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RE: =MtM= Kosefira, Official Unofficial Game Master

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2/28/2010 19:56:00   


1. Hello.


2. How are you doing?

3. You happy with your promotion?

Artery Cloggers?

Delicious Defenders?

6. I like pie.
Who doesn't?

7. Have you used cleverbot?
What's that?

8. If so, do you like it? If not, why not?
I don't know how to answer that.

9. Do you like waffles?

10: Do you like pancakes?

11. What AE games do you play?
Most of them.

12: What is your favorite?
Tie between Dragonfable and AdventureQuest Worlds.

13: If you play AQW, have you seen me? (granttank3)
Not really.

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/7/2010 8:52:40 >
DF AQW  Post #: 76
3/2/2010 8:15:56   

Hai Kose.

Since you're a head mod, who was the best guy you've had to collaborate with?
Galanoth and Rolith

Are you going through the permanent seat as a Head Mod? Or are you staying there until you find a replacement?
I'm not sure. For now I'll just do the best I can.

Who are your favorite characters on the Wrath series?

What was the name of Wrath I?
Just that, Wrath.

Since when were you here?
About...4 years.

First game you played in life?
Hide and Seek.

Best game you know
Not sure.

I have 3 pieces of paper (They rock, Sjk In and Open me) which would you pick?
None of them.

Do you like your new spot?
I guess so.

Thanks for enjoying Pi City! Have a nice day *gives chocolate cake*

You ever experienced to explore the Signature section?
Not really.

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/7/2010 9:01:15 >
AQ  Post #: 77
3/5/2010 12:09:46   


Gratz on the new pair of shackles

they are equipped with life-sucking leeches too
Not mine.

3.14159265 O-O

how boring is it ?
Not very.

favorite cake?
Cheesecake or sponge cake

prefered place to live in :
tropics a city ,country side or frozen north ?
Frozen North probably.

i cant make these questions.
I see.

i dont ask what i know.
I know.

im bored
I can see that.

well GL and all the best, bai

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/7/2010 9:04:52 >
Post #: 78
3/6/2010 3:05:22   
Master War


I think that's your colour code?

Any way, gratz.

When did you become a mod anyway? I was gone for awhile.
Late January.



No more smilies.

So I heard you like mudkipz?
That meme's already getting old.


Bye Bye. Snugs!

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/7/2010 9:06:39 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 79
3/12/2010 18:21:32   
Sir Lofmore


im a happy man
So I see.

im sad
I see...so?

the cake is a lie.
Not all cakes.

what is pi -9+124234-pix pi divided by 67 x pi= if u answer wrong....u fall in a pit of DOOM!!!!!!!

bye 4 now

im back!

wat happens when i write in ur color?
That's not my colour.


Please don't spam.


im bored
I can see that.

if cheese fall from the sky in the year 2678, when will meatlofe fall.where will it fall from?
Whenever and wherever it does.



< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/25/2010 21:32:22 >
DF  Post #: 80
3/13/2010 14:42:51   


Do you like TACOS?
They're alright.

Do you want to give me a hint on who i am facing next?

When did you join the UCAG, and do you have a device that i can go back to the forum's heyday with?
A LONG time ago.

Will you ever let me call my attacks?
Maybe when you're a bit more experienced.

Can i have tacos?
Sure. They're over there.

Whos your daddy?
My father.

What is your real life job
I'm a student. I'm studying Certificate III Civil Engineering.

Can you eat?



Toast dissipate (Dissipate in a cloud of TOAST.)

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/25/2010 21:39:51 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 81
3/14/2010 0:47:20   

Greetings Kose!

Congrats being the Head Moderator of UCaG. *Runned really fast to Kose and hug him+gave him a Pie*
Thank you.

Ok, enough with Greetings =D It's question time...

Favourite Movie?
I'm not really a movie person, but Avatar and How to Train Your Dragon are probably my favourites.

