Friendly Conversationalist
Guess who? 1. quote:
Now give the same answer in as many words as you like. Ok, I personally daydream a lot and most of my creative process comes out of daydreaming. Random events can become long stories, certain songs inspire poetry (or alternately, a whole new story line...), reading something will make me want to write a script based on it, ect. Its really just what comes to mind at first. Then I go in and add descriptions, flesh out the story, change things, make it longer and better, ect. Then I proofread and repeat the previous steps. Thats about what I do. That being said, any advice to a fledgling writer? 2. quote:
How many books do you own? Lost count a long time ago. I have two bookshelfs full, two storage shelfs, two shelfs here at college, and some in storage in my attic at home. I have no clue how many. *Glances furtively at his piddly pile of books and feels insignificant* 3. quote:
What book am I reading right now? hmmm, random guess, but is it The Wizard of Oz? Actually, I'm reading The Dark Tower, but seeing as there are Wizard of Oz references in there, I'm going to give you that one. 4. quote:
Hypothetically, what would be the name of your DF guild? All Fairies Alliance! (aka, learning all our magics, causing mischief, and taking over the world!) Why do I get the feeling that I would not belong? *Resists urge to sing 'Greeny and the Brain.'* 5. I believe you mentioned being in college. What are you there for? Specifically, are you attempting to turn your writing towards more lucrative ends, or it writing a hobby for you and nothing more?
< Message edited by Dante Lacan Viper -- 9/29/2009 0:55:10 >