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RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy

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9/22/2009 17:25:15   
Legendary AK!!!

Hey and congratulations
Hello and Thanks!

*hands Green_girl02 50 <enter favourite cookie flavour here> cookies as a congratulations gift*
Chocolate chip! Yay!

That's all for me, since I asked you everything I needed to know in your previous MtAK thread.

See ya!
See ya!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 10:15:07 >
Post #: 76
9/22/2009 17:39:18   

GREEN_GIRL!!! *hugs* Congrats!
Jackie! *snugs* thanks!

Do you recycle?

If you where suddenly give the chance to eat one type of food for the rest of your life it would be?
hmmm.... probably cheese or chocolate.

The second poison ivy? what happened to poison oak?
O.o Poison Ivy as in the supervillainess that fought with batman. She was one of the most awesome of them all.

*hands cookie*
*takes cookie* :D

Made in AK friends yet?

What took you so long to be a make a MtAK thread?
Deciding to make one, figuring out how to move my just-locked one from L&L to here.

Can I have a dollar?
sorry, i dont have one!

Assumin your going to say no, fine I should go ask someone else *hugs*
ok! *snugs*

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 10:18:03 >
DF MQ  Post #: 77
9/22/2009 19:15:39   

Oops, sory bout that ms. AK. To repeat my question:
thats ok! Its my standard answer to rule breakers! :P

Is our siblinghood in arms endangered in any way?
Nope! I'm just now a very busy sister in arms... i'll still be actively posting for wars.

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 10:19:06 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 78
9/22/2009 19:36:21   

hiya I am chisagen nice to meet you have'nt seen you around before
Chisagen! I've seen you around! :D

congrats on the AKship!!

do you want a cookie??

if yes then here you go *gives you a cookie

if no then here is a cake that lies
a lying cake? thats evil!!

if I give you a fish what would you do with it?
I would throw it back in the ocean/lake/river/aquarium.

well that's all for now nice to meet you and congrats!! good luck!
nice to see you again! Thanks!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 10:24:26 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 79
9/22/2009 20:46:25   

Guess who?


Now give the same answer in as many words as you like.
Ok, I personally daydream a lot and most of my creative process comes out of daydreaming. Random events can become long stories, certain songs inspire poetry (or alternately, a whole new story line...), reading something will make me want to write a script based on it, ect. Its really just what comes to mind at first. Then I go in and add descriptions, flesh out the story, change things, make it longer and better, ect. Then I proofread and repeat the previous steps. Thats about what I do.

That being said, any advice to a fledgling writer?


How many books do you own?
Lost count a long time ago. I have two bookshelfs full, two storage shelfs, two shelfs here at college, and some in storage in my attic at home. I have no clue how many.

*Glances furtively at his piddly pile of books and feels insignificant*


What book am I reading right now?
hmmm, random guess, but is it The Wizard of Oz?

Actually, I'm reading The Dark Tower, but seeing as there are Wizard of Oz references in there, I'm going to give you that one.


Hypothetically, what would be the name of your DF guild?
All Fairies Alliance! (aka, learning all our magics, causing mischief, and taking over the world!)

Why do I get the feeling that I would not belong? *Resists urge to sing 'Greeny and the Brain.'*

5. I believe you mentioned being in college. What are you there for? Specifically, are you attempting to turn your writing towards more lucrative ends, or it writing a hobby for you and nothing more?

< Message edited by Dante Lacan Viper -- 9/29/2009 0:55:10 >
AQ DF  Post #: 80
9/22/2009 20:53:16   
Ebil Twilly

Oh noes... It's greengirl!
(Thanks for trying to put the codes in. you were close... but color=green is not quite my color... mine's #009900. Its the thought that counts though!) Oh noes! its the ebil Twilly!

How's da AKing?
Its going well!

Is that cake a lie and the pie the truth or are they both lies?
The cake is a lie if its not chocolate, the pie always lies (well, at least the moogle kind does! :P) unless it too is chocolate, and all other kinds are lies!

So uh... When did you get helpful??????
I never did actually. I got Creative! back at the end of August. 15 days or so later, I became one of L&L's AKs. Then just a couple of days ago, I joind DFGD's AK ranks!