Favourite Book?
The Woodstock Saga by Michael Tod

Favourite animal?
Lion and tiger cubs.

Favourite brand of shoe?
Anything that's comfortable

What was your reaction when became a Head Moderator of UCaG?
It was an honour, because Circe saw me as responsible enough to manage an entire board.

Which one of us rules, Me or You? */sterns*
Why not both? or neither?

Do you like Pizza?
Yes, but I don't eat it that often anymore.

Ok that's all for now...

Bye! Have fun :D


< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/26/2010 2:12:45 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 82
3/14/2010 0:55:43   
eclipse skull 1

Whats up Kosefira!

Okay, whats the latest movie you've watched?
How to Train Your Dragon.


I'm from the future.
No you're not. I am. I live in Australia, so I'm several hours ahead of you, a.k.a the future.

Favorite song?
Tie between 'I'm Just a Kid' by Simple Plan and 'This is Who I Am' by Vanessa Amorosi.

What is your favorite event which has been released in either one of the ae games?

Do you think money is most important to you, or is it famous?
I don't think I could deal with fame or celebrity. Money's easier to handle. Especially when you divide it amongst relatives and charities.

Sorry if you can't answer some questions.
It's alright.

BYE 4 NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/26/2010 2:24:59 >


My AQW Character
Light comes with dark, good comes with evil!
DF MQ  Post #: 83
3/16/2010 9:17:21   

Hello... just wanted to greet you.xD

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/26/2010 2:26:15 >
Post #: 84
3/16/2010 14:58:40   

Kose do you give Providences (you know what I mean) in exchange for hugs? =D

No? Then how do I get more? =(
More HUGS? =D
No. Just be patient.

Ok then.

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/26/2010 2:27:02 >
Post #: 85
3/21/2010 10:41:55   


Can I eat your Cookies?
Sure. *hands over a basket*

What if they're the hacking kind?
They're not. The hacking kind disintegrate in a freezer.

Good or Evil?
I prefer Good.

How many digits of...PI!

How much wood could a Chuck Norris chuck if a Chuck Norris can chuck wood? (He can)
Nobody knows.

What does AFK stand for? (Other than away from keyboard)
A Free Kill

Coke or Pepsi?...or... COOKIEZ?
Cookies. I don't like soft drink.

Dragons go RAWR.

Was that a question?

Ima going now. Bai!

...I see...

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/26/2010 3:00:14 >
Post #: 86
3/21/2010 10:54:59   
Highlord Sendai

How are you today Kose?

Thank you.

What's the best game you've accepted?
It's hard to say.

Quick Genral Knowlage Question, What's the Loudest Animal in the World? (P.S. It's a Shrimp)
Pistol Shrimp?

Cookiez or Cake?

What is the Square Root of Pi.

Next,what is the Square root of Pie?

How about a little game of answer a Question with a Question?

You wanna start?
Why do I have to start?

Accepted any good games lately?
What makes a good name?

How's your Pet Rock?
Do I have a pet rock?

Let's End.

How about a few more games?
Like what?

For A Million *Whatever your Currency is* would you Dance like a Chicken, Naked with people above you Throwing Paint and Ketchup and Mustard and Doggy ah... Doodoo all over you?
...Where do you get these ideas?

Add 3 Words to my Story... Dark Chickens sing...
in heavy rain.

Micheal Jackson vs. Elvis Presley fighting for the Title: King of Music.

Oh Darn, my dog just left me a Present on the Couch.
I'm not going to ask.

Who's your favourite Forumite who's name is Robofire2?
No members match the search criteria.

See Ya.

You're going to have to pay for that.


< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/26/2010 3:13:50 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 87
3/22/2010 21:06:45   

*Appears with a slight popping noise*

Ow. Travel through the Internet hurts.
You get used to it.

Anywho, on with the interrogation.

I already know what your name is, so I'll skip that one. What is your quest?
Not currently on a quest.

