatorade flavor?
The ice berry one...

12) What is your favorite powerade flavor?
I dont know... i dont drink them

13) I understand that you are a cat... What species?
I'm not a cat! Thats Fabula! I'm a Fairy, thank you very much!

12) Dogs, or water?
hmmm..... 11 questions? well, this is the easiest way to solve it. 42!

Well that's all of the questions... for now!!!
*looks up* The torture's over? Yay! wait, for now? oh no! *trembles at the thought*

Yay! At this point i'm all caught up!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/4/2009 22:04:37 >
DF  Post #: 27
9/5/2009 2:47:31   


*gives box of cookies* I'm out of Thin Mints, but I've given you Tagalongs, instead!
Cookieeeeessssssssss!! Thanks! Tagalongs are great! (I personally have always loved the lemon ones the best.)

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/5/2009 22:42:24 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 28
9/5/2009 11:55:41   

Hello there.

Now,onto the questions.
The torture, the torture!! Oh no!!

1.Where are you from?
Somewhere in America... Its very hard to precisely pinpoint as a fairy is magical and teleports a lot!

2.How old are you?
Some age between offically adult and old. I'm a fairy, our years are different than yours! :P

3.What kind of music you listen to?
All kinds, almost literally. A lot of christian.

4.Favorite artist?
Too many to know.

5:Favorite AE game?mine is AQW.
DF and AQW and MQ and WF and AQ. :P

6:Favorite video game?
Hmmmm, probably one of the Zelda games.

7:Favorite show?
Gilmore Girls!!! Oooh, or 7th Heaven!! Or what about Gilligan's Island? Oh! And Big Bang Theory! And News! and Stargate! and so many more!!!

and last question.
Really? sweet!

8:Favorite movie?
Too many to count... Tinkerbell, Matrix, LotR, Peter Pan, Three Stooges, Star Wars, Santa Claus movies, everything but horror basically!

Thank you for your time,im sorry if I bothered you.
No problem! I'm not bothered! This is the thread for bothering me!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/6/2009 0:13:54 >


Post #: 29
9/5/2009 17:59:07   

Wow! Hi GiGi! :3
Hey Syrena!!!

1.How are the chains?
Pretty good so far... little sore from being new, but thats probably usual. i'll break 'em in eventually!

2.Whose your roomate?
hmmm, well, Fabula's just been dragged *coughs* I mean, moved in. Clyde and Versy have been here for a while. Euki's somewhere around here I bet. *looks around* She mostly visits. ;)
3.Do you like pie! :3
Yep! Just had lemon pie today! mmmmm!

4.:3 So what is your duty on this part of the Forums?
Read, comment, approve, keep clean, help out overall, delete/lock thread, and whatever else Fal/Euki tells me I need to do!

5.Are you really a green girl?
Of course! My wings are green, my clothes are green, my eyes are green, and my skin has this funny green tinge! Didnt you know? :D

6.Why only 10 questions? Why not 20?
*whimpers at the thought* Oh, the torture!!! NOOOO!!!!

7.If you're the second poison ivy, whose the first?
Well, the cartoon technically came first... so I'm the only REAL poison ivy (other than the plant), but the name was already taken, so I needed a 2!

8.Do you think I should try out making stories/poerty?
Only if you like to write them! If you dont enjoy it, I wouldnt suggest it. However, if you dont know, go ahead and try!

9.I have something for you! Guess what it is. :3 Hint: Rhymes with -itten
Itten? Is it a Mitten? or a Hitten? o.O Dont hit me! oh, wait, is it a kitten?

10.Do you like chocolate, fish or ice cream?
CHOCOLATE!!!!!! and Ice cream!!! especially chocolate ice cream!!!

Congrats! And hope to see you around :3
Thanks! See you around!!!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/5/2009 23:10:19 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 30
9/5/2009 18:32:57   
Saint Kilda

*waves* Hello!
*waves back* G'day!