What are the 1st, 78th, and 986th numbers of Pi. Go figure...
3, something, something! :D

Twig, Twigby, Zorbak, Ebil Twilly, Twilly, or none? (Please pick me!)
Twilly! Twig is cute! Zorbak is funny! and Twilly Ebil? sorry, cant see that!

Too many new AK's...

What color are your chains?
green of course! *mumbles something about fluffy, revenge against LANDIS, and a few other things (like "when I rule the world", ect)*

Your Welcome! Bye!

P.S. I got some cake, kookie and pie for you!
Yum! I hope its all chocolate! Or your lying! ;P

< Message edited by Ebil Twilly -- 9/28/2009 11:58:49 >
AQ DF  Post #: 81
9/22/2009 21:45:32   

Hi :D
Hi!! :D

How are you? o.o
Good, kinda tired and a little hungry.

THATS GREAT. Or terrible. I dont know. You arent a new AK! You've been around for a while in other parts right?
lol, no I'm not. i'm still one of the newer ones overall though. I've only been AK since the 1st of september or so. I'm also one of L&L's AKs.

I dont know.
neither do i!

Oh ok.
ok! glad thats settled!


Oh and good luck.

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 13:03:06 >
DF  Post #: 82
9/22/2009 22:46:39   

Hey GG, I'm back!
Oh no! more questions? O.o :D

So, is being an AK fun?
Yep! (very busy though)

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
As much as a woodchuck could chuck wood! :P

If you answered 'who cares?' Congratulations!!!
Awww, but It was right and still rhymed!

Do you think the economic problems will affect AE?
No, dont think so. People like their video/computer games too much.

If someone sent all the politicians to Limbo, would you consider running for Congress?
Nope, cause I dont want to get sent to Limbo too!

Here, have some brownies, the chocolate dessert, not the pixies. They don't taste good, :)
Yay! chocolate! (and yes, not eating pixies is good. They're my cousins afterall and they dislike being eaten!)

Have a nice day, and try not to implant too many viruses into people's computers, lol.
lol, I dont plant viruses! I send fairy stalkers instead! lol, bye!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 13:07:17 >
DF  Post #: 83
9/23/2009 5:01:24   

I got a Q: Why is your avatar a RED girl... not green D: :O
Cause I was in a hurry, couldnt find a green pirate fairy picture anywhere, and I dont know how to recolor things too well. It takes forever.

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 13:09:13 >
AQ DF  Post #: 84
9/23/2009 8:37:15   

Hi Iaon!

Congratz on becoming an AK

I just have one question
only one? wow, ok!

Is your avatar a fairy pirate?
Yep! in honor of the "Talk like a Pirate" weekend... though technically thats done. I'm fixing things back to my normal avvi and title today. :D

Thats all I got

Have fun AKing
I will!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/23/2009 13:14:47 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 85
9/23/2009 11:34:40   
Jeff Jarrett

Hi Jeff!


What type of cookies do you like? Chocolate/Milk Chocolate, Doom, Green, Numbered, Worded, Cursed, Super, Funny or Stupid Cookes
Chocolate! green are good, doom are yummy, super are amazing!

Top DF Weapon of choice?
the screwdriver one... its so cute! I'm still looking for a cute wand though... preferably green... and plotting on how to acquire green fairy wings too...

Dragons name?
Celebrian (means "light" in elvish... i think...)

You vs Me vs Seepy vs the AK of your Choice
Me! I win of course because fairies always win! :D

My new AK welcoming, Guitar playing Swinging *Crosses fingers* Already missed on first AK Welcoming with the Guitar *Swings Guitar* DUN DUN DUN! (I love saying that)
Warning: Missing with the Guitar WILL result in REAL life hitting in the area where it hurts most.

oh dear! Abuse! abuse of an AK! Abuse I say!

Oh no, I DIN'T SAY ANYTHING IN THAT CROSSED OUT AREA, but you could have ducked it as well, or... um... something

< Message edited by Jeff Jarrett -- 9/23/2009 15:46:27 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 86
9/23/2009 21:38:17   

Hello! :D

first of all i apoligize for any repeated questions, i'm too lazy to read all 4 pages (i read the 1st one)
Laziness is bad! get back there and read those pages! They contain a wealth of valuable knowledge! :P Lol, glad you read at least the first... it has the rules!