What is your favorite color?
Dark grey, red and blue

What is the flight velocity of an unladen swallow?
What do you mean? African or European Swallow?

Favorite kind of cake?
Cheesecake. Or sponge cake.

Least favorite overused meme?
All of them.

Plan for disposing of that skeleton in the corner of your cell?
Give it to Zorbak as a Frostval present.

Coffee or soda?

Soda or Tea?

Tea or SuperTea?

Bicycle or Dicycle?

Motorcycle or Tricycle?

More random questions or the end?
The end.

If you answered more to the above question, you have chosen... poorly.
I see.


~Superemo, unable to think of a new ending line since 21:06 on 3/22/10

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/26/2010 3:20:19 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 88
3/23/2010 20:14:53   

Oh, hey kose!

Heard you took over the game forum -_-
Sort of.

How are you liking being a mod?
I guess.

Can you send me 20$ plox?

K, ty.
Your welcome.


< Message edited by Kosefira -- 3/26/2010 3:21:58 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 89
3/26/2010 20:23:54   
Sir Lofmore


NOODLES ARE ATTACKING NEW YORK!!!!!! oh......ummmm.......never mind......it is just elmo eating a giant donut that looks like george washington!
I'm going to ignore that.

warlic has purple eyes? what is ur favorite color? i bet it is puprle!
Dark grey, blue and red.

defention time!!!!

purple: the color of tacos from jupiter; the color symbolizing crazines and holy wasabi!

puprle: the color of evil spy dogs from a secret under ground agency called P.U.P. it stands for...... puprle.unicycle.potties! puprle is often mistaken for the word, milinkasourousrextorvator. puprle is not related to purple, it is in fact, related to trees that give birth to submarines with hepitituos and rare cases of heliophobia and gynophobia.

la la la la!!!!!!!! did u like my song?
...I'll be honest. It sounds like a police siren.

how bout this............ Daaaaaadadamaamaama!!!!!! OHHHHHH!!!!! BABA!!!!!!!! WEELIO WEELIO WEELIO MOMO MIA!!!!!!! HANGER HAT!!!!!!!!!! KILLER BAT!!!!!!! ohhhhhh i am not fat! peace out!!!
Now it sounds like an army of police sirens.

i had a bonfire today!
Sounds like dangerous fun.

yesterday, i had a bonbon fire!
Bonbon fire?

yum yum yum in my tum tum tum!!!!!!! uh oh......i got got got the the the echo echo echo voice voice voice!!!!!!!
The easy way to stop that is not to type.

help help help help me me me me!!!!!!
I just told you how to.

artix artix artix artix wears wears wears puprle puprle puprle underpants underpants underpants!!!!!
How do you know that?

goodbye goodbye goodbye!!!

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 4/1/2010 0:40:42 >
DF  Post #: 90
3/27/2010 20:25:33   

o nuuuuuuu cv iz heer tew harazz yew.
What was that?

i didit evin no tat tiz mtm wuz stil goeng. so nao i harazz u.
Sorry, I don't understand jibberish.

wut iz mai favorbit culur?
Um... Pie?

wut iz mai favorbit teevee sho?

I'll cease... whatever ^that^ was supposed to be...

How are you?
I'm alright.

Any Wrath-related spoilers? :D

CV or kkutwar?

dragaroth or CV?

CV or Neopie?

Superemo or CV?

CV or the random warrior?

mechquest pwnager or CV?

CV or Zafnick?

Brownie or CV?

CV or Heroic Necro?

Sunkern or CV?

CV or whos john?? <- lol, double question mark

DragonYugi or CV?

CV or seltin the champ?

DA Holder67 or CV?

CV or Black_Fatalis?

StormCrow or CV?

Finally, CV or CV?

Yeah, that was pretty much the list of active Wrath participants.
And I refuse to have any favouritism.

Okay, bai.

