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RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy

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9/18/2009 0:15:53   
Gianna Glow

Ah ha! I finally caught up! Well, I hope you enjoyed getting to ask me all these questions because it has come to an end! Yes, I know thats sad, but its life. :D Plus, because I am not taking time answering your questions I will have more time to read/critique your stuff! So be happy! I will leave this up for a few days before getting it moved to the MtAK archives (or whatever they're called...).


L&L over, starting DFGD!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/21/2009 19:53:13 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 51
9/21/2009 20:56:03   

Green girl! This is a surprise!
I know! Well, it is for you guys! :P

Aw man, you just made me wanna be an AK...

Uh oh... scary time!

1.) What is your favorite color?
O.o Green... and yellow and blue and purple and black and white!

2.) What is your middle name?
Dawn! Its so pretty! :D

3.) What is the air speed velocity of a swallow?
hmmm.... fast! >.>

4.) I once had a fish along with my two brothers. My fish ate the other fishes tails...then he went all recluse and didn`t come out of his rock for a long time. Then he came out. Then he died.
awww! thats so sad! poor fishy! He got lonely!

5.) So, um, any er, inside connections you can get me for, you know, uh, seeing a little bit of the AK life? If not have you met my good friend Benjamin?
Sorry! Its so dark you have to have secret-uber-special AK glasses to see in the cells... along with a really strong flashlight. :P and no, dont believe I've met your Benjamin. I know a Benjamin, but I doubt he's your Benjamin! :P

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/21/2009 22:21:50 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 52
9/21/2009 21:39:50   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

: O More AK's? We'll be over ran with them ;)
Mwahahahahahaha, if only you knew. :P

What class is your character on DF. Mage, Warrior, or Rogue?
Mage is my base class. Currently I'm a Dread Pirate though. :D

Favourite food?
CHOCOLATE!!!! (yes, it is a food. desserts are foods.)

Favourite part of DF?
hmmmm, wars? fighting things? Playing with my cute baby dragon? Doing everthing I can to save my poor fellow fairies who are so inhumanely attacked, slaughtered, and erroneously mislabeled as a "monster"? yep, definetely that last one!

Well, that's all for now, but one more thing, watch out for ShadowLurks, he likes to , ya know Lurk everwhere, so be on your toes!
haha, of course! He lurks from the shadows!


< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/21/2009 22:40:54 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 53
9/21/2009 21:40:11   
BATORO! Huge in Gothpan

Oh no, they're making you do this again for DFGD eh.... Madness I tell you, madness!
oh yay! Thanks for putting the codes in!!! anyways, yes, madness!

Glad to have you in DFGD, though you already knew that didn't you?
Lol, yes! And thanks for all the help!

So what exactly would you do for a pair of green fairy wings?
Almost anything. *sigh* I'll get them someday... both in DF and AQWs. *continues plotting to figure out how to get some...*

Would you eat a steak to get them?
Maybe.... big maybe... only if I'm allowed to throw up afterwards. I'm only vegetarian because I get sick from meat. :P I'd eat it though (once) for the wings!

"If a song ended with a V chord to a I chord, what would that cadence be called?" A) Multi cadence B)Plagal Cadence C) Half Cadence D) Authentic Cadence
~_~ *shoots LANDIS for being mean* well, as I answered on my music theory placement exam today, its either C or D... B should be a IV-I or I-IV... I just couldnt (and still cant) remember wich. I believe its "D" though.

Favorite quote?

Favorite quote including the word "green" (and no choosing "it's not easy being green". That would be, well... too easy).
Quotes are nothing but inspiration for the uninspired."-Richard Kemph (its perfect for this occasion! :P)

Why green?
Because its pretty and lively and alive and pretty! :D

Why not chartreuse?
hmmmm... because its way longer and then I'd be getting too many questions of "Whats Chartreuse?" and "Why Chartreuse?" and "How do you say Chartreuse?". Just not worth it. Its not fun to type either!

Which DF NPC do you most relate to and why?
Warlic. I love magic, he loves magic, and he's awesome looking and good and always helps.... and looks slightly mysterious!

Catch you later and best of luck in our madhouse!
Thanks! I'm sure I'll see you around.

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/21/2009 23:04:09 >
DF Epic  Post #: 54
9/21/2009 22:12:46   

Heyla, Greengirl.
Please, call me GG. Thats how a lot of people know me... like you! :D But hello to you too!

Is the cake a lie?
*shifty eyes* maybe... depends on if its chocolate or not. If its chocolate, yes. (because I get it)

If so, is it the pie?