Time for torture questions
Oh noes!!

Do u have a car?If yes what kind?
Sadly, no. I want a yellow truck though, but i'd take anything I can get (that works) right now.

do u like jeff dunham?
eh, sometimes. it depends.

did you know that if you are driving down the highway in a prius and you stick
your hand out the window, the vehicle will turn?!?!
O.o nope, didnt know that... (prius is which kind of car again?) :P

what do u do if I "FIRE MAH LAZOR!!!!" ?
hmmmm... I'd just flap out of the way, teleport behind you and knock you out probably... or call my time-traveling fairy-cousins and make it so it never happened. :P

if you could add anything to DF, what would you add?
Green Fairy Wings! and a quest featuring how amazing and good fairies are!

do u like mah sig?(its funny)
Its ok, kinda overdone honestly... I hear that phrase all the time (because I like cookies, i keep getting tempted!)

WARNING:The following is NOT a question and is a TOTAL waste of time and space

I Like purple!!

hahaha, and guess what? I like green! :D

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/24/2009 0:33:55 >


DF MQ  Post #: 87
9/23/2009 22:16:39   
N Zero

Hello, I'm N Zero and this conversation will be recorded.
Oh no! Recorded? Thats never good...

Now that's that's out of the way, I have a couple of questions for you.
Shoul I be looking for a lawyer?

1. What is you Element?
Hmmm, either Light or Earth... probably both!

2. Do you consider yourself an Edgemaster of DF, or any of the AE Games? (Most important Question to me.)
Edgemaster? I am not familiar with that term...

3. If you don't know what an Edgemaster is, do you want me to explain via PM? (Second most important Question to me.)
sure... but keep it short please! :D

4. Do you play Soul Calibur 3 or 4?

5. If 4 is yes, do you have any Custom Characters?

6. If 5 is yes, can we see some Screenies?

7. What is your Dragon's element?
Currently? I believe Ice. Might be light. Dont remember which.

8. Do you believe the power of the human spirit?
Yes, but i believe that we can only use it with the help of God.

9. What ore your feelings on The Ebil Togmaster, Rolith, the Tog Challenges he continues to come up with, and Togs in general.
Rolith is amazing, the Tog Challenges have always been fun, and I really like the pretty white and blue togs.

10. Do you know of The Water Goddess, Draciane of the Cerulean Ocean?
I've heard of her.

If yes, you get an apple, considering I'd think you'd want one after all the cake and cookies you'll be getting.
Apples are good!

If no, I will smack you so hard on the face with the hilt with both my HSRoD and my BBLoD, your caveman ancestors will feel it for not knowing one, if not the best player in DF in my opinion.
violence is never the answer. And best is always relative.

That's about it. Congrats, and as my sig says...
Ok! Thanks!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/24/2009 0:41:07 >


Enjoy. (N)ightmare Zero
AQ DF  Post #: 88
9/24/2009 6:53:28   
destoyer of twilly

sorry 'bout last post, lost my marbles, but i found them again!
Lol, it happens! glad you found them!

whats your favorite dragonfable holiday?
hmmmm, gotta be frostval.

what color are your marbles?
hmmm... well, since they are gone, i'm afraid I dont remember.

if green, so are mine!
lol! Glad you know where yours are!

if you could destroy any character in any ae game, who would it be?
Probably Seppy... but i'd rather disarm, dismagic, and caputre him... I'd rather try bringing him back to the good side.

if you had the choice of who the next MAJOR npc was, who would it be? and what species?
Hmmm... A fairy of course! I dont know what a good name would be though..

oh, yeah before i forget, here is 15 tons of chocolate chip cookies, and a truth telling cake
yay! (truth telling cake? Is it chocolate?)

*whispers* the mail is put under your bed when they drug~ i mean you sleep each night*unwhispers* bye!
hahaha. Bye!
its true, i destroy twilly!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/25/2009 0:21:05 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 89
9/24/2009 8:13:52   

Hi Rynkar!