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 4/1/2010 0:43:42 >
AQ DF  Post #: 91
3/28/2010 15:43:43   
Chuck Norris

*waves vividly*

How are you going to answer this question?

Want some broccoli?

Why (Not)?
It's delicious.

What's your fave sport?
Swimming probably. Or ice skating.

Should I ask more questions?
If you want.

Whatever =P Bye!

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 4/1/2010 0:44:53 >
Post #: 92
3/28/2010 19:54:54   
Sir Lofmore

today is backwords day!


?ouy era woh
I'm...fine...I think...

!eseehc ni derevoc seton ykcits stae kcos s'xitrA
I'll...make note of...that.

awwww! its over!


bye( 4 now)

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 4/1/2010 0:46:18 >
DF  Post #: 93
3/28/2010 23:43:51   

Well, well, well someone who actually is part of the UCaG finally became mod again.
I see.

1. So when/if you ever need to recruit new/more AKs to the UCaG are you gonna be more like the time when Reens and Pixy were around and you look inside the UCaG for the person or more like Eagle where you generally look elsewhere for a new AK?
I can't go into that.

2. Are you gonna buy StarCraft 2 if it is actually released this summer?
Probably not.

3. Do you have a favorite StarCraft race?

4. Have you ever heard of Pox Nora? If you have whats your faction?
No I haven't.

5. If AE games would have a TV series based around them which one do you think would be the most successful?
AdventureQuest Worlds seems to have the most potential in terms of storyline.

6. Do you think AE will ever have a vamp vs were war that doesn't end in a steam roll/landslide victory?
No. At least without intervention.

7. Have you played any of the Fable series? If so any thoughts about them?
I heard it's not bad, but I'm not interested in playing it.

8. If you could change something or mutiple things about your NPC in AQ what would they be?
General appearance and hobbies.

9. What are your thoughts on my FSG Shadow of Conquest?
"Maybe I should apply...Sometime..."

10. Have you read Dracula, The Undead? If so what did your think of it?

11. How many licks does it take to get to the center of an Elemental Orb?
I welcome you to find out.

Eh... rather than go into more crazy stuff I think I'll stop here?
Ok. Bye.

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 4/1/2010 0:50:22 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 94
4/6/2010 14:34:05   
Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

Hi Kosefira!

Modship going good so far then?
Quite well, thanks.

Favourite OOC game?
OOC game? Um... I can't say.

Have you ever watched a Leslie Neilsen film? (Spy hard, Airplane!) etc.
Well...I'm not really a movie person. I can count the number of movies I willingly went to on one hand.

Does Kosefira have a meaning behind it?
The name Kosefira came from three names I used in a story a while ago.

Just a few from me, see you around :)


< Message edited by Kosefira -- 4/29/2010 9:35:04 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 95
4/9/2010 2:52:54   

Hi. I would have had more questions, and a better -poofing-in-, but the computer ate it. Foolish computer.
Yeah, blame the computer.

Do you like anime? If so what ones?
I don't watch much now, but I liked Full Metal Alchemist

My favorite anime is Yu-Gi-Oh.
I see.

Do you like cake? Not lie-cake, but REAL cake?
Depends on what sort. I try to limit my cake input though.

Or pie? Or tarts, or donuts? And if you like any of them, what bakery delight is your favorite?
I like potato pies, egg custard tarts and cinnamon doughnuts and my favourite bakery delight would probably be almond custard pastries. But again, I try to limit my intake on those.

~poofs out, teleporting via a planar pathway~

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 4/29/2010 9:46:49 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 96
4/9/2010 21:01:48   

*Acts like some villain from a movie* So we meet again Kosefira, for the last time!
Been there, done that, I still live.

Just kidding, how else would I play in Wrath?
In your mind.

Okay, time for the (possibly weird) questions(... thing).

One) Say, what would happen if you ever caught your son(If you were to have one) kissing some girl on your couch?
If it looks consensual, apologise and leave. Then again, I haven't given this much thought.