Bye! *flutters away to the next in line*

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/21/2009 23:13:56 >
DF  Post #: 55
9/21/2009 22:54:57   
Hallie Slidepath
Robot Unicorn Overlord

Hiyas and congratz and stuff! Time to ask some questions ^^
Heyas and thanks and ect.! *shudders at the thought of more* :D

If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
To my bed at my house. I just moved to college and I miss my bed and my cat. *sigh*

Lime vs lemon?
Depends. Both are good in pies... Limes are pretty, but so are lemons!

Which is the best song ever, and why?
One song? Ever? So no fair... hmmm.... probably "Promise of a Lifetime" by Kutless.

Do you think that Ice Tea might possess some mysterious, magic powers?
Yes! Its so good, how can it not? And imagine how much more mysterious and powerful its magical powers are when hot! I mean, come on, the amazing martial artist people from Asia often drank it!

What's the answer to everything; magic or 42?
The magic of the number 42, but amazingly all magic spells are actually wrought off that number... that or blatantly stolen from the Fey people!

What do you think about the color orange?
Hmmm, cool color. Unusual, not as good as green though!

If you had your own country, how would you design the flag of that country?
It would be green with a pretty fairy on the flag.... but the country and the flag would both be pretty small. Fairies are not very tall you know!

Who is your favorite writer? Why?
I cant give one... there's about 4 tops. Donita K. Paul, Sherri S. Tepper, J.R.R Tolkien, and Robin McKinley. Robin McKinley happens to write my favorite book ever (which I sadly dont own yet... working on that problem)(The Blue Sword), J.R.R. Tolkien because he paints a picture so well that you feel like you're living the story, Sherri S. Tepper because of her creativity and ability to describe so much, and Donita K. Paul simply because her Dragonkeeper series is so amazing.

I think that's it... see yah around ;D
Ok! See ya! :D

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/21/2009 23:25:22 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 56
9/21/2009 23:31:28   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Congratz upon your ArchKnight - ship!
Thanks! I've been an AK for 21 days now... but just got DF GD added recently.

Nice username; any references or your own?
Nope! Just my own and my love of all that is green!

Cake or Pie?
Depends of flavors. :D

What's your favorite DragonFable Weapon?
the silver screwdriver thing.... its so funnylooking!

Nice avatar; did you make it?
sorta... i shrunk the picture basically. My normal one I did a color change on it. I've made few others I move through.

I'll see you around the forums!
See ya!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/22/2009 0:10:10 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 57
9/21/2009 23:35:06   

What's a surprise!
:D For you guys!

Ok.. never thought u work on 2 thread at once (l&l and DFGD). This is the second times I have wrong guess about AK thing.
I had an inkling it would happen. Most of the AKs I knew before I was AKed had multiple sections they guard.

Question time! What's ur favorite quetsion? (<--not typo)
hmmmm.... quetsion of corse! (<---- not a typo either)

What's ur favorite fantasy novel?
The Blue Sword or The Companions (though this one is more Sci-fi)

Favorite food?
chocolate, pasta, and more chocolate!

What's green_girl02? (that confuse me a lot)
That me! a girl who likes green and the number 2... but it didnt look right without the zero!

Warmup or cooldown?

What's my favorite color?
Green of course! :P What other color could it be?

Ok that's enough. I hope u join DF GD as a friendly member, not a picky AK
It depends on what DF GD needs. If it needs a picky AK, i'll do it. If they need a friendly one, i'll do that too. :D

U are free now. Bye and fly.
yay! I'm free! *flys away happily*

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/22/2009 0:22:50 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 58
9/21/2009 23:53:12   

o.o A (not-so-)new AK again... Circe must be desperate?
lol, I wouldnt know. She just asked me and I said yes. :D (and thanks for putting the codes in!!)

Anyways, congrats on the additional responsibilities, green girl.

Oh yea... No questions here.. *gives cookies* All the best modding DF GD. :)
Cookies! yay! *happily noms* thanks!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/22/2009 0:24:58 >


I let myself go & set my soul free; And once more I marvel at life's transient melody. ^_^
Significance is Subjective...
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 59
9/21/2009 23:57:36   
captian awsome

why hello there kind miss
Why hello there courtly sir!

1. Favorite book
Blue Sword

2.Fav. comicbook villan
*points to thread's title* Poison Ivy of course!

Batman or Black Canary

4.in a battle between 2&3 how'd win
neither, 2.5 always gets in the way

5.Ready toplay finush the song!