Good job becoming an AK

Okay I am done
Already? ok!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/25/2009 0:25:08 >
AQ DF  Post #: 90
9/24/2009 8:17:53   

hi greengirl02
Hi liangwarriors!

congratz on u title to become archknight

woah seen that u love to play ae game very much

woah any way let ask what is u favourite game in all ae game
hmmmm... AQ, AQWs, MQ, DF, and WF!

woah for me is df and aqw
lol, nice.

then just want to know if u got to play aqw
yep, i do.

and what is u username
Sorry, I dont usually provide that information. :D

hi5 hehe
Hi again! :D



< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/25/2009 0:31:46 >


I am the best in the world I do
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 91
9/24/2009 14:40:45   

Ahahahaha! That was a bad idea to allow me to ask questions. I have repaired my Horrible question generating machine and will test it out on you before using it on lord tomato!
oh boy, now i'm in trouble! O.o

1: Death opens your door, walks in, sits down, has a sandwich. Then walks over to your corpse and pokes it. He picks it up and slings it over his shoulder. While carrying it out the door he slams your head against the door a few times and shoves it into the back of his golf cart..... How disturbing was this image of your future? By the way this happens tomorrow.
hmmm.... i'm ok with that because I'm not scared of death. :D

2: Who is the Memory Rosary?
Dont know!

3: How often do you play AQW? And when will you be on? I need to sneak hug you for a screenshot.
Pretty often lately, but its really erratic.

4: What was the funniest question in your entire MtAK you've answered so far and what was the answer?
Hmmm... probably asking what my gender is. *sighs*

5: Aren't we all?
yep! completely and utterly insane!

6: Wait, what?
You heard me!

7: Arnold, (the governator/terminator) breaks down your door, wields a large gun, and tries to kill you, what do you do? I would detonate the C4 I would have hidden in my walls for just such an emergency.
hmmm, i say hi and offer him tea. He's not after a fairy after all!

8: I'm betting this is a longshot, but did you by any chance get Halo3 ODST?
Nope! Sorry!

9: Where is your favorite place in the world? Mine is under my cozy little crazy person rock... you lookin' at my rock? 0_o
Mine is in a music department somewhere in the USA! :D

Prepare for doomitude.
Oh noes! doomitude?!? thats like attitude thats been doomed!

10: Can I have lots of random nonquestions in my next post?

hmmmm, maybe! :P

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/25/2009 0:43:23 >


Keep Your Friends Close, Your Weapons Closer, and Your Enemies At An Appropriate Striking Distance.

~ Cow Face
DF AQW  Post #: 92
9/24/2009 22:28:35   
captian awsome

I have returned with Tea and Crumpts
Yay! Tea sounds good, but Crumpts? not sure what they are!

Would you like a cup of tea and a crumpet
Sure! sounds good to me!

Now lets see if you can arswer these questions correctly after eating my Poisioned Crumpets of doom!!
oh no! poison! Oh no!!!

1. Lets get down to business to defeat...(hint: it's in Mulan)
[iI know, i love that movie. :D]

2. Have you heard of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog?

3.Tomix V.S. Ghoust in PvP?
No clue. Ghost probably because everything goes through him!

4. Cookie vs cake?
Cake if its chocolate

5. Do you think Dick Grayson is better at being Batman Than Bruce Wayne since he took up the mantel?
Hmmm, but Dick Grayson isnt batman... he's called something else... dont remember at the moment...

I agree
:D Glad you do.

6.Why are all The AK's in the Same cage at the same time
not quite the same cage... Mine is green... others are other colors. :D

Allright Kind Miss I'm afriad I bid you adue for I have People to drive insane. Good Bye.
ok! Bye!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/25/2009 0:49:49 >


AQ DF  Post #: 93
9/24/2009 23:04:02   
Angel of Grief

well..i see you got AK of the DFGD. :3


i can has cookie?
Sure! *gives AoG all non-chocolate cookies*

Hey! I get on there almost more than you! :P

kidding.... :D you dont have to. :333333
lol. :D

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/25/2009 0:53:03 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 94
9/25/2009 14:58:45   
In the shadows...

Hies you evil fairy! >:D
Heyas master of the IL13!

WhAtS sHaLlS yOuS dOeS iFs Is WrIteS iNs YoUrS colors? :o
*gasp* how dare you! *fixes* Ha! :P

"Flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing" Is tis tru?
Not really... its like throwing yourself at the ground knowing you're not gonna hit it because wings do funny things... like hold me up!

Wy is me askng quezions?
I dont know... why are you?