Green? I love green!
Mwahahahahahahaha! Good, very good! *taps fingers omnimously* Now you're feeling sleepy. You are under my control!


iTunes or Windows Media Player? XD
Windows Media Player. Itunes hates me, seriously! Its blown up on me multiple times!!

Of course! Thanks!

Would you prefer to be cute, cuddly or fluffy?
Fairies are never fluffy or cuddly, so that leaves cute. Simple process of elimination.

I ran out of questions >.>
Oh, thank goodness! The torture's over!

Cya around!

See Ya!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/5/2009 23:21:12 >
AQW  Post #: 31
9/5/2009 23:12:41   

Hello! =D
Heya Versy!

If, for the rest of your life, you could only listen to a single song, what song would you pick?
hmmmm.... probably Prelude in G minor by Rachmaninov.

If a musical was written about you and your life, what would be the title of the last song?
And It Ended Happily Ever After, Afterall.

What genre of music embodies you as a person, and why?
All kinds. I'm widely talented (or so i'm told) and so I cant be limited to one genre.

When you first saw me, did you think I was a guy or a girl? I'm curious, and I promised Greystar I'd give him as much grief about this as I could. XP
Hmmmm, truthfully? I can't remember. I usually think of people as guys on here unless its obvious, they tell me, or I'm told otherwise.

Write me a one-line poem that still holds meaning. (So no random line of randomness for you. =P)
When all of life ends and nothing matters except who we loved and how we acted, I just hoped I loved all and I acted rightly.

If your name was a sound effect, what sound effect would that be?
Like a giant green-firy explosion of amazingness of course! :P

What is your opinion on Wednesdays?
They're amazing, traditionally good days with less work!

That's it for now. I'll have sillier questions next time. =P Bai!
Oh no! Not sillier! Nooo!!!! lol, Bye!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/5/2009 23:37:52 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 32
9/6/2009 14:45:50   

Hello! Congratulations on your AKshippinessisis.
Hello! Thanks!

I won't go to far into the questions so your head doesn't ker'splode.
*ker'splodes* too late!

Who's one of your favorite writers?
only one? hmmmm... *goes to book shelf* Tolkien, Donita K. Paul, or Sherri S. Tepper. Sorry, cant pick! :P

What happens when a unstoppable force hits a immovable object?
The world as we know it ends in a giant explosion and the timeline we knows splits into to seperate timelines. The first one: The unstoppable force wins and there is no such thing as immovable objects in this world. The second one: The immoviable object never moves and the unstoppable force fails and there is no such thing as unstopable forces in this world. In both: new laws of gravity, ect develop and the world moves on!

Pie or cake?
Cake, but no frosting! Frosting is a lie!

Whats another one of you favorite colors?
Burgandy, Chartreuse, lemon, darkness, ect. :P

done! happy Aking! Thanks for answering my questions.
Already? ok! Thanks and no problem!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/6/2009 17:26:33 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 33
9/6/2009 15:32:38   


Nothing more.

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/6/2009 17:27:27 >
Post #: 34
9/6/2009 21:30:08   

Hi, How are you?
Hi! I'm doing well! And yourself?

This is my 4th AK post:) I bet you didn't expect a pizza liker to post in your MtAK!
4th? Oh, my poor fellow AKs! Lol, I didnt actually. :D

I like pizza:)
And so do I! Wow, that was fun! :P

Do you like pizza?
Hmmm, maybe! Who wants to know? *shifty eyes*

Have you heard of a coconut eating monkey?
Nope! Just Coconut throwing monkeys! *whispers* Watch out for the coconut throwing monkeys... they're out to take over the world!

Have you ever been kicked in the face?
Well, when wrestling with my brother once he did... but that was accidental and it wasnt that hard either.

I have, It hurts!
I'm sure... it sounds like it!

OK bye now!

Ok, Bye! *gets distracted by something shiny and magical and flaps away swiftly to investigate*

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/6/2009 22:36:45 >
Post #: 35
9/6/2009 22:29:29   


Congratulations! :D

What color are the shackles?
A beautiful green color of course!