6.I cant get no...
nope! (see? still not a "no")

7.People are strange when...
they always ask crazy questions. :P

okay enough for now but like arnold I'LL BE BACK.
oh no! more? O.o whatever shall I do? Cheerio!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/22/2009 0:27:52 >
AQ DF  Post #: 60
9/22/2009 0:12:10   
Master Samak
Steward Leprechaun

Greetings and well-met, green_girl02!!!
Greetings Samak, and thank you!

If I may, congratulations many times over again. I think DragonFable's GD will be even more wonderful with you there.
But now to the questions, shall we?
Thanks! *blushes* wait, questions? aww shoot!

1. Which do you feel best at in terms of critiquing: narratives or poems? And why?
narratives actually. I've read very little poetry, but I find my self working through a lot of peotry critiques. I feel am better at narratives because things are usually a bit more cut and dry, right or wrong. Poets are the true rebels and they dont always follow even the rules for poetry.

2. What is your opinion on Leprechauns?
They are amazingly awesome (I mean, they love green of course!), but they're a little obsessed with their gold. :D

3. Would you ever travel to another country, if you've yet to? If so, which one?
Yes! I so want to go to Italy and Ireland.

4. As one of the Fey Folk, what are your greatest talents?
teleportin, flying, and random magical zaps as needed. :D

5. What is your favorite Lord of the Rings quote (from the movie trilogy)?
"28." *pulls out arrow and shoots* "28." "No! That doesnt count!" "He was twitching!" "Of course he was twitching! He has my axe in his nervous system!" (do realize, thats my memory of the scene as I didnt go look it up, so its more of a quote/paraphrase)

6. If one of the potential eight Prime Elemental Orbs came rolling toward you, which one would you prefer it to be? Why?
Light or Earth. Light because its shiny and still is good at magically zapping people (electricity just does it naturally, no magic involved...) or the Earth/Nature orb... buecause then I would have a whole quest line centered around me, the good fairy, and it also means the Valencia dropped/lost it... and thats just too funny!

7. Early autumn or mid-spring?
Mid-spring. Its usually cooler then.

8. There are many branches of magic, as you know; extensive in all its intricacies. Should you wish to enlighten yourself of one kind, what would be your choice?
that of time control. Its one of the common fairy magics.... I mean, remember the Time Traveling Fairies? Time is their type of magic. :D My teleporting sometimes dabbles in time, but thats usually accidental at this point. I must have some Time Traveling Fairy in my blood somewhere.

9. Have you ever found a four-leaf clover? (This implies the question of if you have clovers close to where you live?)
Sadly, no. :( And I havent seen any near me as of yet, but i'm spending more time avoiding the pesky bees that like the grass then looking at it. I bet there are some clover patches around here... I just dont like bees more...

10. Should the need arise... would you be ready, green_girl02? [/solemnity]
Of course! I'm always ready! Wait, what am I supposed to be ready for? O.o

Let us, in theory, pause here.
I wish you the very best of Luck, green_girl02! Don't go flaunting gold around for kicks, walk lightly in the shade while enjoying the sun at the same time, and remember that the cage and shackles are there to help you, that's all! :D
help? lol, Thanks!


Until again, fare well!
Fare thee well!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/22/2009 10:28:28 >


AQ DF  Post #: 61
9/22/2009 0:13:06   

Greetings Green_Girl02
Why hello hydra!

As some one already asked you who your favourite Gods are I will ask the opposite.
Hmmm.... well, depends on what mythology system.

Who is your least favourite Greek God?
hmmmm.... probably Zeus. He cheated on his wife, took over the known world without my permission (:D), and overall was just too powerful for his own good.

Who is your least favourite Egyptian God?

Who/What is your favourite Star Wars character?
Han solo... he's so crazy, it always works even if it usually wont!

Who/What is your favourite Lord of the Rings (LotR) character?
Arwen or Eowyn. they're both amazing stong women.

Ok this is really creepy 'cos my favourite Greek & Egyptian Gods are Athena & Isis as well *Gasp*
*gasp* amazing!

And my nickname at school is "The Green Kid" because nearly everything that I own is Green
wow... i wear a lot of green, but amazingly, not everthing is green!

Oh well Happy Hunting-Have Fun with your new Rank/Title/Job/Prison Sentence

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/22/2009 10:34:12 >
DF MQ  Post #: 62
9/22/2009 1:04:03   

*BEEP* Please come again, GG is busy answering other people's posts who are following the rules. Please repost your questions on the next page! *BEEEEEP*
One last question:

Is our siblinghood in arms endangered in any way?