Why didn't you use this as your edit color? :P
I didnt think anyone would take me seriously! :P

Her ice yore cakey! *Hands the fairy a cake*
yummy! chocolate, right?

KNow tat u have it, do you mind paying for it over there?
:( awww... but I dont have any money! See? No doom knight yet? :(

Thats all for now. See you later.

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/28/2009 17:14:59 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 95
9/25/2009 15:54:57   
Alex Wolfblade

hi there!


you likez mudkipz tooo?
Actually, not really. I like the Leafeon... or any of the eevees and their mutations. they're so pretty/cute!

do you think the cake is a lie?
Only if it isnt chocolate. Chocolate never lies!

do you like moogles too??? (i know pie is a moogle but i mean non-AK moogles living in FF universe)
Well, i only know one pie-loving AK moogles... so i dont know.

pi or pie?
Pie... food is much better than math.

im gonna stop bugging you now bfore you get the bug spray lawlz
hahahaha, I always have the bug spray ready! :P

c ya 'round
See ya!

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/27/2009 16:55:45 >
Post #: 96
9/26/2009 23:15:53   

im back
Oh no! Hello though!



*shifty eyes* what makes you say that?

thats all for now
Oh, ok!

psche (did i spell it right)
almost... it looks wrong...I think there is a "Y" in it somewhere...

here is a bacon bazooka (is now a cookie cannon)
Bacon? ewww... cookies though? yumm! but not together... thats just yicky!

bye {really this time}
Really? *chooses not to trust a shadowlord*



Nope! Of course you didnt! :P

@above and below LIES I HATE MUDKIP [/punt /punt]

Hey hey hey, no hating allowing in my thread! Each has their own opions! (/fairysmacks) No more hating!

oh no candles jack th-

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/28/2009 17:25:03 >


Remember that time that everyone hated me?

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 97
9/26/2009 23:27:09   


so, i heard you liek mudkipz?
They're ok. i personally prefer Leafeon.

what is your name?
green_girl02 or GG... or some variant on that. ;P

what is your quest?
To save the world and to play amazing music while doing it... also take over the world, but saving, taking over... its a fine line. :D

what is the average wing speed of an unlaiden swallow?
fast enought to fly easily.

how do you prefer your swallow? roasted or boiled?
Neither! I prefer free range!

/fairysmacks. you were saying what? :P

i am back with cookies and milk! yay!
yay! as long as they're chocolate!

is the cake a lie?
only if its not chocolate!

howz dem shackles?
Pretty good!

how about the demon in the corner of your cell that hungers for your soul?
Eh, not scared of him... either Circe or teh goof has my soul... not sure...

i putz him there :D
hmmm, good for you.

I feedz him cookiez :3
why would he hunger for souls if he's full of cookies?

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/28/2009 17:32:34 >
DF MQ  Post #: 98
9/28/2009 19:33:43   

Finally some more AKs to torture!
O.o and you do this regularly? Abuse! Abuse i say!

Why the name? I heard Poison Ivy hurts D:
*pouts* no one gets it? two words. super-villainess and batman... now go look it up. :P

Favorite Anime?
Naruto... he's funny!

Cascada vs Britney Spears. Who would win?
Britney Spears!

Favorite band and music video?
hmmm, Zoegirl... and "American Ride" by Toby Keith is hilarious. "Love Song" by Taylor Swift is awesome as well...

If a dude is inside a dude inside a she inside a dude, what does it make?
a messed up something

You play Dragonfable alot?
Way too much! :P

Have you chosen a pokemon or digimon for yourself?
Yep! Leafeon!

How many AKs and mods does it take to hijack one question? (Cmon you know you wanna...Press that shiny hijack button!)
The one at the end of everything!

You are on an island no where nears anywheres. You can have one thing there. What would it be?
My wings... i just fly and swim away! :D

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/28/2009 20:17:44 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 99
9/28/2009 22:18:42   

hi and congrats ok AKship

p.s. i made this post small cuz ur busy and i dont want to use up ur time
Aww, you're so sweet! :D

/me waves bye
/me waves back!

sweet post 100
hahaha, but I offically hijack this post, so I get post 100! :P

< Message edited by green_girl02 -- 9/29/2009 17:30:57 >
Post #: 100
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