Who is your cell-partner/neighbor (depending on the circumstances)? :o
Versy is next to me on one side (or at least i'm sure he is by now...) because I dont mind the music thats always coming and I dont use ductape on him. Fabula's here too.

Who's your favorite Viking? ;D
hmmmm, do I know a viking? :P Oh wait, yeah! You are!!

Well, congratulations, and I'm glad you're on the team! :D
Well, thanks! :D


< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/6/2009 22:43:13 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 36
9/6/2009 23:23:50   

Blue and green are such lovely colours :D
That they are!!

*would snug, but doesn't want to get the AK infected with Swine Flu xP*
You mean N1H1, right? ;P *snuggles anyways* dont worry, I hear Hell froze over.
H1N1 xP

Have fun in the cells cleaning up our posts! xP
Oh, I will. No dont go out and make it worse! :P

Now one last question
Are we human or are we dancer?
We're dancers, we're dreamers, we're lovers, and we're hopefuls. That is what being human means!



< Message edited by Smalls -- 9/6/2009 23:46:58 >
DF  Post #: 37
9/7/2009 0:41:03   
Legendary Loremaster

As I am ofted quoted as saying:
Well, hello to you too! :P The quote, as you were saying?

Beware the sides of starch for they are fattening and go straight to your hips.
O.o Not exactly what I was expecting, but very true... except they dont go to my hips as of yet.

What epic parody phrase are you known for?
"NO! How can this be happening to me?!?" Its the best evil villain losing speech ever. So much fun to use!

What is your biggest weakness?
*shifty eyes* and why would you want to know? I'm already chained up! :P lol, probably scissors. seriously, people like to torture poor fairies with them. I know so many poor fairies who cant fly anymore because their wings were cruelly cut off by those horrible and cruel blades!

What type of music do you like the least? Why?
Rap. I dislike all the swearing and sexual innuendos. Its just not my thing.

What is your favorite work or works in the genre of music you like least?
Yeah! by Usher. *shrugs* as long as I dont pay too close attention to the words i'm ok and I like the beat.

What genre of literature do you like least? Why?
Horror stuff... really dark. Thats a lot broader than genre, but its true. I dont like ridiculous killing or things like that. Funny enough, I like vampires, but I hated Dracula. It scared the bejeezers out of me. Didnt help I read it after dark though...

What is your favorite work in the genre of literature you like least?
You know, there is one that I really liked in the above genre... but I cant remember its name or its author. i hate it when it does that. *shrugs* Sorry! If I remember, I'll edit it back it, but i've been trying to remember all morning!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/7/2009 17:42:54 >
Post #: 38
9/7/2009 1:40:28   

hi how are you
I'm doing very well, thank you! And yourself?

what server do u alway go on in aqw
Cysero, but I'm hard to track down. :P

what monster do u like to fight
undead! They're fun to take out... undead slimes are good too.

is aqw fun or df fun
Well, each has different things. I absolutely love DF because it is fun and funny. I like AQWs because you can talk to other people.

what is u favourite colour
Hmmmm, Black! (and yellow and blue and white and green, of course!)

and last thing what is u favourite moment in aqw
The moment we teleported Battleon on top of the mountain. My jaw dropped, almost literally. (dont worry, i picked it up.)


< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/7/2009 17:49:19 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 39
9/7/2009 12:43:18   

Oh my my my, they got you too?
Why yes, they did!

1) What is your opinion on the Network? *Hides chainsaw and mutilated Kor-Dem corpses*
The Network is evil and trying to take over the world/universe. So thus, they must be destroyed becasue I am not in charge. How dare they even dare to take over the world without me! *cough* erm, i meant, how dare they take over the world!

2) Heartless?
Nope! I'm a loving, caring, and happy fairy!

3) Have you ever read a Fanfic?
Yep, I have!

4) If so, have you managed to find one of the good ones or did you get stuck with the garbage?
Yep, I do believe so.

What? You're punting a hulu? is that some monster I dont know about? :P

6) Do you know what a Nimmy is?
Yep! Its Jimmy's twin sister!