Two) Now what if you caught your daughter(Same as above) kissing your best friend on the lips?
Considering my best friend would be at least 20 years older, I would try to wake up from the nightmare.

Three) Hello, I,m from the top secret lab you ordered something from.
I didn't order anything.

Four) Says here that you ordered for a disappearing ninja-girl, possibly for some hit-job or something.
No I didn't

Five) *Depends on answer* Well, she's around here somewhere... dang disappearing-act. / What? I thought you ordered... dang it, it said cat girl! I always mixes them up.
...This is getting weird.

Six) *After many horrible hours running away* Crazied Girl: Destroy that building, Zilla!
...I'm outta here.

Seven) Oh dear lord, who ever thought it was a good idea crossing a fire-wielding being with a dryard(Could be wrong), who!?

Eight) *Pretty cute robot girl shows up* Thank you for attending Kkutwar's mind, please have a good afternoon.

Alright, time for me to leave. Ninja-Girl, destroy that fourth wall leading into somebody's game!

*Jumps through the broken fourth wall*
That's coming out of your Wrath benefits!

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 4/29/2010 9:46:28 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 97
4/13/2010 13:29:23   

Hiya, seems like someone got promoted, heh.

You might not know me very well here at the forum though. I'm just gonna ask a few dizziling questions.

1.) What do you think of the series "Diary of a wimpy kid"?
Never heard of it, but it sounds...interesting.

2.) What's the hardest thing that was assigned to you? :#
I can't say much about that.

3.) What's do you feel about the news that "The Zardian" ended?
Not much. I saw the work they had to put it. It was always a push to get the monthly issues out.

Hmm, I'll ask 2 crazy questions.

4.) If paradoxes are stacked until mass numbers, what would it cause?
Global indifference.

5.) What do you feel if the fourth wall is breaking?
I feel a gust of wind and bits of fourth wall hitting me.

Master Strategist eh? How bout' formulate a plan to stop my friend from giving bad luck?
I already have a plan for that. It's called, I-don't-believe-in-that

Lazy today >.<, I feel like an indoor person. Are you one?
Mostly, but I try to go out as often as I can for walks.

We'll meet again, until then, I'll hack your computer for information, Let's see watcha got!
Good luck getting past the firewall.

Ha! I know where you live! .....
No you don't

..... In a House! "ChaoX... Con... wait a minuet, where's my emerald?!"
What emerald?

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 4/29/2010 9:54:32 >


AQW  Post #: 98
4/24/2010 2:02:20   

Hello :)

Gratz on this thread and being a Head Mod!

By the way, nice to meet you!
You too

Pink or green? *looks at post's color*
Green probably.

Nice day today?
Pretty good.

2, a window, 10 or some other answer

Do you know what weffriddles.com is?

If so, how far have you gotten?
Haven't started


Preferred server in AQW?
Sir Ver or Zhoom normally.

Whats a nice number?

Well, I don't have anything to ask anymore. Till the next page :)
Ok. Bye


< Message edited by Kosefira -- 4/29/2010 10:00:00 >


MQ  Post #: 99
4/24/2010 2:47:14   
Heroic Necro

Welp, I'm back. Got bored at 2 in the morning
Wow. You must be tired.

Speaking of which, how are your sleep habits? Do you choose to rob your body of sleep like I do?
No, I try to get enough sleep.

Are you obligated to do these meet the mod things whenever you get your rank up, or is it a volentary thing?
It's voluntary. I think it's important to let people know we're not robots... <_< >_>

Who is that in your avatar?
Right now, it's Hanbei Takenaka from Samurai Warriors 3. I'm eagerly awaiting it's Australian release.

How long after joining our fair forums did you become a mod?
Ooh... About 3 years.

Well, goodnight Kos. See ya.

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 4/29/2010 10:02:58 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 100
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