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/22/2009 19:04:54 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 63
9/22/2009 2:46:21   


Congratulatons on becoming an AK!
Thanks... well,i was sorta an AK for almost a month now already

What is your favorite AE character? I like Cysero because he is crazy. I like Zorbak as well.
Warlic or Tomix. Warlic is amazingly magical and Tomix just looks plain cool.

Have you ever seen Doctor Who and if so, what do you think of it?

I have thought of a way to get you out of the AK dungeion! Here's the plan. I give you a Lightsaber to cut through the Shackles! (Magicly Sends Red Lightsaber)
hmmm.... *looks for the "on" switch, but cant find it* stupid buttons, I can never figure out how these things work...

Sorry about the colour, I could not find a green one on such short notice.
Its not green? I cant use it then! :(

When I say the code word, I will use my uber Ninja Samurai skills to fight off the Gaurds while you escape! The code word is "DoomKnights".

O.o oh dear, this is trouble...

There is nothing in the empty space above this, so if you are not green_girl02, do not look! Nothing to see here, Honest!
:P really?

What is your opnion on DOOMKNIGHTS! |(Breaks into AK dungeion)
Doomknights? *forgets and begins rambling* They're very interesting. I'm planning to get one as soon as I can... but i'd actually rather have green fairy wings... they're much more fun!

Come on we have a long run ahead an- IT'S CYSERO! RUN! I'LL HOLD HIM OFF! RUN! RU- (Message Terminated)
Oh wait, I was supposed to run? *looks down at shackles* Sorry! Oh, almost forgot! *chucks lightsaber at Cysero to distract him* Now run! Save yourself!!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/22/2009 23:52:42 >
DF  Post #: 64
9/22/2009 3:05:26   

derp derp
Deap deap!

Me D:



< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 0:38:05 >
Post #: 65
9/22/2009 5:43:59   

You're taking this place too? :O
Apparently! :D

Hehehe, just came to congratulate you :D

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 0:39:07 >
AQ DF  Post #: 66
9/22/2009 6:37:05   
Fleur Du Mal

(The LitKitten sneaks to DF GD and finds Green_Girl's MtAK-thread)
*evil purrrrrrr*
:( Just wait... I'll get you back! :P

Hi GG, and congratz for doubling up your AKshipness!!
Hi Fabs and thanks!

I shall now bombard you with tricky questions, but as I promised, there will be a prize at the end!
oh no! tricky questions? that means my brain must actually work!!

1) Now that you are a DF GD AK, shall will they force you to move to another cell and leave me all abandoned here? *sniff*
Never! I just apparently have been cloned and now occupy two cells... though how they cloned a fairy is beyond me!

2) What colour and breed is your cat?
Hmmm... I've actually got 2. One is a mix of who knows what (we found him by the side of the road as a kitten) and he's grey. My other cat is a red (but actually orange) and white bicolor persian. :D

3) What is your favourite quest chain in DF and why?
Hmmmm.... gotta be the one where Warlic finally came back from the dead... and seeing Xan's face. that was priceless.

4) If there was one detail in the DF graphics you could change, what would it be and why?
Fairies wouldnt be monsters and I would have green fairy wings! :D seriously though, I'm not sure...

5) If you farm in DF, what is your favourite spot?
Currently its Osprey Cove's Trobble Rescue (thats not its name... but its the random one from Captain Rhubarb that you go get the crate of Trobbles from inside a whale.)

6) How balanced are the stats of your main character in DF?
Not. i'm heavily overloaded on LUCK because I was hoping to counter-act my RL bad luck!

7) Who is the most misunderstood DF villain in your opinion and why?
Drakonnan. Poor guy! He should not be hated like he is!

8) What has made Sepulchure into what he is?
Hmmm, i believe it has something to do with some sort of betrayal, a demon-possessed sword, a super-ego, and a failure to get anywhere with all of that. :D

9) What defines discussion?
One person talking to another seriously about generally serious topics.

10) And lastly, a question I should have asked you while this thread was still in L&L: what aspects/traits in Jane Austen's writing make it so endearing for you?
She's witty, there's an amazing guy in it, and the girl wins out overall and gets to be herself in a time period when girls usually didnt get to have that ability.

Loads of Good Luck to You!
Thanks! I need it!