7) Do you have problems with Murphy's law applying to everything you do?
Sadly yes, I may have the luck of the Irish but no one ever mentions that its always good luck! I seem to be stuck with the bad luck!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/7/2009 17:56:13 >
AQ DF  Post #: 40
9/7/2009 12:50:16   




Lemon or chocolate!

What is your favorite color Monster Energy Drink?
You dont want to see me on caffiene.... Snapple tea is more than I can handle. :P So I have never drank any energy drink ever.

Good Luck!
Thanks! *takes good luck and safely stows away* I need all the good luck i can!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/7/2009 18:05:44 >
DF  Post #: 41
9/8/2009 3:13:01   

*BEEP* Please come again, GG is busy answering other people's posts who are following the rules. Please repost your questions on the next page! *BEEEEEP*

woah u sure like to teleport battleon a lot ok what is so good about teleport it
on cysero server which is the best part do u like to farm gold and rep
what is u favourite chracter like warrior or other in aqw and df
what place like i mean u like to join private place or with other
u outfit is sure to be good enough hehe!
give me a hi 5
good luck!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/8/2009 15:58:53 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 42
9/9/2009 2:09:33   
Gone with the wind

awww, thanks for puuting in my color! Hello to you to Icy!
Grats and welcome! :D
So...nao teh que$t10nS!!!!@12!4!!1!
*starts shaking* Oh noes!
Would you like Ice Cream, hot sauce, and a tick of nutmeg mixed in a blender? Might be yummy.....but...then again, might not. :P
well, it sounds ok up until the hot sauce. I dont like hot sauce... maybe chocolate fudge sauce instead?
Well, I've been asking this question for awhile, and one person got close, but not quite: How do I open the gate to Moria???
Well, if this is when the gate wasnt covered by rubble, you could say "Mellon" and the doors will open because of the riddle above the door "Speak friend and enter." Mellon is elvish for friend. However, if this is after the gates covered, you need to kill the monster in the lake (if he's not dead already, never was clear on that point), and unbury the entrance!
'Tis all! Good luck!
Ok! Thanks! *Takes good luck and stores away safely*

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/9/2009 11:56:58 >
MQ  Post #: 43
9/9/2009 20:18:22   

Hey Green.
matclown! Long time no see!!!

Thanks again!!

Time for some questions..I think.
Uh oh! Wait, maybe?

Want a cookie?
Sure! As long as its chocolate!

Favorite thing about AE?
DF! I love the humor mostly. As cheesy as it is, I love it! :D

Sorry I cant think of anymore questions.
Oh, ok!

Bye!! See you around!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/9/2009 20:50:46 >
AQ DF  Post #: 44
9/15/2009 11:23:35   

Is this a MtAK?
*shifty eyes* nope! Of course not! why would you think that? :P

Why do you want me to post in this thread!?
Me? Force you? Never! I did no such thing! I just mentioned I was locking soon!

Of course not! Forcing is evil... however, beguiling is ok, right? :D

Ahem.. Right.. Anyway.. Welcome to AKship :D
Lol, thanks!

/me notes Elnaith was never here.


< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/15/2009 11:45:25 >
AQ DF  Post #: 45
9/15/2009 12:27:16   

I lied about the goodbye forever bit.... :P
Thats good! I wanted to see you again! However, the question? hmmm... :P

If you were offered the chance, would you be a leprechaun?
Nope, I think Master Samak wouldn't enjoy the competition (He'd know I would win... hehehehe). I'm perfectly happy as a fellow Fey however, being a fairy is fun!
Hehehehe, that's a good one! Hehehe....... Hey, green_girl02? Could I maybe speak with you for a moment? It won't take long, I'm sure. ~_~ ~MSamak

Any piercings/tattoos?
Only my ears... once. no tattoos. i'm deathly scared of needles and it took almost all my courage to get my ears pierced. Swords, I can handle. Pain, I can handle. Point a needle towards me and I'll beg for mercy! lol...

Did you work out I like piercings/tattoos?
Yep! I did!

This time it IS goodbye forever.....

Awww, already??

< Message edited by Master Samak -- 9/15/2009 15:32:04 >
AQ DF  Post #: 46
9/15/2009 17:23:25   
Anon Y. Mous

yey yu ar mtack!!!
I are a mtack? coolz!

In your opinion, which button is the hardest to button?
The one that doesnt button!

Where is the truth?
In you and around you... but do you know how to look?

Running or swimming?
Swimming... I hate getting sweaty for no reason. I like running well enough on my own terms, but otherwise, not so much.

Explain the concept of spacetime to me. Extra points for a visual interpretation.
Easy! Spacetime is time that is in space. Also known as the universal clock. See?
spacetime Make sense?

Do you think sunglasses look cool?

Who are MOVITS!?
42 :D

How you draw a square with a compass after you've anchored the point to one spot only?
Very carefully....

Why is there a tomato sauce stain on your face?
Because i like spaghetti of course!

*the green_girl02 iss kongraduladed and thancked ackordinglee*
*GG feels kongraduladed*

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/17/2009 16:19:21 >
DF  Post #: 47
9/16/2009 15:25:03   

'Allo Greeneh :DDD
'Ello Immy!

Oh ma gawd! Your a AK, you know ...
I know! Its like, totally, so cool!

I'll be using Red the opposite of ugly Greens! >:D
Ugly?! Ugly? Hmph. *stomps off muttering*



Do you have a favourite AE game?
Yep! DF, AQ, AQW, MQ!

Any paticular reason?
Because they're awesome!

A'ight. Why do you like Greens so much?
Because its happy and alive and pretty!

Hah. Give me a word for each letter!? n_n


Haha! That was fun, wasn't it! :)
not really... I diidnt like the "R".

Congratulation Greeneh, and I'm sorry if I went over 10 questions. D:<

Thanks Immy! Dont worry about the 10... there were more statements than questions.

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/17/2009 22:17:10 >
DF  Post #: 48
9/16/2009 15:33:50   

Hello grengirl. Congrats of becoming an AK. I think you deserve it, and I say this both by judging on your CnC and by the helpful responses and asnwers you give to everybody. So it is a well deserved job.
Hello DragonYugi! Thanks!

I hope you know that your favorite colour is the same as mine: Green.
Yay! Green is amazing!

I even added the BBCodes for ya to show my respect towards you :)
well, sorta... This is my actual codes, but you're close! Its way easier to do than normally and its the thought that counts!

I only want to ask you one or two questions that are on the tip of my brain. Maybe more, lol
hmmm, sounds scary! Oh well, shoot away!

What do you think of my writing skills?
They're not bad, but you have some technical writing skills to learn still. :D Not too hard to learn though if you're willing! You have an awesome story idea though!

Do you think that if I learn more and try harder, sooner or later I will become an approved autor? :)
Well, you'll never become an approved autor... i havent heard of those. :P But an approved author? Yes, eventually you will if you work hard, learn more, and did I mention work hard? :D

Enough from me. goodbye, your majesty!
You majesty? Hmmm, has nice ring to it for when I take over the world... wait, you werent supposed to know that! *zaps DragonYugi's brain to erase all memory of previous statement.*

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/18/2009 0:08:52 >
Post #: 49
9/16/2009 15:38:46   

Just...ya know...cuz.
I know know! Why??? Why the torture? Why?!?

Moving right along, aren't we? :D

You know your gonna give me a free tour of the dungeon, right?
Maybe... probably not... who knows.... maybe 100 years from now or so... eventually... probably....???

No? Yes? Damnit answer the question!
Yes! No! Why? Its no fun actually answering the questions! :P

....... (ha! beat you!)

Riiight. Sorry, just a bit hyper, finally happy for the first time in a few days, anyways congrats
Eh, its ok. Being happy is good! I hope you're happy more often! Thanks!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/18/2009 0:12:40 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 50
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