Thanks for answering! I'll show my appreciation by:
*gives GG a big, fairy-wing-shaped-box of delicious chocolates wrapped in green silk paper
and a pot of Tea!*
Yay! and Yummy! Now I just need to get green fairy wings for ingame. :D Chocolates almost as good!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 0:55:41 >
DF  Post #: 67
9/22/2009 9:08:07   

I remember you from the Best Looking Dragon & Character Matchups Rating Center.
Really? awesome! I'm glad someone still remembers!

I don't think you remember me though. ^_^
I think I do... its been a while though... and maybe an avvie change too?

Congrats on the fun new job, we needed another AK!
Lol, thanks!


< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 0:59:21 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 68
9/22/2009 10:21:26   
Mephiles The Dark

O hai ther!
Hi there!

Well just wanned to say gratz so....GRATZ! lol
Thanks! :D

So hows teh feeling ? Cool huh ? But power never comes without responsability
eh, cool... but i've been an AK for almost a month now... but that was in L&L. :D and I do agree. lots more responsibility!

Well dunno wat else to say so bai
ok! bye!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 1:00:51 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 69
9/22/2009 10:27:09   

Hey GG!!
Heya Rayman!

Gratz on AK ship

Now be ready for an bombardement of questions.
Oh dear... i'm never ready!

1. Do you like to be an AK?

2. What's your favorite AE game?
DF, AQWs, MQ, AQ, and WF. :P

3. What for music do you like?
hmmm, a lot of different kinds.

4. What is your favorite NPC?

5. Do you like Tomix's NPC in DF?
He does look amazingly awesome

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 1:03:39 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 70
9/22/2009 11:33:06   

Hey there! :)

Congrats on moving to DF GD, I hope you enjoy your stay here.
thanks! I do believe i will. :D

So, how are you?
I'm doing good. bit tired and sore, but good.

Well, that's about me done.

Enjoy, bye.
I will! bye!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 1:05:15 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 71
9/22/2009 11:37:19   
The Arcane

Ohaider GG. :3
Hey Zyrain!

Well, I don't really have any Questions,

Just popping by to say Congratulations. ^_^

Have fun AKing. :D
I will! :D


< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 1:07:11 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 72
9/22/2009 12:30:21   

Hey-de-ho Hi!

My sincerest contrafibularities on bein' archknighted!

Sooooo, to business:
Ninja zombies or cyborg pirates?
I dont like zombies, so its gonna have to be cyborg pirates.

For gold or for glory?
Glory! My character is good. The gold is just a bonus. :D

Smoke and a waffle?
nope! I dont smoke.

Cigar and a pancake
Nope! dont like cigars eithers.

Pipe and a crepe?
hmmmm, do you like to smoke potentially?

What. . . is your favourite number?
42, of course!


A bear walks past a house with all the sides facing north. What colour is the bear?

Nope, that was a trick question.
oh, really?

What have I got in my pocket?
*shifty eyes* stuff... or a lack of stuff...

So, how about these riddles? You like riddles?
eh, they're ok. they're more "ask me to read your mind" instead of riddles. :P And riddles are ok...

Okay, I'm done. Thanks for reading, you're gorgeous.
gorgeous? why thank you! and your welcome!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 10:06:30 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 73
9/22/2009 15:50:19   

Hi and congrats.
Hi and thanks!

I imagine your favorite colour is green. Mine's too ;)
awesome!! I actually like yellow, blue, black, purple, and white too.

Classic question: good or evil?
good (plotting to take over the world doesnt mean i'm evil! :D)

Warrior, mage or rogue?

Magic or muscle?
Magic... though preferable both.

Deathknight, Doomknight or Necromancer?
doomknight... itd be more fun taking on seppy and beating him up. you know, fight fire with fire... except in this case, doom with doom!

Well that's it.
See you on the forums.
Ok! See you around!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 10:10:00 >
DF MQ  Post #: 74
9/22/2009 15:53:45   
destoyer of twilly

*jumps* Ahhhh! You scared me!

question: monkeys?

question: grapes?

question 132234973246284732648246y87235487678423915412835489126347892351892361: your favorite number?

question: *musicly singin'* do you like waffles?
answer:maybe... depends on whats on them.

question: did you notice the empty ce- i mean room across from you? if not, ask cy to change the lock *whispers*the key is in your 3rd letter on the right*unwhispers*
oh no, I didnt! O.o we get mail? I didnt know that *promptly distracted and goes looking for the mail*

ooh ooh aah aah.

buh bahy

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 10:13:16 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 75
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